#rose scenario


Vampire black pinks reaction to their partner who’s a bartender, barista who’s experimenting alcoholic drinks with blood in them and having them taste test em



✿she’s excited to find out how the blood will make her react

✿she hasn’t done much experimentation in that area

✿she’s cautious of trying everything you present to her

✿full and honest feedback in give to you

✿during the last pudding the custard jiggling in the pot throws her into a giggle fit 

✿she’s on the floor

✿literally every thing sets her off

✿when you think she’s calmed down and ask her to get up she’s off again

✿you end up having to call the girls to get her up and home



✿big grumpy 

✿she is just stewing in her anger 

✿halfway through her drink she stands up and pulls her coat back on 

✿which leaves you big confused 

✿”i’m going to find that guy that made you cry last week”

✿”no you’re not”

✿she sits back down n drinks more

✿”i wanna skin him alive”

✿”i know”

✿”break his bones”


✿”rip his limbs off”

✿”why don’t you have some strawberry pie and maybe you’ll calm down”




✿she’s there the second “taste tester” leaves your lips

✿you don’t get change to explain anything before she’s shoved the cake into her mouth 

✿it’s gone in seconds

✿which doesn’t tell you much because she’s a food vacuum anyway 

✿you’re sat enjoying your own piece of cake when she throws her arms around you

✿she is so in love with you!!!!!!!!

✿every piece of skin that’s in her sights is smothered in kisses 

✿you’re covered in her lipstick 



✿she knew your plans to create food and drink that she can enjoy 

✿when she came to your cafe she came with bags filled with your favourite snackies so you can enjoy together

✿she gets so giddy while she listens to your whole process behind making each thing 

✿while you’re talking about the beverage she’s about to try she starts bawling 

✿you’re so beautiful and kind and loving and amazing

✿and you’re all hers

✿wow she’s so lucky
