



All I wanna do, is see you turn into, a giant woman…

roradraws:wulf-and-eadwacer-project:As a part of my honours project, I was recommended by the honour



As a part of my honours project, I was recommended by the honours coordinator to keep a project journal and start a blog (which is why this blog exists!).

Here are some rough sketches of my “protagonist”, and here is the beginning of my honours journal:

Entry 1, 23rd February 2021:

(during intensive week at uni)

I’m starting my concept sketch for the protagonist. Feeling low energy. Today I’m working on my pitch (for uni). Later tonight I will hopefully work on developing some concept sketches. I’m taking inspiration from Yoshitaka Amano’s work.

A little snippet from my honours project blog ;)

Post link


Been in Lockdown

For the last week my city has been in lockdown. It’s a short time compared to many others, but it’s still hard. It should be lifting later this week, to be replaced with restrictions to abide by.

Even though it’s only been a week, it has affected me badly. I don’t live with my loved ones and I have been trapped in my house with my awful housemate (thankfully he is being kicked out soon after the lockdown is finished). It’s added to my depression, but I’m trying to snap out of it. I’ve not been feeling well enough to update this blog lately, but I really want to. So, I’m trying to do that now. I know there are people who have had it much harder because of the pandemic and I don’t want to be insensitive to that.

Hope you’re all doing well.



a redemption arc that would have been great to see.


finished a little avatar comic I’ve been working on.
