#ryan north


WithHOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD (my new book of nonfiction, detailing how you could pull off comic book schemes like digging to the Earth’s core to hold it hostage here in reality) coming out real soon, the insanely talented @jephjacques asked me what supervillain scheme he’d be best suited for. I was more than happy to oblige him… in VIDEO FORM.

(Preorder the book today and we’ll throw in a free comic too!)

Hey, I’ve got a special promotion for my new book!  HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD is my new book of non

Hey, I’ve got a special promotion for my new book!  HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD is my new book of nonfiction, showing how you could actuallyachieve supervillain schemes here in the real world, like building a floating base, holding the Earth’s core hostage, resurrecting dinosaurs and maybe living forever!!  (If you read How To Invent Everything, this is the spiritual successor to that book).

It comes out on 3/15, and from now until then, if you preorder HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLDandfill out this form, we’ll send you a free comic about supervillainy, created by the Squirrel Girl (and Eisner award winning!) team of artist DEREK CHARM!!! and also me!  

It’s a little treat we put together to thank you for preordering my book, and I really hope you like it!!

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My new book just got announced today!  It’s called HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD and it’s about t

My new book just got announced today!  It’s called HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD and it’s about the edges of science, the limits of what’s currently possible thanks to the technology that humans have already invented or are currently inventing, and the open questions that, once answered, will turn what’s left of the impossible into the possible.  It’s also really fun and funny and you’ll learn a lot and have a lot of fun.  

If you liked my previous nonfiction book, HOW TO INVENT EVERYTHING, have I got a book for you!  And if you DIDN’T like my previous book, well don’t worry because this one’s WAY BETTER. 

Find out more (and maybe even pre-order it too!) at www.supervillainbook.com (or, if you are so inclined: badguy.info)

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ryannorth: ryannorth:I’ve got TWO books out today at a comic book store near you!  First up is VAUryannorth: ryannorth:I’ve got TWO books out today at a comic book store near you!  First up is VAUryannorth: ryannorth:I’ve got TWO books out today at a comic book store near you!  First up is VAUryannorth: ryannorth:I’ve got TWO books out today at a comic book store near you!  First up is VAUryannorth: ryannorth:I’ve got TWO books out today at a comic book store near you!  First up is VAU



I’ve got TWO books out today at a comic book store near you!  First up is VAULT OF SPIDERS #2, where me and Dave Williams bring you a story of the GREATEST of all the Spider-Family: Aunt May, the Spectacular Spider Ma’am!  (this issue also features Spiders-Man, the Spider-Man who is just a big bunch of spiders in a man-shaped suit, who is AMAZING, so you know you want to pick this up.)  I put in a sneak peek at Dave’s unlettered art above!  It’s: the best.

Also out is THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #38, where Derek, Rico, and I continue the DEATH OF SQUIRREL GIRL storyline, in which she is not ACTUALLY dead, but there are some very sinister things going on, which may or may not involve shapeshifting Skrulls!  (It does, it absolutely does).


Below are the solicits for each!


(W) Cullen Bunn, Geoffrey Thorne, Jed MacKay, Ryan North (A) David Williams, Mark Bagley, Scott Koblish (CA) Giuseppe Camuncoli

•  We’re way past first blood-the Spider-Army needs new recruits! No one’s too weird to die for - er - serve the cause!
•  Ryan North joins the cause with an incredible story starring SPIDER-MA'AM, a spider-powered Aunt May with Dave Williams (UNCANNY X-FORCE) on art!
•  CULLEN BUNN (X-MEN BLUE) and TBA bring you a tale of a nightmare world where monsters roam the streets and a SPIDER-MAN strange enough to call it home! You will NEVER guess who’s under the mask!
•  Geoffrey Thorne brings an all new Spider-Character to the table, with a Spider-Powered Captain Stacy! Police Officer by day, vigilante by night in a way you’ve never seen before!
Rated T


(W) Ryan North (A) Derek Charm (CA) Erica Henderson

•  …is what you’d be saying if you only read the cover of our last issue and NOT the contents, in which we revealed a shocking twist: Squirrel Girl…IS ALIVE?
•  Yes! The good news is, everyone’s favorite squirrel-themed super hero is alive and well! But the bad news is: Whoever replaced her…was a shape-shifting alien SKRULL, and now Team Doreen doesn’t know who to trust!
•  Mysteries deepen and allegiances are tested in this issue as…a shocking Skrull is revealed!
•  It’s not Nancy, though.
•  Nancy’s great.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: it’s actually THREE new comics written by me today!  Because there’s a Squirrel Girl / Moon Girl mashup story out today, called MOON SQUIRREL AND TIPPYSAUR!  You can find it in Infinity Warps #1! 

It’s written by the Squirrel Girl writer (ME) and drawn by the Moon Girl artist (Natacha Bustos) so it is a TRUE mashup. :0

Here’s the solicit!


When you gaze into the warp…you get more stories of mad Two-In-One heroes! Read about the Star Siblings of the Warped Universe – MISTER INVISIBLE and HOT ROCKS, the TERRIFIC TWO! Then, see how the covert programs of the Green Room created the gamma-powered GREEN WIDOW! And join MOON SQUIRREL AND TIPPYSAUR as they save the planet from the most dangerous threat it’s ever faced!

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Your squirrel friend’s got chops, kid.

HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD is out now in bookstores everywhere and online!!  If you like Dinosaur Co

HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD is out now in bookstores everywhere and online!!  If you like Dinosaur Comics and think “wow I wonder what Ryan would write if he had 400 pages to explore the bleeding edge of science and technology through the lens of pulling off classic comic book heists here in the real world like digging to the earth’s core and riding around on dinosaurs” GOOD NEWS: this is precisely that book

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Marvel EIC Axel Alonso teases a bit about the Young Avengers story in the Original Sins mini: “There’s a Young Avengers story from Ryan North and Ramon Villalobos that reveals that one of the Young Avengers has a deep personal connection with the events of Jason and Mike’s series.”
“Jason and Mike’s series” refers to Marvel’s summer event comic Original Sin, in which someone murders Uatu the Watcher of Earth.
Let the speculation begin!

Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort live talking to reporters vis CBR

As part of this summer’s “Original Sin” event, Marvel will be releasing a companion series “Original Sins” that will be an anthology with 3 stories each issue. Executive Editor Tom Brevoort said “The core of the "Original Sins” limited series will be the Young Avengers as they deal with The Hood, written by Ryan North with art by Ramon Villalobos.“

"The Young Avengers were chosen as the through line of "Original Sins” because of their strong fan base and strong following. “Just due to the nature of the way their series has worked over the years … we haven’t felt the need to publish it at all times, but there’s always a drive to have more ‘Young Avengers’ material,” said Brevoort. “Additionally, there are characters in the Young Avengers that have connections to characters in the 'Original Sin’ series.” It will become very apparent by the second issue of 'Original Sin’ as to why the Young Avengers were the right choice.“


Once again as part of an event series tie-in, but I’ll take it
North has the chops. he can be fun and sweet. Villalobos is amazing!

Heck yes! The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up The Marvel Universe is an original graphic novel out

Heck yes! The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up The Marvel Universe is an original graphic novel out in October. This will definitely be covered on the website

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