#sagittarius in the 2nd house


How to Feel Grounded in Astrology ‍♀️ Part 2

The second house is more than just money and possessions. It’s personal ownership of any kind. From owning tangible things like purses and shoes, to owning intangible things like knowledge and self esteem. It is the things you do to make yourself feel safe and secure. It is your basic, physical needs. It is what you do to feel grounded. Part 1.@lifeofaie

Libra in the 2nd: You feel scattered, anxious, and insecure when you are unable to persuade someone to your side of things. You have the gift of persuasion, so you’re able to convince anyone of anything. However, that doesn’t always work in your favor. When you are unable to sway someone’s mind, it takes a toll on your self-worth. You suddenly don’t feel as valuable or worthy when you get rejected. In order to fortify your sense of security and groundedness, you have to direct your talents inward. Persuade yourself. Try to convince yourself that you already have everything you need to feel complete inside of you. You do not need the approval of others to feel secure about yourself. Once you have a solid foundation for yourself, you will find that the next time you are rejected, your self-esteem survives unharmed.

Scorpio in the 2nd: You are most comfortable when you have control in your life. You do not have to physically be in control, you just have to feel like you are. You may think that you want your own place, your own car, and your own life, but in reality, you just want to feel like you are powerful enough to have an effect on those areas of your life. You can cultivate the feelings of power by recognizing the things that you have within your control. You can control what time you wake up in the morning. You can control the movement of your feet. You can control the words you say to others. You have full ownership and complete power over yourself. Instead of seeking to gain control over that which may or may not belong to you, focus your energy on that which is completely yours—your body, your actions, and your behavior.

Sagittarius in the 2nd: You’re a bit backwards because freedom is what fuels your groundedness. Your natural reaction is to look for freedom outside of yourself. Financial freedom is what you seek because you believe that you can be free to live your life and do what you want with unlimited capital. However, freedom cannot be purchased. It is a mindset that you create for yourself. Since you can’t control the size of your income, you cannot rely on that to make you feel free. Think about the things you already possess that are liberating. You have the freedom to change your bedsheets anytime you want. You have the freedom to go to a park and swing on the swingset for 10 straight hours if you want. You have the freedom to be served at any restaurant you desire. You have the freedom to eat 8 bags of hot chips in one sitting. Your actions have virtually zero limitations. You even have the freedom to punch a guy if you wanted (of course there are consequences for that). Redirect your focus from outside of yourself and remember that you have the freedom to exist.

Capricorn in the 2nd: You feel grounded when you can feel in charge of something. Your natural response is to look outside of yourself for something to manage, specifically people, objects, and outcomes. But you can’t control how someone treats you, so you cannot anchor your sense of security to them. Nor can you control if your car breaks down, the speed at which those damn avocados finally ripen, or if you get hired for that job you want. You cannot derive your sense groundedness to things that are beyond your control. You can only feel grounded when you take responsibility of yourself. Be in charge of yourself; your actions, your responses, and your growth. Set goals and expectations for yourself like waking up at 7am everyday, working out daily, completing your errands, and finally seeing a doctor about that one thing you’ve been putting off. When you start bossing yourself around instead of the things outside of yourself, you’ll finally find that state of zen that you’ve been looking for.

Aquarius in the 2nd: You feel grounded when you feel like you are meaningfully contributing to something greater than yourself. Your sense of inner security is achieved by bettering the lives of others. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing your needs, but if you’re only focus is on yourself, you will feel like something is missing. That is because you are a gifted activist, and your talents need to be put to use. Get involved in some sort of community work that allows you to open up that compassionate heart of yours. Environmentalism, animal liberation, gender or LGBT equality, it does not matter. You will feel completely safe in yourself and you will create a stable sense of self-worth when you open your heart to your community.

Pisces in the 2nd: You feel grounded when you are generous with your resources. This placement is tricky because you’re prone to excessive generosity to the point of having nothing left to give yourself. However, selfishness will get you nowhere. You need to figure out your baselines. Realistically, how many clothes do you really need? How much money do you need to be comfortable? How much food do you need to be healthy and satisfied? How many bedrooms do you need in your house? How much space do you need in your car? Downsize and readjust until your needs are being covered at a level that makes you comfortable. Give the rest to those in need. Since you have a pure heart, the most vulnerable members of society are your weakness; children, the disabled, the elderly, animals, and the physically and mentally ill. Generosity allows you to feel comfortable in your skin and good about your self-esteem.

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