#yeji smut


A 20 year old Y/N was once dating, however, found out one day that the girl he was dating was cheating on him. She broke things off with him mentally destroying him. He lived in an house where his roommate was another woman, Rose who was also the same age as him.

The two have a completely close and platonic relationship and they talked about a lot of things that go on in their lives, Y/N’s recent situation being one of them. Rose would comfort him to help ease the pain away.

Two weeks after his break up, Rose receives a call from her two girlfriends - Chaeryeong and Yeji also around the same age, inviting her to watch a movie at their apartment later in the afternoon. Rose, still sympathetic towards Y/N, decided to invite him to what was a girls night and low key ask her friends if her roommate could join. The two gladly accepted not knowing that Rose’s roommate was a guy.

After the call Rose convinced Y/N to go out with her to her friends appartment without mentioning that he was going to be the only guy.

It was later in the afternoon and both roommates were getting ready. Y/N, a decently looking guy with very good looking body came out of his room wearing black joggers and a button up tee and an undershirt. Following suit Rose was second to finish.

Y/N eyeing her from head to toe. She had a cute petite body with long straight highlighted hair sporting a red crop top and blue low cut jeans and some white flip flops showing off her small feet and short toes. Y/N had a small foot fetish and despite their close friendship, Rose barefoot always had his attention.

They both arrived at Rose’s friends’ appartment fifteen minutes later. Rose knocked when they arrived at the front door. Answering the door was a woman 5'6" with a slim and curvatious figure, and long staight red hair.

Wearing a blue shirt with a tied knot and khaki thigh high shorts.

“Rose! ”

“Chaeryeong! ” Rose responded with glee as they hugged. “Chaeryeong, this is my roommate, Y/N. ”

Y/N politely greeted “Nice to meet you Chaeryeong. ”

“Likewise, Y/N…” Chaeryeong scans Y/N as they both shake hands. “Come on in you two. ”

The two roommates enter the appartment. Not far from the door was the living room. They saw another woman - Yeji sitting at the L shaped sofa with a remote in her hand and fixated at the smart tv across from her.

Rose walks towards Yeji after removing her slippers going in for a hug. Yeji stands 5'7’ with long and curly blonde hair, an very good looking body, with a loose pink tee and dark yoga pants. The two besties hug for a little over a minute and Rose introduces her roommate to her other bestie.

Shortly after their introduction Yeji turns to Rose.

“Rose, a minute? ” in a slightly serious tone as Yeji pulls Rose in the direction of her room.

Rose rolled her hazzel eyes and advised Y/N to have a seat till they return. Five minutes passed, and the girls left the room to join Y/N. Rose also had to clarify to Y/N what was going on, and with the air cleared, they selected a movie on Netflix.

The L sofa was big enough to seat all four of them, the roommates on the side of the seat facing the screen, Rose being next to the arm rest and Y/N closer to the corner. The other two women at the perpendicular seats. About mid way through the movie Rose was getting a little bored and struggled staying awake.

She tugged on Y/N’s shirt to get his attention and when she did, gestures to him that she was going to take a nap. She lays on her side resting her head on the armrest and those gorgeous small feet on his lap. Y/N impulsively twitched when contacting her feet.

When Rose glanced back at Y/N she signaled him if he was okay, Y/N reassured her with a sign back.

Forty five minutes later the ending credits start to roll. Everyone was still awake besides Rose who was heavily asleep. Yeji and Chaeryeong get off the sofa and talk about getting dinner.

All three came to a consensus; the two girls would pick up food nearby, which was roughly a fifteen minute drive, leaving Y/N and Rose in the apartment alone. One of the ladies gave Y/N the remote to the tv and departed. His mind with conflicted thoughts he’s been holding back since the movie.

There weren’t many times Y/N would be in this kind of scenario throughout their time living together. He cautiously lifts Rose’s left foot from her ankle and replaces it on top of his growing hard on. His very good looking body automatically flinched upon her foot landing, his long exhale was consecutive bursts of air.

The longer his roommate’s foot rests on his groin the harder he became.

Ignoring the left foot, Y/N grabs her right foot with his left hand from its side and mildly runs his thumb across the first three of digits of her short toes. Rose’s left foot under his control grazes his large penis through his pants side to side and at random pressing her foot through uncontrollably fidgeting after every press. Y/N felt the exhilaration, his pants created some discomfort as if his penis was about to break through his pants.

He unzips his pants releasing his penis and places it in between the sole of her right foot and the top side of her left foot. Y/N’s heart and breathing are racing. The thought of getting caught was pitted against having a golden opportunity.

He props his hard large penis and moves Rose’s feet up and down feeling her smooth skin touching his nerves. Rose suddenly jitters, stopping Y/N putting him on edge, she softly snores shortly after. Y/N continues to play with her feet doing long, smooth, sensual, strokes from base to tip. Slightly moving his hips increasing the sensation.

The sound of one of the locks of the door unlocking alerted him. Y/N panics, attempting to stash his penis back into his pants. His sporadic movements wake up Rose.

Rose pushed herself up and in shock with open eyes discovering her roommates hard penis out and her feet mere inches away around it.

“ Y/N… what were you doing?”

Y/N froze. He couldn’t answer. All he could think is how he just fucked up.

The door opens with a greeting announcing Yeji and Chaeryeong’s return however stops mid word only to end up seeing Y/N and Rose staring at each other. They look carefully and both also take notice of Y/N’s penis out. Whispering and grinning at each other.

Rose continues to ask dumbfounded Y/N. “ Y/N. Were you using my feet to get off?”

“ Ye… yea…” Y/N, his mind deteriorating and ashamed.

Rose, upset, gets off the sofa and walks into Yeji’s room to recollect herself. Yeji looks at Chaeryeong and nods in Y/N’s direction. The two separate, Yeji brought the take out dinner onto the kitchen counter and headed to her room checking on Rose leaving the door closed.

Chaeryeong, on the other hand, approaches Y/N sitting in Rose’s spot. Y/N a little composed but exposed, faces away from Chaeryeong to fix himself. Chaeryeong ties her long staight hair back and turns Y/N to her.

Chaeryeong places her hand on his chest, locking eyes as she eases herself closer to his face.

“ Let me take care of that.” In a soft seductive tone pushing him down.

Chaeryeong has Y/N lying on his back; removing his pants, underwear and spreading his legs out and her in between. She spits at her right hand and wraps her delicate fingers around his member, stroking sensually on his semi hard large penis.

“ How’s my hand?”

Y/N couldn’t make words. He simply nods yes.

“ Good?” She giggled" Maybe you would prefer my mouth?“

Y/N does not respond and just peers at her basking in the moment.

Chaeryeong uses her right hand to hold his large penis from the base. Her tongue meets with the tip of his cock, licking in circular motions around the mushroom tip adding a couple tiny kisses.
She looked up at Y/N with an alluring look on her face,” Mmm. Your cock tastes so good.“

Chaeryeong encases his cock in her mouth and bobs her head traveling slowly and as she moves she licks his shaft all around.

Appearing before them was Rose and Yeji - who was holding lube in her hand.

*Ahem*” Seriously Chaeryeong? You couldn’t wait?“ Yeji says.

Chaeryeong pulls herself away, a string of saliva from her soft lips to his penis wiping her mouth. Y/N glancing at both Yeji then Rose. Y/N immediately turning his head away with a disappointed look.

” Hehe. I was comforting him. Taking his mind off.“ Chaeryeong exclaims as she continues to stroke his penis lightly.

"Aww, you’re so sweet Chaeryeong. ” Yeji says in a soothing tone smirking.

She caresses Y/N’s face with her hand turning his head facing her. Her sincere yet thirsty eyes piercing his guilty eyes.

“Don’t worry, Rose isn’t mad. She was… a little blindsided. By… well you know. She was thinking you might be using her feet to jack off.” She turns her head focusing on his hard on. “As her friends we can forgive you. One of us already has…”

Chaeryeong chuckles in response to Yeji’s accusation, “as for me, I’m still debating. ” Y/N trying to analyze what Yeji said.

Yeji undresses herself. Y/N watching her every move. What is now revealed under her pink tee was her boobs. She then pulls down her pants revealing her satin panties and a little cameltoe.

“He’s a quiet one. ” Chaeryeong pointed out

“We’ll see about that. ” Confidence behind Yeji’s statement.

Chaeryeong slaps her butt,“ Get it girl!”

She sits in place of Chaeryeong and lays on her side, positioning herself where her boobs meets up to Y/N’s hips. First, she uses her left hand as support licking his penis from bottom to tip.

Meanwhile, Chaeryeong too also strips her clothes off leaving her see through panties on and displaying her a cup boobs. She sits behind Y/N keeping his upper half of his very good looking body raised nestling his head in between her boobs. She wrapped her arms around him, massaging his well built chest.

Yeji begins to insert him into her mouth. She concentrates on the tip swirling her tongue around as she moves her head up and down. She strokes the shaft in unison with her head.

Her hazzel eyes were fixated on him making sure he watches every moment. With Yeji’s mouth plus her glaring pretty eyes, Y/N was getting fucked both body and mind.

The sensation was increasingly intense, struggling to resist biting his lip. He makes a short soft moan.

“ Oh my… he likes it, hehehe.” Chaeryeong remarks.

Yeji guides his penis in between her cleavage still stroking varying in speed, twisting her hand as it moves up and down. She proceeds to graze her boobs with his penis, his tip would meet her nipple teasing him continuously. For a short period Yeji took the opportunity to experiment.

She would replace Y/N back in between her cleavage. She pressed both of her boobs and moved up and down.

“ I was always curious about doing this. You seem to be particularly enjoying it.”

Y/N thrusts again in response to Yeji’s boob fuck. Yeji stops moving and let’s Y/N continue a bit.
Yeji wanted to slow things down and pull herself away giving themselves a small breather.

She instructs Chaeryeong to hold his arms as she restrains his wrists.

“ Nuh uh uh. I’m not letting you rub yourself out. I’m surprised though. You have endured both of us for this long.” Yeji says.

“ He looks like he’s going to climax.” Chaeryeong responded.

“ I can’t wait till he does, but it’s too soon for him. Besides, there’s still one other thing I want to do.” Yeji had a slight evil grin on her face.

Chaeryeong and Yeji look at Rose, her face covered with a pillow, trying to resist watching. Who knew how long she was covering herself. The two don’t say anything and continue to toy with Y/N.

Yeji squirts lube in her hands and spreads it on Y/N’s penis. She goes on top of him and pulls the center lining of her satin panties aside and rubs his penis along her pussy lips. She proceeded to insert him into her.

She lets out a loud moan and begins to ride on his penis. Chaeryeong let goes of his arms.

Y/N starts to moan himself, losing control over himself. Instinctively places his hands on her hips, gyrating his hips, pounding each other.

Chaeryeong points Y/N to Rose.“ Someone else is enjoying the show.”

Rose stripped down to her  panties, one hand groping her boobs and the other fingering herself inside her panties. Y/N watches Rose as Yeji rides him. Yeji takes notice and decides to stop and gets off of him.

“ Maybe we should give Rose a turn.” Yeji suggests.

“ N… no… you can keep going.” Rose answers back.

“ You sure? He reeally wants you.” Chaeryeong says.

Rose complies and briefly thinks and comes up with an idea. She gets up and instructs Y/N to stand up. She takes over his spot.

She squirts lube in her hand and messages her feet one by one with it leaving Y/N entranced by her actions. Rose lifts her left foot, playing footsie with his penis. Without thinking Y/N gets a hold of her ankle and moves her foot along his shaft.

Yeji and Chaeryeong are fascinated with watching Y/N playing with Rose’s foot. Rose continues to lead Y/N on by lifting her right foot hitting his free hand, signaling Y/N. He knew exactly what to do.

“ Woo! Go get it Y/N! screw her feet hard haha!” Chaeryeong teasing and cheering him on.

Y/N places his penis in between Rose’s soles and starts to thrust himself. After enduring himself multiple rounds of getting blue balled he musters up the energy to finally finish the job. He gradually increases speed desperately wanting to climax.

Rose moaning loudly gazing at Y/N’s swelling large penis" Yea screw my feet till you climax.“

Rose looking at Y/N as he heavily focuses on fucking those divine arches. He struggles to keep his footing feeling weak in the knees and kneels. He readjusts himself using her delightful short toes and starts to stroke upright.

He softly calls out Rose’s name in response Rose reassures Y/N that it was okay to climax. For one last push he strokes fast for a moment letting out a huge sigh of relief. He spurts out a load of cum all over her toes.

The three girls all amazed to see Rose’s feet glazed in Y/N’s cum. Y/N feeling weak and extremely sensitive, he sluggishly moves to sit down. Yeji and Rose move over to make room for him.

Chaeryeong gets off the couch to grab a towel.

” His cum is so warm. I’m not gonna lie, it feels pretty nice.“ Rose playing with the cum.

” That must have felt really good. You made a mess all over Rose’s feet.“ Yeji said.

Y/N struggled to let out any words trying to catch his breath. Within his view adjacent to him was Yeji’s covered feet. Yeji wanted to feel his cum on her feet and took off her socks revealing her delicate feet and little toes.

Both girls’ feet meet as one lathers the other with his cum. Afterwards Yeji touches his sensitive penis gently stroking him. Y/N was starting to get hard yet again.

Both girls giggle, seeing his penis throb back up wanting more, Yeji took the initiative and started pressing his penis with her foot.

” You have more for me?“ with a big smile on her face she continues to tease him.

Y/N grabs her ankles and desperately goes for another run with Yeji without hesitation. Exhausted already, he could do it at slow pace but even slow strokes still turned him on. Yeji constantly teasing him verbally excited to see him climax again.

The thought that it was her this time really excited her. Yeji decided to help out and stroke him up and down. Y/N rolling his eyes with deep breaths enjoying every moment.

Being that it was her first time giving a foot job she was gradually getting tired. Rose reaches over and assists Yeji grabbing her ankles.

With Rose in control she started moving Yeji feet at a moderate pace. He jitters as the pain and the pleasure get to him. Rose and Yeji anticipate the second cumming.

As Y/N gets closer and closer, Rose changes it up immediately having his penis rest on top Yeji’s sole of her left foot and stroking him in between the toes with her right. With no resistance Y/N groans loudly as he let’s another small batch of cum release all over Yeji’s feet and toes.

Y/N now contorted like a wet noodle passes out recovering the” torture" he endured. The two girls lean on him on either side resting their heads on his shoulders. Chaeryeong returns to find the three tired, leaves the towel with them and let them be.

A couple hours have passed, Yeji and Rose woke up, minutes after Y/N also. Chaeryeong fully clothed greets the three and tells them she reheated the take out food for them to eat. She calls it a day and says good night to all of them. After putting on their clothes they go about their late dinner somewhat casually.

Y/N is still processing what had happened and keeping to himself. Yeji and Rose having a typical conversation as if nothing happened.

After dinner Y/N and Rose get ready to head back home, Yeji walks them out to the door. Rose hugs Yeji and heads to the car first. Y/N says bye and the moment he turns around Yeji grabs his arm. She puts her finger over his lips to prevent him from saying anything.

“ After what happened I’m sure you and Rose have much to talk about. Between you and me, you’re the only guy where I did much… uh, exploration. It was fun and I would like to do it again but for her sake I can’t allow myself to.”

“ Where is this…”

“ I’m just setting up some boundaries between us. If you ever need a second pair of feet to turn to, I’m always an option just for you, nothing more. You don’t have to be concerned about trying to sneak around, we already accepted you as our foot loving guinea pig. We talked about it while you were still asleep. We’re open to your little fetish and like to cater to your desire.”

Y/N’s face turned red and embarrassed. Yeji says good night to Y/N and gives him a kiss on the cheek and closes the door.

Y/N heads to the car and both roommates head back home.

What Yeji said was engraved in his head during the trip and made him a little thrilled to see where this relationship takes him.

Y/N was playing Basketball with Lisa and Yeji in gym at University.

“ Y/N you know we’re gonna kick your ass” Lisa said.

Y/N didn’t care. All he could care about was Lisa and Yeji’s ass and boobs bouncing as they run and Basketball. The bell rang.

The girls went to their locker room and Y/N pretended to go to his until they were gone. This is when he decided to take a peak. He slowly opened the door and what he seen was amazing.

30 teenage girls in their underwear, some fully nude. But he was looking for two certain girls.

He walked in. He planned to use the excuse that the teacher sent him in to grab something, but none seemed to care he was there. He couldn’t find Lisa and Yeji.

He looked in every locker row but no sight. Than he heard the showers. He walked in to the shower room and there they were.

Naked, perfect sexy bodies soaking wet with hot water and soap. He could feel his cock growing in his shorts. They see him and giggle.

He tries to hide but Lisa says" Get in here Y/N, you seen us naked now it’s our turn"

Y/N’s shocked about what he just heard, but walks in anyway. Lisa walks up and pulls his shorts and off and his erection pops out at her. She stares at it.

“Oh my God it’s huge !” Yeji looks.

Her pussy already soaking wet from watching Y/N play Basketball but THIS makes her wetter than she’s ever been.

“ What do you think Yeji”“ I think we should fuck him”

Y/N never thought he’d hear those words from either of these girls, but he doesn’t protest.

“ Ok” Y/N says.

Yeji says" me first. I’m really horny"

Y/N walks over to Yeji and she bends over against the wall. He can see her ass and pussy perfectly now.

His cock is throbbing. He wastes no time, he aims his cock and slides right in.

He can feel her pussy lips swallowing all of him. He thrusts slow at first but she begs him to go harder.

Before long he’s pounding her pussy so hard it can be heard everywhere in the locker room. It doesn’t take long before Yeji starts shaking and screaming as she begins to orgasm.

She’s done she slides down to the floor and Y/N turns to Lisa" your turn?“

” Your goddamn right it’s my turn" she says.

She pushes him to the wall and falls to her knees. She wastes no time and swallows his cock whole.

She slides it in and out of her throat.

He starts thrusting into her and just before he orgasms she pulls out and bends over against the wall" fuck me Y/N" he skids into her and starts fucking hard and fast.

She can’t keep quiet. It doesn’t take long for her to orgasm. She orgasms and squirts her lovely cum all over Y/N he goes to pull out but she says" no. fuck me in my ass" he puts the head of his cock on her ass hole and slowly pushes in.

She thrusts back and slams him into herself.“ Oh my God Y/N, you’re . fuck me hard. fuck my tight ass Y/N. HARD!!”

He does. After a while he can feel his orgasm coming and pushes as deep as he can. He shoots his hot cum deep into her ass and she loves it. He pulls out and sits on the floor.

“ What now” Y/N says.

“ Call me” says Lisa.

**Step-Sister Yeji x Reader**


My name is Y/N and some days, after work, I go to my mother-in-law’s house. Last week, when I got there, she wasn’t home. I waited in my car for her, listening to my new CDs.

My sister-in-law Yeji, lives in the same house complex, and five minutes later, she was outside asking if I wanted to wait inside with her. I noticed that she had a button undone on her shirt, which she never does. As she bent over through the window I could see into her shirt (or was I staring? )

Her hair  cascades over her shoulders, down to the boobs she tries to hide with oversized shirts. The few times I’ve seen her in anything other than baggy pants, I noticed she has a ass. Her beautiful face showcases eyes and a smile no one can say no to.

Once inside, I sat down, and Yeji offered me a shot. When she bent down to put my shot on the coffee table, I could clearly see most of her boobs.

I couldn’t see everything, but I could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. When she stood up, I saw cleavage, cleavage that she has never shown before. Except for the tight short or pants she sometimes wore, she always dressed very conservatively, always a high collar shirt or buttoned up to the top.

Even the mini skirt that she changed into when we came in was very unusual for her.

Yeji had her drink of choice, margarita. Though she wasn’t slamming it like a shot, she was not sipping it like most people do. I have seen her get really drunk before but never taking-her-clothes-off drunk.

15 minutes and three glasses later, one more button was open on her shirt and her skirt was moving up. I wasn’t sure if I wanted my mother-in-law to come home (this was my sister-in-law in front of me) or if I wanted her to have more margarita.

I was halfway done with my shot and she was getting a fourth glass. When she sat back down, she sat with her legs slightly open, and I could see she had on panties. I was finding it harder not to stare.

‘This is my sister-in-law, ’ I told myself, 'I can’t look, ’ but at the same time I was hoping to see more.

Unexpectedly, she quickly stood up, unbuttoning one more button. Her boobs seemed ready to fall out. She walked over to me, lifting up her skirt.

I could see little butterflies on her panties. She opened her shirt, allowing one of her boobs to show, then quickly covered it. Sitting in my lap, she put her arm around my neck and drew my face into her open shirt.

“It seems like forever I’ve wanted to do this, ” she said.

She got up and walked into another room. Her skirt stayed up and I watched the bottom of her ass sticking out around the panties as she walked. When she came out of the room the skirt was missing, and her boobs were barely restrained.

As she sat down her boobs came out, but she deliberately took the time to put them back in. The shirt covered her panties. Sitting down, she had her legs open and the panties were peeking out.

I didn’t know how much more I could take of this, but I had to do something. I got up and told her I was leaving. Wordless, she removed her shirt.

As I was opening the door, I heard, “Don’t I get a kiss goodbye? ”

I turned around and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She turned and the kiss landed on her lips. I had to try very hard not to put my arms too low.

Instead, I gave her a tight hug in the center of the back, which only served to push those boobs against my chest.

I turned around to leave. Before I could open the door, she reached around my head to keep the door closed. In her hand was a large dildo.

“Are you going to leave and make me use this, ” she asked as she pushed her boobs against my back. “or are you going to help me? ”

I didn’t turn around right away. When I did she had already gone to her bedroom. Her panties were lying at my feet.

I didn’t know what to do. This was my sister-in-law, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. Slowly walking to the room, I could hear moaning.

As the moans got louder, I moved more quickly. Almost unconsciously, I was taking off my clothes. By the time I got to bedroom door, my pants were halfway off.

As I entered the room, I saw Yeji was lying on the bed face down and naked. For the first time I saw her ass.

“Oh, look! One of us has clothes on, ” she said to me over her shoulder. “Does that mean I have to get dressed? ”

I quickly took off what remained of my clothes. Then I started to get on the bed with her. Crawling to the edge of the bed, she stopped me.

“Stand here, ” she ordered, pointing at the floor in front of her. “Closer. ”

I moved up to the bed right in front of her. Before I could register what she had planned, she had my cock in her mouth.

I didn’t need any help getting hard, as I had been hard ever since she started to unbutton her shirt.

When she rolled over those boobs popped out. They were with nice perfect nipples, both of which were hard and sticking out.

I ran my eyes down over the rest of her body to her pussy. I was already hard, but I got even harder.

“You look like you have never seen anything like these, ” she said as she played with one of her boobs. “What, are my nipple’s then my sister’s?”

I immediately put the free breast in my mouth. I sucked on the free breast, first softly, then harder.

I watched Yeji’s hand move from her other breast down to her pussy. She didn’t stop to rub, however; she went directly in with one finger.

I tried to move down but she stopped me, moving me over to the other breast. Then she took her free hand and grabbed my cock, stroking up and down.

She pushed me onto my back on the bed, and drew my cock into her mouth. As her tongue swirled around my cock, I gently pushed her away, so that this wouldn’t end early.

She stopped and I began to get up, but she crawled up to my face, putting her pussy on it. It was dripping wet, and with her legs wide open my tongue had no problem getting in deep.

She rocked back and forth on my face. The moans were getting loader every time I plunged my tongue in as far as it would reach.

I could feel her twitching and tightening, and I thought she was going to orgasm on my face. I felt like I was going to orgasm from the excitement.

She crawled off of my face and onto the floor on her hands and knees. I wasted no time getting on the floor and thrusting my cock in her pussy; grabbing a handful of hair and pulling.

She stopped me just before I could orgasm, but only so she could turn onto her back. She grabbed my cock and hurriedly shoved it into her.

After that, I didn’t take long. I didn’t want to stop it, but I don’t think I could have even if I had tried. Of course, I did make sure we came at the same time.

“I’ve been waiting for this a long time” She said.

**Teacher Yeji x Student Reader**


Y/N was a regular student, at the moment studying in South Korea.

The first semester in Korea flew right through her. Passed all the exams, had as much fun as she could, and in the blink of an eye, the second semester arrived.

It was the first class of the second semester, on a Thursday morning. She walked into the classroom, filled with computers, said" Hello" to her new classmates and chose a desk to work on.

Five minutes later, the teacher walked through the door. Y/N was too busy checking her text messages to see her coming. Y/N lifted her head from the computer screen and faced her new teacher, who was looking at her with an intriguing smile.

“ You must be our faculty’s new addition, from Portugal?”

But she was too focused on her teacher’s hard nipples just as Y/N liked.

Trying her best to focus on her teacher’s question, something like" Ehm, yes, I am" came out of her mouth, still hypnotized by the teacher’s amazing looks.

The  woman smiled and looked down for 3 seconds.“ So, shall we begin?”

One month had passed since the first time Y/N put eyes on that  piece of sin whose name turned out to be Yeji. Her sex life was, let’s say, very active. But, no matter how hot the girl she was fucking was, she would close her eyes every time and picture her teacher’s body glued to hers with sweat.

Every time a girl was going down on her, she would lean back her neck and grab her hair violently, picturing her teacher’s soft-looking hair while screaming" fuck me, harder"

Her Thursday classes were all the same: No attention on the subject, whatsoever. If the teacher wasn’t looking, she would quickly scan all through her body, picturing the dirtiest things she would do to her.

When she leaned on someone’s desk, Y/N would feel this little shock right in the middle of her legs, squeezing them in a hurry to stop her crazy imagination from floating, but all she could do was close her eyes for seconds and see her teacher on all fours, begging her to fuck her harder, while the young girl buried her strap on cock deep inside her pussy, followed by her ass hole which she would firstly lick, like a cat licking its milk.

She never had much hope of realizing her fantasies. But, from time to time, the teacher would turn out doing little things which confused her quite a lot, like leaning on her desk so close to her, that if she turned her head to the place where her teacher was, their lips would meet.

Or, staring attentively at her, in the rare occasions Y/N found the will to actually work. She was a clever girl, and none of these little details passed unaware to her.

This raised deeply her self-confidence towards this huge sexual attraction and started acting in a more sexual way with her teacher, who noticed it.

The second semester was over, and all that was left to finish were the exams. It was a hot June afternoon, when Y/N took her usual bus on the way to the faculty, nothing new, except one thing: She was moving towards a private oral examination with her hot teacher.

The night before, Y/N found herself dripping wet, just of imagining the most perverted things that could happen in that office. Of course she wasn’t expecting any of them to come true.

Sitting on a chair outside her teacher’s office, she watched with attention her classmates going in and out of it, each of them taking around 5 minutes. The teacher had put her at the bottom of the list, which at first confused her until she realized her surname’s initial letter was the 4th last of the alphabet.“ That explains it” , she thought.

Finally her turn came. With her heart racing, her skin smelling like baby oil and wearing her best underwear, she opened the office’s door and faced her biggest sexual fantasy since that hot September when she first arrived to Korea.

The teacher was more beautiful than ever: Her hair looked healthier than ever; she was wearing a complete white dress without back, and its neckline showed off the small sun marks left on the boobs, which Y/N considered kind of hot; she wasn’t wearing a bra, for what Y/N could see her rock solid nipples through the dress and wondered how come someone can look so hot with so much charm. She breathed deeply and took a sit.

“ Hello Y/N, how are you these days?” , asked the teacher with a confident smile on her face.

“ Good, good… Thank you” , Y/N answered, not able to hide how nervous she was.

“ Now, you look nervous! Haven’t you studied enough for the exam?” , she put on a sarcastic smile, which comforted Y/N. She appreciated sarcasm.

“ I did, I did, yes… I guess some things you can never get rid of, no matter how much you try. Nervousism is my only weakness, when it comes to final exams”

“ I perfectly understand you, but I also know you’re an intelligent, smart girl. You’ll be fine!”

With this, the exam started. Y/N had, honestly speaking, studied quite a lot, thus in the end she got all the questions correct. She felt proud of herself.

After a while, the teacher stood up and moved to the opposite side of the desk, where her student was sitting.

With one hand on Y/N’s shoulder (which made her muscles have a quick spasm), the teacher put two sheets in front of her, bureaucracy shit which she had to sign.

With all her muscles contracted, she jotted down her signature in the bottom of each page; her teacher’s perfume was now floating around her senses. Y/N felt wet. Her teacher noticed her uncomfortable feeling and whispered on her ear:

“ You know… I have always noticed how you act around me. It’s like… I have some kind of strange effect on you. Do you want to tell me what’s going on your mind?”

Y/N started breathing heavily. Her heart started racing all over again and her panties were wet of so much desire.

“ Needless to say… I feel the same around you, did you know that… ?” , once again the teacher whispered on her ear.

Y/N’s heart stopped for a fraction of seconds and came back to life as soon as she felt her teacher’s wet lips placing on her neck. They slowly slipped to the front part of her neck and she could now feel the sweet scent of her teacher’s hair… It smelled like strawberries.

Y/N’s fingers penetrated her hair gently, while with her right hand, the teacher started unbuttoning her student’s blouse. The girl’s neck was now leaning back, while her teacher’s mouth came across her boobs.

The teacher turned Y/N’s chair so as to face her, kneeled between her legs, greedily licking, biting and sucking Y/N’s nipples and unbuttoning her jeans at the same time.

Y/N didn’t know how to put into words how horny she felt at that moment. With her neck leaning down, this time, she watched while her teacher, the same who took part on her wildest fantasies when she couldn’t sleep, went down on her.

In a quick movement, she slipped Y/N’s jeans down her legs, kissing her bellybutton and going down with the tip of her tongue. The came right off and Y/N found herself exposed, in the middle of a teacher’s office, in South Korea.

That uncomfortable feeling lasted around 3 seconds, for her teacher’s wet tongue was now making circles around her clit, therefore driving her crazy. She tried her best not to moan, although it wasn’t easy.

The damn teacher was talented. With her eyes closed, she felt the teacher’s tongue inside her, penetrating her as much as possible.

She knew how wet she was and she wondered if the teacher was enjoying licking it all off, so she opened her eyes to find a completely horny woman, licking the young girl’s juice with a pure expression of pleasure, while with one hand she’d masturbate herself, underneath her dress. Y/N smiled and strongly grabbed the hair, it was as soft as she had imagined.

“ Lick me so good, I’ve been waiting to come in your mouth for so long, if you’d only known…”

“ Oh I knew it alright” , answered the teacher from between her legs.

In that moment, the teacher was sucking her so hard, the pre-orgasmic spasms began. Y/N’s hand grabbed the teacher’s hair even stronger and her legs began to twitch.

Her breathing was now faster than ever and her moans louder. From one second to the other, Y/N came, on a violent shake, in her teacher’s mouth.

The  woman licked every single drop of it, completely satisfied with her job. She went up to Y/N’s lips and made her taste her own cum, putting her tongue fully inside her mouth until her student sucked it all.

“ So, I guess this was the perfect goodbye” , said Y/N after a while, buttoning her jeans.

“ Goodbye? Who said this was goodbye? Let’s go.”

She had no idea where her teacher was about to take her, but she wanted to go. They got off the office, the teacher locked the door.

Five minutes later Y/N found herself in her teacher’s , headed to the woman’s . Now the real fun was about to start.

It was a very nice , indeed. Two bathrooms, one kitchen, one living room and a bedroom.

There was a perfect scent of rosemary in the air, and the last rays of light penetrated through the living room’s balcony, giving it the perfect atmosphere. The teacher offered her some and disappeared into the bedroom for a minute.

When she returned, she had with her something Y/N had only tried on In her wildest fantasies: a nine-inch strap on cock. The teacher unbuttoned once again Y/N’s blouse, taking off her bra, followed by her jeans and panties. In a second, the teacher was also naked.

She grabbed Y/N’s hand and made her feel how wet she was. And all because of her, thought the student.

She strapped the big cock onto Y/N’s waist, kneeling just like she had done in her office and started sucking it, at the same time she stroked it with one hand. Most people do not understand why some lesbians do this, but Y/N did, and so perfectly.

Lesbian sex is all about the mind, the imagination. So she closed her eyes and grabbed the teacher’s hair, making her mouth slide back and forth through the cock.

Once she was done, the teacher headed to the couch, where she laid, staring at her student provocatively. Y/N moved in her direction, slowly, enjoying every second.

With one knee on the sofa, she found a position between the teacher’s legs and spread them wide, putting a finger inside the pink, pussy of her teacher. She was dripping wet.

Then, with the cock in one hand, Y/N buried it deep inside that beautiful pussy, making the teacher release a groan. Now with both legs on her student’s shoulders, the teacher started rubbing her clit while that unbelievably good girl fucked her harder and harder, making her juices resound at each stroke.

Y/N couldn’t believe what she had right in front of her, so she took a few seconds to analyze it. This hot-as-fuck  teacher was lying there, with both legs on her shoulders, while she fucked her with all her strength. She was incredibly horny.

“ Oh, yes! Fuck, fuck me! How I love having your cock inside my wet pussy…”

“ Oh you like when I fuck you like this… ? You like young pussy… ?”

“ God, yes. I want you to fuck my tight ass hole right now.”

That was all Y/N wanted to hear. In a quick movement, the teacher turned on her stomach and Y/N glued her hot sweaty boobs to the teacher’s back, kissing her ears, her neck, always going down and down, until she reached the bottom.

With her hands, she opened the woman’s ass cheeks and licked her ass hole, penetrating her with the tongue until she started drooling of pleasure. She reached the lube lying on the floor and quickly applied it all over the strap on, stroking it continuously until all was spread.

Y/N was now gently burying it inside the teacher’s ass, hoping she wasn’t hurting her. For Y/N’s surprise, the woman had put herself on all fours, visibly turned on.

Now inside that tight ass hole of hers, the  student fucked her teacher as hard as she could. Hornier than ever, the young girl started spanking her teacher’s ass, who enjoyed it as much as her.

With one hand, the teacher spread one of the ass cheeks while her perfect boobs swung.

“ FUCK ME, YES, FUCK MY TIGHT ass!” she screamed.

They were both covered in sweat, pussy juice and saliva. The room smelled now like sex and sweat.

As disgusting as it may sound, it was the perfect environment for both of them. The red sunset was finally making its appearance and the living room was now a show of red rays of light.

Y/N felt like the best  student in the world; still fucking her teacher’s perfect ass, she finally felt the woman’s muscles contracting: She was going to orgasm.

Now going faster, back and forth on her teacher’s ass hole, stroking her clit with two fingers, the  woman released a guttural groan, followed by a jet of cum which was now dripping from Y/N’s hand.

In a quick movement, the student took the strap on cock off the loose hole and laid between the teacher’s legs, still on all fours and surprised with that action. With a smile, though, she sat on Y/N’s face and let her lick all the cum off of her, making her legs twitch.

Five minutes later they both surrendered; the teacher laid her body next to her student’s, inhaling the perfume which was still on her neck. Not long ago, Y/N was sleeping to wake up to a new day in that beautiful country, which was now home.
