#mustang of the cimarron

Spirit, Father of CometRead Part 3 Below Ash Meets Comet | Part 3 | With a huff, Spirit stood betweeSpirit, Father of CometRead Part 3 Below Ash Meets Comet | Part 3 | With a huff, Spirit stood betweeSpirit, Father of CometRead Part 3 Below Ash Meets Comet | Part 3 | With a huff, Spirit stood betwee

Spirit, Father of Comet

Read Part 3 Below

Ash Meets Comet | Part 3 | With a huff, Spirit stood between Ash and Comet, questioning the strange stallion’s intentions with his daughter. Understanding his reaction, Ash lowered his head and ears, submitting to Spirit’s rage. The wild buckskin looked over his daughter for wounds, and with none in sight Spirit sighed in relief. Looking back at Ash, he noticed the wounds on his face and hind that reminded Spirit of his own past. Knowing he needed to get back to his herd, Spirit allowed Ash to join them to let him explain more while in the safety of numbers.

Ash and Spirit talked into the early morning, sharing stories of their past relations with humans. Now better understanding, Spirit apologized for acting so aggressively when they met, but Ash shook his head and grinned, knowing full well he would have done the same. A few hundred feet away Comet watched with envy, chewing quietly and listening to as much as she could. Rain reassured Comet with a tail swipe to the leg. The young mare grunted while her mother chuckled and reminded her daughter to be patient. To be continued!

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Runaway meets Wild Mare…and her FatherRead below for more context Ash Meets Comet | Part 2 | Runaway meets Wild Mare…and her FatherRead below for more context Ash Meets Comet | Part 2 | Runaway meets Wild Mare…and her FatherRead below for more context Ash Meets Comet | Part 2 | Runaway meets Wild Mare…and her FatherRead below for more context Ash Meets Comet | Part 2 |

Runaway meets Wild Mare…and her Father

Read below for more context

Ash Meets Comet | Part 2 | In the time it took waiting for the rain to stop, night had fallen. The clouds finally began to dissipate revealing the starry sky, and Ash left the pine that had sheltered him. The first thing he planned to do was wait to come across a herd or another lone stallion to partner up with for a short time. He knew being alone was dangerous for a horse, and being a male would make it difficult to join a herd. In a stroke of luck Ash noticed a lone mare stargazing on a ledge not 200 feet away. He let out a whinny, hoping to get her attention. Indeed the mare turned towards the sudden outburst and saw a strange stallion she’d never seen before. To be continued!

Ash finally see’s Comet for the first time! What do you think Comet’s reaction will be? Stay tuned!

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The Runaway Sorry this is kind of sad but I wanted to properly introduce Ash! He’s a character

The Runaway

Sorry this is kind of sad but I wanted to properly introduce Ash! He’s a character in my Mustang of the Cimarron AU. I will continue this little story and you’ll see how he meets Comet! Read part 1 below!

Ash Meets Comet | Part 1 | Ash didn’t know how long he’d been running, but his legs were growing weary and he knew he needed to rest. As the rain started to pour down harder, the runaway army stallion took shelter under a pine. A sigh of exhaustion left his nostrils as he laid down and observed the forest around him. As he looked back, he saw his brand scar, reminding him of the hard battles he’d been through and the riders he had lost. Anguish took over his body as he began to gnaw at his scar, trying to rid himself of the memories that haunt him. Hoping that soon he’d be able to start a new life. To be continued!

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Midnight Run Comet out for a nightly run, enjoying the clear starry sky! Wanted to do some more back

Midnight Run

Comet out for a nightly run, enjoying the clear starry sky! Wanted to do some more background practice. I’m always pleased when I free hand a pose without using references.

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