#fuck laura neal



The only Non homophobic reason u would hold off on showing Villanelle have sex with a woman in a show with explicit sexual content literally about desire is because you want to elevate Villaneve and the audience only getting to see her in that way when Eve does. so the fact that we didn’t get a sex scene is truly the most homophobic shit like I still can’t believe how afraid and bigoted it is. I literally saw a dude cum in villanelle and the audience is told by her that she fucks women all the time. Wtf. Like the more I think about all the bullshit the more I really do believe it’s laying on top of horrible bias and unchecked bigotry. Like why the fuck r u writing this show if your not interested in queer sexuality. It makes no fucking sense why did u want the job

They were cheated. So were we.


The Billboard is up in London guys!! If anyone is near by take pics and tag the creator of them! They are thinking LA next so keep donating if you can! We are def making a difference!


You know how AMC, BBC America, and Sid Gentle have tried to act as if they aren’t paying attention to the posts, the tweets, the reviews, the billboard, the tributes, and the blistering condemnation of Killing Eve’s trash final season?

They played themselves by turning off the comments.

They acknowledged they are paying attention. They heard and they read and they saw and they KNOW.

They got the message. And they’re scared shitless.

Come on out you cowards. We just wanna talk.
