#rots art


Neku be like: *is murdered 2-3 times* *isolated for 3 years* *has to save the city he loves twice* *pretends he’s not on the verge of a complete breakdown*

hear me out: shoka is a trans man and uses he/him only. No I don’t take criticism and yes I will block you if you clown on this post

(MAJOR neo twewy spoilers below)


Reasons I headcanon Shoka as a trans man (who is closeted during neo

1. Big baggy hoodie, keeps chest area covered by it + his hair

2. He has a secret account where he keeps his gender + pronouns a secret even from Rindo who has been talking to for YEARS

3. Ayano is weirdly obsessed with him in a way that reads to me like how some toxic/abusive mothers will treat their daughters like dolls? just things to be perfect and pretty? Wanting to have the Perfect Daughter. Ayano even names the lizard Shoka and its weird af

4. Ayano love bombs and coddles Shoka but the moment Shoka isn’t obedient Ayano starts treating Shoka like he’s stupid and shouldn’t have control over himself. This isn’t specifically trans related but its important

5. During neo it felt like Shoka had come out to Ayano as a trans man and Ayano did Not want to lose the “perfect daughter” that Shoka was and thus got controlling and forced Shoka to stay in the closet. Shoka doesn’t tell Ayano to fuck off bc Ayano has power over him.

6. Shoka opens up around the wicked twisters/Rindo specifically and I HC all the wicked twisters as trans so it just makes sense in that context. Shoka finds ppl that love and accept him for who he is gender and all <:]

And that’s all I can focus to type out rn. It’s worded pretty messy but hopefully makes some amount of sense. Also why I don’t like Ayano lmao.

when your coworker is a bastard catboy

Twitter || Carrd || Ko-fi


Two married queers making queer art and stories!

Our blog and/or art will sometimes contain: 18+ content (within tumblr guidelines), violence/gore, horror, problematic/unhealthy character dynamics!

we will not engage in discourse and will block attempts to start it. if you dislike our opinions/what we post, thenunfollow/block.


  • #r0ts art (art drawn by rot)
  • #suns art (art drawn by sun)
  • #collab art (sun + rots collab art)
  • #transcendent game (our visual novels tag)


Do not repost/edit/use without permission.

crops of a commission for a pal on twt <3

(full vers is on twitter!)

super hot guy who youre trying to bone keeps whispering math equations in your ear instead of dirty talk wyd
