#ryohgo narita


This is the translation for the Baccano! story from the 2020 Kadokawa expo, again courtesy @agallimaufryofoddments. This story makes me swoon with delight. Maybe it’s all the ephedrine.


Baccano 193x Sakura Circus

A Washington riverside, the night growing thoroughly late.

On a road where a number of trees were planted, several woman were gazing upward as they conversed.

“Huh? But they were blooming last time I came…”

Standing beside a despondent Miria Harvent, Nice Holystone spoke.

“It looks like they already fell, I’m afraid.”

They had probably been in full bloom until a few days ago, but now most of the petals had disappeared from the branches, and already the fresh green buds were starting to peek out here and there.

“The wind was strong yesterday. We should have come 107,200 seconds earlier.”


Various other women from Nice’s gang, including Melody and Chaini, muttered things that may or may not have made any sense as they looked up at the cherry trees.

“When I heard from Mr. Yaguruma about these cherries and went to see them, I thought they were really pretty! So I wanted you all to see them too, but…”

“Yes, I’ve heard of them as well. Over twenty years ago, two thousand cherry trees were sent as a gift from Japan…”

“Lots of people have been planting cherries over the years starting from way, way back! But the two thousand trees that the Japanese people gave got sick on the ship, so they were burned up…”

Miria spoke sadly, and Nice gazed at the surrounding trees with a mysterious look on her face.

“That’s… quite a difficult history, isn’t it…”

They had come all the way to Washington D.C. for a certain project, but due to various circumstances Jacuzzi, Isaac, and the other guys in the gang were working on something separately, so only the women were visiting the row of cherry trees.

“Isaac said it… he said that cherry pollen can be used as a medicine, so everyone should gather under the flowers.”

“Medicine? I wonder if it’s like a Chinese herbal remedy…”

As Nice tilted her head, Melody spoke up from beside her.

“There is ephedrine in pollen. It is said to act as a bronchial medicine and stimulant. Well, there’s only a small amount of it in cherry pollen, though.”

Melody spoke in a relaxed tone.

With her explanation thus fortunately substantiated, Miria spoke up again, remembering her conversation with Isaac.

“Then, he said the leaves become poisonous! So you can view the flowers, but you can’t view the leaves!”

“That is coumarin. It dissolves in rain and withers other plants, but a human will be fine if they don’t get too much of it. If they do get a lot, it’s bad for the liver and kidneys.”

“Melody, that’s a strange thing to have so much knowledge on… well, no, Miria is also like that…”

Nice considered the weirder aspects of her friends.

Oblivious to her bewilderment, Miria again continued to speak.

“But depending how you use it, that poison can also be made into medicine! It’s amazing! It’s the cycle of death and rebirth! It’s a phoenix! A dead body buried under a cherry tree is born again as a fairy with the spirit of a tree!”

Although she had been depressed about the cherry blossoms falling just a few minutes ago, Miria had completely regained her good cheer.

Nice was relieved to see that, but she suddenly noticed another woman who was accompanying them and addressed her.

“What’s wrong? Chané, you look troubled.”


The woman dressed in black who had been listening to the conversation in silence – Chané Laforet – was glaring out at the darkness in the opposite direction of the river.

Then – from the depths of that darkness, several people who all carried an atmosphere of absolute villainy appeared, and they brandished weapons as they made to surround the gang.

“…Ah, they found where we are already. I hope that Jacuzzi and the others were able to pull off their escape…”

Nice gave a sigh.

Simply put, their current circumstances were that in the middle of a job, they had gotten wrapped up in a dispute with a local gang, and seemed like they were about to be killed.

In the middle of that situation to which they were, in a sense, already accustomed, Nice behaved just as she usually did.

“It would be a shame if I hurt the cherry trees, so… with this much, it will work… there.”

As she lit the fuses of the handmade firebombs she had taken out from somewhere, she flung them without hesitation toward the thugs who chased them.

A shock wave expanded, and the screams of the goons rang out, but –


Miria let out a surprised cry, and Melody and the others unthinkingly turned to look.

And then – on the river, illuminated by the explosion, they noticed a lovely cherry-pink carpet of petals that had seemingly fallen just before they arrived.

“Amazing! Thanks to Nice we could see the flowers after all! I want to show Isaac and Jacuzzi and the others!”

Standing beside Miria, who was innocently delighted despite the continuing booms that echoed out, Nice spoke with an ecstatic smile playing over her face.

“I’ve also been stimulated by ephedrine.”

“Doesn’t that have nothing to do with ephedrine? Isn’t it because of that bomb you threw twenty-eight seconds ago?”

Ignoring Melody’s words, Nice threw even more bombs toward their enemies.

“Now, so that we can have a proper flower viewing next year… first off, everyone, let’s all survive this!”

Wearing a sunny smile, Nice stood with her figure illuminated by the explosion.

As the cherry petals that had fallen to the ground fluttered through the air in the wake of the blast, they all started to run.

As if they were just some of the petals that danced powerfully through the flames.

With their hearts never wilting, as they continued through that era blooming at full strength.


Here is the full translation of the DRRR!! x Baccano! crossover story from the 2020 Kadokawa expo, courtesy @agallimaufryofoddments. I am so delighted that this is a thing that I have seen with my own eyes.



Everyone is Good Friends Special Volume

Alternately,Baccano 2021

So this is New York…

While walking that town of New York, where there was still a chill in the air, she quietly examined the surroundings.

There were many people sporting masks as a countermeasure against infectious disease, and additionally they moved to and fro while maintaining a regular distance from one another.

Whether or not that was the usual sight to see here was something she,who had only just arrived, did not know, but as she faced that scene that was already common in Japan, she once again felt how much the usual way of life had changed in so many places.

On the other hand, of the many people who walked by, there were several who looked at her, and judged her to be following the infection measures far more stringently than themselves.

At any rate she – Celty Sturluson – wore a biker suit that showed just about no skin, and on top of that was placed a full-face helmet.

Celty Sturluson was not human.

Commonly known as a dullahan, she was a kind of fairy that originally resided in Scotland and Ireland – whose purpose it was to travel around to the residences of those whose fate was close upon them, and announce the approach of their date of death.

Carrying their own severed head under their arm, riding in a two-wheeled carriage drawn by a headless horse known as a Cóiste Bodhar, they would call upon the homes of those whose day of death drew near. If that person inadvertently opened the door, a basin full of blood would be poured over them – the dullahan served as that kind of ominous messenger, passed down together with the banshee as a figure of European myth.

However, at the moment she was living separated from her head, and while wearing a full-face helmet in place of that vanished head, she spent her days as a courier in Ikebukuro.

As for why she was in America during these current times when travelling was difficult – it was certainly not for anything like tourism, but for the sake of her courier business.

Truly, with the way Shingen is, of course his company is like this too.

Was Nebula originally based in the United States…?

Nebula had noticed that Celty had never become infected with any disease in the past, and she ended up taking jobs transporting things such as occult creatures that couldn’t be revealed to the public.

Furthermore, she had undergone a strict sterilization procedure at Nebula’s institution before entering another country, and after both she and her Cóiste Bodhar had been completely soaked in a pool of liquid medicine, they traveled to America while avoiding groups of people as much as possible.

And so at last, she had headed toward her ultimate destination, Nebula’s New York branch office, but…

I’m completely lost.

This place was totally different from her familiar Ikebukuro.

Also, since Nebula’s research institute was seemingly an unofficial establishment, it wasn’t registered on sites like online map services.

On top of that, the note she had received from Shingen contained no more explanation than such cryptic descriptions as ‘from the queen cell placed in the small boot, proceed to the place where the moon sinks and dive into the red darkness’, and no matter how many emails she sent asking what it meant, she continued to receive no reply.

Should I ask Shinra? No, knowing Shinra, if I tell him I’m lost he’ll just say ‘I’m coming to New York right now.’

I can’t deliberately expose Shinra to the danger of infection. As much as possible, I have to avoid making him worry…

Be that as it may, what is this cipher really saying…? I’m thinking since Italy is shaped like a boot, the ‘small boot’ is maybe Little Italy, but…

The ‘queen cell’ is something to do with beehives… what does it mean…? If there’s a building shaped like a beehive…

Celty had been walking through Little Italy as she looked around, but since she was mentally exhausted, she took a seat on the handrail at the side of the road.

It’s different from Ikebukuro around here, isn’t it, with just about no narrow back alleys.

Looking at the way the buildings were pressed closely against each other, the headless rider despondently turned her gaze to the ground and shrugged her shoulders.

As she did so – a lone shadow grew near.

“Pardon me…”


“Is anything wrong?”

When Celty looked up, there stood a woman with short hair, wearing a black business suit and slacks.

Due to her mask, the lower half of her face was hidden, but her dignified eyes were mysteriously reassuring.

Oh, no, I’m all right.

After showing the other woman the Japanese characters she had typed into her smartphone like she always did, Celty hurriedly began to correct it into English, but –

“Ah – I understand Japanese.”

Relieved by the suit-wearing woman’s words, Celty typed out in Japanese.

Ah, that helps a lot. I’m sorry to have worried you…

“Oh, no, it was just because you looked like you were troubled…”

Actually… I’m lost.

Feeling like it was difficult to say ‘it’s nothing’ again, Celty meekly decided to ask advice from this woman who appeared to be local to the area.

However – that was not the only reason.

When she once again observed the other woman’s aura, Celty felt that the scent of death on this woman before her was astonishingly faint.

As she was now without her head, she couldn’t discern precise dates of death, but even so, to the extent that she was able to clearly detect it, this person’s death seemed to be extremely distant.

Celty had no small interest in a woman with such a fascinating presence.

I am running a private transportation business; I’m Celty Sturluson.

“I’m… Ennis. It’s nice to meet you.”


Afterward, having moved to a quieter area, Celty stared at the table-filled space around them, with no other people nearby, and typed out a question.

This… looks like a restaurant that’s not open yet. Is it okay for us to be in here?

“Yes, although it isn’t doing business right now, this store is operated by my family, so I can come and go freely.”

I see… running a shop in Manhattan is impressive.

The woman called Ennis replied to Celty’s admiring text.

“I feel the same. After all, this restaurant has been running for about a hundred years.”

That long, huh.

As they took seats that maintained a proper distance between them, Ennis asked Celty a question.

“Why are you wearing a full-face helmet even indoors?”

It’s social distancing.

“I see. I can understand that.”

Ennis, who was still wearing her mask, nodded. Celty asked another question of her own.

Does it bother you? I mean, that I speak using texts and such.

“No, for those who can’t speak, it’s normal for some to not use sign language… though all the same, people who don’t breathe are a little more rare.”


Even though she wore only a helmet, Celty was surprised that someone saw through her without getting a glimpse at what was going on inside it. As her heart lurched within her, she pretended to stay calm and typed out a message.

It doesn’t bother you?

“Maybe it’s living so long, or maybe it’s living in New York… you come to meet a lot of different people. You’re just another one of them.”

Looking at Ennis, who spoke in a somehow philosophical manner, Celty realized that she had gone through a much longer life than her appearance would suggest.

But… she doesn’t look like a vampire.

Well, this is some situation, isn’t it. She’s like me.

Coming to that decision, Celty purposely decided to pursue the topic, trying to somehow let it flow like regular small talk.

Is there someone else who always wears a helmet like me?

“Yes. Isaac and Miria… ah, no, a couple of acquaintances of mine are walking around wearing NASA space suits they got from somewhere, as a measure against infection.”

That’s pretty eccentric, but it might be a fairly effective precaution…Oh, um, just going by the names, are those two a married couple…?

“Yes, they’re together… I think. Sometimes, they seem more like brother and sister.”

Ennis smiled gently as she spoke, and Celty wrote out her frank reaction to the words.

They seem like lovers who can’t touch each other, huh.

It’s not like that. They seem to have a lot of fun. I think their hearts are very strongly connected.”

I see…

Suddenly recalling the connection between her headless self and Shinra, Celty stared fixedly at the scenery outside the window.

I hope the day comes when we can meet, someday.

Yes, I believe it is surely coming. Until then… I’m going to continue to live while holding onto my memories.”

Your memories?

“Just having good memories makes me feel fortunate… and to that good fortune, to the people who have given me those good memories… I am thankful. I’m going to keep living so that I can pass on this good fortune to someone else.”

Watching Ennis’s eyes as she spoke, Celty wondered if she had had a truly wonderful encounter in the past – and at the same time, she herself was again reminded of the faces of the people she knew in Ikebukuro, and most of all that of Shinra.

I understand that. I also feel that way.

“Yes – so please, make today’s meeting into an important memory too. And for that reason, I’ll do my best to solve your troubles!”

Hearing Ennis’s encouraging words, Celty held a shocked manner for just an instant, and then, appalled at herself, made her fingers dance over her smartphone.

Ah… I forgot about my job.

Later –

They established that the ‘queen cell’ beehive in Shingen’s code was the restaurant that they were currently in, and from there located Nebula’s hidden research facility and became wrapped up in a massive commotion together with some young vampires they met inside, and as they borrowed the assistance of various people including members of the Camorra and information brokers who were in Japan, Ennis and Celty faced off against a conspiracy of gigantic proportions, but –

Well, that’s yet another story.



Many of you will remember the hubbub in Autumn 2019 when a Durarara!! stage play adaptation was announced for an April–May 2020 run, and the unhappy but inevitable cancellation announcement that ensued during the COVID-19 outbreak. Since the initial announcement came as such a surprise, it may be no surprise some fans wondered if the chance for Durarara!! Stage (let alone any other Ryohgo Narita work theatrical adaptation) would ever come again.

Well. Such a chance has been announced as of May 28, 2021: Durarara!! Stage ~円首方足の章~ (translation help?) will open on August 1 and run throughout August 2021, bar any COVID-19 complications.

Narita’scomment on the announcement is copied below:

8月の世の中がどうなっているか解りませんし、最終的な判断はスタッフの皆さんとアニプレックスさんの判断に委ねさせて頂く形となりますが、より良い明日と賑やかな池袋が戻る事を夢見て、舞台の成功を心よりお祈り申し上げます……! #デュラララ #デュラステ

My translation attempt:

We don’t know what the world will be like in August, and the final decision will be left up to the staff and Aniplex, but we hope for a better tomorrow and the return of a lively Ikebukuro, and we sincerely wish for the success of the stage!

I’ve edited the wiki page with some updated info regarding the new run and known cast changes. The 2020 actors for Izaya, Mika, and Simon have been recast, but otherwise the rest of the original 2020 cast roster seems to be the same. This goes for the ensemble cast as well save for 2020 cast member Noefumi Takeuchi, whose place on the roster seems to have been given to Wataru Murakami.

Well, this is pleasant news for a Saturday morning! The first part of the name of the play, 円首方足(えんしゅほうそく), is an idiom that literally means ‘round head, square feet’, which is a callback to an ancient Chinese belief that the heavens were round and the earth was square (this is, incidentally, why many of their old coins are round with a square hole in them). The phrase implies that humans, due to having round heads and square feet, are similar to the heavens and the earth. So overall the play name is ‘the chapter of the round heads and square feet’, which doesn’t sound nearly as cool without context in English.

This is ¼ of part 13 on the app

Chapter 12


Those who were born amid a connection between man and Hollow that has lasted since ancient times, those who were born out of the cracks.

As for why they came into being, excluding some among the Shinigami, there are few who know the truth.

To the Fullbringers themselves, just as the very concept defied logic, its significance was also incomprehensible; ‘power’ was bestowed to them from a reality which they had no say in, one in which their 'parents were attacked by Hollows’.

There are also those who consider these powers convenient, and thus they choose to indulge in it.

However, in the end it is mere borrowed plumes.

Those who simply continue to use their powers as they desire without even understanding the significance behind the extraordinary abilities that were bestowed upon them, eventually bring about their own demise.

Those who choose not to wallow in greed also possess power that no others had, naturally this caused them to drift away from the world, and as a result, the individuals who ended up remaining hidden from society were in the majority.

to go into specifics, the unique inherent ability that is born by distorting the nature of an object they hold a particular attachment to through the power of Fullbring, that is surely something given by gods —— or perhaps it can even be described as the stuff of the gods in itself; rather than being an exaggerated notion, one might be able to say it partially rearranges the foundation on which the 'world’s mode of existence’ is built.

As if saying it was one of their privileges to be able to raise an objection against a system of a world decided by others.

An attachment to something in one’s vicinity.

In other words, the innate abilities belonging to Fullbringers, is the very source which causes them to grow alienated from the world, and at the same time, it is also the chain that keeps these isolated individuals tethered to it.

Then what of those who hold no attachment?

Those who were unable to harbour the slightest fragment of sentiment towards the world, towards the various items among their personal effects, and ultimately, even towards their own life; Fullbringers who have refused to establish a connection, have feelings of love or even hatred, what kind of situation do they eventually arrive at as a result?

Michibane Aura was one answer to that question.

She is an extremely rare case, a Fullbringer of two consecutive generations.

It appears that her father was a Fullbringer by nature, and her mother an ordinary human being.

A chance meeting between her Fullbringer father and her ordinary human mother, a realisation of their hopes.

Joined in marriage by a love that endured hardships different to that of ordinary people, the two were bound by fate. ——

However, her mother, a mere human, came to be attacked by a Hollow.

Her Fullbringer father beat the Hollow back by making full use of his powers, but by that point Aura’s mother had obtained a serious injury.

They were able to safely deliver their unborn child —— but in return, her wounds were so severe that she ended up losing her life.

Could it not be down to the fact that he was a Fullbringer, the fact that the foetus was tainted with his blood, which ultimately attracted the Hollow?

The father who considered as much, continued endlessly to seek out a way to eradicate this power from within himself, even after Aura was born.

He isn’t the only one who would have to carry on like this.

After all, he feared that Aura too would be rejected by the world.

Then, ten-odd years later.

Towards an Aura who had quickly grown, her father raises his voice after giving a look of great joy.

—— “Rejoice, for both I and Aura may be freed from this curse.”

—— “There’s a Substitute Shinigami who goes by the name of Ginjō Kūgo, he’s gathering comrades.”

—— “I’m not sure what sort of thing a Substitute Shinigami is supposed to be, but that man, he’s a credible fellow.”

—— “Because he says, he will absorb the Hollow powers out of our bodies for us.”

—— “First, I shall test to see whether or not it’s safe. And supposing there were no problems with my findings…”

—— “Aura, then you can live a normal life.”

As she listened to those words which comprised of hope, jubilation, and the slightest fragment of anxiety, Aura tried to wrap her head around it.

—— 'Normal’, I wonder what that is.

—— Why?

—— Aren’t Hollow powers, the source of the Fullbring that father taught me?

—— Why must we hand it over to somebody else?

—— Do we have to eliminate it?

—— Then, once we’ve done such a thing, I’ll have nothing whatsoever.

—— To live a normal life, what does it mean?

—— Does this mean, the current me is not considered 'normal’? Father.

Aura who had been confined to a basement by the hands of her father, suddenly contemplated such things.

Aura’s father may have been broken by his wife’s death.

Even though he had confined his own daughter to the basement of their home, he by no means restored to violence, nor did it mean that he neglected her upbringing.

As far as her father was concerned, she was something that must be protected, she was all that was left of his beloved wife, that is to say, she was also his very reason of being.

He had to protect her.

From the Hollows, from the prying eyes of the human race, from the world itself which considered them heretics.

For Aura who was brought up within a fish tank-like room at the basement level of their mansion, her world was limited to this confined space and her father alone.

If it would only bring her sorrow to learn of the world, her father would make sure not to grant her even a single book.

Not to speak of a television, he didn’t even inform her of the vast expanse of space which lies beyond her room, she was merely taught such things as basic reading, writing and physical laws, and given training on Fullbring techniques in order to protect herself from Hollows.

Her world was complete with that alone.

A world that would never be encumbered, and relative to that, neither is it one that would ever expand.

A tasteless and odourless world.

A world without colour.

A world void of freedom.

A world where one is unable to even discern what difference there was between hope and despair.

Her father’s cooking was just about the only thing that roused her emotions.

Though she had memories of his delicious home cooking, her father had headed towards the location of the man known as Ginjō before it could form a foundation of her Fullbring as the 'attachment’.——

And he never returned again.

Even Aura with her limited knowledge is quick to understand that some kind of abnormality had occurred.

Nevertheless, she was not able to judge for herself what to do in such an event.

Hunger, it is said to be one of the most painful sufferings among the agonies a human being can experience.

For Aura who was at least made to eat her meals at her own convenience despite being confined, this first taste of pain was enough to splinter her immature psyche.

Even so, that she was not completely broken, was it the result of the Fullbring training which she had been initiated into by her father? Or perhaps, a benefit from the 'factor’ that has been present within her as a Fullbringer from the very beginning?

Either way, she succeeded in overcoming the situation before the point of no return.

When her sense of hunger reached its limit, she raised her hands to the walls of her water tank-like room, drew out its soul using her Fullbringer powers, set it to work, and then ——

In the next instant, those walls that confined her —— the tempered glass of her tank is reduced to sand entirely, disappearing from her presence.

With staggered movements, the young girl she was stepped out from the basement and towards the 'outside world’.

Remaining oblivious to even the fact that this was still part of the mansion known as her 'inner world’, she completely destroys the locks on the doors which were applied sevenfold, and continues walking.

The 'world’ she had grasped with her own hands for the first time, took the form of a portion of ingredients located inside the kitchen.

Having realised that it was something her father puts into the food he would prepare for her, she gave into instinct and devoured it greedily —— the taste of decay immediately resulted in her spitting it out.

Ironically, the only part of the 'world’ that offered her attachment, ended up being rejected by own body.

If it were not for that process, she may have been awakened to her own innate abilities which took 'food’ as her attachment and then lived out the rest of her life as an 'ordinary’ Fullbringer.

Perhaps she would have encountered the man named Ginjō Kugō, perhaps she would have battled Kurosaki Ichigo, or maybe it would have brought about a distinct salvation.

However, things didn’t work out that way.

In her world, something that entertained enough attachment to maintain a connection, never made an appearance.

Alternatively, though it was a skewed relationship, it may have been the case that her very father was the link that served as an attachment for her —— and yet, even he disappeared from Aura’s world.

Collapsing upon reaching the 'outside’ in the true sense of the word, she was lucky to be discovered by a passer-by and was thus given protection by the police as a result.

When they found signs of her confinement in her crumbling home, for a short while, the public were in an uproar over the perverseness of the father who imprisoned his own daughter, but soon after, even that uproar died down, and the girl known as Aura was completely forgotten from this world.

Perhaps feeling that the girl would be unable to go by a surname belonging to the sort of father who would confine his own daughter; at the hands of the relatives on her mother’s side that took her into the care of the Michibane family, she was to live her life after that as “Michibane Aura.”

A time span of several more years had passed since then —— she was being integrated into general social life.

To say she ‘was integrated’ is probably not entirely accurate.

Completely effacing her very being, she continued to pass the time like weeds growing by the roadside.

Her physical appearance was very beautiful, naturally it was no surprise that she attracted the eyes of both men and women without discrimination, yet even considering the idea that she hadn’t drawn the attention, perhaps it might also be her Fullbring that exerted some kind of influence on her surroundings.

It’s not like it was her intention to hide from the world.

However, given that she was unable to harbour any interest whatsoever towards the world, it’s only natural that she would remain placid in that kind of way.

Regarding her father whom she had nothing but trust for, the people around her would relentlessly slander him saying “he’s a wicked person” and “forget about such a man.”

If she considers it from the angle of her knowledge of life as a member of society which she later acquired, then admittedly her father could probably be regarded as depraved.

Aura had come to notice that as she matured, but now that things have come to pass, it made no difference to her.

As far as she was concerned, the real world was inside the confined space of that glass tank, but without any attachment being born there —— even in this 'new world’ which should have been stimulating, its entirety can only be seen as an extension of that glass tank.

Upon stretching her interpretation of the world, to her, there was no such thing as 'an existence with an attachment’ that was enough to force her 'Fullbring’ to develop —— Nevertheless, when Aura herself is asked about this matter, what she had was one sole answer.

“What is important to me… is the very Fullbring that I learned from my father. This saved my life. I was able to survive because of it. Nothing else is needed. I may be indifferent about my father. However, the Fullbring I learned from him, it’s my everything.”

And the 'architect of the question’ who had heard that answer, spoke whilst nodding approvingly.

“I see, yes I see, so this is how you’ve grown up huh? How very amusing.”

She immediately understood that the man who had flashed a sinister smile, is 'something’ different to the people around her.

'It’ suddenly appeared before her one day.

It could not be seen by anyone other than herself.

It was a being akin to the white monsters that would attack her from time to time.

The man, clad in strangely outdated garments, opens his mouth to speak whilst watching her closely as if in assessment.

“You’re able to hunt down even Huge Hollows at your age? Moreover, it’s highly intriguing that you’re using nothing but the basic techniques of a Fullbringer.”

So saying, the man kicked at the remnants of the white monsters that had been dealt with by Aura just a moment ago and now lay strewn around their feet.

“…Who are you? You’re not a human are you?”

“Oh, me? Where are my manners. I am what you people would call a 'god’. I am what’s known as a 'Shinigami’. Have you never heard of our existence from your father?”

—— Shinigami.

What is recollected in her mind, is not not the absolute being who governs death which occasionally appears in the likes of books that she had read on the 'outside'… but rather, the words her father had left with her in the end.

—— “A Substitute Shinigami who goes by the name of Ginjō, he’s gathering comrades.”


In response to Aura’s murmur, the man who claimed to be a Shinigami laughed in delight.

“Hahahaha! I didn’t see that coming! What a pity, what a great pity indeed! I guess it would be ideal if that were the case though. Both for you, and for Ginjō Kugō himself.”

“Who… are you?”

Confronted by Aura who, without even a tinge of emotion, raised this question carried in words that only entertained uncertainty, the man blithely contorted his lips even further whilst stating his own name.

“My name is Tokinada. Tsunayashiro Tokinada.”


“Are lowly humans always this rude? You should address me with 'sama’. That’s 'Tokinada sama’ to you. At present I’m still under house arrest, but the Human World is so very fascinating these days, I have a tendency to sneak out against my better judgement.… Well, that’s fine proof that the lot from the head house take no notice of the likes of me.”

Faced with the man before her eyes who gave an answer to a question she hadn’t asked, and on top of that, continues to speak of matters she couldn’t quite comprehend the meaning of, Aura tilted her head in confusion, but then ——

The matter he spoke of in the next instant, resulted in forcibly drawing her interest.

“Ah, that’s right, you want to know who I am, rather than my name and circumstances.”

Just as the friendly smile had emerged on his face, he easily let slip the truth.

“It’s an uncomplicated matter really. I am a descendant of the family who ordered the killing of your father.”


Aura’s countenance which was like a deadpan mask, is now thrown into immense disarray for the first time.

As if to say that he also found her reaction amusing, the 'Shinigami’ who introduced himself as Tokinada, assembles more words.

“Your father, his whereabouts is supposedly unknown… but in fact, he’s already dead. It won’t hurt to thank me for saving you the time and effort to go searching for him you know? If you wish to bawl your eyes out, that would be amusing in its own way. If you wish to revile me as the enemy of your father and kill me in an act of revenge, I’d still consider that fun. Kidō against Fullbring, shall we see which one will come out on top in a contest of skill?”

“…I don’t understand what you’re getting at. My father, your saying he was killed by your family? Why?”

“Hn? Oh, the reason? The reason huh. If I could answer you with 'there is no such reason’ then it might be possible to belittle your father’s memory even more, however I suppose I may as well answer you honestly.”

Tokinada slowly walked around Aura, at the same time he observes a fluctuation of her Reiatsu.

Although he could see her confusion, he could not sense any feelings of unrest caused by emotions like anger or sorrow.

As he examined her carefully with eyes that appeared as if they were gazing at a rare species, Tokinada uttered the answer to her question.

“It’s retrieval. What should be 'property’ that originally belongs to us, was fused with the souls of people like your father, and yourself.”


“Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter does it? What’s the most important thing now? What of the detestable family of adversaries, who robbed you of the world inside that confined glass tank that was oh-so precious to you, who now stands before your very eyes?”

Hearing those words, Aura’s eyes begin to narrow.

“You even know about… my past?”

“Yes, but of course. Because I have been watching. I suppose the factor lay hidden on your mother’s side too. That it would be passed down for two consecutive generations, and what’s more, to be a Fullbringer at the same time, this is an extremely rare case. Naturally, you were observed. So, what will you do? Do you accept my challenge of a duel? Obviously I will put up a resistance.”

“…. There’s no need. To be honest, I’m not interested.”

Watching Aura as she readily shook her head, Tokinada laughs.

“Hahaha, that’s right, yes I thought as much, you probably don’t have that kind of disposition. In the past, when I tested a man who abandoned himself to sentiment, quite the opposite of you, I employed a more elaborate act. Yes, the way that man glared at me with his unseeing eyes, even thinking back on it now, it’s intoxicating.… Though, the concept of intoxication itself seems to be nonexistent to you in the first place.”

After talking about someone who was not present at the scene right now, Tokinada remarked as if treating Aura with contempt.

Remaining void of both indignation and fear towards this, Aura poses a question regarding her own fate in an unfazed manner.

“Do you intend to kill me too?”

“Yes, eventually. Depending on the situation, I may even spare you.”


Towards the man who had declared that her own execution looms ahead, she harboured no emotion whatsoever as before, at the same time, Aura could hardly fathom the other party’s intentions and is thus bewildered. Or perhaps, that very bewilderment is the closest element to what constitutes an emotion permitted to Aura.

Tokinada reveals his own objectives to her in all sincerity. –

– As if to announce that he looked forward to how she would receive it, and whatever ending it would lead to.

“The 'factor’ that dwells within you; rather than retrieving it as components, it’s more interesting to put it into operation through a single unit, besides it looks like you would come in handy as a game piece under my control.”

“I would be… your game piece? What for?”

“You have no attachment to this world, correct? That being the case, we should repaint the world anew. If we forge a new world, then maybe you will come to find something you can harbour an attachment to along with it?”

Whether or not he was simply talking at random with those words, Aura who at the time was unfamiliar with the world, was unable to understand.

Like the snake who enticed the first of mankind, Tokinada gradually ensnares his victim with the thread that are his words.

“The heart and left arm ended up returning to that Quincy lot… but what exists within you is also rather unique. I want to turn you into my game piece at all costs. I shall give you something you desire. As long as it’s within my power to do so of course.”

“…Right now, there is no such thing that I desire.”

“Then, someday its time will come but until then you should give it some consideration. Also, if you are to become my game piece, when it comes to the way you treat others at least, you should do a little better. It doesn’t matter if you have to force a smile. Your faint smile, I dare say it’s likely to beguile both men and women alike.”

Disregarding the words of Tokinada who spoke of an unsettling matter, she continued with her questions as if keeping after him.

“What is it that dwells within me?”

In response to that query, the man grins widely as he reveals a certain truth to Aura.



“An organ referred to as the 'Saketsu’ (*Binding Chain)… which belongs to a being called the Soul King.”

This is the second half of part 10 on the app

Chapter 10

Karakura is by no means a desolate countryside town.

Located on the outskirts of Tokyo’s urban area, it is a relatively populous town with a network of railroads passing through the heart of the city.

Supporting a population exceeding one hundred thousand, a general hospital classed as one of the largest even among neighbouring towns, is situated beside Karakura Honchō Station.

Therefore, the station is both used by people living within and without the town with many people travelling in and out of it.

In order to protect the town from Aizen’s clutches, the Shinigami once used a trick to transfer it along with all 100,000 people to Soul Society, regarding that effort, it was unfathomable even to many Shinigami let alone an ordinary person.

Entering and exiting by means of train or traffic was completely blocked for a temporary amount of time, things like electric power, water and sewer services of the surrounding area were also handled so that no abnormalities would occur, furthermore memory manipulation was carried out on a large number of residents living adjacent to Karakura Town, it was one large-scale operation conducted by an entire force of technicians among the Shinigami.

As a result, the Shinigami made a success of their astounding foul play technique to deceive the world whilst isolating Karakura Town in a twofold sense.

Although this gave rise to victims in the end, the Seireitei managed to keep that number at a bare minimum considering the goals of Aizen and the Arrancar.

And now, Karakura Town was isolated from the world once more.

The objectives of the people responsible for the isolation, is unclear.

If the thing which one might call ‘the walls of the dimension separating reality from virtual reality’ existed in physical form, then perhaps 'it’ causes one to feel as if that was indeed the case —— in accordance with this obscure curtain that intermingled with static noise, it could not even be identified through the eyes of an ordinary human.

However, maybe it could have been described as a moderate isolation.

The trains never came to a stop.

Neither did the vehicles that would normally come and go through the borders of town, and the same could be said of the pedestrians too.

The birds in the sky fluttered past one another, the flow of the river also advanced smoothly.

Another ordinary day. But the town was unmistakably isolated.

“The heck? My TV stopped receiving broadcasts?”

“Hello, hello? Guess I got cut-off…”

“I’m not getting any reception.” – “Neither am I!”

“These e-mails for work, they’ve got me beat…”

“Are you kidding me, I actually lost connection just when I was about to win!”

Voices such as these could be heard scattered all throughout Karakura Town.

Various telecommunications equipment and transceivers of radio waves connecting to the outside of town stopped working, it was no longer possible to make any electronic contact whatsoever with the outside world.

Nonetheless, it was a matter that lasted only a brief few minutes.

The telecast signals were restored first of all, other functions subsequently returned in an ordered fashion from radio stations, to landlines, wireless connections, the internet and then cell phones.

Whilst tilting their heads in puzzlement, everybody came to accept it in their own way believing that it was “probably caused by a power outage at the relevant facilities” and then returned to their daily lives.

What they remained oblivious to, is the fact that during those brief few minutes, all communication devices present within the town which easily exceeds one hundred thousand, had also been 'tagged’.

And some communication devices that were sorted through those 'tags’, failed to recover their communication functions even after the few minutes had passed.

“Huh… that’s strange…”

At Ururu’s words, Jinta replies wearing a look of agony.

“What are you talking about? The only thing that seems strange right now is my condition!”

Whilst disregarding the noise coming out of Jinta who was forced to carry half of the 500kg worth of an infinite number of super-balls on his back alone, Ururu posed a question to Tessai who was walking beside her.

“Tessai san, my cell phone, it’s become unusable…”

“Heh, if you’re just going to be looking at porn sites anyway then it might as well be broken, whoa- hyahaha!? Stop, wait, damn you! Don’t tickle me when I’m in this state!”

Away from Jinta whose quivering knees were about to give way, Tessai responds to the words of Ururu.

“Hrmm? Could it be some kind of electromagnetic interference?”

In contrast to Jinta who was propping up a bag weighing around 250kg on his back, Tessai effortlessly lifted the remaining baggage with one arm. With the hand that was not currently occupied he took out his own cell phone and confirmed the status of its reception.

“…It’s true, my phone doesn’t seem to be working either.”

However, after executing several operations from there, Tessai knit his eyebrows together in unease.

“This… doesn’t seem like any ordinary electromagnetic interference. And I sense a fluctuation of strange Reiatsu too… let’s return to the shop quickly.”

“From here onwards it’s all Karakura Town… but I wonder what this is all about?”

At the border of a town which sits on the west side of Karakura.

A young Shinigami who is in charge of said neighbouring town had finally arrived at that spot.

“Considering the fact that an urgent transmission had come from Seireitei… could this be the doing of a Hollow? Or even a Quincy…?”

Confronted with a curious barrier, he spontaneously whispered to himself.

A hologram-like curtain being projected in mid-air, is completely covering the entirety of town whilst emitting static noise.

Despite this, cars, pedestrians and even the trains on top of that, stormed into the curtain and passed through it as if nothing had happened, was it not visible to them?

“Okay then, to hell with it!”

Although there was a moment of hesitation, the Shinigami who was a man of action made his steps towards the curtain as it currently stood.

And then ——

“…Oof? What, was I just able to pass through normal-…”

In the midst of speaking, he noticed that there was another shinigami before his eyes.

“Who are you? Aren’t the guys in charge of Karakura supposed to be a young male and female duo?”

At the query, a Shinigami with the appearance of a man in the prime of his life sporting grey streaked hair, in turn, posed a question of his own to the young Shinigami.

“I’m in charge of Kagamino City further east from here. And I’d like to ask you the same thing. Just now, you came out from Karakura Town, regarding the current situation on the inside, what’s happening?”

“What are you talking about…?”

It was at this point the young Shinigami noticed an abnormality.

The scenery around him, was completely different to the one he saw before passing through the curtain.

“Where is this place…? Where is the railway station?”

“This place is at the east side of Karakura Town. The railway station you speak of, you mean Karakura Honchō Station right?… By some chance, could it be that you… were at the west side of the town just now?”

Then, he realised.

The curtain performed different actions towards Shinigami and ordinary humans.

At the same time, he was concerned about the safety of the Shinigami on the inside.

“Are they going to be okay…? I don’t expect the Shinigami in charge of Karakura Town are that strong…”

“In any case, I’ll be reporting upwards.… Don’t worry about it, Kurosaki Ichigo, former captain Isshin and former captain Urahara in addition to that are all present in Karakura Town. That guy will likely demonstrate some kind of breakthrough solution.”

They were oblivious.

Oblivious to the fact that both Kurosaki Ichigo and Kurosaki Isshin were currently not in town.

As well as the fact that instead, it was one among the vice captains who doesn’t quite match Kurosaki Ichigo and Isshin as a fighting power, that happens to be visiting.

Urahara Shōten

“Yukio Hans Vorarlberna…”

Hisagi was perplexed by that lengthy name for an instant, but it was a proper noun he had certainly heard of before when he went around collecting information on Kurosaki Ichigo.

At the same time he recalls that this is a name that had entered his ears only recently.

—— “That’s because we travelled there directly through Yukio and Riruka’s abilities. I guess our side was running a fair amount of risk in our own way too huh?”

“…! Ginjō’s comrade!?”

“…You could say that. So then, who might you be? Though frankly, I have no business with anyone other than Urahara san.”

In response to the question posed by the young boy who spoke in a dispassionate tone through the airborne monitor, Hisagi replies whilst clenching his fists tightly.

“I’m the Gotei 13’s Squad 9 vice captain Hisa—— ”

"Oh, never mind. I doubt there’s any point in even remembering it.”

“Arrgh!? What’s your deal jerk!? Have a little more patience to at least hear the rest! This is the goddamn opposite of what happened with that guy Ganju!”

(TN – as a reminder, back in volume 1 during their first encounter, Ganju could only remember half of Hisagi’s name “[…] you’re the vice captain of some squad… vice captain…Hi…Hisa…” except here the roles are sort of reversed with Hisagi only able to say half his own name.)

Paying no heed to Hisagi who had worked himself into a frenzy, Yukio turned to Urahara and began to address him.

“It’s been half a year since I last saw you it seems, I want you to come along with me for a little while.”

“Oh my, I would have come out to meet you if you had given me a phone call in advance you know? But I get the picture more or less.”


In contrast to Yukio who narrowed his eyes, Hisagi’s eyes widened in surprise as he raised a question.

“Is it true Urahara san? You have some idea of whatever the heck this guy’s objectives may be…?”

Thereupon Urahara closed his fan with a snap whilst smiling fearlessly.

“With gaming ventures as its cornerstone, the president of 'Y. Hans Enterprise’ which has achieved rapid growth at the heart of the entertainment industry, will only have one firm request of me.”

All of a sudden the fan which had just been closed, flew open with a loud thwack as Urahara made his assertion.

“Just say it! You want to poach me away to your own company don’t you?”



Hisagi wore a bewildered look as if to indicate that he wasn’t sure how he should respond, Yukio’s face was completely devoid of expression.

Unfazed by the stance of the other two, Urahara brazenly continued.

“Oh no, perhaps I should say you have a discerning eye, as someone who continues to develop new products for a small-time candy store, I personally think it’s about time to get noticed by big companies. Having said that, if you think I’m a man that can be swayed by money then that’s disconcerting you know? If you want to buy my Shitamachi* craftsmanship, then I would hope you’d answer with sincerity rather than money. More specifically, how about a 7% stake in your company?”

(*TN –a concept that refers to “old town Tokyo” where minor vendors and artisans can be found, Shitamachi culture is in keeping with traditional methods and is deemed more authentic/reliable. It is therefore in opposition to mass-production and modernised techniques.)

“Isn’t that still asking for money in the end!? What is up with that dramatic 7% figure!? Or rather, how is Karakura Town Shitamachi!? Also a small-time candy store doesn’t have any particular need to develop its own merchandise in the first place does it!?”

“…Hisagi san, you genuinely retort with such civility. Perhaps Vorarlberna san should also follow your example?”

In response to Urahara who said as much without the slightest hint of shame, Yukio was neither surprised nor offended, but merely spoke his own opinions with an unconcerned air.

“As frightening as ever, with regard to you that is. You’re the type I’d least like to encounter in a player versus player game.”

“What’s the matter? To hear this all of a sudden.”

“While you were spouting irrelevant jokes, just now, you were observing every reaction on my side weren’t you? Your manipulative tactics had already begun with your jokes that looked down on the person in question didn’t it?”

“You overestimate me. Do I look like that kind of scoundrel?”

Urahara gave a strained laugh as he veiled himself deeply with his hat, and from under the brim of that hat, with a daring gaze he stared up towards Yukio who was on the other end of the monitor.

“Owing to the nature of my business, I tend to evaluate the other party, however it’s not like I can see through everything.”

Watching Urahara who tactfully evaded his questions, Yukio heaved a sigh as he spoke.

“Whatever, forget about it. But, you understand enough to know that my objectives are not to poach you away right? It’s the first reasoning phase. Even though I still haven’t given you any key items*, are you able to guess the objectives on my side?” (*TN –he’s using gaming terminology, “key items” here refers to collectables players would be able to pick up in their virtual world to aid themselves in-game.)

“I want to say I know what your game is, but I can’t be sure at this stage. Just how many times would the answer be right? At least I know there is no intent to kill or hostility coming from Vorarlberna san, so I hope that I also have time on my side.”


—— No hostility?

—— Come to think of it, it certainly doesn’t feel like we’re under attack.

What Hisagi is able to determine from the monitor that appeared in midair and the static noise like substance which began to flicker around the shop, is the presence of an ability which has forced a digital virtual world to fuse with the real one.

Therefore, whilst cautiously considering whether or not the data of his own physical system could be rewritten at will, using his Reiatsu perception Hisagi attempted to feel around for the whereabouts of Yukio himself.

Though there was indeed no indication that they were undergoing an attack, Hisagi had recollections of being manipulated in the past whilst remaining completely unaware of the fact that he had succumb to an attack by the Quincy known as Pepe and is thus unable to allow himself the carelessness.

—— Crap, I remembered it. How the hell could I… with that weird old fart…

Although the brainwashing which was applied through the power of Pepe’s Schrift had since been lifted, he recalled that he once 'loved’ the Quincy in question even if it was only for a moment, whilst twitching in discomfort he shook his head.

“Urahara san, you say this guy has no hostility… well then, why did he go to the trouble of isolating Karakura Town?”

A short while ago, Hisagi had sent a transmission to Soul Society in order to request a Gentei Kaijo, however a reply has still not returned.

He feared it likely that communications had been obstructed by some means, but he couldn’t afford to ascertain whether or not that was also part of the isolation.

In order to effectively do battle in a state where his power has been suppressed by a substantial margin like this, Hisagi has grown through continuous training, having said that, he would probably be forced into a fierce struggle if his opponents also happen to be the likes of Adjuchas or Vasto Lorde class Hollows.

“Ah yes, it’s true that I carried out the isolation of this town.”

It was Yukio himself who responded to Hisagi’s question.

Despite watching Yukio doubtfully, even from Hisagi’s intuition, there was nothing that seems to indicate that this other party held any animosity.

Faced with Hisagi who was just considering what his goals might be if that was truly the case, Yukio continued his sentence.

“But there is no hostility… when it comes to me that is.”

Then, almost simultaneously, a change materialised in the scene.

Hisagi perceives the fluctuation of a faint Reiatsu at his back, as he leapt forward without a word, he turned to look over his shoulder at the spot he was standing in until that point.

What was standing there as a result, is the figure of person who had emerged from the static noise in the air, an extendable baton decorated with some sort of curious ornaments had just been swung down towards the spot Hisagi was in only a moment ago.

Even though it wasn’t a blade, as a blunt instrument its force will not allow one to get away without consequences so long as it was able to strike one’s head

Considering the endurance of a Shinigami, its strength seems to be no big deal, however it also did not appear likely that this was an ordinary extendable baton.

And above all —— the moment he caught sight of the individuals holding identical batons gushing forth one after another from the surrounding static noise, Hisagi determined that the situation had already transitioned to battle status.

That he was able to dodge it right away, even while listening to Urahara’s comical conversation, is likely due to his long-standing experience of continuous battle as a Shinigami.

As he extended his hand towards the hilt of his Zanpakutō, Hisagi observes the crowd of people that had appeared in front of Urahara Shōten.

—— This isn’t Hollow or Quincy Reiatsu.

—— These guys… are they, human?

It’s not the case that they were souls of the deceased, rather a group of men and women who clearly had a Reiraku colour no different to that of an ordinary human being living here in the Human World.

In uniformity, they all wore suits adorned with white patterns on a black cloth, on their faces they donned gas masks with the same colour scheme and as a result it was impossible to examine their facial expressions.

—— Assuming they’re human, I can’t afford to end up killing them so rashly.

—— But, if these guys are ordinary humans, then this disparity in numbers is not a problem either…

Hisagi made an attempt to knock the whole crew senseless through Shunpo and Hakuda, however ——


The moment he moved around and cut in behind his opponent using Shunpo, he perceives a sense of discomfort and in that way was forced to dive backwards by one step.

In an instant, a baton brushes past the tip of his nose.

Despite having completely moved around to his opponents’ blind spot, to his surprise they dealt an attack his way with the utmost precision using moves that almost made it appear as if they had eyes in the back of their heads.

To go further, their movements were much faster than that of ordinary humans, even to the point where it seemed far beyond the level of Shinigami foot soldiers.

—— What the heck is up with these guys!?

—— Could they be detecting my position with Reikaku (spiritual sense)?

The likes of Shinigami, Hollows and some unique humans are all able to detect the Reiatsu belonging to other beings through a sense known as Reiatsu Chikaku (spiritual pressure perception) — commonly referred to as “Reikaku”. However it did not appear likely that ordinary humans living in the Human World would be able to perform such an action, Hisagi considered the possibility that they were some kind of gifted individuals.

But naturally, the enemy did not give him the leisure of thinking things through.

As he evaded the swarm of batons which came swooping down on him in quick succession from the surroundings, Hisagi senses that a slight anomaly has emerged within himself.

—— What the hell?

—— My moves, they’re getting sluggish…?

Even counting the fact that his limiter had not been released, he still got the feeling that his reaction speeds had slowed by around 10% compared to usual.

After visualising the movements in his mind, it took his body a brief moment of delay before putting it into operation.

Having observed the situation, Urahara narrows his eyes whilst muttering to himself.

“Poison… no, this is manipulation of souls and Reishi… isn’t it?”

“What are you implying Urahara san!?”

“Let’s see, just now, you were lightly grazed by the baton belonging to Mr. Black suit guy over there correct? Since then, Hisagi san’s Reiatsu feels as though it’s been thrown a little out of order. I’m afraid it’s likely that this is the application of a Fullbring where contact amounts to a trigger for activating the ability.”

Urahara attentively puts the conjecture derived from his own observations into words.

“So that’s how it is…! As expected of you Urahara san. It’s just like you to remain so calm in the midst of a free-for-all like th-… wait a minute?”

Hisagi evaded the enemy’s attacks using taijutsu and at the same time was impressed by Urahara, but then he noticed a great difference in the situation surrounding himself and Urahara.

"…Why do I get the impression, that it’s only me who’s being attacked!?”

The black suited group clad in gas masks who made an appearance in the vicinity of the shop, all uniformly rushed in to attack Hisagi alone and did not even attempt to make an approach in Urahara’s direction who at a glance, appears to be unguarded.

“Well, I wonder how this came about? Is it down to a so-called difference in personal virtue?”

“Isn’t that a little unfair!?… Hey, Yukio right!? What’s the big idea jerk!?”

At Hisagi who yelled towards the projected image in the air, Yukio replied in a bored-looking manner.

“Didn’t you listen to anything I was just saying? I told you, I have business with Urahara san.”

“…Having important business with him, doesn’t mean having him wiped out or something does it?”

“If that were the case I would have mounted a surprise attack a long time ago. Do I look like the type to launch an offensive after announcing myself in an act of fair play?”

While the static noise surrounding the mid-air screen flickered, Hisagi who eyed Yukio as he spoke, clicked his tongue thinking “…he doesn’t seem like that type” and drives the heel of his palm into one of the black suited assailants.

“If that’s true, then what is the motive for attacking me?… Well, considering the story I heard from Ginjō, that the comrade of that guy would hate us Shinigami, is understandable I guess.”

Due to the Shinigamis’ betrayal, his fellow Fullbringers who were once his comrades were all slaughtered.

If they were made to hear of such a past from Ginjō, then it’s not surprising for the Fullbringers to even consider any Shinigami they come across as a clear enemy who should be cut down immediately.

Was Urahara not a target simply because they knew he is an individual who had been exiled from the Shinigami’s world?

As he sidestepped the black suited gang’s assault, it was Hisagi who guessed as much, however, what emerged on the face of Yukio who had heard his words, was an expression that intermingled with slight astonishment.

“…Really? That guy Kūgo, went as far as to talk to you about something like that?”

Finally, at Hisagi towards whom he was thus far as indifferent to as a stone by the roadside, Yukio opens his mouth to speak with a look that harboured interest for the first time.

“I don’t think Kūgo would have succumbed to torture or interrogation. How are the two of you acquainted?”

“…We simply got to know each other through a round of drinks on one occasion. At present we are neither friend nor foe.”


“Well, it suffices to call it a cooperation between a journalist and an interviewee… look, if you’re interested in listening to what I have to say then make these guys stop!”

Dodging the black suited group who continued to advance on him as before, Hisagi finally took a wide leap towards the sky and escaped. In that way, he fortified the Reishi under his feet in a position that was out of the reach of the black suits, and remained motionless in the air.

As he fixed a glare at the Yukio within the projected image which he had come to meet at the same eye level, Hisagi sets the situation straight.

—— Phew, thank goodness I went without entering a Gigai. If a member of the public were to see me flying around the place…

—— Wait? Does the fact that they can see my spirit body, mean that every single of those guys down there are indeed Fullbringers?

Supposing that the black suited gang were Fullbringers, it was entirely possible that they could also leap as far as this point.

Realising be was in no position to take a breather, Hisagi once again looked down on the black suited group below.

In a split second —— he became aware of the fact that what was before his lowered gaze, was somebody’s arm entangling itself around the upper half of his body.


It did not feel like something was touching him.

Even Hisagi’s sharpened sense of Reiatsu Chikaku couldn’t detect a single abnormality whatsoever there.

However, the image of somebody’s slender arm did indeed enter his eyes, gently embracing Hisagi’s body from behind.

Then, as if to prove it wasn’t a hallucination —— an enchanting female voice resounded close to his ear.

“How fascinating…”


Suddenly, a chill ran down Hisagi’s spine.

“…That occupations such as journalism exist even in Soul Society.”

At the whisper which sounded as though it could melt one’s mind just by listening to it, Hisagi forgets he was standing on a field of battle for a moment.

Nevertheless, the voice was so out of place that it quite conversely evoked a sense of wariness in the battle-hardened Hisagi, as if to dispel the voice he fanned out both arms as he turned to look back.

There was no sensation indicating that his arms had made contact with anything.

But “she” was certainly there.

“…Who the hell are you? It seems you’re neither Shinigami nor Hollow…”

What met Hisagi’s eyes, was a beautiful young woman.

The woman was clad in a style of suit which was a combination of dignified and flirtatious, she exudes a mysterious allure which cannot be described in words.

“Quincy?… That’s not it. Assuming you’re Yukio’s associate, are you perhaps a Fullbringer?”

“That would be correct… no hang on.”

The woman made a momentary pause in her speech, with a meaningful smile spread across her face, she corrected her answer.

“ ——In this instance, perhaps it’s better to say 'exacta’? Mr. Vice captain of squad 9.”


In Hisagi’s mind, vigilance levels towards this opponent spiked by several notches.

The unique catchphrase "exacta” which had just been uttered, is the habitual saying of Findorr Calius, an Arrancar whom Hisagi once battled in this place —— or strictly speaking, a replica town which imitated Karakura.

Although he announced his rank to Yukio a little earlier, it turns out she knows information personal to Hisagi. Moreover, if she has knowledge of even the details contained within that inner sanctum of battle, then it is no longer possible to underestimate her as a mere human.

“…You know me that well huh? What’s up with that, could it be that you’re something of a fan of mine?”

Even if she was a bewitching woman, the sort of which would cause Hisagi’s heart to sway ——

“Sure. If I told you, that’s right… after learning all about you, I’ve been wanting to get closer to you for a long time, would you believe me?”


Even if she uttered charming words in a voice which would cause Hisagi’s heart to sway ——

“…Th-there’s no way I would believe something like that!”

Maintaining his reasoning power which was being pushed to its very limits, Hisagi places a hand on the hilt of his Zanpakutō.

—— Be careful, be careful damn it. This would have been a close call if it weren’t for the warning I got from captain commander Kyōraku and captain Muguruma.

While he recollected the time he was judged as “seemingly second to none when it comes to falling into the snares of dubious women”, in his mind Hisagi began to meditate under a serene waterfall.

As if seeing through his inner thoughts, an unwelcome warning came resounding through the air all the way back from Earth.

“Are you alright~! Hisagi san~! Please be wary of honeytraps!”

In response to Urahara who called out to him in such a way from below, Hisagi protested as his cheeks began to redden.

“What are you insinuating!? Why would you have that sort of impression of me!? It’s not like I’d be taken in by her schemes is it!? At any rate, I’m still a vice captain you know!?”

Hisagi yelled with vigour that would likely put him on the verge of tears were it not for these exceptional state of affairs, the woman on the other hand cast words at Hisagi which were difficult to discern as either satire or seriousness.

“Oh, what a pity. If only I were able to avoid a fight using my feminine charm, things would have been easier that way.”

With a seductive smile playing on her face, the female Fullbringer inclined her head as she gazed fixedly at Hisagi.

—— Calm down, I need to calm down! Don’t let her deceive you, that’s right, think about Rangiku san!

Without revealing the fretfulness of his inner thoughts on his countenance, Hisagi feigned a cool visage and gave his response.

“…That is a pity. You certainly are attractive, but if you want to seduce me then you’ve got to adopt a risqué style on par with Rangiku san.”

“Hisagi san. It seems you intend to clinch victory with a suave act, but if Rangiku san were to hear you, don’t you feel it’s likely she would make you eat an axe kick, and on top of that, blurt out the cold, hard truth which would no doubt kill the mood?”

“Huuuh…? What did I do…?”

Regaining his senses at Urahara’s words, Hisagi avoided meeting the gazes of those around him whilst the blush on his face crept up to his ears.

The woman who was floating in midair giggled after seeing the state Hisagi was in, at the same time she slowly extended both arms.

“You’re quite the amusing one. It would be pleasant if others among the Shinigami also had a similar sense of humour.”

Then, as if conducting an orchestra, she begins to wave her hands around.

“Allow me to reintroduce myself … I’m Michibane Aura.”

Her dancing fingertips resembled that of a performer’s pulling the strings of a marionette, that alone made one sense a kind of beauty.

“Although my station is life is nothing more than a maid for the gods who govern death, I am most pleased to make your acquaintance.”


—— Gods who govern death?

—— Is that referring to us Shinigami? What does she mean by “maid”?

Though puzzled by the words and actions of the woman who gave her name as Aura, Hisagi immediately notices an unusual change in their surroundings.

As soon as the reiatsu belonging to the humans at ground level mutated, the whole crew raised their batons towards the air.

In response to that spectacle which even appeared to resemble vegetation extending its vines towards the sun, Hisagi got a bad feeling.

Then, his forebodings were proved justified.

The patterns which decorated the surface of the extendable batons materialises and floats up to the skies above, remaining like that, they bloat to take the form of enormous tentacles which then charge towards Hisagi who was standing in midair.


The symbols and characters reminiscent of a summoning circle began to flock together, the tentacles flailed about like it was perhaps a single organism.

For Hisagi who contemplated the possibility of something more akin to a Cero on the verge of being fired, this was an unexpected attack.

Hisagi unsheathes his Zanpakutō on the spot and swiftly cuts away a number of the tentacles approaching him, but then ——

The 'branches of the patterns’ which were severed off, instantaneously attaches itself back together and resumes its attack on Hisagi once more.

“…They’re just like a huge swarm of insects! What gives damn it!?”

Hisagi continues to dodge whilst dealing slashing attacks, but owing to the fact that this was ineffective regardless of how many cuts he made, Hisagi concluded that his physical endurance would be the first thing to drain at this rate.

In addition, as he crossed his sword with 'branches of the patterns’, Hisagi perceives another danger.

Every time he would slash a cluster of characters, a strange distortion is produced in the Reiatsu of his Zanpakutō.

A sensation that made it seem as though the sharpness of the blade itself had grown blunt, it felt like something close to the decline of his physical ability which he sensed a little earlier.

“Damn… this feeling, it’s awfully similar to the time that guy Ayasegawa got me…”

Hisagi once crossed blades with Ayasegawa Yumichika in the mayhem that was created when Kurosaki Ichigo appeared in Soul Society for the first time.

The result was a humiliating defeat for Hisagi.

The ability of Ayasegawa’s “Ruri'iro Kujaku”, which was a hidden ace up his sleeve, is 'Reiatsu absorption’, Reiatsu is sucked up by the light rays of the blade which spread like the feathers of a peacock, the sensation of his body being rendered motionless is something Hisagi still distinctly recalls even now.

—— But, it’s different from that time. Rather than being absorbed… it’s more like the feeling of being pinned down.

—— Is this the “manipulation of Reishi” Urahara san mentioned earlier? What a drag.

Although the Reiatsu itself remains unchanged, he could not help thinking that the way in which his sword had become eerily blunt, is perhaps comparable to his blade being immersed within a muddy swamp.

He feared it likely that this was the enemy’s ability, however he could not quite comprehend that theory at the same time.

—— Perhaps it’s closer to Kira’s “Wabisuke"…? If that’s the case, then a game of endurance isn’t the best idea.

A Zanpakutō which doubles the weight of whatever it strikes flashed through his mind and Hisagi prepares himself to deal with the threat.

"It can’t be helped…”

Then, towards Aura and the black suited group on the ground, Hisagi uttered words which took the form of a warning.

“Even though it’s not very clear what your goals are yet… from this point onwards, I will judge you as an enemy.”

“…Oh my, who would’ve guessed that you’d also be capable of wearing an expression like that.”

Realising that the atmosphere surrounding Hisagi has changed, Aura responds while narrowing her eyes.

“But if you give me your word that you would no longer be an obstacle for us, then we would even be willing to lay down our arms this very minute you know?”

It was different from the mood in the moment he was teased by Urahara only a short while ago.

An intent to kill begets one to return the favour, he wore the face of a “Shinigami” who is capable of cutting down an enemy without any hesitation whether they were human or not.

If one were to ask the captains who were either the belligerent or dutiful type, he believes they would probably say he was “too slow when finding his resolve”, despite this Hisagi once again solidifies his resolve to kill the 'enemy’ before his eyes.

Nevertheless, perhaps it comes down to the influence of the 'path’ Tōsen had preached to him? It is precisely because he understands that his own blade is an article capable of killing others, that Hisagi deliberately gave one final warning to those who stood in his way.

“To those of you who are readying a sudden attack, you won’t be an obstacle for me either. First and foremost, what do you hope to achieve by covering the town with something like this?”

“…This is the preparation.”

At Hisagi’s remark, Aura lowered both hands and gave her response.

Accordingly, the cluster of patterns that writhed around Hisagi also began to exhibit calmness, its material body swayed left and right where it had maintained a distance.


"This very Karakura Town, is the greatest Jūreichi in the world. You know that right?”

“Of course.… Wait, surely not.”

Hitting upon a certain hypothesis, Hisagi involuntarily raises his voice.

“You guys wouldn’t be trying to forge an 'Ōken’ now would you!?”


The key to the “Soul King Palace” which can be manufactured through a Jūreichi with a radius of half a spirit mile, and an offering of one hundred thousand souls.

Considering the fact that Aizen Sōsuke once launched an invasion towards Karakura Town in order to destroy the “Soul King”, it’s more than conceivable that this theory would be the objective for isolating this town.

However, Aura slowly shakes her head in response to Hisagi’s outcry.

“Perhaps I should say that making such a speculation… is regrettable.”

“What did you just say…?”

“We do not intend to sacrifice the souls of innocent citizens, and there is no need to forge an Ōken either.”

As a bold smile revealed itself on her face, Aura threw Hisagi’s mind into disarray through her roundabout manner of speaking.

“Because our purpose… is to turn Karakura Town itself, into a true capital that will seat the 'king’.”


For a moment, Hisagi couldn’t comprehend what his opponent was saying.

Could it be an ill-natured joke, or an unreliable statement made in order to confuse his side?

Rather, if he was instead told that they were manufacturing an Ōken by carrying out a massacre of all the humans belonging to this town, he probably would have been able to accept it more easily. However, his mind could not at all register the meaning behind the words stating to 'turn this town into the king’s capital’.

At the bewildered Hisagi, Aura continues to speak.

“The Soul King Palace, and Las Noches. With the thrones established in Soul Society and Hueco Mundo as two wings, the throne would be whole supposing the town itself also became a wing above the two. That is the destiny bestowed upon us after all.”

“…What are you talking about? I mean… who is this 'king’ you’re referring to?”

As a natural consequence, questions began to emerge in Hisagi’s thoughts.

—— There’s no way, it can’t possibly be Aizen could it?

—— Or maybe Yhwach? No, that guy was definitely killed by Ichigo….

Despite several names floating to his head, one young face comes to mind in a corner of a dizzying myriad of ever-changing memory fragments.

—— K…King…?

—— “– said he would – allow me – king –”

—— No doubt, they were at the nobles’ medical institution, the one who said that….

Even regardless of the fact that he had explained the encounter to Urahara a short while ago, he was unable to make an immediate link between the current situation and the person in question.

Though there were various inexplicable aspects to the encounter, to Hisagi it appeared unlikely that there was also a connection to this absurd notion in which Karakura Town would be made the king’s capital of the Human World. However ——

Recalling the exchange of words from that time in detail, it occurred to Hisagi that his core temperature had rapidly chilled to the bone.

—— “Besides… Tokinada sama said he would allow the likes of me to become king!”


The scattered puzzle pieces began to link together and produce a disturbing sound in Hisagi’s head.

What he still couldn’t understand is whether this was a coincidence or an inevitably, or perhaps he was even being played into the palm of somebody’s hand, as if with a groan, Hisagi muttered a name that was in the depths of his memory.

“Ubuginu… Hikone?”

“ ! ”

It was at that point that the smile began to fade from Aura’s face for the first time.

“I’m surprised…. How is it that you know this name?”

“Are you… by some chance, Tsunayashiro Tokinada’s subordinate…?”

“As I mentioned earlier, I am a maid, but to call me a subordinate… that would not be accurate. However, are you really fine with that? That someone such as yourself, would actually address a member of the Tsunayashiro clan, one of the four great noble houses, without the proper honorifics.”

Aura spoke as if to stir a reaction, but Hisagi was unfazed by it.

“…Just now, it became no longer a necessity to attach 'sama’ to his name.”

“…I think how Hisagi san should rather put it, is that 'sama’ doesn’t particularly suit Yoruichi san nor Byakuya san either….”

When Urahara who was following the conversation from ground level whispered as much, the transmitted image of Yukio opens his mouth to speak as if matching that.

“Aren’t you going to go assist him? I feel Aura is a tough opponent to challenge for a solo player, don’t you agree?”

Looking at the projected image which blended with the sporadic static noise, Urahara spoke as he rhythmically poked at the ground with Benihime which takes the form of a sword cane.

“Not at all, if anything I’m the support type specialising in buffs and recovery after all. Though somewhat capricious, Hisagi san is more outstanding as an attacker wouldn’t you agree?”

“Hmm? From the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like he’s doing that much DPS.”

“If pushed to say then I suppose he’s more of a tank. He stands out by being tough to kill.”

(TN –If you’re unfamiliar with gaming lingo: Buff = enhances the power/effectiveness of a game element/player. DPS = damage per second, refers to a player’s, or more specifically their weapon’s damage output. Tank = a class of playable character that typically occupies an enemy thereby redirecting the aggressor’s attack while another player deals damage or completes some other objective, tanks generally have a lot of HP or “health” and can thus survive longer or are more difficult to kill as Urahara put it.)

In this space which was made to be dominated by the static noise and the sound of his cane prodding the earth’s surface, Urahara closely observes the black suited group on ground level.

After the tentacled patterns were shot from the batons, without even moving a muscle they merely continued to gradually release the Reiatsu in their possession towards the sky.

“…However, you guys are really playing dirty huh? About that, will both the 'person on the inside’ as well as the 'person on the outside’ be alright?”

(TN – When Urahara says “person on the inside’ the furigana says "貴女” referring to a lady, that is, Aura. When he says “person on the outside” the furigana says “依り代” which means “spirit-dewelling object”, you should be able to put the pieces together about Aura and her black suits now.)

Aura took a scowling Hisagi’s gaze in stride with a smile, but she somehow managed to catch the sound of Urahara’s voice, raising her own voice ever so slightly she addresses him from midair.

“As expected… you are a frightening man, Urahara Kisuke.”

“Oh my, you heard me?”

“Were you able to discern my innate abilities, already?”

“ ! ”

Hisagi also reacts to those words, whilst being wary of his surroundings, he turns his line of sight in Urahara’s direction.

Each Fullbringer has their own special set of abilities.

As far as Hisagi had investigated, the man known as Tsukishima who was with Ginjō for instance, possessed a terrifying ability in which he could insert his presence into the past of another person, and though by individual units, it could also alter history itself.

Assuming the woman before his eyes is a Fullbringer, then the cluster of symbols and characters writhing around him, and the reason why he felt the strength within himself and his Zanpakutō diminishing, may surely be put down to a result of her abilities.

In order to carry the progress of battle in their favour, Hisagi awaited Urahara’s response, but then ——

“Well I never, how can that be? Don’t go pulling my leg now.”

With a soft chuckle, Urahara answers Aura’s question.

“You don’t use any so-called innate abilities do you?”


“…No, perhaps it’s more accurate to say, you 'can’t use’ them, right?”

From Ryohgo Narita, author of Baccano! and Durarara!!, comes the second #manga volume of of his incr

From Ryohgo Narita, author of Baccano! and Durarara!!, comes the second #manga volume of of his incredible page-turner, Dead Mount Death Play!

Disaster personified has arrived, but his purpose is unknown. One thing is certain-Polka and company are in the presence of raw power. With death upon them, Shinjuku is in frenzy…The true Death Play has begun.

In stores on 6/18.

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