

As you can guess i am still looking for Sailornyan, these are the best i have to offer at the moment tho. So if anyone has a Sailornyan and wants one of these, please hit me up.

just realized i forgot the picture of kiwinyan. but i am too lazy to take another one now.

 Here’s something simple in the meantime until I finish the drawings of my new Dynasty Warrior

Here’s something simple in the meantime until I finish the drawings of my new Dynasty Warriors OC, Li Ru. Here is Hua XiongfromDW9andKayukayu (Scritchy) fromYo-kai Watch

I wanted to draw something to personally sunset the summer before September 22nd (the official last day of summer for this year). Besides, the Li Ru drawings started driving me crazy, so I wanted to take a break and draw something minimalistic.

When I watched episode 19 of the current season of Yo-kai Watch, it featured the mosquito yokai, Kayukayu, and that made me think of Hua Xiongsince his name is pronounced “Kayuu”in Japanese. “Kayukayu” derives from the word “kayui,” which means “itchy” in Japanese, so I punned along “Kayuu (Hua Xiong)” with it.

Art © MariposaBullet
Hua Xiong & Dong Zhuo (Dynasty Warriors 9) © Koei Tecmo
Kayukayu/Scritchy (Yo-kai Watch) © Level-5

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