#s rank yokai


As you can guess i am still looking for Sailornyan, these are the best i have to offer at the moment tho. So if anyone has a Sailornyan and wants one of these, please hit me up.

just realized i forgot the picture of kiwinyan. but i am too lazy to take another one now.

So, after buying the physical copy my girlfriend (which was super hyped about Sailornyan) and i found out that they are only available in the digital versions, as a result she was kinda crushed and salty, which is the reason why i am trying to get one for her. First i thought that no one would trade an exclusive, but apperently it is possible to get Sailornyan more than once, meaning there is still hope.

Lucky me, i found this guy right here


with the first Coin i threw in the Crank-a-kai.

I am not sure how valuable this guy really is, but i hope he is valuable enough for someone to trade me a Sailornyan. 

If anyone can offer me one, please hit me up via pm.
