#sad beautiful tragic


november is just going to be me freaking out about new ml episodes and red (taylor’s version)


the first 3 songs you see define your 2021(x)



me every. single. time a tall blonde guy sits in front of me at the library table: im ready


i have to leave for my exam and i still dont know his name this is so sad

hear me out. sad beautiful tragic by taylor swift is literally the end of chain of iron. i shall explain.

I won’t discuss all of the lyrics– i’ll skip a lot but, you can look up the lyrics if you are interested.

“long handwritten note, deep in your pocket”

James has the letter that Math wrote him with him when he goes to the train station to get Cordelia to come home and sort out the miscommunication. Handwritten note is Math’s handwriting and its deep in his pocket because he let them go and is abandoning hope (for now). 

“Words, how little they mean
When you’re a little too late”

COME ON. James had everything to say to Cordelia but in the end it didn’t matter because he was too late and she had already left with Math to go to Paris. 

“I stood right by the tracks
Your face in a locket
Good girls, hopeful they’ll be and long they will wait”

please… so obviously this is referring to the train station at the end of the book when James sees Cordelia and Math inside the train but he decides to let them go, because Will finds him and tells him to stay because of Lucie. The locket line doesn’t relate directly but lockets are relevant to the series, because of the Blackthorn locket that contained Jesse’s last breath. Now, the next line is referring to how Cordelia was hopeful about her marriage with James and had the patience to wait to see if he would return her love. 

“We both wake
In lonely beds
In different cities
And time
Is taking its sweet time erasing you
And you’ve got your demons
And darlin’ they all look like me”

So we know that they normally sleep in different beds, much to Cordelia’s disappointment, but we also see in different cities BECAUSE CORDELIA WENT TO PARIS WHILE JAMES WAS LEFT IN LONDON. Also the reference to demons could be how James sees himself as a burden to his friends because of his connection to Belial, so he says all her demons look like him.

“Distance, timing
Breakdown, fighting
Silence, the train runs off its tracks
Kiss me, try to fix it
Could you just try to listen?”

So this is kind of just the whole ordeal at the end– they were having a lot of misunderstandings regarding grace. But i just think the line “Distance, Timing” just perfectly captures the problems in communication they were having. After what happens Cordelia needs her space– Distance. The timing of everything was so horrible– If grace had showed up at the house even a little bit later maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess. Or maybe if Will hadn’t found James before he got to the train he would have been able to stop her, but the timing didn’t work out. Breakdown is Cordelia finally snapping and running out of the house to Matthew’s house. Fighting is their arguments about grace. THEN THEY MENTION THE TRAIN AGAIN. and lastly “Could you just try to listen” is James asking Cordelia if she would just hear him out before everything went to shit. 

Anyways that was my incoherent song analysis. Someone please tell me this makes sense. 
