#rufous-eared warbler

A brown bird with a brick red face, white throat and underside, black band across its chest, dark grey bill, and pink legs perches on a branch with tiny leaves, against a tan backgroundALT

May 22, 2022 - Rufous-eared Warbler (Malcorus pectoralis)

Found in southern Africa in parts of South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana, these birds in the cisticola family inhabit dry open shrublands and grasslands. Foraging on the ground or in low shrubs, alone or in pairs, they eat invertebrates, small fruit, and seeds. They build messy oval-shaped nests with side-top entrances from grass, spiderwebs, and plant down in bushes or shrubs. Females lay between two and seven eggs and both parents feed the chicks.
