#root conjure


It is with a great deal of pleasure that I have received my contributors copies of Conjure Codex 4, the gold edition. It is a wonderful volume full of insightful and interesting pieces by a wide range of contributors.

I am honored that Hadean Press have included my piece on the history of the 13th century alchemist and magician Michael Scot. He is a fascinating figure, an early scientist and translator who Fibonacci dedicated his work “Liber Abaci”to(and who may be responsible for the origin of the Fibonacci sequence).

Included in the volume are works on plant lore, treasure hunting, necromancy, the origins of the poppet, the Greek Magical Papyri, English Qaballa, and my personal favorite - a blistering look at the modern madness of the world by Anthony Nine titled Guns of Brixton.

Contributors include - Jack Grayle, Cath Thompson, Mani C. Price, Humberto Maggi, Gavin Fox, J Swofford, Erica Frevel, Verónica Rivas, Victoria Musson, Anthony Nine, and myself Eldred Wormwood.

Pick up a copy via Hadean Press.
