
Sold out last night @ hideout w Charlie Parr ✨❤️✨

Sold out last night @ hideout w Charlie Parr ✨❤️✨

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#chicago music    #kate adams    #chicago    #live music    #acoustic    #singer    #songwriter    #guitar    #singer songwriter    #charlie parr    #hideout chicago    #hideout inn    #the hideout    #bluegrass    #rootsmusic    

“Herb make you meditate. Maybe you can meditate without herb, if you’re in someplace quiet. But nowhere in the world quiet. If you go in the woods, you still have the birds. But if you smoke herb, the birds might make plenty sweet sound and you find meditation within the sound of the birds… Is only a natural t’ing, and it grow like the tree.”

#reggae    #jamaica    #bob marley    #reggae music    #rastafari    #rootsmusic    #robert nesta marley    #carribean    

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.

#reggae    #jamaica    #bob marley    #reggae music    #robert nesta marley    #rastafari    #rootsmusic    

Overcome the devils with a thing called love !

#reggae    #jamaica    #bob marley    #reggae music    #rastafari    #rootsmusic    #robert nesta marley    

“Football is a part of I. When I play, the world wakes up around me.”

#reggae    #jamaica    #bob marley    #reggae music    #robert nesta marley    #rastafari    #rootsmusic    

“Every man thinketh his burden is the heaviest.”

#reggae    #jamaica    #bob marley    #robert nesta marley    #rastafari    #rootsmusic    #reggae music    

“Then you stop and think a little: are you the victim of the system?”

#reggae    #jamaica    #bob marley    #carribean    #rootsmusic    #robert nesta marley    #rastafari    
Finished drawing this ttun-ttun, a string drum from the Pyrenees that plays a buzzing drone and acco

Finished drawing this ttun-ttun, a string drum from the Pyrenees that plays a buzzing drone and accompanies a tabour pipe. They’re too cool for school.

#art #illustration #music #instruments #folkmusic #rootsmusic #trad #tradmusic #french #gascony #stilllife #musicology #design #instrumentdesign

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#musicology    #folkmusic    #tradmusic    #rootsmusic    #stilllife    #gascony    #design    #illustration    #french    #instruments    #instrumentdesign    