#sad facts




I really wish allosexuals would understand that there ARE asexual stereotypes that revolve around the idea of us being sexual ‘degenerates.“

For one example, consider the image of the NEET/incel who is so addicted to hentai that he’s lost all interest in real women (a stereotype that, in many areas, also comes with feminisation fear; many of those hentai games are pretty darn girly).

Or, for another, that of the older man who lives alone - and since he has no interest in marrying, he obviously MUST have some kind of perveted violent interest in children or animals or the like.

Not to mention that in spaces that are aware BDSM doesn’t always involve sexual contact, there’s the fear around people (of all genders) being so perverted they only want to be humiliate or sexually degrade others, intead of making real intimate connections with ‘normal’ sex.

Asexuals are not in any way immune to sexual shame or being perceived as perverts. This is not a ‘privilege’ we hold over gay/bi people.

i have never considered this but you’re right! i once heard someone described as creepy because they watched porn without masturbating, just staring blankly, and i thought “wait, i do that… am i creepy?”
