

How to Feel Grounded in Astrology ‍♀️ Part 2

The second house is more than just money and possessions. It’s personal ownership of any kind. From owning tangible things like purses and shoes, to owning intangible things like knowledge and self esteem. It is the things you do to make yourself feel safe and secure. It is your basic, physical needs. It is what you do to feel grounded. Part 1.@lifeofaie

Libra in the 2nd: You feel scattered, anxious, and insecure when you are unable to persuade someone to your side of things. You have the gift of persuasion, so you’re able to convince anyone of anything. However, that doesn’t always work in your favor. When you are unable to sway someone’s mind, it takes a toll on your self-worth. You suddenly don’t feel as valuable or worthy when you get rejected. In order to fortify your sense of security and groundedness, you have to direct your talents inward. Persuade yourself. Try to convince yourself that you already have everything you need to feel complete inside of you. You do not need the approval of others to feel secure about yourself. Once you have a solid foundation for yourself, you will find that the next time you are rejected, your self-esteem survives unharmed.

Scorpio in the 2nd: You are most comfortable when you have control in your life. You do not have to physically be in control, you just have to feel like you are. You may think that you want your own place, your own car, and your own life, but in reality, you just want to feel like you are powerful enough to have an effect on those areas of your life. You can cultivate the feelings of power by recognizing the things that you have within your control. You can control what time you wake up in the morning. You can control the movement of your feet. You can control the words you say to others. You have full ownership and complete power over yourself. Instead of seeking to gain control over that which may or may not belong to you, focus your energy on that which is completely yours—your body, your actions, and your behavior.

Sagittarius in the 2nd: You’re a bit backwards because freedom is what fuels your groundedness. Your natural reaction is to look for freedom outside of yourself. Financial freedom is what you seek because you believe that you can be free to live your life and do what you want with unlimited capital. However, freedom cannot be purchased. It is a mindset that you create for yourself. Since you can’t control the size of your income, you cannot rely on that to make you feel free. Think about the things you already possess that are liberating. You have the freedom to change your bedsheets anytime you want. You have the freedom to go to a park and swing on the swingset for 10 straight hours if you want. You have the freedom to be served at any restaurant you desire. You have the freedom to eat 8 bags of hot chips in one sitting. Your actions have virtually zero limitations. You even have the freedom to punch a guy if you wanted (of course there are consequences for that). Redirect your focus from outside of yourself and remember that you have the freedom to exist.

Capricorn in the 2nd: You feel grounded when you can feel in charge of something. Your natural response is to look outside of yourself for something to manage, specifically people, objects, and outcomes. But you can’t control how someone treats you, so you cannot anchor your sense of security to them. Nor can you control if your car breaks down, the speed at which those damn avocados finally ripen, or if you get hired for that job you want. You cannot derive your sense groundedness to things that are beyond your control. You can only feel grounded when you take responsibility of yourself. Be in charge of yourself; your actions, your responses, and your growth. Set goals and expectations for yourself like waking up at 7am everyday, working out daily, completing your errands, and finally seeing a doctor about that one thing you’ve been putting off. When you start bossing yourself around instead of the things outside of yourself, you’ll finally find that state of zen that you’ve been looking for.

Aquarius in the 2nd: You feel grounded when you feel like you are meaningfully contributing to something greater than yourself. Your sense of inner security is achieved by bettering the lives of others. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing your needs, but if you’re only focus is on yourself, you will feel like something is missing. That is because you are a gifted activist, and your talents need to be put to use. Get involved in some sort of community work that allows you to open up that compassionate heart of yours. Environmentalism, animal liberation, gender or LGBT equality, it does not matter. You will feel completely safe in yourself and you will create a stable sense of self-worth when you open your heart to your community.

Pisces in the 2nd: You feel grounded when you are generous with your resources. This placement is tricky because you’re prone to excessive generosity to the point of having nothing left to give yourself. However, selfishness will get you nowhere. You need to figure out your baselines. Realistically, how many clothes do you really need? How much money do you need to be comfortable? How much food do you need to be healthy and satisfied? How many bedrooms do you need in your house? How much space do you need in your car? Downsize and readjust until your needs are being covered at a level that makes you comfortable. Give the rest to those in need. Since you have a pure heart, the most vulnerable members of society are your weakness; children, the disabled, the elderly, animals, and the physically and mentally ill. Generosity allows you to feel comfortable in your skin and good about your self-esteem.

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Both Libra and Gemini are summarized as being fake or two-faced because they do not present a consistent image in social settings.

Neither sign is fake. Both signs are air elements, thus they are masters in social settings and intellectual spaces.

Gemini is the mutable air sign that adapts to triggers and stimuli in the environment. Gemini assesses the environment that it is in, and then shifts like a chameleon to blend in and relate to others. Gemini is environment centered, thus takes in detailed information like the room, the temperature, the vibe, and various moods of people in its immediate vicinity. The sigb blends all of these elements together to make itself relatable, approachable, and socially acceptable.

Libra is the cardinal air sign that presents an image of itself based on what the sign thinks another person wants it to be. Libra likes to play on flattery and acceptance, so Libra chooses to present characteristics that it thinks the person in front of them would be most receptive to. Libra is partnership oriented, thus the sign assess the personality of one person at a time, and crafts an image that is tailored to that specific individual.

I know this all sounds pretty similar, but it is the difference between mutable air and cardinal air.

When The Signs Show Up at Random, Part 1

Someone may come into your life at random for seemingly no reason at all. Or you may encounter an influx of people all with the same sign becoming a part of your life. This is no coincidence. The universe puts these people in your life because you’re meant to learn something from them.


Aries: When Aries comes into your life, it’s time to light the fires within your soul. There’s a new beginning in your life. You may be scared or resistant to this new change. Aries is here to instill excitement and fearlessness within you. You may find yourself rolling your eyes at the Aries because they seem to be so childish and clueless. But that is the energy that you need right now. You need the excitement and curiosity of a child. You need that fearless energy to brave the unknown. You need to connect with that raw fire within you that makes you feel alive. You need to charge head forward into whatever new opportunity is waiting for you.

Taurus: When Taurus comes into your life, you are lacking a sense of stability within your environment. You may be struggling with finances, reliable transportation or housing, or a feeling of being grounded within yourself. Your energy is either unreliable, absent, or unstable. Taurus is trying to help you place weights in your shoes so that your energy is not floating haphazardly around you. You may also be struggling to accept thing the way they currently are. Taurus has come into your life to help you get comfortable with your currently reality.

Gemini: Gemini comes into your life when you are struggling to grasp the concept of polarity. You may be stuck on the extreme end of something in your life. Gemini is here to show you that in order to appreciate the Sun, you must understand the darkness. In order to appreciate summer, you must go through winter. Hyper-focusing on one extreme end of the spectrum while completely closing yourself off to the opposing side has left you with a narrow minded viewpoint. Gemini is here to help you adapt to the changes that need to take place in your life.

Cancer: When Cancer comes into your life, you are living a life in which you have spread yourself too thin. Cancer is here to teach you to take care of what really matters. You need to direct your energy inward and attend to the emotions that you have been repressing lately. You are trying to do too much and help too many people. Your personal energy is scattered and it has left you drained with hardly enough left to take care of yourself. Cancer is trying to teach you to have healthy amount of selfishness. Your needs will forever be more important than everything else.

Leo: If Leo has come into your life, you’re struggling with a sense of pride and entitlement. You don’t feel worthy or special. You don’t feel like you matter. You feel like you don’t deserve anything. You may be going to extremes to prove your worth to others. You feel like you need to earn love, praise, and recognition from others. Leo is trying to reconnect you with your inner child. You need to shower yourself with love, praise, and attention. You need to develop a sense of entitlement. You need to feel like you deserve things in life, not because of what you can do for others, but because you have innate inner value and worth.

Virgo:If Virgo show up in your life, it’s time to be more generous with your time and resources. You have something valuable that can really help people. Virgo is here to teach you a lesson in selflessness. Give and help others without expecting the generosity to be reciprocated. Alternatively, Virgos may appear to help you open your eyes. You may be overlooking some critical details in your life. Virgo is here to help you slow down, pay attention, and reevaluate things with a critical eye.

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We usually put our Sun, Moon, and rising sign in our bio to give our followers a description of who we are. Your Sun, Moon, and rising may very well describe you, but when you’re online, you give off a different vibe on social media than you do in person.

First, our social media accounts can be summarized by our midheaven (the sign on the 10th house cusp), not our Sun, Moon, or rising. Your midheaven is the reputation that you wish to project out into the world. When people visit your page, they are greeted by a heavily curated image that you have projected out into the world. You post edited pictures, edited captions, and edited personal experiences. You only share the highlights of your life on your accounts. You only post content that matches your blog or your aesthetic. I’m not saying that your social media page is your career, but you can look at it the same way. You’re an artist, so you have an art page. You’re a kpop stan, so you have a kpop account. You’re a witch, so you have a witchy blog. Your blog is curated, manipulated, and perfected in such a way that you only present the parts of yourself that you want the world to see. That is why instead of listing your Sun first, you should actually list your midheaven (the sign on the 10th house cusp) first.

The rising sign if the vibe you give off when you personally interact with your followers. When you reply to their comments, DMs, or when you reach out to others. This is the first impression you give off. After you peel back the first layer that is your midheaven, you’re greeted by your rising sign. Your rising sign is more personal. It is a much more authentic representation of who you really are. When people cross the threshold from just viewing your social media page to actually interacting with you, they are greeted by your rising sign. They form their thoughts, opinions, and judgements of your character by how you engage with them. That is why instead of listing you rising sign last, you should actually list it second.

Your Sun is the last layer of your personality that people have access to on social media. The Sun is your identity, your self-expression, and your unique individuality. Unless you have your Sun in a public house like the 1st or 10th house, most of your followers do not get a true representation of who you really are. However, when you start to form friendships with your followers or you start to share your personal life on your accounts, your true authenticity begins to shine. Your identity pops out and people get a good idea of who you really are. People who have been following you for a while have seen every post you posted and then deleted. They’ve seen every personal story you’ve shared. They’ve gotten to understand the motivation behind why you started your account and why you continue to use it. That is why instead of listing your Sun first, you should actually list it last.

The Moon is the least important planet to share on your account. Unless your Moon is in a public house like the 1st, and especially the 10th house, not a single soul on social media is every going to be met with your Moon. The Moon is your intimate and sensitive emotional nature. The Moon naturally wants to hide from the public because she wants to protect her vulnerabilities. We normally don’t blast our messy breakups, our family feuds, and our deepest needs on social media because those things are very personal to us (and most of us don’t even know how to properly share our feelings lol). You can keep listing the Moon in your bio if you want, but it really doesn’t describe you as well as your midheaven does.

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Sometimes astrology can make you feel trapped. When you start to learn about your difficult placements, you can start to feel frustrated. You may wish that you were born just a little later or a little earlier so your chart would look different. You may wish you had more of a certain element in your chart or less of a certain sign in your chart. You may play around with different house systems to find one that you consider to be more “favorable” although deep down inside, you know you don’t really resonate with it. You may even venture into Vedic astrology just to get a whole different set of signs that you feel more at ease with.

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to feel trapped with your natal chart. You don’t have to wish you were born differently. Your birth chart is comprised of every single good thing astrology has to offer. Do you hate being a Pisces? You’re in luck. You literally have the 11 other signs in your birth chart, in YOUR PERSONALITY, that you can tap into at any time. Do you want to be like a Leo? Congratulations. Leo’s energy is already apart of you, you just have to tap into it.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all apart of you. It doesn’t matter if your Venus is in detriment, or your Jupiter is poorly aspected, or your Sun is in an unfavorable house. The planets natural, strong, healthy energy is still apart of you. You can tap into the healthy expressions of the planets at any time. All you have to do is connect with a good astrologer that can show you how.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are all apart of you. It doesn’t matter if your Sun, Moon, or rising isn’t in your desired sign. It doesn’t matter if some signs are intercepted. It doesn’t matter if your personal planets aren’t in your desired signs. All 12 signs sit in your birth chart wheel. They will be apart of you forever. All you have to do is connect with an astrologer who can tell you how to tap into that energy.

I don’t want any of you to wish that you were born at a different time. Your birth was perfect and amazing and you came out perfect and amazing. Your birth chart is literally just the cards you were dealt in life. You do not have to live within the confines of your chart.

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Most believe that Scorpio is the most psychic sign, but I believe that title belongs to Pisces. If we compare the two, we can see that Pisces has an additional advantage over Scorpio. Scorpio is the fixed water sign. When you mix the fixed quality and the water element, you can imagine chucking a rock into the sea. The rock is a dense unmovable, impenetrable object. When you throw the rock in the sea, it plummets all the way to the bottom. That’s why Scorpio is the sign that uncovers emotions that have been hidden or suppressed.

Pisces is the mutable water sign. The mutable quality gives Pisces the ability to adapt and change in direct response to its environment. You can imagine throwing Pisces into the water and seeing it shapeshift. Pisces can turn into a fish, a dolphin, or a shark in direct response to whatever lurks in the mysterious and elusive realm that is the ocean.

Pisces naturally has psychic gifts because they are naturally gifted at changing their vibration to match the vibration of other people, other realms, and other dimensions.

I’m sure Pisces Sun & Rising are sick of everyone ridiculing them for not being strong enough, or secure enough, or picky enough, or independent enough. They already know this. The thing is, Pisces was not designed to be any of those things. Pisces was created to be the bridge between two worlds–the physical world and the spirit world.

this video goes more in depth about pisces natural psychic gifts

Aquarius Sun & Rising like to say that they’re much too complex for anyone to ever fully understand them. The thing is, they don’t even fully understand themselves.

But Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism? How could they possibly struggle with intimacy issues when they have all of this overwhelming love for humanity? Aquarius has an affinity for groups, social settings, and humanity as a whole because those types of relationships do not support an intimate exchange of emotions.

If Aquarius has a friend that is crying, they do not know how to handle it. Aquarius might offer up solutions for them to feel better or suggest activities to get their mind off of the sadness. They want to fix their friend’s sadness or help them distract from their pain. But Aquarius doesn’t know how to just sit there and comfort their friend.

Aquarius may think that they have a pretty good understanding of their emotions. But that’s the thing about air signs; they think about their emotions. They don’t feel them. They judge their emotions and try to find solutions or distractions, instead of just letting the feelings be felt.

The Aquarius journey in life will be learning how to be less impersonal and more intimate.

i made a video for aquarius that goes into detail about their intimacy issues

Capricorn Sun & Rising give off a certain vibe that compels people to share their hopes and dreams with them. Capricorns are the big ideas and the planners of the zodiac, so people with dreams feel an urge to confide in them. Unfortunately, those people are in for a rude awakening from the Cap person.

Capricorn dissects and pulls those dreams apart, aiming for the weakest spots. That crushes a lot of people, because their dreams are so precious and so intimate. It hurts to have them stepped on and disregarded as nothing more than a failure waiting to happen. But Capricorn isn’t trying to hurt them.

Remember, Capricorn is the father of the zodiac, so they have an innate desire to take care and provide for those under their care. The last thing Capricorn wants to do is hurt someone.

Capricorn isn’t trying to make people feel stupid for dreaming big. They’re trying to prevent them from getting their dreams crushed because, if those people were to go out and follow their heart, they would be heartbroken when their dreams didn’t pan out.

Capricorn exposes the weakest areas in hopes and wishes, not to belittle people, but to show them where they can improve and strengthen those dreams. They just have a very cold, distant, and emotionally detached way of showing it. It’s not because Capricorn is emotionless, they just show their love in a tough love way. They have the love of a father.

if you think capricorns are boring, you’re wrong. heres a video proving it

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign. When we have a spark of inspiration, it is the fire element that drives us to act upon that wild spark. When we feel depressed and hopeless, it is the fire element that rekindles our passion to live. When we lock eyes with an attractive person, it is the fire element the shoots off endless amounts of butterflies in our stomach. Fire is that burning part of our soul that drives us and makes us feel alive.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising are meant to help people rekindle that passion and excitement in their lives. People who lack strong fire in their charts tend to get offended in the presence of Sagittarius because this sign challenges them to face their insecurities. People with low fire lack the passion to be authentically and unapologetically themselves. Sagittarius has those qualities in abundance. Many people project their insecurities on Sag, call them rude, obnoxious, etc, and try to make the Sag feel less about themselves.

I am not excusing Sagittarius for their behavior. Just like every other sign, Sagittarius has their own set of extremes and weaknesses that they fall victim to every once in a while. But Sagittarius, just like all fire signs, is unfairly criticized for their inherent nature. 

here’s a whole ass video about why sagittarius aren’t rude at all

The reason why you hate Scorpio Sun & Rising is because Scorpio brings out the worst in you. Scorpio makes you feel your emotions to an extent that you’ve never felt before. Scorpio takes your happiness to the next level and makes you feel euphoria. At the same time, they take your worry to the next level make you have full blown panic attacks.

Scorpios probing energy digs up things that you have repressed within yourself. Scorpio energy uncovers your fear, your shame, your embarrassment, your insecurities, your vulnerabilities, and everything else you’ve been trying to hide. Most people are not prepared for this. Most people are content living their lives as if they don’t have skeletons in the closet. But when a Scorpio comes in your life and makes you feel crazy, it is time for you to accept that which you have been hiding.

I am not excusing Scorpio for their bad habits, because they definitely have things that they need to work on. However, the rampant hate people have for this sign is just their fear disguised as hatred. People don’t hate Scorpio, nor are they scared of Scorpio. They are scared to face the demons that exist within themselves. Scorpio is not the demon. Scorpio just helps you face yours.

here’s a whole ass video about why scorpios are literal blessings in disguise

Libra Sun & Rising have almost everyone fooled into believing that they value the feelings and opinions of others. I’m not saying that Libra is not capable of being genuinely compassionate. However, Libra has a negative streak that most people fall victim to.

LIBRA IS A CARDINAL SIGN!!! people!!!! wtf!!!

As a cardinal sign, Libra forcefully pushes their will on to others. Most people think that Libra is much too nice and sweet to ever force anyone to do anything. People who say that are oblivious to the fact that they’ve been manipulated and charmed by Libra.

Libra’s actions are very subtle. Libra’s immediately pick up on your opposing argument. Since Libra’s goal is to create harmony and unity, Libra is going to persuade you to their side because they believe they have the best point of view. Libra will patiently listen to you explain your side of the argument. They’ll even agree with you to make you feel good about yourself. Then they’ll do this intellectual mindfuck, where they manipulate your words. They do this very discreetly, through a lot of passive, non-confrontational explanation. In the end, you’ll shake your head in agreement with Libra’s initial point of view. Libra will make it seem like their idea was your idea all along. This is intellectual manipulation, aka manipulation of the mind.

Libra wants to balance their individual needs with the needs of others. But sometimes, Libra encounters situations where their needs completely differ from someone else’s needs. And instead of honestly working together to find a middle ground, the cardinal, masculine energy in Libra wants to force his will on to others to speed up the process.

here’s a whole ass video explaining how libra makes you look like a clown

Virgo Sun & rising are notorious for their facial expressions that often look disgusted, mean, or uninterested. This is known as the resting bitch face. Many people speculate that Virgos are silently judging them because Virgo is looking at them with a sour face. However, Virgo isn’t judging you in the way that you may think.

When people say, ‘don’t judge me,’ what they’re really saying is, ‘don’t try to determine my worth based off of your judgement.’

Virgo doesn’t actually determine worth, value, or character. Virgo simply sees something that it out of place and has the pressing urge to fix it. Virgo doesn’t actually make subjective judgements about anything. Virgo doesn’t look at people and think less of them because their teeth aren’t straight, their grammar isn’t proper, or their iPhone is outdated. Virgo is completely objective, factual, and practical. Virgo wants to help you make improvements because Virgo feels this would be in your best interest. Because of this, Virgo’s heart is pretty pure.

Don’t take Virgo’s resting bitch face or their judgements to heart. Virgo does not think that you are a bad or unworthy person. Virgo only wants to help you become the best version of yourself.

here’s a whole ass video about why you shouldn’t take virgo’s RBF personally

Leos get criticized for being narcissistic, self-centered, conceited, and egotistic. The world is so obsessed with self-deprecation, that we get uncomfortable when others take pride in themselves. Leos aren’t the problem. The insecurities of the world are.

The Sun is ruled by Leo. That means that the qualities of the Sun are expressed without obstruction and without filter in the sign of Leo. The Sun is the brightest star in our solar system, so by extension, Leo is the brightest star on earth. But there is so much insecurity in our society that people actually feel threatened by Leos just because they value themselves.

People project their insecurities onto Leo. They say that Leos are show-offs. But the truth is, they witnessed the Leo existing in his excellence and started to compare themselves to him. Leo is not a creature of comparison. He’s not in competition with anyone, that’s Aries. Leo is a fixed sign, so his goal is to sustain and protect. He does not fight. So, if you think a Leo is trying to show off or one-up you, you’re projecting that fact that you are trying to show off or one-up him.

here’s a whole ass video about why leos are amazing and everyone else is projecting
