#s4 predictions


Some time ago, the voice actor of Aaravos tweeted this, and I found that very strange.

Why would Aaravos have a different voice after he/his temporary body comes out of the cocoon?


But as I was finishing the concept art book a few days ago, the dots connected when I read this.


I am 100% sure that they wouldn’t DARE make us get our hopes high about ever seeing a Star dragon unless they were actually planning to give us one in the show at one point.

But just a few pages later, they’re telling us that there are no other star beings besides unicorns and startouch-elves.


So I naturally came to the conclusion that the caterpillar will morph into the first startouch dragon ever, thus justifying the voice change too.

And just for the sake of testing my guessing abilities a bit farther, I’m predicting that the dragon will be snake-like, with 4 horns and translucent butterfly wings that have long flowy tails

Let’s see how it turns out!
