#runaway war horse

The Runaway Sorry this is kind of sad but I wanted to properly introduce Ash! He’s a character

The Runaway

Sorry this is kind of sad but I wanted to properly introduce Ash! He’s a character in my Mustang of the Cimarron AU. I will continue this little story and you’ll see how he meets Comet! Read part 1 below!

Ash Meets Comet | Part 1 | Ash didn’t know how long he’d been running, but his legs were growing weary and he knew he needed to rest. As the rain started to pour down harder, the runaway army stallion took shelter under a pine. A sigh of exhaustion left his nostrils as he laid down and observed the forest around him. As he looked back, he saw his brand scar, reminding him of the hard battles he’d been through and the riders he had lost. Anguish took over his body as he began to gnaw at his scar, trying to rid himself of the memories that haunt him. Hoping that soon he’d be able to start a new life. To be continued!

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