
• Rituals‘The defeat of Evil’, Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Venezuela. 2006 - C

• Rituals

The defeat of Evil’, Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Venezuela. 2006 - Cristina Garcia Rodero

“This is religion. Voodoo and spells. I want to believe in it, the creams, the rejuvenating lotions, the transparent unguents in vials that slick on like roll-top glue. “Don’t you know what that junk is made of?” Ben said once. “Ground-up cocks’ combs.” But this doesn’t deter me, I’d use anything if it worked – slug juice, toad spit, eye of newt, anything at all to mummify myself, stop the drip drip of time, stay more or less the way I am…..“
- Margaret Atwood

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