#s speaks


You know you’re old when:

We were talking about Abraham and Sarah, as we like to work Jewish stories into our kiddo’s (S) education.

S: But that was a long time ago? Jewish people have been here a long time?

Me: Yeah, a really long time ago. Jewish people have been here for thousands of years.

S: Okay, so a Long time. Like the 80’s?


Apparently I’m peers with Abraham and Sarah. Good to know.



So, I’m Jewish now, but I was raised a southern Christian. The last vestiges of that culture are in speech -  mainly bless your heart, but sometimes others.

Tonight, as I could see my Jewish 7 year old daughter being internally tempted to do something that would cause her harm. I quickly said (but not for the first time) “Don’t, babe, that’s the devil talking.” 

Her, dissuaded but confused: “What?”

Me: “Sorry, devils are something Christians believe in. We don’t believe they’re real.”

Her: “But they are real.”

Now, this was alarming, but not too alarming - my daughter is still at that age where fantasy sometimes blends with reality (’are you really sure unicorns are’t real?’), and she has Christian friends. So I reiterated, “No, honey- Christians believe in, but Jews don’t.”

“No, Mom, listen, they’re real. They’re an animal. They live in Tasmania. I saw it on Wild Kratts.”


My 7 year old Jewish baby thought that when I said “That’s the devil talkin” that I meant there was a Tasmanian Devil that whispers in your brain to try and get you to ruin your life. 

Real life anecdotes

S is a bit older now, but…I’m still laughing about this. And yes, they still don’t know what the Christian devil is.


So, I have a small human progeny (S) that is into Minecraft. S went into a Old West Minecraft world and this happened:

S: /finds a church with stained glass windows

S: Oh, look! A synagogue!

Me: Oh?

S: Yeah! It has stained glass windows and…

S: /looks around, brow furrows

S: Why is the bima weird? And why are there wood Ts everywhere?

S: /begins chopping down crosses while humming

S: I’m sure whoever built this did their best, they were just confused. I’ll fix it.



holy shit the chair actually costs nearly 8k wtf

My 8 y/o: Okay, I think I would get a hamper.
