#roleplaying mmes


Requested by anonymous. Feel free to change pronouns. 

  • “Do you need something, my liege?” 
  • “Get behind me, my lady!” 
  • “Sir knight, do come here.” 
  • “If I may be so bold, my lord, but is this really necessary?” 
  • “You sent for me, my king?” 
  • “I’m sorry, my lord, but I don’t trust him.” 
  • “You’re part of my personal guard now.” 
  • “No need for formalities here, my friend.” 
  • “I couldn’t possibly be so informal towards you, my liege.” 
  • “You shouldn’t run off like that, my lady.” 
  • “You must be a new guard.” 
  • “They shouldn’t speak of you like that, my king!” 
  • “A message for you, your highness.” 
  • “Running off without an escort again, my lady?” 
  • “Please forgive me, your highness.” 
  • “My dear knight, please take off your helm so I may look at you.” 
  • “I don’t think I’ve you seen around before, guard.” 
  • “Walk with me, sir knight.” 
  • “You were my late father’s favorite. You don’t look like much.” 
  • “Are you disappointed that you’re to guard me instead of an heir higher in succession?” 
  • “I didn’t know we hired your kind into our guards.” 
  • “I am merely a guard, my lord.” 
  • “I live to serve you. Always.” 
  • + your own!