#run and hide





Me trying to write the last couple chapters of Run and Hide

I binge read Run and Hide yesterday

When you said it was “kinda sh*tty but it’s a good kind of sh*tty if that makes sense” I don’t know why I expected like grammatical errors and weird pacing but you really do write really well! First story of yours that I’ve read. The tropes you set up played out their roles in the overall story, the whole thing about Judy not completely understanding something at first and making a whole bunch of mistakes because of her assumptions to it, and the suspense of it all kept me hooked and I just really had to find out what happens next

I wish you the best with writing your stories! Have fun with them


Sorry I wasn’t expecting this skhkjj I’m so glad you liked it! Tbh I don’t think of it as one of my “best” fanfics but it’s definitely one that I’ve worked hard on and I’m just hoping I somehow get a boost of motivation to finish it—although your response here might just be the inspiration I need. (Admittedly I’m kinda nervous about the feedback I’ll get for the ending I have in mind, since I’ve had some readers doubt that it’ll be good)

But again thank you for reading, it means a lot to me!

You’re doing all the work writing this story, so you write the ending you want, all we can do is hope some readers understand As long as you’re not being an a-hole about writing something crazy/out of nowhere at the end just to get a reaction out of people

I remember reading a fanfic where the whole ride was great, and then the ending was bittersweet. Personally, it made me really sad and I wish something else would have happened. But the thing is, and unfortunately to me, the ending was believable. It was probable. It made sense in the context of the story. This sorta “bad-ending” was a definite possibility. And hey, even though the characters lost something really dear to them, things didn’t turn out totally hopeless, so in the end I couldn’t argue. I still have the previous parts of the story to take to heart and re-read, and I can say the same thing about your story! (Another good thing is I found a loophole in that bittersweet story where everything can be fixed in the end, and that works for me xD I like to imagine that’s what happened after)

Whatever happens with the story, it’s not the end of the world. I just really hope you’ve enjoyed your time writing it! Writing for fun matters a lot ♥️ I wish you the best with Run and Hide!


Me trying to write the last couple chapters of Run and Hide

I binge read Run and Hide yesterday

When you said it was “kinda sh*tty but it’s a good kind of sh*tty if that makes sense” I don’t know why I expected like grammatical errors and weird pacing but you really do write really well! First story of yours that I’ve read. The tropes you set up played out their roles in the overall story, the whole thing about Judy not completely understanding something at first and making a whole bunch of mistakes because of her assumptions to it, and the suspense of it all kept me hooked and I just really had to find out what happens next

I wish you the best with writing your stories! Have fun with them

You know how AMC, BBC America, and Sid Gentle have tried to act as if they aren’t paying attention to the posts, the tweets, the reviews, the billboard, the tributes, and the blistering condemnation of Killing Eve’s trash final season?

They played themselves by turning off the comments.

They acknowledged they are paying attention. They heard and they read and they saw and they KNOW.

They got the message. And they’re scared shitless.

Come on out you cowards. We just wanna talk.
