#saeyoung choi

I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.

I love you, Cheritz. I do. But these tiny updates are killing me.

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Headcanon: RFA plays just dance with M.C.


• “M.C. uh when you said you wanted to play a game I thought you meant LOLOL”

• Baby boy may have great hand eye coordination but he has two left feet.

sometimes mixes which avatar he is following.

• Demands a rematch after every loss…

you two end up dancing for hours and poor Yoosung has never ever been so sore.

•You mess up a lot for him to win so you two can finally rest.


• The lovely Zen accomplish anything and dancing is no exception of course.

• This man goes all out during the songs, and makes sure to strike his poses with flare.

• He looks like a natural just following the screen while you’ve already broken a sweat and are falling behind.

•He loves dances that are good for couples, while following his own moves he helps guide your remote.

•"Hehe dont worry M.C., practice makes perfect"


• Before you two even start playing poor Jaehee is trying to figure out how to get the game console set up.


•You end up having to help her before she throws the console out of the window.

•She finds it easier to aim her remote in whatever position it is directing.

•She lazily does the dance moves but still manages to get a high score.


•When you said you wanted to play a dancing game, he thought you meant something a little more classy.

•But he was in the privacy of your home so he let loose.

•M.C. never thought she would see the day where Jumin Han would be strutting and throwing it back to "I’m So Fancy”.

•Elizabeth the 3red just watches as her papa perform movements she has never seen. She doesnt know if she should be alarmed or not.


•Oh this is a dance battle. Without even a doubt.

•The two of your are in perfect sync while dancing along to the game.

•"Sorry my love, only one of us can be the star" he says before booty bumping you so your could miss your points.

•Hey may be a man, but he can swing his hips as good as any girl. Gotta learn that natural away with all the crossdressing.

•He is soooo dramatic when striking his poses.

(Let’s just pretend MC and Yoosung are in the states atm)


•Poor baby takes the name literally
•"wait so only on that Friday we wear black or?…“
• you would giggle in amusement and go into explanation that black Friday was a battle where-
• you just laughed his reactions however aren’t that different from shoppers on the hectic night.
•once you were able to utter out the words “there’s huge sales on practically everything” he froze
•"so….like…computers…“ he asked shyly
•once you confirmed his question he had you both standing in line with a tend all stocked with food and hot coco
•"Hehehehehe it will be mine” he would mumble happily


•Zen was very confused why you and your mother were digging through the mail for days for coupons while they were visiting
•"MC why do you need all the coupons for all this stuff?“
•"It’s gonna be time to go to black Friday sales in a bit” you said
•He tilted his head in confusion
•"sales on everything my sweet boyfriend" you clarified.
•he thought it would be enjoyable to partake with you
•his mistake was that he thought it was going to be regular shopping
•by sun up he was exhausted and was slightly shocked he saw you and your mother fight against another mother and daughter for the last flat screen marked 75% off
•And he thought he had difficulty controlling the beast when he didn’t realize MC was a different beast of her own


•He didn’t really understand the concept of your tradition
•"you do realize I can just all that stuff for you, you don’t need coupons" he would say
•you smirked and shrugged, “hmm I dunno I guess I always enjoyed the fun of rushing to the store and fighting over the last item.”
•He found your family tradition very odd but was willing to go with you.
•"Honey it’s 9:00 p.m. it’s not Friday why are we going to the store? And why didn’t we take the limo?“
•his questions were soon answered once he saw the huge lines and even tents set up outside
•he realized how much of a hassle it was going to be to get in the store.
•But once you told him about all the cat products on the list he was ready for action.
•when those doors opened he was gun hand read "FOR ELIZABETH!!!”


•there was no need to explain black Friday
•you two have been in line since 4:00 p.m. Thursday
•seven have an entire plot
•he coordinated that they should rush to the women’s sections quickly so they can get great sales on new clothes
•you both had two carts just full of clothes alone
•he helped you haul as to the electronics to help pick Yoosungs Christmas present.
•"Target spotted! One Limited edition LOLOL computer and desktop with limited game software left!“ You yelled.
•seven picked you up and put you in the cart while running.
•He used belts to keep all your carts connected.
•he saw some one approaching the perfect gift.
•"Babe get ready for launch sequence in 3…2…1!!!”
•He used all the strength he had in his arms to push the cart you were in forward as you sped to the gift.
•you lept from the cart looking to graceful
•seven looked at you happily and sighed with a smile, "Damn I love you”

SORRY FOR MY INACTIVITY!!!I am currently swamped with school and I’m trying to find every reason not to fall in a hole after this election today…

Who wants to be the first to test the ask box if it’s there hehe?

I have come to terms that mystic messenger has taken over my life…we’ve all gotten to our low levels XD *that moment your heart cracks when your parents remind you its a game* Hmm which sounds better? A Game where of an AU where I’m treated better than reality? hmmmm…. I TAKE THE GAME THANK YOU! ⊙/°\⊙


•Hands down, this boy loves your cooking!
•You’d bribe him to study well by telling him
•you’ll cook his favorite meal.
•He’d hover around the kitchen like a little
•kid wanting to help mommy in the kitchen


•he’d come home from a long day of rehearsals
•always to be happily greeted by your delicious
•homemade meals
•Zen loves to help in thé kitchen while you cook
•but tends to get distracted as he poses in a mirror
•looking at himself in his apron


•The moment she tried to reach for that takeout
•menu you practically hissed!
•You knew Jaehee was fine eating anything
•but you wished to treat mama Jaehee to
•some home cooking.
•once your fed her your food, she never
•picked up a takeout menu again


•He was a but skeptical when you said
•you’d be cooking dinner that evening.
•he was used to being pampered and eating at
•restaurants or the fancy office cafeteria
•He came home particularly early that day
•right in time for supper.
•you served him and he looked very pleased.
•from then on he always asked you to pack him a lunch


•This boy…
•bounces around the house once he smells the food
•you usually gotta keep him out the kitchen
•or else he will trying eating the food as your cooking it.
•he has burned his mouth and fingers multiple times
•from attempting to eat straight from the pan or pot


•He doesn’t see you any different when he finds out
•He loves how playful and energetic you are
•The boy does notice you get distracted
•easily certain days


•She isn’t surprised when she finds out
•"Well this explains quite a lot"
•she’s more patient with you since it takes
•time to grab your attention sometimes


•He finds out when he goes through your purse
•looking for a portable mirror to borrow and
•he finds your medicine
•you were a little embarrassed when he asked you about
•the bottle.
•he just saw you as extremely lively


•He raises a brow more often once you moved in
•he thought you were just a lively texter
•But he finds out you’re quite the buzzing bee
•when it came to you, he practically was your daddy
•he debated whether or not to suggest putting you
•you on medicine but he ditched the idea
•He loved you. In every way for who you were


•He does not notice
•at all
•you both are so alike it goes unspoken of
•you both play around in the same manner


•Can’t get enough of all the games!
•He’s gotten to your universe and now he won’t
•leave your room.
•You thought he was an LOLOL addict?!
•Wait till he gets his hands on League of Legends
•He’s also high jacked your computer


•Mama Jaehee is really a mama when she sees
•how old you really are!
•When she suddenly appeared in your room after saving
•your game play both of you are confused as hell
•you try to keep Jaehee hidden from your parents
•Jaehee struggles to contemplate everything going
•on but actually finds time with the real you wonderful


•He completely looses it when he sees your a high schooler
(Assumption most players are)
•He harbors in your room and watches high school music,
•Sweeney Todd, and other Disney musicals.
•it’s the most difficult shit on earth to be in publish with him
• first everyone stares cause of his hair and two
•He can’t go seconds without asking girls if they wanted
•autographs, only to be rejected. He forgot he wasn’t
•famous in your world


•the awkward silence is maddening
•you were both in total shock
•"Ahem…so uh…“ "hmm, oh uh…”
•internally he was screaming on the inside
•Poor Jumin
•"a-all those times you called me daddy…“


•Even through the age difference is a little more different
•he still acts the same
•he messes with your phone so he can access your world more
•he hops back and forth to compare DR.Pepper and PH D. Pepper
•after a couple of days he reveals ever since you interacted with their world he watched over you.
•"thank you… you stay up so late just to talk to us…”


•Oh boy!
•This boy knows your pain!
•He will help you study for exams
•which helps him get on track with his studies as well.
•You both are like ultimate study buddies.
•You help the little bean understand his work
•by putting in LOLOL terms


•You best believe mama Jaehee
•will ensure you pass all if your classes
•She would tutor you herself and assert tough love.
•"Jaehee, I think we’ve crammed enough can we sleep?“
•"Can you solve this problem?” *points at math book*
•"No…“ you mumble. "There’s your answer.”


•Zen will always find a way to distract you
•whether it be walking in naked while you study
•or showering you with kisses until you drop your pen
•Though he did help you….with your drama class.
•"Make sure your audience feels you~“


•Like a doting parent, wanting the best education for you
•He hires a tutor for you but sees no improvement
•on your grade. "Tch, fine I’ll do this myself…”
•You would come to work more often with him to study
•he’d tutor at home and work, he was quite satisfied to see
•he was the reason your grades were so well


•You would ask him for help on your work
•…that help goes off to a far tangent
•you both end up playing and watching funny videos
•But he does truly help you study, it’s just
•hard to take him seriously as you goof off

Tell sister seven all of your sins and desires

Tell sister seven all of your sins and desires

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707 and Vanderwood. An illustration to text by The Cat Lady (https://ficbook.net/readfic/10174815 in russian language). There are references to Vanderwood’s tattoos. And scars. And birthmarks. And his real name. It’s just awwww *_*

Handsome bunny = Inner peace
