#rosaline x benvolio


Hey Guys, QUESTION..

Since Torrance Coombs has been a sweetheart so far by answering all the questions some fans have been asking about the show. Do you think he’d tell us, if we ask him if we’ll get at least one HEARTWARMING SCENEbetweenRosaline & Benvolio that would somehow PLEASETHE BOOK’S FANS?????

Shonda could promote SSC a little more by using her other’s succeful shows, or some celebrity with a bunch of followers to help SSC gain more audience!! It makes me wonder is she already gave up on Still star-crossed..

Anyway I hope on July, 8th ratings will go up!!! or else…

akajustmerry: feel like pure shit just want them back akajustmerry: feel like pure shit just want them back akajustmerry: feel like pure shit just want them back akajustmerry: feel like pure shit just want them back


feel like pure shit just want them back

Post link


The Impossible— Rosvolio.

author’s note: missing rosvolio.

word count: 451

warnings: mention of a wound, nothing but pure fluff

“Do you think it’s possible?”

Rosaline lifted a brow at the vague question, though continued to bandage the wound on Benvolio’s arm. 

“Do I think what’s possible?” Rosaline asked. She secured the bandaged firmly around his bicep once she had finished. She turned to clean up the supplies, though was stopped all of a sudden as Benvolio took hold of her wrist. 

“Do you think it’s possible we’ll ever stop running?” He asked as he gently pulled her towards him. 

Rosaline, stunned by the question, found herself speechless at the possibility of them being free. The possibility of the chase being over. 

“No,” she eventually said, gently creating space between them. She turned her back to him and began cleaning up her supplies. 

“And why not?” Benvolio pushed himself to his feet. He inched towards her, though Rosaline walked to the opposite end of the room to stash the materials back into her bag. 

Rosaline scoffed. “Because you’re a wanted man,” she pointed out with a lifted brow. “The moment we let our guard down, they’ll come after you and—”

“Kill me,” Benvolio finished for her. “I’m not afraid to die, Capulet.”

Rosaline closed the bag and turned around. Benvolio stood before her now, his close proximity startling her. Apologetically, he smiled and offered her his hand.  Hesitantly, Rosaline accepted it.

“Everyone’s afraid of death, Montague,” Rosaline said with trembling lips. “Afraid of the unknown.”

Benvolio smiled bitterly and shook his head. “I’d argue that everyone’s more afraid to die and face the unknown alone.” He took her by the hand gently and squeezed it. 

For a moment the star crossed lovers looked into each other’s eyes. 

“Montague, I refuse to die the same way my cousin did,” Rosaline said, her lips turned upwards into a subtle smile. 

Amused, Benvolio chuckled. “I’m not asking you to die with me, Capulet.” He stepped closer, the toe of his shoe grazing Rosaline’s. “I’m asking you to believe in the impossible, just for one night.”

Rosaline smiled sadly and leaned forward, their foreheads touching. “I can’t dwell on the impossible because I’m afraid I’ll stay there too long.”

“It’s okay to forget reality once in a while. As long as you don’t forget what’s right in front of you,” Benvolio whispered as he pulled back to kiss her forehead. 

Rosaline couldn’t fight the smile rising to her lips, nor the heat that surfaced onto her brown cheeks. She followed Benvolio towards the open window. A sky full of stars awaited the star crossed lovers. 

For the remainder of the night, they dwelled in the impossible. In silence they shared their dreams and in sound they admired the dark blue skies that painted their future. 


Don’t give me one-sided unrequited love, give me two-sided unwanted love. Both sides are deeply in love with the other and both sides are like ‘fuck, really?? them??? really?’

Legit Rosvolio

I made a quick ship video for these two because honestly, I miss them so much!
