#rose smut


A 20 year old Y/N was once dating, however, found out one day that the girl he was dating was cheating on him. She broke things off with him mentally destroying him. He lived in an house where his roommate was another woman, Rose who was also the same age as him.

The two have a completely close and platonic relationship and they talked about a lot of things that go on in their lives, Y/N’s recent situation being one of them. Rose would comfort him to help ease the pain away.

Two weeks after his break up, Rose receives a call from her two girlfriends - Chaeryeong and Yeji also around the same age, inviting her to watch a movie at their apartment later in the afternoon. Rose, still sympathetic towards Y/N, decided to invite him to what was a girls night and low key ask her friends if her roommate could join. The two gladly accepted not knowing that Rose’s roommate was a guy.

After the call Rose convinced Y/N to go out with her to her friends appartment without mentioning that he was going to be the only guy.

It was later in the afternoon and both roommates were getting ready. Y/N, a decently looking guy with very good looking body came out of his room wearing black joggers and a button up tee and an undershirt. Following suit Rose was second to finish.

Y/N eyeing her from head to toe. She had a cute petite body with long straight highlighted hair sporting a red crop top and blue low cut jeans and some white flip flops showing off her small feet and short toes. Y/N had a small foot fetish and despite their close friendship, Rose barefoot always had his attention.

They both arrived at Rose’s friends’ appartment fifteen minutes later. Rose knocked when they arrived at the front door. Answering the door was a woman 5'6" with a slim and curvatious figure, and long staight red hair.

Wearing a blue shirt with a tied knot and khaki thigh high shorts.

“Rose! ”

“Chaeryeong! ” Rose responded with glee as they hugged. “Chaeryeong, this is my roommate, Y/N. ”

Y/N politely greeted “Nice to meet you Chaeryeong. ”

“Likewise, Y/N…” Chaeryeong scans Y/N as they both shake hands. “Come on in you two. ”

The two roommates enter the appartment. Not far from the door was the living room. They saw another woman - Yeji sitting at the L shaped sofa with a remote in her hand and fixated at the smart tv across from her.

Rose walks towards Yeji after removing her slippers going in for a hug. Yeji stands 5'7’ with long and curly blonde hair, an very good looking body, with a loose pink tee and dark yoga pants. The two besties hug for a little over a minute and Rose introduces her roommate to her other bestie.

Shortly after their introduction Yeji turns to Rose.

“Rose, a minute? ” in a slightly serious tone as Yeji pulls Rose in the direction of her room.

Rose rolled her hazzel eyes and advised Y/N to have a seat till they return. Five minutes passed, and the girls left the room to join Y/N. Rose also had to clarify to Y/N what was going on, and with the air cleared, they selected a movie on Netflix.

The L sofa was big enough to seat all four of them, the roommates on the side of the seat facing the screen, Rose being next to the arm rest and Y/N closer to the corner. The other two women at the perpendicular seats. About mid way through the movie Rose was getting a little bored and struggled staying awake.

She tugged on Y/N’s shirt to get his attention and when she did, gestures to him that she was going to take a nap. She lays on her side resting her head on the armrest and those gorgeous small feet on his lap. Y/N impulsively twitched when contacting her feet.

When Rose glanced back at Y/N she signaled him if he was okay, Y/N reassured her with a sign back.

Forty five minutes later the ending credits start to roll. Everyone was still awake besides Rose who was heavily asleep. Yeji and Chaeryeong get off the sofa and talk about getting dinner.

All three came to a consensus; the two girls would pick up food nearby, which was roughly a fifteen minute drive, leaving Y/N and Rose in the apartment alone. One of the ladies gave Y/N the remote to the tv and departed. His mind with conflicted thoughts he’s been holding back since the movie.

There weren’t many times Y/N would be in this kind of scenario throughout their time living together. He cautiously lifts Rose’s left foot from her ankle and replaces it on top of his growing hard on. His very good looking body automatically flinched upon her foot landing, his long exhale was consecutive bursts of air.

The longer his roommate’s foot rests on his groin the harder he became.

Ignoring the left foot, Y/N grabs her right foot with his left hand from its side and mildly runs his thumb across the first three of digits of her short toes. Rose’s left foot under his control grazes his large penis through his pants side to side and at random pressing her foot through uncontrollably fidgeting after every press. Y/N felt the exhilaration, his pants created some discomfort as if his penis was about to break through his pants.

He unzips his pants releasing his penis and places it in between the sole of her right foot and the top side of her left foot. Y/N’s heart and breathing are racing. The thought of getting caught was pitted against having a golden opportunity.

He props his hard large penis and moves Rose’s feet up and down feeling her smooth skin touching his nerves. Rose suddenly jitters, stopping Y/N putting him on edge, she softly snores shortly after. Y/N continues to play with her feet doing long, smooth, sensual, strokes from base to tip. Slightly moving his hips increasing the sensation.

The sound of one of the locks of the door unlocking alerted him. Y/N panics, attempting to stash his penis back into his pants. His sporadic movements wake up Rose.

Rose pushed herself up and in shock with open eyes discovering her roommates hard penis out and her feet mere inches away around it.

“ Y/N… what were you doing?”

Y/N froze. He couldn’t answer. All he could think is how he just fucked up.

The door opens with a greeting announcing Yeji and Chaeryeong’s return however stops mid word only to end up seeing Y/N and Rose staring at each other. They look carefully and both also take notice of Y/N’s penis out. Whispering and grinning at each other.

Rose continues to ask dumbfounded Y/N. “ Y/N. Were you using my feet to get off?”

“ Ye… yea…” Y/N, his mind deteriorating and ashamed.

Rose, upset, gets off the sofa and walks into Yeji’s room to recollect herself. Yeji looks at Chaeryeong and nods in Y/N’s direction. The two separate, Yeji brought the take out dinner onto the kitchen counter and headed to her room checking on Rose leaving the door closed.

Chaeryeong, on the other hand, approaches Y/N sitting in Rose’s spot. Y/N a little composed but exposed, faces away from Chaeryeong to fix himself. Chaeryeong ties her long staight hair back and turns Y/N to her.

Chaeryeong places her hand on his chest, locking eyes as she eases herself closer to his face.

“ Let me take care of that.” In a soft seductive tone pushing him down.

Chaeryeong has Y/N lying on his back; removing his pants, underwear and spreading his legs out and her in between. She spits at her right hand and wraps her delicate fingers around his member, stroking sensually on his semi hard large penis.

“ How’s my hand?”

Y/N couldn’t make words. He simply nods yes.

“ Good?” She giggled" Maybe you would prefer my mouth?“

Y/N does not respond and just peers at her basking in the moment.

Chaeryeong uses her right hand to hold his large penis from the base. Her tongue meets with the tip of his cock, licking in circular motions around the mushroom tip adding a couple tiny kisses.
She looked up at Y/N with an alluring look on her face,” Mmm. Your cock tastes so good.“

Chaeryeong encases his cock in her mouth and bobs her head traveling slowly and as she moves she licks his shaft all around.

Appearing before them was Rose and Yeji - who was holding lube in her hand.

*Ahem*” Seriously Chaeryeong? You couldn’t wait?“ Yeji says.

Chaeryeong pulls herself away, a string of saliva from her soft lips to his penis wiping her mouth. Y/N glancing at both Yeji then Rose. Y/N immediately turning his head away with a disappointed look.

” Hehe. I was comforting him. Taking his mind off.“ Chaeryeong exclaims as she continues to stroke his penis lightly.

"Aww, you’re so sweet Chaeryeong. ” Yeji says in a soothing tone smirking.

She caresses Y/N’s face with her hand turning his head facing her. Her sincere yet thirsty eyes piercing his guilty eyes.

“Don’t worry, Rose isn’t mad. She was… a little blindsided. By… well you know. She was thinking you might be using her feet to jack off.” She turns her head focusing on his hard on. “As her friends we can forgive you. One of us already has…”

Chaeryeong chuckles in response to Yeji’s accusation, “as for me, I’m still debating. ” Y/N trying to analyze what Yeji said.

Yeji undresses herself. Y/N watching her every move. What is now revealed under her pink tee was her boobs. She then pulls down her pants revealing her satin panties and a little cameltoe.

“He’s a quiet one. ” Chaeryeong pointed out

“We’ll see about that. ” Confidence behind Yeji’s statement.

Chaeryeong slaps her butt,“ Get it girl!”

She sits in place of Chaeryeong and lays on her side, positioning herself where her boobs meets up to Y/N’s hips. First, she uses her left hand as support licking his penis from bottom to tip.

Meanwhile, Chaeryeong too also strips her clothes off leaving her see through panties on and displaying her a cup boobs. She sits behind Y/N keeping his upper half of his very good looking body raised nestling his head in between her boobs. She wrapped her arms around him, massaging his well built chest.

Yeji begins to insert him into her mouth. She concentrates on the tip swirling her tongue around as she moves her head up and down. She strokes the shaft in unison with her head.

Her hazzel eyes were fixated on him making sure he watches every moment. With Yeji’s mouth plus her glaring pretty eyes, Y/N was getting fucked both body and mind.

The sensation was increasingly intense, struggling to resist biting his lip. He makes a short soft moan.

“ Oh my… he likes it, hehehe.” Chaeryeong remarks.

Yeji guides his penis in between her cleavage still stroking varying in speed, twisting her hand as it moves up and down. She proceeds to graze her boobs with his penis, his tip would meet her nipple teasing him continuously. For a short period Yeji took the opportunity to experiment.

She would replace Y/N back in between her cleavage. She pressed both of her boobs and moved up and down.

“ I was always curious about doing this. You seem to be particularly enjoying it.”

Y/N thrusts again in response to Yeji’s boob fuck. Yeji stops moving and let’s Y/N continue a bit.
Yeji wanted to slow things down and pull herself away giving themselves a small breather.

She instructs Chaeryeong to hold his arms as she restrains his wrists.

“ Nuh uh uh. I’m not letting you rub yourself out. I’m surprised though. You have endured both of us for this long.” Yeji says.

“ He looks like he’s going to climax.” Chaeryeong responded.

“ I can’t wait till he does, but it’s too soon for him. Besides, there’s still one other thing I want to do.” Yeji had a slight evil grin on her face.

Chaeryeong and Yeji look at Rose, her face covered with a pillow, trying to resist watching. Who knew how long she was covering herself. The two don’t say anything and continue to toy with Y/N.

Yeji squirts lube in her hands and spreads it on Y/N’s penis. She goes on top of him and pulls the center lining of her satin panties aside and rubs his penis along her pussy lips. She proceeded to insert him into her.

She lets out a loud moan and begins to ride on his penis. Chaeryeong let goes of his arms.

Y/N starts to moan himself, losing control over himself. Instinctively places his hands on her hips, gyrating his hips, pounding each other.

Chaeryeong points Y/N to Rose.“ Someone else is enjoying the show.”

Rose stripped down to her  panties, one hand groping her boobs and the other fingering herself inside her panties. Y/N watches Rose as Yeji rides him. Yeji takes notice and decides to stop and gets off of him.

“ Maybe we should give Rose a turn.” Yeji suggests.

“ N… no… you can keep going.” Rose answers back.

“ You sure? He reeally wants you.” Chaeryeong says.

Rose complies and briefly thinks and comes up with an idea. She gets up and instructs Y/N to stand up. She takes over his spot.

She squirts lube in her hand and messages her feet one by one with it leaving Y/N entranced by her actions. Rose lifts her left foot, playing footsie with his penis. Without thinking Y/N gets a hold of her ankle and moves her foot along his shaft.

Yeji and Chaeryeong are fascinated with watching Y/N playing with Rose’s foot. Rose continues to lead Y/N on by lifting her right foot hitting his free hand, signaling Y/N. He knew exactly what to do.

“ Woo! Go get it Y/N! screw her feet hard haha!” Chaeryeong teasing and cheering him on.

Y/N places his penis in between Rose’s soles and starts to thrust himself. After enduring himself multiple rounds of getting blue balled he musters up the energy to finally finish the job. He gradually increases speed desperately wanting to climax.

Rose moaning loudly gazing at Y/N’s swelling large penis" Yea screw my feet till you climax.“

Rose looking at Y/N as he heavily focuses on fucking those divine arches. He struggles to keep his footing feeling weak in the knees and kneels. He readjusts himself using her delightful short toes and starts to stroke upright.

He softly calls out Rose’s name in response Rose reassures Y/N that it was okay to climax. For one last push he strokes fast for a moment letting out a huge sigh of relief. He spurts out a load of cum all over her toes.

The three girls all amazed to see Rose’s feet glazed in Y/N’s cum. Y/N feeling weak and extremely sensitive, he sluggishly moves to sit down. Yeji and Rose move over to make room for him.

Chaeryeong gets off the couch to grab a towel.

” His cum is so warm. I’m not gonna lie, it feels pretty nice.“ Rose playing with the cum.

” That must have felt really good. You made a mess all over Rose’s feet.“ Yeji said.

Y/N struggled to let out any words trying to catch his breath. Within his view adjacent to him was Yeji’s covered feet. Yeji wanted to feel his cum on her feet and took off her socks revealing her delicate feet and little toes.

Both girls’ feet meet as one lathers the other with his cum. Afterwards Yeji touches his sensitive penis gently stroking him. Y/N was starting to get hard yet again.

Both girls giggle, seeing his penis throb back up wanting more, Yeji took the initiative and started pressing his penis with her foot.

” You have more for me?“ with a big smile on her face she continues to tease him.

Y/N grabs her ankles and desperately goes for another run with Yeji without hesitation. Exhausted already, he could do it at slow pace but even slow strokes still turned him on. Yeji constantly teasing him verbally excited to see him climax again.

The thought that it was her this time really excited her. Yeji decided to help out and stroke him up and down. Y/N rolling his eyes with deep breaths enjoying every moment.

Being that it was her first time giving a foot job she was gradually getting tired. Rose reaches over and assists Yeji grabbing her ankles.

With Rose in control she started moving Yeji feet at a moderate pace. He jitters as the pain and the pleasure get to him. Rose and Yeji anticipate the second cumming.

As Y/N gets closer and closer, Rose changes it up immediately having his penis rest on top Yeji’s sole of her left foot and stroking him in between the toes with her right. With no resistance Y/N groans loudly as he let’s another small batch of cum release all over Yeji’s feet and toes.

Y/N now contorted like a wet noodle passes out recovering the” torture" he endured. The two girls lean on him on either side resting their heads on his shoulders. Chaeryeong returns to find the three tired, leaves the towel with them and let them be.

A couple hours have passed, Yeji and Rose woke up, minutes after Y/N also. Chaeryeong fully clothed greets the three and tells them she reheated the take out food for them to eat. She calls it a day and says good night to all of them. After putting on their clothes they go about their late dinner somewhat casually.

Y/N is still processing what had happened and keeping to himself. Yeji and Rose having a typical conversation as if nothing happened.

After dinner Y/N and Rose get ready to head back home, Yeji walks them out to the door. Rose hugs Yeji and heads to the car first. Y/N says bye and the moment he turns around Yeji grabs his arm. She puts her finger over his lips to prevent him from saying anything.

“ After what happened I’m sure you and Rose have much to talk about. Between you and me, you’re the only guy where I did much… uh, exploration. It was fun and I would like to do it again but for her sake I can’t allow myself to.”

“ Where is this…”

“ I’m just setting up some boundaries between us. If you ever need a second pair of feet to turn to, I’m always an option just for you, nothing more. You don’t have to be concerned about trying to sneak around, we already accepted you as our foot loving guinea pig. We talked about it while you were still asleep. We’re open to your little fetish and like to cater to your desire.”

Y/N’s face turned red and embarrassed. Yeji says good night to Y/N and gives him a kiss on the cheek and closes the door.

Y/N heads to the car and both roommates head back home.

What Yeji said was engraved in his head during the trip and made him a little thrilled to see where this relationship takes him.

At this point, you have a whole group of women, yet you haven’t figured out what their good at yet. Their talent, if you will. You know after your most recent fuck, (about ten minutes ago) what your new girls are good at. Jihyo is the girl with the slave attitude, while Chaeryeong is a dirty talker.

However, you realize you need to do something about your limitations to be able to figure out their talents quickly, because, as it is now, you can’t carry on fucking for long enough to get through everyone reasonably.

So, while recovering from Jihyo and Chaeryeong, you search on the site you found the original trick for a way to program yourself, and after much difficulty, you’re able to edit yourself so that your balls generate cum faster, and the time it takes for you to be ready to fuck again after a orgasm is lowered to about a minute.

After this, you call all the girls down to the main room of the house. They all wander down in various states of undress, due to the late hour, until they see you with your cock in your hand and start stripping down each other.

You watch this while stroking your cock, then announce it’s time for the first full house event, and tell Jihyo and Chaeryeong to attend you personally while you work your way through the other girls, then you decide to find their talents in the reverse order that they joined your group.

When you figure this out, you turn to the first girl on the list, and tell her it’s her turn, and everyone else uses toys on each other. The first girl you ‘test’ is Mina, who you realize really likes having her ass fucked, and is great at it in any position.

You ram her hard from behind, doggy style, until she orgasms, at which point, her ass tightens around your cock so hard that it feels like she’s pumping it for your cum, so you give it to her, letting it squirt inside a bit, then splattering it across her back, and her ass.

Then, you sit down and wait for your cock to get hard and ready again, with Jihyo and Chaeryeong arguing over who gets to help you to erection, until you tell them to take turns, at which point Jihyo reaches over and wanks you, until you stop her and move to the second 'test’.

The next girl you test is Nayeon, and it turns out she loves being choked while fucked, something you happily indulge her.

You ram her solidly for a while, doggy style again since it’s convenient for choking, enjoying hearing her pants and screams as your cock pulls at her tight pussy, until you feel yourself about to orgasm, and pull out, turning her around, holding her up by her hair, then forcing it into her shallow mouth and cumming down her throat, then across her face, finally holding her nose until she swallows your cum, just to breathe.

You let go of her hair, leaving her to ragdoll to the ground taking deep breaths, and step away, and wait until you’re hard again. This is accompanied by Chaeryeong sucking the cum off of your limp cock, then just as you get hard again, you call the next girl, Momo, over.

She immediately kneels down, and explains she loves to use her boobs, then gives you a breast job, while licking just the tip of your cock, and as sexy as this is, you realise after a couple of minutes that you need something more to orgasm quicker, and tell Jihyo and Chaeryeong to help however they see fit, and they begin to rub their boobs to Momo’s, and you feel a orgasm building.

They accompany this by saying things like" Oh, yes master orgasm for us please" and" Yeah, Y/N, orgasm for your dirty little sluts"

Then, Momo unexpectedly takes your entire head, and you explode out across the three of them, then step away again, to recuperate. As you do, Momo moves away to join in with someone else, while Jihyo and Chaeryeong lick the cum from each other, then kiss to exchange it back as you watch, then they both swallow.

Then, you’re ready to go again, and you call over Ryujin, one of the other girls, and the next in line, and to your surprise, the one after her, named Chaeyoung, walks over too, and they explain that they love watching, and helping, each other get fucked, which of course you allow, then Ryujin presents her pussy to you, and you click at Chaeryeong, who quickly licks it to get it lubricated, then you ram your cock into Ryujin so hard that she gives a small shout, then you fuck her with a rhythm, until suddenly her panting is replaced with slight bubbling noises as Chaeyoung pushes a large 6 inch dildo into her friend’s mouth.

This carried on for a while until Chaeyoung stops, and pulls your cock out of Ryujin, saying" I need your cum more. I want to be covered in it"

You look at her with interest, then decide to take her request to the extreme, and you force her to her knees, then call everyone over, and instruct them all to squirt pussy juices on her, right now.

At this, they all groan in sync, and spurts of white splatter across Chaeyoung’s pretty body, then you grab your cock and aim it directly at her face, emptying an incredible amount of cum on her face, hitting her straight in the eyes with the first spray, then coating her face liberally with the rest.

You wander over to Ryujin and shove a ten inch horse dildo into her, to get her to orgasm, then leave her quivering on the ground, cumming, with 7 inches of dildo in her.

You turn away again, and decide that before you continue, you’ll deal with Jihyo and Chaeryeong.

You quickly turn on a line of the hypnosis you in yourself, so you can decide how quick you’re erect again, then let them get in position to help you.

Once they’re ready, you make your cock ready again instantly, and slap Chaeryeong with it repeatedly, then you face fuck her brutally, cumming in her mouth only as she was at the edge of passing out, then she flops to the ground, and Jihyo starts begging for you to use her like that, a plea you respond to by slapping her with your cock so hard she falls to the side, and you leave a mark.

Then, you grab her ass, aim your cock at her, and ram her pussy so hard it creates a small bulge on her crotch, and then you pull out and shower her in cum, then move on.

The next in line is a girl named Tzuyu, who turns out, likes to ride cock like a cowgirl, which you’re more than on board with.

You lay down and she positions herself, then slowly lowers herself, groaning as her pussy stretches around your cock, then she starts to gyrate on it, pushing it into her wet walls.

You continue like this for some time, increasing in speed, until she stops, shuddering with a orgasm, then she topples off of you with a moan, and you realize she’s done, and move onto the second to last girl.

It’s a pretty haired girl this time,  named Jeongyeon, and you ask her what it is she’s good at, and in response, she kneels, grips your very cock, then takes all of it in her mouth.

You can feel as it passes by her tongue and tonsils, and scrapes along the back of her throat and down before her lips are at the base of your cock.

Then, she begins to gag slightly on it, tensing her throat around your cock, then she pulls back slightly, and uses your cock to throat fuck herself almost better than you ever could.

However, towards the end, you decide you need to show her that you can do better, and grip her hair, then force her head along your cock, holding her almost at the base, then letting go of her hair, and she gasps for air.

Realizing you’re about to orgasm, she says" I want you to orgasm inside me. Don’t worry, I’m on the pill, but I need to be used like the fuck slave I am, like the cock whore I am.“ Then shoves her pussy onto your cock, making you orgasm with a massive groan, deep inside her.

Leaving her gasping on the ground, you turn to the final person, a girl named Sana  who begs you to tie her up and fuck her. So, you fetch some leather ties, and tie her up securely, with her hands behind her back, and a gag ring holding her mouth open.

Then, you spend the next half hour ravaging all of her holes, and slapping her, leaving her red, raw and crying, before untying her. Finally, after she crawls away, you stroll to your room and, satisfied with your thorough analysis of your group’s abilities, go to sleep, happy with your progress.


You wake up the weekend after your house event, and, since you’ve nothing else to do, decide to continue looking into the use of your hypnosis magic, for other ways to increase pleasure. After some digging, you realize you need a guinea pig, and call the closest girl to you.

Jihyo walks in, only in her panties and bra, revealing her body, and you tell her to just stand in the middle of the room for you to test on her.

After about an hour, you’ve finalized your experiments. You’ve now figured out how to control every bit of their awareness, so that you can choose if they are willing, unwilling, or even know about what’s happening to them, or what they’re doing, and because of this, you feel it’s time to test it out, so you head down to the kitchen, and get about helping a couple of the girls making a breakfast for everyone.

Then, once you’re all there, you ask them to enter their names into a random generator, then pick out two names. Sana and Chaeryeong come out, and you also choose Jihyo since she helped you out earlier. You tell the rest of them to eat and go about their day, while the chosen few should wait after the others have left.

This happens, and you put the new hypnosis into Chaeryeong and Sana, then trigger it for the first time in the three of them. You make it so that Sana does what she’s told, but is fully aware and able to protest, while Chaeryeong you set up to be willing to do anything.

Jihyo is the most interesting to change, however, as she changes on her own.

When you trigger the hypnosis that allows her personality to come through in whatever situation she’s in, she slowly unbuttons and loosens her clothing just enough to look sexy, then looks you in the eye and says” Oh daddy, I’ve been a naughty girl. Are you going to… punish me?“ With a naughty giggle.

You decide that if this is what she actually fantasizes about, you should indulge her, so you tell her to wait just a moment, and then tell them all to follow you.

You lead them to a room you had set up, specifically for Sana’s bondage kink, who has been bitching about what’s happening, and why she’s where she is, so you stop outside and tell her to remember what’s happened in the past few weeks, and how many times you’ve fucked her, which she looks shocked at, and stops talking for a minute then you order them all inside.

Within the room, there’s a massive bed, and several contraptions lining the opposite wall, and the entire room has a very heavy leather theme.

You tell Jihyo to wait by the bed, then walk the other two to the machines on the walls.

You explain how they’re actually saddles that hold a woman in place, and then allow various types of dildo to be pushed into a variety of places. Sana starts throwing a yelling fit about it all, so you tell her to hush until she’s on the machine.

Then, you turn to Chaeryeong and ask her to help you get Sana, then herself onto a machine, which she’s more than happy to do, stripping the two of them, then helping you tie the two of them up.

Sana starts shouting again as soon as possible, so when you’re done tying Chaeryeong in place, you walk over, and place a ball gag in her mouth, then do the same to Chaeryeong.

You look at the two of them, and tell them that the last to orgasm gets to get off the machine and do something else, whereas the first to orgasm will stay on it for hours.

Then, you set Chaeryeong up so that she’s aware of what’s happening, but still obeys you, and then you push two vibrators into each of their pussies, and leave.

You return to Jihyo, and tell her to strip, which she does incredibly carefully, then says” Y/N- I mean, Daddy, what are you going to do to me?“

You say nothing, instead pulling out your cock and gesturing for her. She kneels down, and is about to start sucking it when you stop her, telling her to use the hand instead.

She says” O-ok, Daddy. I’m sorry, I must have been very naughty.“

Then gives you a hand job, building you up for a while, then she looks you directly in the eye, and starts begging” Daddy, please let me taste it. You’re so for me Daddy, please let me taste you in my mouth, pleaseee" .

Hearing this only makes you closer to orgasm, but you still stop her, instead making her crawl behind you like a dog while you walk over to her friend Chaeryeong, right as she begins to orgasm just before Sana, so you remove the dildos from both, then force your cock into Chaeryeong’s tight ass hole and empty your balls into her.

Then you set Chaeryeong back up again, making sure to plug her ass hole, to keep the cum in, and take Sana down.

However, when you let her down, you realize you’ve completely broken Sana’s mind, and that she’s literally staring at your cock and drooling slightly.

You tell her to help you punish Jihyo however she thinks is most helpful, then you start slapping Jihyo, and telling her not to misbehave again, then pull her over your knee and start spanking her.

As you do, Sana crawls over like a dog, and slowly puts her fingers into Jihyo’s ass, then starts fingering the poor girl while you spank her. You finish when she’s crying, and her ass cheeks are bright red and raw, and let her fall to the ground.

When she does, Sana crawls over to you and starts relentlessly sucking your cock, so you decide to give her what she wants, and you orgasm into her mouth, then she pulls off and let’s it spray across her boobs and face and hair.

Leaving her rolling on the ground for your cum, you walk back over to check on Chaeryeong, then realize she’s enjoying it a bit too much, and decide to take it up a notch.

Removing the normal dildos, you add some replacement attachments, then place these new add on dildos. You set the machine to automatically fuck her, then place the ball gag in place again, and turn it on.

You get an instant erection watching two massive 'dragon’ sized dildos enter her, in each hole, and almost orgasm when her body makes a wet" shlick" noise when the knot on the dragon cock enters her pussy.

You leave her to the machine, and turn around in time to see Jihyo rising to her knees on the bed. You walk up to her and grab her by her hair, then hold out her hand and tell her to spit.

She does, and continues to until you pull your hand away, then you smear the spit down her face, also smearing her makeup, then you bend her over.

She starts saying" Yes Daddy, please punish me, oh I’ve been a very naughty girl. I’m daddy’s little slut"

You oblige, shoving your cock into her tight little pussy, and she begins to repeat" I’m daddy’s little fuck slave, I’m daddy’s little fuck slave" over and over, in between sudden gasps, until you realize she’s about to orgasm and you tell her she’s not allowed to.

This traps her right at the edge of orgasm because of the hypnosis, and you continue ravaging her pussy.

She clearly feels your cock getting larger as you get ready to orgasm, because she starts begging you" Please, cum inside me Daddy, I’ll be your little cum dumpster, please Daddy, please, I’m a cum whore. I’ll take your cum deep in my pussy" until you hit orgasm and explode inside of her.

Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you then tell Sana and Jihyo to return to normal, and get on with their lives for now, and tell Chaeryeong to do the same, once the machine turns off in four hours. Then, you leave to think about what to do next in your sexual conquest.


You’re minding your own business in a morning, finishing off your wake up fuck.

As you grip Mina’s hair, cumming down her throat, and she makes a noise like this" GLACK GLACK GLACK" , you hear other girls through the house wishing someone happy birthday.

You pull out of Mina, spraying her face with cum, and drag her upwards by her hair, then ask her who’s birthday it is, to which she says" …“ and you realize you’ve damn near knocked her out and she isn’t going to respond to you anytime soon.

You step outside and ask the first girl you see who’s birthday it is, and she responds saying it’s Jeongyeon’s. Apparently, she’s planning to go out with her friends and family later, and will be back around 8 or so.

At this, you begin thinking about how to wish her happy birthday in your own special way. Dozens of beautifully hot, sexy ideas flash through your head, then you figure that, since it’s her special day, you’ll wait til she gets back and ask her.

Several hours later, you’re sat reading in the living room, and you hear the door shut, and call Jeongyeon through.

She steps into the room, and sees you waiting, then you say” So, I hear it’s your Birthday.“

Jeongyeon replies brightly” Yeah, it’s been great"

“ Happy Birthday” you say" I was going to give you a gift, but I figured It’d be better if you choose the gift you want.“

Then, you pull out your cock, and tell her” So, this is all yours for tonight. Only yours. Unless you want it otherwise. And you can ask me anything.“

She stares at it, then starts to grin, then kneels and begins to slowly stroke it with both hands. She continues this for a while, even after you’re entirely erect, then she very carefully licks the tip of it.

She spends a while, slowly advancing her way down your cock, then looks up at you and says” Would you… would you help me into my birthday suit?“

You walk over to her, and slowly undress her, running your hands down her skin, ever so slightly, causing her to shiver and moan.

Then you step back, and ask her” What do you want now, Jeongyeon?“

She looks back at you, and says” I want us to make each other feel like never before, and then, I want to join you as your number two, in everything. Is that ok?“

You immediately think of all the possibilities of having a dominatrix at your side, who is still your slave, and you agree. Then, you walk her up to a bedroom, and let her push you over, then she suddenly starts deep throating you, and an intense shot of pleasure shoots through you.

You let her keep going, as she takes about two thirds of, then you grab her hair with both hands and start forcing her down the rest, feeling as your tip grazes down her throat, then she pulls off with a sudden gasp for air. She stands, with you lying flat in front of her, then slowly climbs atop of you, maintaining eye contact.

Then, with care, she lowers herself down, pushing your cock into her tight pussy. She writhes on top of you moaning, as your cock stretches her tight hole, and this continues until she begins to orgasm, at which point she flops down onto you, shuddering as her pussy leaks onto your cock, lubing it up.

At this point, you carefully place her arms next to her legs, and grab an arm and a leg in each hand, then pick her up, still impaled on your cock, then start fucking her.

She starts screaming” OH OH OH OH" with each thrust into her, until you feel like you’re close to cumming.

She starts shuddering again as she orgasms, and you set her down.

As soon as she hits the ground, she crawls a bit away and fully bends over, so that her body is flat against the ground, other than her ass which is presented to you, and she says" I want you to shove your cock into my virgin ass hole and orgasm deep inside" , and you step forward and does as she says, causing her to moan louder than you’ve ever heard.

You hear her moan, and are close to cumming, then she somehow tightens her hole around your cock, and you can’t hold back anymore, exploding deep inside her.

You spurt into her, filling her insides up until it leaks out around your cock, at which point you pull out and spray the last of it across her ass cheeks and back.

She gets up so that she’s kneeling before you, and wanks your cock, coaxing some more out, so that it spatters across her face. She flops across the bed, next to you and takes a while to recover in silence.

Then, you look at her body, still spattered in your cum, and slowly travel your gaze to her eyes.

Then, she looks at you and says" Make me your second in command, so I can help you destroy your slaves.“

You agree, and walk to a wardrobe and hand her an outfit of a bra and panties made of leather and black lace, that cover nothing so that you can still fuck her. T

hen, you ask her, since it’s her birthday” Who do you want to help me fuck first?“

She looks thoughtful for a while, then suddenly decides and says"Nayeon. I want it to be Nayeon. I want to see her body laid out in front of me, then I want to help you destroy her.”

You think about this for a minute then you tell Jeongyeon" Alright, we can do it, but, you have to stay here, in this room, and drink my cum daily until Nayeon can get here. Do you agree?“

She instantly replies” Yes" , and kneels in front of you and opens her mouth. You grip her hair and shove your cock down her throat, then pulse cum out, to give her the first day’s drink.

She tries to swallow it all but some dribbles out, and when you pull out and turn away, she crawls around licking up the remaining cum. Satisfied with this, you walk to your own bedroom.


True to your word, you plan to get Nayeon advancing your hypnosis along the side, as always.

This time around, you ensure it works in different formats, such as videos, and you give your already cock some small enhancement, and you’re left with a cock large enough that Jeongyeon gagged at half length when you forced it down her throat for her daily drink of cum, as she agreed to.

You decide to save yourself some time, and you simply send a video of the hypnosis to Nayeon on a Friday night, telling her to come to your house, and then you tell Jeongyeon she can come assist you, since Nayeon is on her way.

While waiting, you ask Jeongyeon how she would like this to go, since it is technically still a gift for her birthday, to which she replies" I want you, Y/N, to destroy her. Completely and utterly ravage her, while I help you.“

With that comment, the doorbell rings, and you ask Jeongyeon to hide for a bit while you activate Nayeon’s hypnosis. Then, you open the door and greet Nayeon, inviting her in and sitting her down, chatting with her for a bit.

You activate the hypnosis when you tire of the talk, and as you do so, are reminded of one of your early girls, which started in a similar way. Then, you tell Jeongyeon to come out, and turn back to Nayeon, as she stands there in a short grey dress, with dull thoughtless eyes.

Then, you turn her on again, and tell her to stay still, then say to Jeongyeon” I want you to tear the clothes from her and tie her up with the shreds.“

She does so with vigor, even going so far as to tear the panties apart by pulling them into Nayeon’s pussy, then steps back when she is tied at the wrists and ankles, and has her own panties holding her mouth open in a rudimentary version of the sex toys you use in the BDSM room on Sana.

She vainly wriggles in discomfort, and you decide to make this even more brutal, just for Jeongyeon, and give Nayeon awareness of the situation, yet make it so she can’t do anything about it.

She immediately starts panicking and her eyes go wide with shock, however, all the panicked motion does is arouse you more, as it makes her boobs bounce and jiggle. You tell Jeongyeon that to begin, you want her to arouse Nayeon until she’s gushing, so you can fuck her, but you want her to do it without penetrating any of her holes.

In response to this, Jeongyeon walks over and begins caressing Nayeon, slowly, tantalizingly, before occasionally interrupting it with sudden, unexpected slaps to Nayeon’s ass, boobs and even her face once.

Despite this, Nayeon stops making noises of panic, and starts panting slightly, making moans with each slap. Then, she stands directly in front of Nayeon, so that their bodies are pressed together, and moves around ever so slightly, so the two girls’ nipples rub against each other repeatedly.

Jeongyeon steps back, and crouches down to check how wet Nayeon, then licks around the inside of Nayeon’s thighs, causing Nayeon to shudder uncontrollably, before Jeongyeon saunters back to you and exchanges Nayeon’s pussy juice back to you, by sucking on your cock.

She says” Is it… wet enough for you, master? Did I do well?“ And you respond by rewarding her, and you reach down and force your entire arm into her pussy suddenly, then yank it out.

As you do so, she seizes up, orgasm, then immediately shudders and stops, all in a few moments.

Then, you bring her over to Nayeon and say” I want you to abuse this girl with me. I want to break her so badly, that she can’t remember her own name. She will only want to live for her next orgasm by the time we are done. I want her to literally coat her own boobs in dribble, from the fact that we have so completely and utterly broken her mind. Do you want to join me in that?“

She looks down at the naked, damp body of her friend, then looks back at you and says” Yes. I want to help her along to the point where she has so little mind that I could do anything to her, and she won’t care.“

” Alrighty then" you say, then tell her to fetch a specific box of toys, and while waiting, you set some hypnosis in place, then, once Jeongyeon gets back, you activate it and let her watch.

She enters the room and sees your cock, then sees it grow at least two extra inches, making it unnaturally large, and you look at her and say it’s just for her birthday gift, to help break Nayeon, then get her to open the box.

Inside are various tools for pleasure, and you pull out a strap on, with a dildo attachment as large as your cock normally is, so around 10 inches, and hand it to Jeongyeon, who puts it on, then the two of you turn to Nayeon.

You pick her up, and then reposition her so she’s on her back, facing you, with her rear end available to you.

You position your unreasonably large cock at her fragile, virgin pussy, and tell Jeongyeon you want her to watch you, to learn how to use Nayeon like the little fuck slave she is. Then, without warning, or lube, you force yourself into Nayeon’s pussy, down to the base, forcing a scream from her loud enough to break glass.

Then, you pull out, and repeat the process, then start fucking her into submission.

With every slap of skin as you force yourself into her, she screams in a mix of pain and pleasure, and Jeongyeon looks on vividly, lightly touching herself, until you notice her, and wave her over.

You say" You see how her little pussy, despite stretching for me, goes back to being tight when I pull out? Well, we need to fix that, until she’s loose, which will tighten again over time, but to break her, all her holes will need to be loose. So, I want you to force that dildo in next to my cock.“

Nayeon hears this and starts frantically thrashing, to try and avoid it, then she draws out a scream, as you both ram into her violently. Then, you both begin to fuck her in an alternating rhythm, and you grope and finger Jeongyeon at the same time.

You keep this up for a while, before deciding Nayeon’s pussy is loose enough now, pulling out with a moist 'shlick’.

You tell Jeongyeon that you want to take the virginity of each of Nayeon’s holes, and then, after, you want Jeongyeon to fuck her in some torturously sexual manner from behind while you use her throat.

Then, you step to Nayeon again, who had been beginning to recover, and force your cock into her ass, reaching around to put your fingers in her mouth, and then you fuck her raw for a while, going into some severe anal sex, before roughly yanking your cock out of her battered ass, and slapping her ass cheeks, enjoying the way they wobble slightly.

Then, you gesture at Jeongyeon to take over the back and move to the front, where you force her to deepthroat so much that her throat visibly bulges, and her eyes go extremely wide in shock, then roll back in fits of pleasure.

Meanwhile, at the back, Jeongyeon has detached the dildo, and is fucking Nayeon in the pussy with it, while simultaneously fingering her ass.

You feel yourself getting close to cumming, and pull your cock out Nayeon’s throat, and as you do, Jeongyeon walks around to you and pulls Nayeon’s face up to look at it. Nayeon looks back, and Jeongyeon slaps her, then you step forward and slap her with your cock a few times.

You sense Nayeon’s close to breaking, and figure you need one last thing to push her over the edge.

You tell Jeongyeon to make you orgasm, and she instantly reaches down and gives you an expert handjob, and then just as you are about to orgasm, you grab Nayeon’s hair and use it to shove your cock in her mouth, then you orgasm, filling her mouth.

She looks at you determinedly, and you tell her to swallow, or you’ll let her choke. Despite this, she continues to resist, right up until the moment she’s about to pass out, and you pull your cock out.

She spits out your cum, not caring as it spatters across her boobs, and says” I won’t give in. You’ll have to do better than… Wait, what are you doing?“

You slowly walk to Jeongyeon and tell her to make you fully erect again, and she touches the tip of your cock slightly, then draws back, and steps to Nayeon.

Then, she slowly drags her tongue across Nayeon’s body, collecting the cum, after which she spits it onto her hand and smears it down Nayeon’s face.

After this, you’re back to full, and you grab Jeongyeon roughly and fuck her, enjoying the way she moans and squeaks with pleasure, once again, right up to the point you need to orgasm.

Then, you walk around Nayeon to the back, and plunge into her pussy.

As you begin to bulge, stretching her pussy to the extreme, about to orgasm, she screams” OH GOD NO, PLEASE NOT INSIIIIIIIIIIII-“ and is cut off as you gush cum into her, and she jerks violently, before going still again.

After you’re done, Jeongyeon rushes forward with a plug, and blocks up Nayeon’s pussy, then licks her clit to gather up the leaked cum, before swallowing it.

You gather your stamina and grab Jeongyeon by her hair, then drag her to a sofa, and lay her on her back, and pull her legs up.

Then, you finger her viciously, making her orgasm twice before you stop. Then, fully depleted, you turn with the intention of resting for ages.

However, then you notice Nayeon, who’s currently drooling all over herself, and murmuring incomplete sentences such as” I need… so big… more…. I’m a slut… please….“ which you realise means that her mind is completely broken now.

Jeongyeon also clearly noticed, because she jumps over to the girl and starts abusing her in all manners, and Nayeon’s only response is to moan in pleasure.

You’re fully exhausted now, but you decide to call in the rest of the house’s girls, and you tell them to enjoy themselves til their tired. Then, you call to Jeongyeon, and tell her to join you in bed once she’s done, and with that, you leave and go to bed.




Mind Breaking


You’re at an after school club, and the teachers have had to leave, leaving you alone in your Biology classroom with Rose, Jennie and Jisoo. You all sit for a while chatting, before you suggest trying one of the ‘magic’ tricks you’ve been learning for fun. They all get in a line, and you get out a necklace and start swinging it back and forth as you’ve seen it done, and saying the normal phrases, trying to keep yourself from giggling.

As you do it, their eyes all become unfocused, and their faces lose expression. You finish the trick and start laughing, before realizing none of them are moving. And then, you realize it worked, and they are completely yours.

As you say the trigger word, the three of them move to kneel in a row in front of you. You say the trigger word again and the three of them start undressing themselves all in sync, all for you to watch. As they’re in their underwear, they stand up and begin to undress you.

Then, you say the trigger word again, and they all kneel once more.

You whisper into all 3 girls’ ears telling them what you’d like them to do. Once you say the trigger word yet again, they all obey.

Rose begins by grabbing you and pressing you up against the wall then slowly kisses you all over your neck, all whilst Jennie is undoing your zipper of your trousers to reveal the of a cock you are wielding. Jennie starts to suck on your hard cock, and Rose grips Jennie’s breast while forcing her head onto your cock until she gags.

In the corner of your eye you see Jisoo dancing like a dirty stripper on the tables, shaking her ass around and stroking her pussy. Jennie doesn’t swallow, so you take it out and squirt all over her boobs, hair and face.

You say the command word again, and Jennie and Rose 'perform’ for you as they both shove a two sided dildo into each other and moan most viciously, writhing on the table in front of you.

Jisoo saunters over to you, smiling seductively, and removing her remaining clothes, before straddling your lap, and rubbing her pussy along your cock, becoming increasingly horny. You turn your attention away from the girls on the table and look at Jisoo for a moment as she revels and sways atop your body, before grabbing her and pushing her against a desk.

Then, you nudge your cock into her pussy, making sure the tip is in properly, before ramming it home, causing a shriek of pleasure from her.

You begin to ram her virgin pussy, pushing her through three bouts of raw, screaming orgasm, before you yank it out and force her to choke on your cock while she slumps limp from exhaustion, until you explode cum deep inside her mouth, and refuse to allow her to breath until she swallows.

Then, you let her go and she flops to the floor gasping, as you turn to see Rose and Jennie kneeling in front of you, begging to be painted with cum.

Jennie, covered in your earlier cum grabs your soft cock and starts giving you a hand job until you’re hard again, when she pushes Rose’s mouth around it, and they give you a double blowjob until you orgasm again, painting Rose’s boobs, face and hair with your cum.

You say the trigger word for the last time and they all put their clothes back on as you put yours on then they all crawl back to kneel in the row in front of you. Then you snap your fingers and it’s as if nothing had ever happened.


You’ve had a long day at school, University, and are on the way home on the train with your two friends, Mina and Nayeon, when they suggest you try out one of the magic tricks you’ve been practicing, that they heard about from your friends at the after school club last week.

You take a moment to process this, realizing that this means you can finally have sex with these two gorgeous women in front of you, without them knowing, and it still be their suggestion. You straighten in your seat, and ask to borrow Mina’s necklace, then do your thing, knowing the result.

So, when they go all blank this time, you stop them doing anything and whisper instructions to them, to come over to your house for the weekend, and bring a change of clothes, then you click, and they snap out of it, and you do some fancy looking fakery to make it seem like nothing happened.

The next day, you’re lying in bed at midday, after deciding to sleep in, when you hear the doorbell go, and you step over to the door and look into the eye hole, seeing Nayeon.

You open the door, and let her in, making small talk, before you get bored and say the command word, at which point she goes limp and blankly stares ahead, until you say it again and she suddenly takes off her clothes in an almost frantic way, revealing her boobs hung in a lacy bra, and her already damp pussy, also decorated in lace.

She then turns to you with lust in her eyes and says" Yes, Y/N, I’m your little  whore, let me suck your cock, please?“

And, obviously, you agree, and she moves over to you on her knees, before gripping your cock with a delicate hand and quickly beginning to wank it, until it’s at it’s full, length, then she shoves it so deep in her mouth she gags on it, wrapping her tongue around your thickness.

Nayeon moves faster and faster, covering your cock with her saliva, building up, and her breast falls out of her bra, bouncing with every thrust she takes in her lips.

Then, the doorbell rings again, and you say” Nayeon, why don’t you go let Mina in?“

” Of course, Y/N" she says, standing up and seductively sauntering over to the door. You watch, seeing as her ass shifts with each step.

When she reaches the door, she opens it and Mina sees Nayeon and looks extremely confused, before you say the command word, then suddenly the door slams shut, and Nayeon is helping Mina strip, then they’re both fully naked on their knees in front of you.

They both beg" fuck us, please. We’re dirty little cum sluts, only alive for your seed.“ and other variations of the message, before you hold up a hand, and point at Mina, who spreads herself across the bed, presenting her pussy, and ass, to you.

Nayeon looks on, almost drooling as you advance on Mina, until you instruct her to take a strap on out of the cupboard and use it on Mina’s throat.

Then, you turn back to Mina as Nayeon equips herself, and positions, before ramming your cock into her pussy, forcing a shriek of pleasure from her, before it’s abruptly cut off by Nayeon ramming Mina’s throat with an 8 inch strap on.

You continue to pound her like this, spit-roasting her, feeling as the warm, wet walls of her pussy contract through several bouts of cumming, leaving your cock well lubricated.

Then, you feel the pressure building and stop them both, and get them both to give you a joint tit-job, while Nayeon continues to fuck Mina with the strap on, and they both start to beg for you to orgasm on them, saying things like-

” Yes, please, I neeed itttt"

“ Oh, Y/N cover me in your cum like the dirty little cum dumpster I am.”

Until suddenly you orgasm all over their hair, boobs, and adoring faces.

You continue using them as fuck dolls for the entire weekend, before telling them they’d spent the weekend as normal, and that they should return with him next Friday evening after the train.


The next weekend, you’re lying in bed with Mina and Nayeon splayed on either side of you covered in your cum. As you lie there, listening to their slow breathing, it occurs to you - you can turn anyone into your personal fuck doll with this trick.

As you work your way through the list of people you’d use it, you realize a couple of things. The first is that it’s no longer a fantasy, it’s a real possibility, and the second is that you’re gonna need a bigger place, because a group that large won’t fit in your little apartment.

You wake the girls, and instruct them to go clean up and get ready to go home for school tomorrow.

As you watch them shower, you remember that Mina lives alone in a house of her own, and tell her" Mina, you’re now my girlfriend. Whenever anyone asks, or we’re in public together, you act as my girlfriend. I’ll be moving in with you, too. Ok?“

To which she replies” Yes, Y/N, of course.“

The week goes by peacefully, with you moving in and publicizing your 'relationship’. Your only worry is a gorgeous girl named Momo who is one of Mina’s best friends and is suspicious of the sudden relationship, and because of this, you decide you’ll add her to your sex group next.

At the end of the week, Mina invites Momo over on the Friday, and you choose another of the girls on your list to add into the group, inviting Ryujin  there as well, calling them up, and giving them the instructions to make their way to the house.

Then, you join the four of them, and lock the door behind you, then you lock the other door and sit with them. They’re all giggling together, until you sit down, at which point they quiet down.

” Looking forward to this weekend?“ You ask, giving your best innocent face.

Ryujin replies” Sounds fun enough. I hope we get up to all sorts of crazy things" grinning wickedly at you and Mina.

“ Hmm, yeah.” says Momo" How did you two get together again?“

You grin at Mina, who says” Well, it started with a magic trick-“

” What was the trick?“ Interrupts Momo.

You offer to show them, and ask Mina for her necklace again, then perform your trick, grinning as they go slack, then you leave the instructions in them, and return them to normal. When you finally get home with the lot of them, you all decide to make a little party of it, and drink a little, dance, all the normal stuff.

Then it gets to a game of truth or dare, during which you realize that you forgot to remove Momo’s suspicion, which peaks when she says” I dare you to show me and Ryujin what happens when you use that little trick of yours!“

You start laughing yourself hoarse inside, as you ask Mina and Nayeon to sit to the side of Ryujin and Momo, before getting the necklace. As you perform it again, pointlessly since the programming is already set in them, you realize you should get your own chain for this.

Then, you say the right command word, and grin as they start vigorously fingering each other, moaning and panting between making out with one another, and groping each other’s boobs.

Momo and Ryujin jump back in sudden shock, and you quietly whisper their command word, and watch as the effect slowly takes hold.

You saunter over to Momo, and start whispering in her ear” The sight of your dirty little lesbian friends makes you horny, doesn’t it? It makes you feel all sexy, and moist down there, so wet just watching them" continuing like this until she and Ryujin are fully masturbating and moaning, at which point you say the overall command word, and tell them to attend you.

You lead them through to the living room, and instruct Mina and Nayeon to go fetch a strap on, then turn to the Momo and Ryujin, who are on their knees in front of you. You point at Ryujin and tell her to give you a breast job with her boobs, and tell Momo she is to help her.

You revel for some time in the feel of soft, smooth skin rubbing along your cock for a while, until you’re fully erect, and you notice Mina and Nayeon have returned, each with massive 8 inch dildos attached to their pussies.

You tell Ryujin and Momo to stop, then tell them to lie on the ground next to each other, then you get to work, pounding away at the sensitive, pussy that Momo’s been hiding all this time.

As you do this, you see that Ryujin is being used by the other girls in both her mouth and her pussy, occasionally spasming through bouts of orgasm.

Speaking of which, you’re close to orgasm yourself, pulling out of Momo’s tight little pussy just on the edge of orgasm, then suddenly you’re surrounded by the girls, all thrusting their hands forward to help you out, until you explode onto them, mainly covering Momo’s boobs, hair and face.

As you step back, you hear the doorbell, and walk over to it, then open it and immediately say the command word, then step aside as your first girls walk in stripping themselves.

With about 8 women spread through the downstairs rooms, in states of undress, you look at Momo and say" Dammit, I missed a pun. I should’ve said it was all magic.“


Several weeks later, you’re lying in your bed after a  fueled rampage through what you realize is now your harem of women. You’ve had weeks to become familiar with their bodies to some degree, and have decided to expand the group for some more fun.

Since you realize it works, you’ve also been looking into how to allow your fuck dolls the ability to think and act independently, while still being, well, fuck dolls. And finally, you figured out how to do it, which is what started the rampage.

Now, however, you need to decide who to add to the group, so you ask them all to sit with you in the main room.

You announce the plan, and they are all enthusiastic, obviously, and begin making suggestions - none appeal to you, until one of your first fuck dolls Momo suggests one of the hottest girls at school. A girl named Chaeyoung.

You hear her name, and instantly images of her appear in your mind, and your cock becomes hard. You take this as a sign, meaning that Chaeyoung is the next to join.

And that you need to fuck one of the girls. You tell them to go return to their lives for the week, and ask Momo and another of the harem to remain for you to fuck.

This leaves you with Nayeon. You hand Nayeon a strap on, and tell her to use Momo’s throat as she wishes, then pull your cock out and shove it deeply into Momo’s pussy. You continue to spit roast her like this until you orgasm explosively onto her stomach, then you send them away, and plan adding Chaeyoung to the group.

As the week passes, you arrange to move the harem into Mina’s house, which is massive, and will be able to house a lot of girls. Then, the week ends, and you enact the plan.

You wander up to Chaeyoung and mention that there’s a party happening at your house, and that she should come along, knowing she couldn’t resist a party. She agrees, and you head to the train with her, meeting a few of the others there, namely, Mina.

You get to the house, and a party has been set up, as promised, and it rages on for a few hours, before dying down as the girls split off to their rooms, until it’s just you, Chaeyoung, Mina, and a tiny girl named Tzuyu, and they’re talking about a shared hobby of dancing. You sit with them and listen for a while, until Mina turns the conversation to your hobby of minor magic tricks.

Chaeyoung becomes interested, and begs you for a performance. You agree, for very obvious reasons, and pull out the chain you finally bought, and perform your trick, speaking the necessary instructions as soon as she goes limp, and her eyes glaze over.

You bring her back to awareness, and simply say” Right then, lets fuck" and the three of them start stripping each other.

You take in every inch of Chaeyoung’s supple body, her boobs, her pussy, before pulling out your cock. They stare at it with undisguised lust, until you grab Tzuyu’s ponytail and use it to force your cock into her mouth, throat fucking her for all you’re worth.

The other two touch themselves, or Tzuyu as this happens, until Chaeyoung gets tired of waiting and pulls Tzuyu off, making a wet bubbling sound, then pushing you backwards, and climbing atop your body.

She slowly lowers herself onto your cock, moaning as it penetrates her pussy. Then, once it’s in, she begins to lift herself, tantalizingly slowly, until she comes off of it with a sigh of pleasure, at which point you flip her over so she’s on the bed.

You yank her long legs apart and hold them in place, then look down to see that Mina is on top of her with a strap on positioned at Chaeyoung’s pussy. Then, you look further down and see Tzuyu licking your cock clean, then placing it at Chaeyoung’s virgin ass hole.

With a sudden thrust, you and Mina penetrate Chaeyoung, who screams with pleasure and pain, then the two of you pound her holes in sync, despite her almost endless spasms as she begins to orgasm. Then, her panting and screaming is suddenly muffled as Tzuyu places her dripping pussy onto Chaeyoung’s mouth, forcing her to lick the pussy.

The four of you continue in this cycle of pleasure, until you feel yourself about to orgasm, and pull out, then find that the girls have pushed Chaeyoung’s limply enthusiastic body down so that her torso is below your cock, and that they’re gathered round.

Mina and Tzuyu spit in their hands and wank your throbbing cock, bringing you right to the edge of orgasm.

Then Chaeyoung recovers somewhat, and says" Cover my slutty body in cum, Y/N. Make me your haired cumslut" before wrapping her lips around your pulsing cock, and shoving her mouth around your cock until it touches the back of her throat, finally pushing you over the edge.

She flops back as you spray cum all over her boobs, face and hair, covering Mina and Tzuyu too.

You lay back, catching your breath, then you open your eyes as you feel Mina and Tzuyu licking the cum off of your cock, and you realize this is going to be another long, yet very fun, night.


You’re sat in Math class, scribbling notes down, and feeling incredibly bored, and imaging all the ways you could better spend your time, when you feel the slightest tap on you’re shoulder. Glad to avoid work, you turn around, and immediately start to get a semi boner, as there’s a sexy a girl in front of you, named Jihyo, who you’re distant friends with.

She looks rather nervous, actually.

Then she asks" So, I, uh, heard you’re setting up a house, sort of like a sorority, and was, uh, kinda wondering if I could join?“

You take a moment to think this through.

The house you took from Mina has got plenty of space still, but you only want the hot girls as your slaves, and Jihyo’s friends aren’t all hot.

You respond” I’ll have to do an interview, of sorts, alright?“

She agrees, and asks about her other friends. You tell her to bring them, but they may not get in, as you intend to deny them all.

The day comes around, and you set up a room in the house with a desk and such, and ask Jihyo and her friends to line up, and enter one at a time. You start with Jihyo, and when she walks in, you begin to ask normal landlord questions, and tell her she has a place, if she can beat a test of yours.

You pull out your hypnosis chain, and do your trick, immediately grabbing her breast when her eyes go glassy and her arms go limp. As you fondle her, you add the instructions in, then release her, and ask her to stand in the darkened corner, then proceed to deny the others.

That is, until one girl walks in, named Chaeryeong, who you had a crush on a while back, and would love to lay down and fuck. She walks in and you follow the same process as with Jihyo, minus the fondling, then call Jihyo over and invite them both to check out their rooms with you.

Together, the three of you wander up to the rooms, and you show them around, before stopping by a bed, looking at Jihyo, and saying” Restrain Chaeryeong for me, please"

Then you grin as she grabs Chaeryeong and binds her hands together with her belt, then use Chaeryeong’s own belt to bind her legs together, stripping them both from the waist down in the process.

You stalk up to them with feline grace, then instruct Jihyo to fetch additional bindings from a nearby cupboard. As she does this, you look at the terror in Chaeryeong’s eyes, and remember you haven’t turned her programming on yet, so she’s experiencing this normally right now.

You grin, then stop her incessant pleas for help by pushing your cock into her mouth while gripping her hair. You continue to face fuck her for several minutes, enjoying the way her face bulges as your cock pushes in.

Then, you stop, as Jihyo has returned with the bindings. You instruct her to lie on top of Chaeryeong, and then you tie her up.

Stepping back, you observe your handiwork, and see the way their boobs press together, and both pussy’s slightly touch, causing each other pleasure at any movement.

You decide to add a ball gag on Chaeryeong, then move back around to the back, and debate which hole to take first. Jihyo starts begging, so you decide you’ll fuck her first, and position yourself at her ass.

Realizing what you’re doing, she attempts to protest, until you ram your cock deep into her, forcing a long scream out of her, then you begin to slowly fuck her. You decide after a minute to stop her screams, and grip her throat with one hand, pulling her body upwards, so that her boobs shake with every thrust.

She begins to pant in time with the fucking, until you stop, pulling out her ass. She slumps down on top of Chaeryeong, then suddenly quivers, and begins to fondle her boobs, as you begin to push your cock in between their pussies.

Chaeryeong begins to shake, and moan, though it’s muffled by the gag. You then suddenly plunge into Chaeryeong’s virgin pussy, shoving the full length of your cock into her.

Her body arches, and the ball gag falls out as she moans loud enough to put Jihyo’s screams to shame. You mercilessly ram her for at least half an hour, untying Jihyo to move her out the way, before pulling out before you orgasm.

When you do this, Jihyo removes Chaeryeong’s bonds, and Chaeryeong crawls over to you and begins to give you a frantic hand job, while saying" Yes master, please, orgasm on me Y/N, please master, I neeeeed ittt" .

Then Jihyo adds her hand to wanking your cock, saying" Yeah, Y/N, cover us in your cum, we’re naughty little cum sluts, we need your punishment, use our bodies as fuck slaves"

Unable to bear it any longer, you grab Chaeryeong’s hair and force your cock into her willing mouth, then explode across her throat, then pull out, cumming across her face, hair, boobs, and Jihyo’s face and hair too.

You quickly pop a cock pill, and wait for it’s effect. As you do, you survey the room, seeing the two girls lying half conscious, covered in your cum, and remember to activate Chaeryeong’s mind control, just in case, adding instructions to keep the slave demeanor. Then, you look at the door, as it clicks open. It seems the moaning attracted the rest of the house, and you decide it’s time to figure out people’s talents.

**Girlfriend Rose x Friend Ryujin x Reader**


Rose and her friend Ryujin wonder if Rose’s boyfriend Y/N would cheat on her or what his reaction would be if the situation presented itself. So they devise a plan to find out.

Rose ties up Y/N, who is willing to go along but does not know what she has planned. He is in a standing position with his legs spread apart a bit. Naked too.

Next Rose puts a wrap around his mouth so he could not talk. After checking her handy work she leaves the room and Y/N there wondering what was to happen next.

Rose goes to the kitchen to await the arrival of Ryujin who should be here any minute. At the last minute Rose decides she has to go to the bathroom. She quickly does her thing and heads back to the kitchen. After waiting for 15 to 20 min she is thinking maybe her friend backed out of there little plan so she makes her way to the room she left her boyfriend.

As Rose enters she sees Ryujin naked kneeling in front of her boyfriend, Y/N has a half hard erection that appears to be glistening wet. Next she focuses her attention to Ryujin and sees her wiping her mouth and what appears to be gobs of cum splattered all over her boobs.

Shocked at what she is observing she demands to know what is going on, this wasn’t supposed to happen. “We were only going to see if he got excited or hard by your presence or at the least see how he would handle the situation”.

“I know, I know” her friend blurts out. “Let me explain”.

“I got here and you didn’t answer the door so I assumed I am supposed to just go inside and tempt your boyfriend.”

Ryujin heads straight to the room where she knows Y/N will be. As Ryujin enters she sees him, sure enough tied up naked against a wall. She scans his body and likes what she sees, especially as she scans lower to see his balls and cock dangling between his spread legs.

At the same time the Y/N looks up and sees not Rose that he was expecting but her friend Ryujin. Not only is he in shock but makes a full blown effort to ignore her. Looking in the other direction, mumbling something but of course he could not be heard.

Well Ryujin took that as a sign of his loyalty but she was going to raise the bar a bit, so she stripped out of her clothes and stood in the direction he was looking, making sure Y/N could see all of her: her exposed body, boobs and stepping back just a bit so he could see lower to her pussy, knowing men are so visual.

When Y/N saw Ryujin again the reaction was swift and unmistakable, he closed his eyes making sure not to ogle or take in the site of her. More telling was the fact that despite her attempts at seducing him, his cock was still very much soft and just dangled below his body with his balls.

She said, “At some point I got excited myself seeing your boyfriend all naked and his junk hanging there in front of me like that knowing he could not stop me from doing anything. I guess the more he resisted me, the more excited I got until I found myself needing to touch and fondle him”.

“After doing that for a while and him still not getting hard, I could not resist anymore even though I tried. I kneeled down in front of him and began licking his balls and cock. As my desire grew stronger and stronger I sucked his soft cock into my mouth. I was totally absorbed with what I was doing, he felt great in my mouth, he even tasted great and I could not help myself so I just kept at it”.

“Eventually I felt his cock getting hard in my mouth. I don’t know, but the thought made me more horny, that I had finally got him excited. I mean here he was getting hard from my actions. It was overpowering me and I could not stop .”

“Well as you can imaging when he became fully hard I starting bobbing up and down his erection. Slow at first but like I said I could not control myself and soon found myself working him in and out of my mouth in a pretty good rhythm.”

“It was then that I realized he might actually orgasm and I didn’t want for that to happen. I mean that was supposed to be between you two. At the last second I guess I came to my senses and pulled my mouth away from his cock. Unfortunately I think I was just a little to late because just then I felt the warm and wet sensation of his cum hitting my boobs.”

“I am so sorry, I didn’t want this to happen like this.”

As she looked up to Rose to see her reaction, which she no longer looked mad but intrigued.

Surprisingly Rose found herself not upset but strangely horny. Maybe it was the telling of the story by Ryujin, or maybe the strong but futile resistance Y/N gave. Whatever it was she found herself horny and could feel her pussy getting very wet.

In fact Rose herself could not hold back from getting some sort of sexual pleasure. Looking at her boyfriend she could see his cock was now hard again standing at full attention, perfect for what she wanted, she thought to herself.

She quickly stripped out of her clothes and walked right up to Y/N and found that with his legs spread his erection was just the right height for her pussy and she took advantage of it.

Standing face to face she reached down grabbed his hard cock and positioned it right to her very wet opening then sank down on it. She slide easily down his shaft and then held him tight to her. Since he could not do much being tied and all, she found it very erotic and instead of pumping up and down on him she began to grind her pussy tight against his pelvis bone.

It had the perfect sensation of stimulating her clit and this was sending tingles through out her body. She loved the sensation and sexual pleasure she was generating and continued to grind her body to his, she didn’t even care that her friend was there.

Her clit was on fire and the sexual energy in her body was building to be too much. Rose didn’t know how much more she could take but felt a orgasm was near.

Then it happened, her body began to tense up and shake sporadically. She felt the sensation of her pussy pulsing against his hard cock deep in her pussy and at the same time her clit sending wave after intense wave, over taking her whole body.

Well, with her pussy pulsing and gripping his cock, even though there was no pumping action, he could not hold back either and began erupting for a second time. But this time filling up Rose’s pussy, which was even more exciting for him. His orgasm seemed more powerful as his cock expanded and contracted inside her pussy.

Rose just held tight to Y/N’s body and let them jerk and spasm together as their orgasm went from intensely strong to now just lingering. His cum was now beginning to run down the inside of her legs and that broke her trance. She slowly lifted herself off his cock and collapsed on a nearby chair.

This was not what she or Ryujin had in mind with their plan but both were surprised how much pleasure and fun they had.

Almost as soon as Y/N had crossed the threshold into Rose’s front room and had seen Rose waiting for her, the two had been in each other’s arms. It was a hungry kiss on Rose’s part.

Fierce and insistent. Her lips soft to the touch and her hands strong and firm on the back of Y/N’s back.

Y/N, who typically liked the softer side of things when it came to the bedroom, was stunned by how much she liked what was going on. Usually when she was kissed hard, it was done poorly.

Too roughly, with very little concern for her own sensation. Just someone jamming their tongue down her throat with little regard for the build-up.

Rose, however, was a wonderful mix of the slow and the hungry. Her tongue playful and letting Y/N’s own tongue respond and caress.

In fact, Y/N was surprised to discover, soon she was a very equal partner in the kiss, the tension of the day spilling out of her in unexpected ways. She bit at Rose’s lower lip and felt her hands gripping Rose’s ass tightly against her.

In response Rose positioned her leg between Y/N’s legs and Y/N surprised herself by spreading them slightly, wrapping herself around Rose’s strong leg and finally filling a desperate need by rubbing herself against Rose’s muscular thigh. She groaned as she finally felt some pressure against her pussy, even if it was just a leg and there were two layers of clothing still separating them.

She felt Rose’s hand slide up her shirt and cup at her boobs and felt how stiff her nipples were only when the center of Rose’s palms pressed against them and squeezed, eliciting a moan from Y/N. Rose’s hands were strong and, like the rest of her skin, hot to the touch.

Again, Rose seemed an incredible mix of the strong and the soft. In the past many of Y/N’s lovers had thought that, because her boobs were they weren’t sensitive, that they could be kneaded like dough.

But Rose’s touch was soft and skilled while still being firm. Still betraying a desire for more.

But it was Rose’s hand on her boob that also caused Y/N to pause. To feel self-conscious.

Enough so that she broke the kiss. Rose took this as an encouraging sign, apparently, and began kissing at Y/N’s neck.

Again the feeling was amazing but Y/N’s mind began to wander as she felt Rose’s hot breath and lips on her and how Rose seemed to want to lick every part of Y/N’s body.

“Rose wait,” Y/N said, “Could we slow down for a second?”

Rose stopped although, Y/N could tell, there was a great deal of reluctance there. The girl took her face from the girl’s neck and even took a bit of a step back so they weren’t quite so pressed together.

“What’s wrong?’ Rose asked, clearly surprised.

Nothing Y/N had done, she’d known, indicated she didn’t want things to go further. In fact, she did want things to go further. Much further. She just wanted a break.

"Look, I know this is strange but is there anyway we could just pause this for a second?” Y/N said, “I meant what I said about the shower. I haven’t had a decent one in days and I feel pretty sticky and gross and, I don’t know, if I’m going to be with you I kind of want to be at my best.”

Rose exhaled. It was clearly one of frustration but, Y/N noted, unlike sometimes in the past when she’d told a guy to slow down, it wasn’t an angry or disappointed frustration.

Rose just clearly wanted Y/N very much. Something Y/N had to admit she liked a lot.

“Yeah, I mean so you know, I would still fuck you if you were much, much dirtier than you are right now,” Rose said, “Like, without a second thought but I get it. Follow me.”

Y/N nodded with a smile. She really appreciated the gesture.

She followed Rose through the , noting that for someone who had apparently lived there for years, it looked nearly empty. There was some nice old furniture but almost nothing on the walls, the small TV in front of the couch was on top of a milk carton and the video game system beneath it was inside said milk carton.

It looked like one of the many off-campus apartments Y/N had been in over the years.

“Yeah,” Rose said, “As you can see, I never really settled. I don’t know, I always expected to be moving on, I guess.”

Y/N nodded. But more than just receiving an answer to what she was wondering, she liked that it seemed like Rose knew what she was thinking.

Some part of Y/N’s brain knew that Rose simply must have had to say that to anybody she brought to her but Y/N always liked it when there seemed to be a sort of unspoken connection between her and who she was with. Like they were on a similar thought wave.

It was a small bathroom near to what Y/N thought looked like a main bedroom that Rose showed her to. There was a modern looking shower inside and Y/N really did enjoy the sight of it.

“Want me to join you?” Rose said in a low, suggestive whisper as she wrapped her arms around Y/N’s waist from behind, her lips nuzzling at Y/N’s ears.

Y/N again let herself relax into Rose’s arms as she felt Rose’s hands both reach up for her boobs and moaned at the sensation.

“I’ll just be a minute,” Y/N said, doing her best not to listen to the instinct that was telling her to simply do whatever it was that Rose wanted, “And I’ve always found shower sex to be trickier than it was sexy.”

“Yeah, me too.” Rose said, sounding genuine even though it had another exhale of frustration with it. She gave Y/N a quick peck on the cheek before letting her go.

“I’ll be out here if you need me,” Rose said, “You can see the towels.”

Y/N smiled back at Rose as the door closed. Quickly, she pulled her shirt over her head and pulled down her shorts and panties, glad to finally be rid of them.

She could feel her wetness though with every step and she knew she wanted to make it a quick shower. Just enough to feel a little less dirty and then get right back to where she left off.

Rose’s shower was relatively simple, something Y/N was thankful for as she remembered from various sleepovers and nights out how she hated having to try and work out a new one and always ended up burned or freezing. The water rushed out of the new looking shower head with a lovely coolness and Y/N decided to enjoy it.

The heat of the day finally getting to her as she felt instantly refreshed. She let the water cascade down her body, soaking her hair and running down her back. She felt ten degrees cooler within seconds.

But she didn’t dawdle. She didn’t want to be in there long. She wanted to be with Rose.

She wanted to feel Rose’s hands on her and her lips and she wanted the shower to be over. Confident that she’d washed the accumulated few days of travel off of her. Y/N got out and grabbed one of the clean white towels Rose had pointed her to.

As she dried, Y/N couldn’t help but admire the curves of her own body.

Y/N didn’t know why she was assessing herself so. To her it was just her body. Something she knew well and was used to and didn’t worry about much.

But, she knew, it was the same reason she’d wanted the shower. She was so attracted to Rose, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious.

She was more attracted to Rose, Y/N thought, than even she’d realized. Y/N just wanted Rose to find her equally sexy and, to Y/N, that meant being at her best.

For a second she wished she had something frilly and lacy to wear. The kind of thing that girls in the movies would come out in after they said they had to slip into something more comfortable.

But Y/N didn’t have anything other than her  shorts and  shirt.

So Y/N, after taking a deep breath and steeling her nerves, opened the bathroom door and simply walked out naked. Not lingerie, she thought, but it would do in a pinch.


Y/N hadn’t known what to say. The girls in the movies in their lingerie, Y/N remembered, they always had the perfect come on.

But when she walked out of the bathroom and found Rose sitting on the corner of her bed, her attention distracted by some magazine, Y/N couldn’t think of a single thing other than how much she wanted to be kissing her again. “Hey” would have to do.

“Fuck me,” Rose said.

Y/N could see that Rose was trying to play it cool but there was a way that Rose’s eyes looked at her that let Y/N know that she’d made the right decision. That Rose was impressed by her body, a fact that made Y/N feel even sexier.

“I don’t have clean clothes,” Y/N said, “And I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

“Just wow,” Rose said, standing up from the bed and running her hand lightly over Y/N’s naked stomach, “You go in there all  hippy chick and walk out a Playboy bunny.”

“Is that good?” Y/N said, unsure of how she felt about that. She’d seen a few Playboys in her day and didn’t think of herself like the girls in there. Artificially posed for the enjoyment of men.

“Well, maybe from back in the 70’s,” Rose said as she ran her fingers, lower. Down her stomach to just above Y/N’s glistening pussy, “When they had incredible real boobs and looked like cute little surfer girls.”

Y/N smiled. She liked that idea much more. Rose’s hands moved to Y/N’s hips and ran along them, still just with her fingertips, just a light point of contact leaving a trail of heat across Y/N’s body.

Y/N wanted to feel those fingers everywhere. Still, Y/N thought about her own fingers, now lightly running up Rose’s arms and began to realize that she would soon find herself in unfamiliar territory.

“Just, you know, you should know that I’m…”

“What, straight?” Rose said, amused by the seeming incongruity of it.

Y/N shook her head.

“I don’t think of it like that,” she said, “But it’s like, I don’t really eat meat, right? But I don’t call myself a vegetarian. But whenever I’ve been hungry I’m still driven by not wanting to eat meat so I don’t, right? But sometimes I see a hamburger and I’m like, oh that looks good and I want one but then I think that I don’t even know how to eat hamburgers or how they’ll make me feel or how I should eat it so that the Hamburger is happy, you know?”

The words hung in the air for a second, Y/N knew she had rambled and made very little sense.

“Are you literally comparing me to a piece of meat?” Rose said, her eyes narrowing and a smile creeping on her face.

“No,” Y/N said, feeling embarrassed and searching herself for the words she wanted to say, “I think of myself as being pretty fluid, you know? Like if I’m with a guy I really like and want to be with I’m not straight so much as I am straight around him. Does that make sense?”

“Sure,” Rose said as she leaned down and began lightly brushing her lips against Y/N’s shoulder. Small kisses from her clavicle to her neck and then towards her mouth.

“So, you know,” Y/N said, feeling her pulse quickening and her breath shallowing, “I won’t know what to do.”

“Girl, I’ve wanted to fuck you since the moment I saw you,” Rose said, whispering hungrily into her ear, “And I’m done waiting.”

Y/N felt Rose’s hands grip her ass and spin her around, pressing her against the small wooden dresser alongside the bed.

Rose was kissing her again, even hungrier than before and Y/N only paused a second before she was again wrapping her legs around Rose’s lean frame, her hands twisting in Rose’s dark shirt and pulling her closer.

Y/N didn’t tend to care much for the F word when it came to sex. She liked saying sex or making love or something along those lines.

Fuck always seemed violent to her and violence, in Y/N’s mind, was the opposite of what she wanted to do with someone she liked.

But there was something about the way Rose touched her, about the ferocity of it, about how it spoke to a desire that Y/N knew she had as well that made it seem right.

More than right, Y/N thought, thrilling. She wanted to fuck Rose. She wanted Rose to fuck her.

Rose’s mouth wasn’t on hers from long. It again kissed at Y/N’s neck but kept traveling downward, landing on the generous slope of her boobs, Rose’s mouth and teeth and tongue alternating between the two, licking and sucking and gently biting at her nipples.

Hungrily sucking her flesh inside her mouth and leaving it damp with spit and ever so slightly tender. Y/N loved the sensation, wanting Rose to linger at her boobs for as long as she wanted but soon saw Rose’s desires lay elsewhere.

Rose dropped to her knees, her mouth kissing down Y/N’s stomach to her inner thighs. Y/N moaned at the feeling even as she felt some trepidation.

Y/N, in the past, hadn’t been a big fan of guys going down on her. Not that it didn’t feel good, it did, but mentally Y/N always thought it was either something they were doing out of obligation or in the transactional hope that it would result in a blowjob.

Y/N thought there tended to be something fake there and, when Y/N was with someone she wanted honesty. She wanted them to be doing something they wanted to be doing.

“Holy fuck,” Y/N moaned as she felt Rose’s tongue run along the length of her wet lips.

Her long, soft tongue caressing her folds and rolling over her clit. Y/N immediately realized there was no artifice to this at all.

Rose’s eyes were looking up at her with delight as her tongue slipped inside her, seemingly well confident in what her tongue could do to the face of who she was with.

Y/N groaned as Rose started licking her deeply. Feeling every contortion and twist of Rose’s seemingly prehensile tongue as it explored her fully.

Long slow licks as well as fast flickers of a darting tongue that left Y/N breathless and her hands bunched in Rose’s hair, pulling her closer. She wanted to feel Rose’s tongue as deep inside her as possible.

Rose obliged, her tongue finding places and sensations inside Y/N’s pussy that made her knees buckle with jolts of pure pleasure. Y/N felt like she was being consumed, Rose’s insistent mouth clearly reveling in every sensation of it to.

Touch, taste, smell, sound and, with her big eyes still looking up at her lover’s grinning face, the sight of it.

Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. A joyful sound.

Despite the ferocity, there was a playfulness to what Rose was doing to her. A teasing.

Rose’s tongue would find a sensitive spot and Y/N would plead for more and Rose would use the information against her mercilessly. Giving her a little of what she wanted before withdrawing then finding it again.

Y/N felt her legs widen, wanting to spread them to give Rose even more access to her pussy and felt her lover’s strong hands lift one of her legs up and around her so that the back of Y/N’s knee was at the back of Rose’s shoulder, her foot dangling in the air.

“Holy shit,” Y/N moaned, her newly opened stance letting Rose’s tongue penetrate her even deeper.

She felt the sensation make her weak and, with her leg in the air, imbalanced. Reaching behind her she attempted to grasp the dresser tighter but felt instead her arms knocking something over.

Y/N turned just in time to see a trophy fall to the ground, the little Karate dude posed on top snapping off as it hit the floor.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry I broke…”

Rose didn’t seem to notice the destruction. She just kept licking.

Faster and faster and deeper and deeper, her nose brushing against Y/N’s clit and sending more and more jolts of pleasure through Y/N’s body.

Y/N felt a pressure building inside her. One that she knew meant she was close.

Each lick, each roll of the tongue, that Rose gave her contributed to it. Y/N’s insides feeling like a dam holding back a current that just kept building and building.

She felt herself clamp down on Rose’s tongue but the tensing of her inner walls only built the tension further. Like the dam had gotten smaller as the river rose.

Finally it was too much. Y/N burst.

She felt her inner walls contract and she gushed all over Rose’s incredible tongue. Her fingers gripping the dresser tightly almost for her safety as she felt her knees wobble and her orgasm pass through every single fiber in her.

She was wordless as she orgasm, simply breathing heavily as the wave passed through her. Little throbs from deep inside her pussy that spread around her, running up the length of her legs and into her spine and somehow cooling her off and heating her up all at once.

Rose kept licking her, seemingly loving the taste of the juices that poured forth from Y/N’s pussy. The constant pressure seemingly prolonging the orgasm, making Y/N go almost thirty seconds until she felt her tensing body relax, her breathing return to normal and her head stop spinning.

When she finally stopped, when Rose finally removed her tongue and looked up at her, her chin glistening with Y/N’s wetness, Y/N tried to put into words some sort of mix of admiration and gratitude and relief. She didn’t find much.

“That was…wow.”

“Mmm,” Rose replied, her teeth grazing against Y/N’s inner thigh.

There was something else Y/N noticed as she felt Rose’s hands move around to her ass. The electricity that had been between them all day, it had changed.

It was still there, somehow less and more than it was. Satiated but unsatisfied. Acknowledged but not fully explored.

Y/N soon found herself being pushed down onto Rose’s soft bed and Rose almost pounced back on top of her.

“You Vegetarian girls taste incredible.” Rose said smiling as she kissed Y/N deeply.

There was less ferocity though. Simply a long slow, languid kiss.

Y/N could taste herself on Rose’s tongue and, she had to admit, she had no disagreements whatsoever, even if she couldn’t speak to the influence of her diet in a comparative sense.

“So, what do you want me to do?” Y/N said, still unsure of the dance steps of lesbian sex.

Rose simply smiled. Rising up from Y/N’s body she pulled the sleeveless top over her head and tugged off her thin bra, revealing her  torso.

Y/N couldn’t help but marvel at it. Y/N wanted very badly to please her the way she’d been pleased.

Rose, apparently, had other plans. Soon she was kissing her way back down Y/N’s body.

But it was slower now. Her tongue seemingly leaving a trail of moisture that touched every part of Y/N’s cool skin.

She licked around her areola and the undersides of her breasts and her belly button, drawing a sharp giggle from the ticklish woman, before again setting up shop between Y/N’s legs.


Y/N tried to protest. It wasn’t her turn after all.

Y/N hated it when she was in bed with someone selfish and the last thing she wanted to do was to be that way with Rose. Still, Rose seemed insistent and soon Y/N was protesting for another reason.

Her orgasm had left her practically buzzing but it wasn’t until she felt Rose’s tongue on her clit that she realized just how sensitive she was down there.

Rose’s tongue running over her most sensitive point somehow felt like nails on a chalkboard, if nails on a chalkboard could somehow be both simultaneously unbearable and incredibly wonderful.

“Oh god, no,” Y/N protested as she realized what Rose was doing.

Her tongue was dancing on her clit, rolling it and taking it between her pussy lips and sucking slightly. Y/N felt its tip trace around it, writing letters or drawing picture or something that made Y/N squirm uncontrollably.

She tried to fight it, it was too much. She felt like she would scream or faint and so she clamped her thighs tightly around Rose’s head almost to protect herself from the unbearable, terrible, wonderful sensation.

As she did, she found herself feeling another new and wonderful sensation. Rose’s  hairstyle left one thigh pressed against silky hair.. The contrast was incredible and Y/N felt her grip around Rose’s head loosen.

Freed from Y/N’s gripping thighs, Rose kept at it. Her tongue tormenting Y/N with it’s slow, leisurely licks over the hood of her clit.

Y/N wanted her to somehow slow down and speed up, to cut it out and never stop.

Y/N felt her own hands on her boobs, the heavy orbs filling her soft hands, her fingers pinching at her sensitive nipples as she threw her head back in a violent moan as a second orgasm overtook her.

Y/N whimpered as her body again shuddered in pleasure. She surrendered.

\She would do whatever it was Rose wanted. Whether it was passive or active. She was in her hands. Rose was her guide and she would do as instructed.

Rose continued and it wasn’t until she’d brought Y/N to yet another orgasm, this time after inserting two fingers inside her and thrusting her long, firm digits into Y/N as her tongue continued writing a novel on her clit. Finally, panting and feeling like she’d been wrung dry of every possible bit of pleasure her body could give her.

Rose finally stopped, leaving Y/N panting and in, what she realized, was a bit of a damp spot on the bed.

Y/N was lost in her bliss. Barely noticing it when Rose was on top of her again, their boobs pressed together and their lips meeting in slow, easy kisses.

“You like,” Rose said, her voice confident and as blissed out as Y/N felt.

“Uh huh,” Y/N nodded. Unable to think of a way to express just how much she’d liked it.

Y/N, even though she didn’t feel great about it, understood the contentment in Rose’s voice. As much as she enjoyed her own sexual pleasure, Y/N’s greatest thrill was in getting the person she was with off.

Making them lose control. Rose, it seemed, was the same way and Y/N knew it was a well earned satisfaction that the taller girl felt.

It was that sense of generosity that had Y/N finding some resolve to no longer simply be the one having things done to her. She rolled over onto her side as her leg snaked around Rose’s back, pushing the other girl off her along with her.

Now, both on their sides, Y/N’s hand began exploring another woman’s body in a sexual context for the first time. Her hand ran up Rose’s  forearms, tracing along and then to her powerful and along her rounded shoulders.

Her hand continued down over Rose’s boobs and over each abdominal until eventually it came to rest between Rose’s legs.

Y/N stroked Rose’s wet pussy lips, lightly at first, just as she’d done with the rest of Rose’s body but unlike the rest of her, Y/N let her fingers linger there, go back and forth. Familiarize herself with the contours of it, how it differed from her own only slightly, feeling a lovely little shudder from Rose as she found her clit.

As she did, the act of getting a woman off began to demystify for Y/N a little.

She was no expert, she knew that, but she’d brought herself to many orgasms over the years and, after licking her fingers to get them wet, she found that Rose seemed to respond to Y/N’s fingers similarly to Y/N did.

“Mmm, that’s good,” Rose said, her lips finding Y/N’s earlobe and tugging.

Buoyed by the encouragement, Y/N rubbed a little quicker, small circular motions that repeated themselves with gradually increasing speed.

She felt Y/N pause, her body stiffen as the speed increased and for the first time since they’d started making out, hell since the two had first seen each other, Y/N felt like she had something of an upper hand on the girl.

“Fuck me, yes,” Rose moaned.

Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the way Rose looked, her face contorted in pleasure. For the first time, Rose didn’t seem like she had all the answers, like she was the coolest person in the room.

Now, Rose just seemed like she was someone whose body was reacting to someone else’s touch and with the same needs as anyone’s.

Y/N crouched down, her mouth licking and sucking first one of Rose’s nipples into her mouth and then the other.

Her fingers rubbing at an even quicker pace, the sort that Y/N used on herself when her self-exploration was perhaps interfering with her punctuality and she just needed to get off fast. She didn’t want to rush Rose, far from it, but she did want to get Rose off. She wanted to know she could.

Y/N was so lost in bringing the other girl off, however, that she almost didn’t notice that Rose’s passivity was a very temporary state.

Rose’s arms were long enough to reach down to between her own legs and seemed to want to mirror Y/N’s actions.

“No fair,” Y/N whined, biting Rose’s lips, “This is your turn.”

“Shut up and fuck me,” Rose said with a laugh that Y/N could only describe as a giggle.

A noise that she would have bet solid cash money against ever escaping Rose’s lips. She’d made the cool girl giggle with pleasure, something Y/N found exhilarating.

The two girls fucked each other like that, their hands frantically rubbing at between each others legs. Y/N again felt her legs clamp down against Rose’s hand and realized that it was because she was close again.

She bit her lip and tried to ignore the sensation. She couldn’t orgasm again.

She needed to make Rose orgasm first. She knew that there was another powerful orgasm inside her, one that she could feel approaching but that she had to resist.

Y/N was not a pushover. She would get Rose off or die trying.

“fuck me, yes, oh shit, oh fuck you little sexy fuck, FUCK”

Rose screamed, her hips bucked. Y/N saw her leg convulse and her stomach tighten before slamming down on Y/N’s hand like a steel trap.

Y/N couldn’t contain her smile, grinning from ear to ear, she’d won. She’d held out.

She’d made Rose orgasm and orgasm hard. Rose rode her hand as she continued to make little cooing noises as her orgasm rose to a crest and then broke.

Rose’s lips broke into what looked like a stunned smile, almost as if she was scoffing in disbelief as to what Y/N had been able to do to her.

“Yay,” Y/N said softly, finding her voice dry from all of the pleasure she’d screamed.

She nipped at Rose’s collarbone, the  girl’s hands having come to a temporary rest between her own legs.

“Beginner’s luck,” Rose said, although the smile she gave Y/N looked very appreciative.

“I’m a few ahead of you.” Y/N said, downplaying her accomplishment.

“Well, prepare to have the smirk on your face wiped clean,” Rose said as she, seemingly having regained her composure, pushed Y/N onto her back and again assumed a dominant position on top of the woman sharing her bed.

Y/N moaned and spread her legs wide. She had been so close to cumming herself, having to bite her lip to keep and fight her release, that she welcomed it.

She bit her lip again, this time in hungry anticipation, and braced herself for the feeling of Rose’s fingers on her clit.

“Oh,” Y/N gasped as Rose surprised her.

Instead of the circular rubbing motion she was expecting, she felt as Y/N’s knowing fingers only lingered on her clit a second before trailing lower down and finding her tight entrance.

Y/N moaned as she felt two of Rose’s fingers slide inside her and curve slightly upward before sliding out to the knuckle.

Y/N relished the sensation that was, for the first time, somewhat familiar. Being penetrated like this was a welcome call back to something Y/N was familiar with.

Something that she liked very much. Spreading her legs to accommodate Rose’s hands she rolled her hips as Rose pushed back inside.

She gasped as Rose’s slightly crooked fingers, after a few seconds of searching, found a spot that made her quiver with ever little motion and pressure.

“Oh that’s good,” Y/N moaned, “That’s really, really good,”

“Good,” Rose said before kissing Y/N hungrily.

Y/N practically squealed in excitement. This, to her, was perfect sex.

The sort she was familiar with and had grown to love. A passionate lover on top of her, inside of her, reading her body.

The two of them in total sync, reacting to each others needs and wants.

That it was a beautiful, woman on top of her was new, yes, and the feeling of Rose’s boobs against her own was emphasizing that but to Y/N it only brought a wonderful element of novelty to something wonderfully familiar.

Novelty. The word ran through Y/N’s head as she felt Rose’s fingers speed up in her.

Y/N knew it had two meanings. It could mean something new and a fad, a craze.

Something different just for difference’s sake. Y/N immediately dismissed the second as being one she meant.

Rose, with her skill, gentleness and playfulness, had released something in her that she knew couldn’t be put back into a bottle. Something that wouldn’t go away.

Being with another woman was not something that she was just experimenting with. It was, Y/N realized, a part of her sexuality.

Of who she was. It hadn’t been fully realized, maybe, but it was an avenue she desperately wanted to explore.

And, as Y/N gasped as Rose slid a third finger inside her pussy, she wanted that exploration to be with Rose.

It was a tight fit, despite Y/N’s wetness she could feel the third finger stretching her wonderfully. Reflexively she felt her inner muscles clamp around it but that only heightened the sensation of fullness.

It was a new territory for her but, as Rose kissed her again, Y/N realized there was no fear of the newness. She trusted Rose.

Trusted that all of the sweetness and proficiency Rose had shown at bringing her to orgasm would again manifest itself here.

“You like,” Rose asked,

Y/N looking up into the wonderful deep, rich of Rose’s eyes, felt that trust. She could tell Rose knew that Y/N liked it.

Her moans and rolling hips betraying whatever modesty she might have felt. But she could also see it was important to Rose for her to say that she liked it.

Y/N nodded her approval. Rose’s hand quickened, her fingers again finding that incredibly sensitive spot inside Y/N’s pussy and making sure she hit it with every thrust.

Y/N’s hands found the back of Rose’s neck and pulled her closer, kissing her as wildly, as gratefully as she could. Rose was right.

The third finger had only heightened the feeling inside her pussy. Y/N could feel another orgasm approaching and she knew it was a big one.

A deep internal pressure filled her and, as stretched as she felt, she imagined herself with absolutely nowhere for it to go. Like she might burst if it hit her and so it just grew and grew inside of her.

“Fuck, Rose, god yes,” Y/N moaned as her hands moved from Rose’s neck to around each shoulder, her nails digging in roughly as she felt a spike of pleasure course through her.

“You want to orgasm?” Rose asked

“Uh huh,” Y/N could only nod.

For a second, Y/N gave into her selfishness. She wanted the orgasm inside her.

Desperately. She didn’t care about numbers or fairness.

She just needed that sweet release.

“You have to ask first,” Rose said, her hand almost slamming into Y/N now, the bottom of her palm almost slapping against Y/N’s clit.

“Please let me orgasm,” Y/N plead, her voice desperate, “Fuck Rose! It’s sooo good.”

Y/N did squeal. Rose had slid in a fourth finger.

Now Y/N knew she would pop. She felt stuffed, amazed that Rose had even managed to do it.

But in an instant Rose was fucking her just as hard with practically her whole hand inside her.

“Then cum for me bitch,” Rose hissed, “cum all over my fucking hand.”

Y/N shuddered. Ordinarily she’d never have allowed herself to be called that word but somehow, from Rose’s lips, it felt absolutely appropriate.

It didn’t mean a woman who was too assertive or mean. It meant a woman giving into her raw, deep desires.

Her desperate need.

Y/N felt herself squeeze down around Rose’s hand again and rocked her hips, she could feel her muscles spasm and her body shake as that huge orgasm remained just tantalizingly out of reach.

“I said orgasm, bitch,” Rose said again sharply.

Y/N burst. Her body shaking, her voice a raw howl.

Her back arched up towards her lover, she felt her cum gush from her pussy, flooding Rose’s hand with her cum. She tried rolling her hips but found she was doing it wildly, uncontrollably, bucking against Rose’s hands as sparks went off inside her pussy.

Y/N could swear she saw the desert sky above her, stars twinkling in the cool black before her eyes rolled inside her head. She felt every muscle she had lock, her fingers now digging into the small of Rose’s back and her toes curling.

The pleasure at an intensity unlike any she’d known in her life.

Y/N didn’t know how long it lasted. All she knew was by the end of it she was a sweaty, panting, smiling, crying mess.

Her body feeling sore and electric and utterly, completely satisfied. She felt like she was on some sort of higher plane, one she’d meant to be on before but just never reached.

Lying there, Rose having rolled off of her and at her side, she felt like she had to express it somehow. This new feeling of contentment and enlightenment and oneness she felt.

“That was so…fucking…awesome,” she panted.

They kissed again, this time with a growing hunger. Y/N could feel herself heating up again, her skin still hot and sensitive to the touch but somehow the pot had brought up an intense desire that, amazingly, Rose still hadn’t managed to quench.

Rose’s lips were adding greatly to that, kissing down Y/N’s jaw to her ear and snaking her tongue inside before gently tugging at her earlobe with her teeth.

“Fuck, I wish we had more than one night,” Rose said softly

“Night’s not over,” Y/N said, her own teeth sinking into Rose’s shoulder.

Rose smiled and the two kissed deeply, their tongues again swirling around each others. Rose rolled Y/N onto her back and was again between her legs, grinding against her.

“I want…” Rose said, breaking the kiss, “I mean, are you cool if I fuck you with a strap-on?”

Y/N paused. She didn’t know what to say.

She’d never really used toys in the past. She wanted to shake her head no, to tell Rose that they didn’t need it.

That Rose’s fingers and lips and tongue were more than enough for her and that she didn’t know how something else, something between them, would impact things.

But Y/N could see in Rose’s eyes that it was something that Rose very much wanted to do and, Y/N, who felt like she hadn’t done enough for Rose before, didn’t want to refuse the beautiful girl.

“Very cool,” Y/N nodded.

Rose beamed even as she hopped up and reached for the small drawer on her nightstand.

She pulled out the sturdy looking black harness and what Y/N thought looked like a very long, very thick cock attached.

“Just…” Y/N said sitting up and clutching the sheet against her boobs, feeling an odd outburst of modesty,, “Just, you know, remember I’m still learning.”

Rose smiled as she cinched the harness around her waist before she gently placed her hand on the middle of Y/N’s boobs and pushed her back down onto her back. The two wrapped themselves around each other again, embracing as they kissed.

Y/N clutching the back of Rose’s head as Rose cupped the soft flesh of Y/N’s boobs.

True, Y/N could feel the hard plastic pressed against her thigh but it didn’t feel as foreign as she’d thought it might. It actually was sort of familiar.

Somewhere in their embrace Rose reached down and positioned the head of the cock better, rubbing it against the outer lips of Y/N’s pussy. Back and forth, slowly, Rose teased Y/N with the head of it, nudging at her clit before going back down and starting over.

Every time Rose would push a little but then withdraw and just rub again. Y/N’s apprehension quickly melted into anticipation and, then, urgent desperation.

“Come on, please,” Y/N said, arching herself towards Rose. Rose just smiled that little knowing smile.

“Do you want it?” Rose asked

Y/N nodded.

“Say it,” Rose said strongly.

“I want it,” Y/N said, feeling herself burn with how much she did, “Give it to me.”

Rose thrust forward, pushing inside. Y/N groaned at the intrusion.

It felt bigger than it looked and she could feel herself stretch around it.

“Oh fuck,’ Y/N moaned, throwing her head back as she felt the cock slide inside her pussy.

Rose tilted Y/N’s head back downward and kissed her again. Soon they were making out as before, slowly and passionately, but Rose was thrusting inside her pussy.

Slow steady thrusts that Y/N thought might drive her mad they felt so good. She felt her hands wrap around Rose’s back, her nails digging into her lover’s skin unconsciously as another thrust brought her to yet another shudder.

Her legs spread wider, wrapping around Rose’s back and giving her more room to increase the tempo.

Rose kept it slow though, expertly rocking the big thing out of Y/N. Letting her get used to it.

Feeling the resistance give way as Y/N got wetter and wetter, allowing her to glide the thing in and out of her. Soon she was pushing in the whole thing, still in slow steady strokes that ended when there was simply no more left to push inside her pussy.

Rose could feel Y/N’s moans every time and decided to take her mouth away, instead kissing down to Y/N’s neck and applying a sucking pressure. She wanted to mark the beautiful  woman as well as hear the noises she was creating.

"Oh fuck,” Y/N moaned, “It’s so fucking good.”

Rose smiled and began thrusting faster. She had patience but she had limits.

Soon she was thrusting steadily, each time at a new angle, each time with slightly more force. Y/N could feel the thickness of it, the big head rubbing along her clitoral hood with every entry and then coming to a rest deeper inside her pussy than any one or thing had ever been.

She began rolling her hips to meet Rose’s thrusts and found she could have some say in the pace.

Rose started going faster and faster, eventually moving Y/N’s long legs from around her waist to above her shoulders. Above her, she fucked down into Y/N, pressing her against the bed.

“Fuck, don’t stop” Y/N begged as she felt Rose’s cock hit yet another depth, one that triggered another new wave of sensations. Every angle, every position.

They seemed to find something new inside her.

Soon Rose was fucking her hard. Fast, the bed shaking with her thrusts.

“Fuck don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop” Y/N begged.

“I won’t fucking stop,” Rose laughed.

Y/N laughed too as she felt Rose shift again and this time find the spot that Y/N knew was the right one.

She howled her pleasure and Rose got the message slamming into her again and again at that angle.

“FUCK,” Y/N howled again as she began to orgasm, feeling her leg twitch and shake as the big cock drove her into a frenzy.

She bucked into the thrusts now as the orgasm enveloped her, her hips riding the big cock to the wave of pleasure’s regrettable conclusion.

When Y/N eventually recovered, Rose was on top of her again, her boobs pressed against Y/N’s ones and both of them panting heavily.

“Did you orgasm?” Y/N asked

“Yeah,” Rose panted, biting Y/N’s shoulder.

“But how?” Y/N wondered.

“There’s this thing on the inside of the harness a nub and my clit and…yeah.” Rose groaned, “I’m good with it.”

They lay entwined for a few seconds before Y/N felt Rose’s hands on her stomach, gently withdrawing the cock.

Y/N gasped as she felt the cool air on her exposed parts now, feeling open and empty and yet still incredible.

“One last thing,” Rose said, her hand pressing against Y/N’s hips, pushing her onto her side.

Y/N looked skeptical. Typically she didn’t like getting fucked from behind.

Being a fan of eye contact the way she was it always felt less intimate than any other position and that was before the fact that most of the time it just seemed to increase the speed, and therefore hasten the end, of the sex.

“You’ll like it,” Rose said, seemingly reading Y/N’s mind.

That wavelength, again, Y/N thought as she complied. She’d liked everything else Rose had done, after all, and so rolled over onto her hands and knees and braced for Rose’s entry.

To her surprise though, Rose pulled her up onto her knees and sat behind her. Spreading Y/N’s legs, she positioned the cock below her and pulled Y/N close so that their bodies spooned together on their knees.

Y/N felt the cock head slide into her pussy again as she leaned backwards into Rose’s body and groaned once more at its entrance.

Rose rocked forward, pushing the cock up and into Y/N’s pussy in a slow rocking motion as both of her arms enveloped Y/N’s voluptuous frame.

Rose’s left arm wrapped under Y/N’s left arm and curved upward, her forearm resting on Y/N’s boobs and her hand gently gripping around Y/N’s neck.

Her right arm came down over Y/N’s shoulder and found it’s way down between her legs. Again, Rose’s skilled fingers began rubbing at Y/N’s clit.

“Oh shit,” Y/N moaned

Rose nuzzled into Y/N’s neck, licking a circle on it before biting it gently.

“Do you like it?” she asked, a demanding whisper.

“Yes,” Y/N moaned, almost breathlessly. The combined friction of the cock inside her and the fingers on her clit something unlike anything else they’d done.

Rose rocked her harder, her fingers rolling Y/N’s clit faster. Her hand squeezed Y/N’s throat ever so softly, just enough for her to feel pressure.

Y/N moaned her pleasure. She hadn’t liked rough sex in the past but this was different.

Somehow being wrapped in Rose’s arms and feeling her soft skin and boobs on her back made it different. She wanted Rose to be rougher.

There was nothing intimidating about it. She felt a sort of surge of intensity inside her and wanted to give into it.

She wanted to let every little thing she’d kept hidden out. Every secret desire, every one that she couldn’t reconcile with her love of intimacy and sweetness.

She wanted to be fucked.

“Fuck me,” Y/N said, the tone of her voice surprising her.

Rose smiled and pushed Y/N down roughly onto all fours.

Taking a strong grasp of Y/N’s hair she began thrusting her hips roughly into her, surprised at how Y/N’s body was rocking back, fucking back onto Rose’s cock almost as hard as she was thrusting into her.

Y/N groaned at the spike of pain from her hair being pulled and how it mixed with her pleasure to heighten it. The sort of thing she’d always dismissed.

Now she was discovering it was real and it was inside her and every thrust of Rose’s cock was bringing it out of her. She wanted more of it.

“Spank me,” Y/N asked, her pussy squeezing around the invading cock.

This angle was the best yet. The big cock felt like it was rubbing her clit from the inside, a spot she’d never known she had.

Rose obliged, her slick palm slapping against the cheek of Y/N’s ass. A loud crack filled the room and Y/N moaned in delight.

“Again,” Y/N moaned. Again Rose delivered. Harder. Y/N liked it even more.

“Harder,” Y/N asked. This time Rose brought both hands down on Y/N’s ass before gripping her fingers into it for leverage as she kept slamming her cock into Y/N’s willing body.

The pace only increased. The two fucking into each other wildly, Rose’s hand occasionally cracking into Y/N’s ass or pulling her hair to give Y/N that incredible jolt.

The pressure of the cock building and building inside of her pussy, Y/N feeling an orgasm about to course through her that felt huge and terrifying.

“Cum for me,” she heard Rose say and the rough commanding voice, it did something to her as well.

Y/N began to orgasm, but it was unlike the other orgasms Rose had given her that day. It was smaller and coursed through her quickly, for a second, Y/N thought she was disappointed.

But then as Rose kept fucking her she had another. Another pulse, another tremor, one that zipped around her body and made her pussy contract along with her fingers and toes.

Then there was another. And another. And another.

The bed was shaking with Rose’s thrusts and Y/N could feel the sweat dripping onto her back. But she was lost.

It seemed like every second thrust there was a new one. They were overlapping, combining and merging and getting bigger every time.

“Oh god FUCK Rose I fucking love you!” Y/N shouted as she felt the big one finally hit her.

Slamming her, making her tremble. She couldn’t thrust back, she felt completely engulfed.

She couldn’t even keep her head up and she collapsed onto the bed, bent over at the waist. Metaphors failed her.

Y/N knew it wasn’t fireworks or shooting stars or anything like that. It was just the biggest fucking orgasm of her life, one that came from deep inside her, and dwarfed any she’d had before.

She felt like she’d been fucked into complete and total oblivion.

She didn’t know when it stopped exactly. There were still ripples and aftershocks running through her.

As she felt Rose’s body collapse against hers, finally spent as well, she thought it was done but it seemed like every inch of her skin that Rose’s warm body touched brought out memories of what the orgasm had done and brought it back in little tingles of reminder.

It was incredible.

Soon Rose was again nuzzled into her neck. It was still too hot to be curled up against each other but Y/N didn’t care.

She didn’t want to be even inches away from the lover who had brought her to such a state. She wanted to curl up against Rose and sleep for a hundred years.

Eventually, slowly, and with every movement a struggle and a blessing, they found themselves back at the head of the bed, Rose with her hands behind her head in a sort of victory pose while Y/N wrapped her leg around Rose’s and rested her head against the taller woman’s shoulder.

Both of them panting like they’d just run a marathon.

Y/N could feel sleep filling her. A deep contented sleep that spoke to a sort of satisfaction she’d ever known before.

Even the heat, it seemed, couldn’t fight it. But Y/N struggled against it and, to her surprise, a bit of a neurosis sprang up.

“Do you…want…to do more…stuff?” Y/N said, still breathing raggedly.

Rose laughed.

“Good gosh woman, I know the cock doesn’t get soft but I’m still flesh and bone.” Rose said, “Aren’t you done?”

Y/N shook her head.

“No it’s just, I’m fine,” Y/N clarified.

She couldn’t picture being any more fine. “I just feel like, you know, you did more to me than I did to you and I know how it can feel if you’re with someone who doesn’t seem to pay as much attention to you as you did to them and I feel like so much of this has been about me and…”

Rose kissed her forehead.

“Ok, first of all, you’re adorable.” Rose chuckled, “But you’re also exhausted and I had an incredible time and I came multiple times and you were amazing and I really actually am also exhausted and want to sleep.”

Y/N nodded. She was exhausted. But she knew that there was a competing emotion. One she couldn’t shake.

“I know…it’s just,” Y/N hesitated, “We just have one night and I don’t want it to end yet and…”

Rose kissed her again.

“It doesn’t have to be just one night….”
