#royal order

Commission of Aarya from “Royal Order”, a medieval fantasy visual novel/strategy RPG with LGBT+ roma

Commission of Aarya from “Royal Order”, a medieval fantasy visual novel/strategy RPG with LGBT+ romance options. It looks pretty neat! It’s still in development afaik, but there’s a playable demo!

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#aarya de chabenet    #royal order    #videogame    #fanart    #sketch    #commission    #eden art    
niftyvisuals:Royal Order - The LGBT+ Visual Novel is now LIVE on Kickstarter! ◆ Customizable Protago


Royal Order - The LGBT+ Visual Novel is now LIVE on Kickstarter!


◆ Customizable Protagonist (Appearance, Pronoun, Name)
◆ 3 Romantic Love Interests (2M, 1F)
◆ 2 Stats-raising Systems
◆ Time Management & Quest System (60 In-game Weeks)
◆ 8 Endings
◆ … and many deaths! :D

Play the demo!





Please consider sharing and liking this post to spread the word! We’re currently holding a raffle to win beautiful artworks too! :D


TheSval, pirates of the utmost north, are wreaking havoc all over the continent of Igrith.

Vowing to bring an end to their endless plundering, three kingdoms send forth their royal heirs to the High Council, a powerful and influential faction of magicians, to plead for their help during this time of crisis.

The High Council oblige, creating the Royal Order, and the heirs remain; however, political tensions are high as old grudges resurface between the three kingdoms. And, as the pirates continue to have their way, they are determinedly bound to reach their breaking point.

Play as Aarya, the newest member of the High Council, and help manage the Royal Order.

Can you put an end to the Sval’s pillaging while keeping the kingdoms at peace? Or will you bring nothing but war upon them?


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#royal order    #nifty visuals    #upcoming    #support    #kickstarter    #campaign    
niftyvisuals: Royal Order Demo - Released!Time to set sail out on the open sea!Royal Order’s first d


Royal Order Demo - Released!

Time to set sail out on the open sea!
Royal Order’s first demo is now officially released on bothSteamandItchio.



The demo covers the first 10 weeks of the Visual Novel and is meant to give you a feel for its gameplay, art style and writing. 

Please note that the full release will contain additional scenes for these parts of the story. In addition, some of our assets are still works-in-progress and will be polished in the final release.

Demo Features

◆ 52k words, around 5 hours of gameplay

◆ 7 death endings

◆ 1 survival ending (3 paths)

◆ 15 CGs (incl. gender variations)

◆ 29 Chibi Illustrations (incl. gender variations)

Our Kickstarter campaign is set for the 10th of November 2021 at 3PM GMT-4! More information will be announced soon.

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#royal order    #visual novel    #amare game    #indiegame    
niftyvisuals: Royal Order - The LGBT+ Visual Novel is now LIVE on Kickstarter! ◆ Customizable Protag


Royal Order - The LGBT+ Visual Novel is now LIVE on Kickstarter!


◆ Customizable Protagonist (Appearance, Pronoun, Name)
◆ 3 Romantic Love Interests (2M, 1F)
◆ 2 Stats-raising Systems
◆ Time Management & Quest System (60 In-game Weeks)
◆ 8 Endings
◆ … and many deaths! :D

Play the demo!





Please consider sharing and liking this post to spread the word! We’re currently holding a raffle to win beautiful artworks too! :D


TheSval, pirates of the utmost north, are wreaking havoc all over the continent of Igrith.

Vowing to bring an end to their endless plundering, three kingdoms send forth their royal heirs to the High Council, a powerful and influential faction of magicians, to plead for their help during this time of crisis.

The High Council oblige, creating the Royal Order, and the heirs remain; however, political tensions are high as old grudges resurface between the three kingdoms. And, as the pirates continue to have their way, they are determinedly bound to reach their breaking point.

Play as Aarya, the newest member of the High Council, and help manage the Royal Order.

Can you put an end to the Sval’s pillaging while keeping the kingdoms at peace? Or will you bring nothing but war upon them?


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Hello everyone :DOur campaign has concluded with 278% of funding and reached two stretch goals! Than

Hello everyone :D

Our campaign has concluded with 278% of funding and reached two stretch goals!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your faith in us as we look forward to sharing with you the fantastical world of the Royal Order <3

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Today, it’s finally Lucius’s turn in our character spotlight. Time to share the little s

Today, it’s finally Lucius’s turn in our character spotlight. Time to share the little secrets that are hidden between his fluffy ears! ✨

◆ Lucius has made it his personal mission to become taller and claims that his growth spurt just hasn’t happened yet. It’s anyone’s guess as to if it ever will.

◆ He’ll deny it feverously if it’s brought up, but Lucius secretly likes having his head patted.

◆ An inquisitive sort, Lucius likes to explore new places whenever he gets the chance to travel. There’s been weeks at a time where he’s seemingly gone missing, but he always finds a way to return to Aarya’s side.

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 Hello everyone!With 10 days to go, we’ve reached the second stretch goal. Now steadily headin

Hello everyone!

With 10 days to go, we’ve reached the second stretch goal. Now steadily heading towards the next one to hopefully secure ourselves some partial voice acting for our beloved cast >w<)9

It’s Shawn and Lilith’s turn to be featured in our character spotlight today! Now we can settle if he’s Darryl’s servant or Lilith’s. ⚔️

◆ Shawn is an excellent listener, but despite popular belief, most of the advice he gives is a little… too literal, to say the least. Asking him for advice on how to pick up boys, for example, might be met with the suggestion to lift them from the knees.

◆ Perhaps fittingly, Shawn enjoys knitting and crocheting in his free time. Most of his creations are baskets and cutesy accessories for Lilith; Darryl jokes that her wardrobe is easily twice the size of his own.

◆ Homunculi are not known to be particularly expressive, and Shawn is no different. Instead, Lilith seems to have taken it upon herself to ‘react’ for him, and she tends to become especially expressive whenever her caretaker feels unusually strongly about something.

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#royal order    #visual novel    #amare game    
 ◆ The only daughter of a humble guardsman, Odette decided at a young age that she and her father de

◆ The only daughter of a humble guardsman, Odette decided at a young age that she and her father deserved better. She worked thrice as hard as everyone else to be recognized by the High Council and takes a lot of pride in being recruited.

◆ Her seniors believe that her fighting style would be best suited to bludgeoning weapons such as mauls or battle axes, but Odette personally would like to wield something a little more elegant.

◆ Odette doesn’t particularly care to talk to nobles, but tailing her father gave her a knack for speaking with just about anyone. In fact, she’s pretty popular with everyone, not including a certain self-proclaimed rival.

As a little reminder, the Royal Order art raffle is ending soon! 

Get those last follows and reblogs in for a chance to win an original work of your character and one of ours. 

Learn more ▶️ https://bit.ly/RORaffle

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◆ Nerifiel has a tendency to be sometimes a bit too yielding towards the people he cares for and wil

◆ Nerifiel has a tendency to be sometimes a bit too yielding towards the people he cares for and will, at least, consider even the most ridiculous requests from them. For example, if a certain childhood friend ran at him, he would surely drop whatever he was carrying to catch them.

◆ Any public official with close ties to the Garrison would recommend you to have tea with Nerifiel at least once in your life. While he doesn’t care to hold large gatherings, the tea he brews is nonetheless, by their words, “to die for”.

◆ Unfortunately for many a socialite, Neri lacks the ability to recognize his own feelings. The last time he had a crush, he mistook the heaviness in his stomach for an allergy to their shampoo. Tragically, he avoided them after, as he feared being close to them would cause a more severe reaction.

◆ He claims he’s too ‘grown-up’ to be frightened by scary stories, but a suspenseful tone and an unknown location can prove to easily lure Beringer in for quite the scare.

◆ Beringer wants to use the knowledge he’s gained at the Herb Hall to serve people as a traveling healer when he grows up. He firmly believes that everyone should have someone out there for them when they’re going through a hard time, no matter if they are a peasant or a king.

◆ Quiet though he may be, Beringer has a deceptively sharp tongue and pretty sassy side to him when he chooses to show it. Nerifiel often blames a particularly bad influence he had when he was young.

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 ◆ Iris prefers her drinks warm. Hot cocoa is her absolute favorite, but only secretly—she’s afraid

◆ Iris prefers her drinks warm. Hot cocoa is her absolute favorite, but only secretly—she’s afraid of being made fun of for having ‘childish’ tastes.

◆ Iris cannot stand to see anyone in pain, not even an enemy. So much so that Iris would rather rely on methods that discourage opponents from attacking rather than striking them, despite the possible danger to herself. Her inclusion in the Royal Order has been met with a lot of confusion because of that and some… other things.

◆ Those in the know begrudgingly claim it’s because the Princess has the greatest potential of all her siblings, for it’s an open secret in the Yutanian courts that Iris throws daggers with the precision of a master assassin. However, she assures everyone that it’s just a hobby.

◆ You can tell when Iris is in the middle of a project as she always ties her hair back when she’s hard at work.

◆ When a new topic captures her interest, Iris will stop at nothing to learn all there is to know about it. She has a terrible habit of not sleeping and skipping meals when she’s particularly deep into her studies.

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