#salt fandom


Anonymous asked:

I mean *I* have fun talking to you. Even if that just means dropping anonymously into your inbox to add my two cents to whatever discussion is going on every so often. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t having fun. (really love your videos, btw)

Thank you~! I appreciate it!

Anonymous asked:

You r great to talk to and interact with! In general you seem very sweet and helpful and have deep thoughts on things (which I appreciate very much) and interesting opinions. And when you’re not chill you’re being wild in the most amusing way (usually ranting about something and it’s amazing to watch) or absolutely wrecking some jerk who came into YOUR blog with an attitude about what YOU post in YOUR OWN tailored space for people who want to know what you think lol. Plus u r a skilled writer and your fics and just posts in general are very enjoyable to read.


And yeah! Like–itis my space (our space?), so people coming in as if blocking and blacklisting isn’t a thing is just–ugh.

The other thing is… I’d understand if it was a comment section or something, because I’ve been there where maybe it’s a comic or story and you really like it but the comments are mostly negative or just don’t share the way you interpret the work. In the respect, the only option is to just not engage at all with the comment section, which isn’t as viable as not interacting with the parts of the fandom one doesn’t like since a comment section is everything at once and it’s harder/impossible to avoid what you don’t want to see.


says the anon who is choosing to interact with a salter right now. Do you not see the irony, or are you too high off your own ego that has apparently dictated which parts of the fandom are fun and which are not?

Little hypothetical for you, babe: Someone comes directly into your inbox. You have no idea where they came from, no clue what post of yours ticked them off, virtually all of your posts are tagged properly so they could avoid them if they took the effort to do so, and their only “criticism” is that you’re annoying.

Who’sactually the annoying one? Perhaps it’s the one who just dropped into your inbox to spew anon hate in a blind rage?

Furthermore, would you actually listen to them? Would you listen to the insults of someone who doesn’t follow you and you have no reason to cater to? I don’t imagine you would.

Salters aren’t fun to talk to? Says who? You? Are you an authority? Why do you get to decide who’s fun and why should we care? I imagine my followers would disagree with you and say that I am in fact fun and that they have fun reading my posts.

But I suppose our new definition of “fun” is bothering other people because you saw a post you don’t like and are too cowardly to come off anon.

shadowelfwarrior asked:

I bet that anon’s getting pissy because Marinette’s not on the ground screaming and crying and flailing about how “she’s such a horrible awful person for not putting allllllll her trust in Adrien, please forgive her, she worship at his feet for the rest of her life, she’s really oh-so-sorry-”  Bleh, miss me with that garbage.

The thing that always gets me about it is this is the generalization that “all salters bad and put their favs on pedestals.”

And I’m someone who pulls out statistics and sad math so acting as if I don’t back up my claims with evidence just for the sake of blind salting is just deception.

little-miss-understood asked:

This anon reminds me so much of the Lila Anon on A03 it’s not even funny


I haven’t experienced them myself but I’ve seen it and heard stories.

ribbonspice asked:

What’s even the point of sending you these hate asks if they know you’ll be able to easily refute them? Have these people never gone outside? Do they have hobbies outside of fiction? Or do they just want to hate on you because you happen to be a prominent Adrien salt blog?

I guess they’re bored and have nothing better to do? I guess they had a hell of a bad day and decided to take it out on people who have no effect on them whatsoever. :P

Anonymous asked:

I love when you have people who use “they’re 14-15 year olds” or “they’re 14-15, stop expecting them to act a certain a way”. Which in a way I get where they’re coming from but at the same time I’m that person who doesn’t give a crap what they’re 14-15. When it comes to certain characters, I won’t name which characters, but at that age they know right from wrong and regardless that they are fictional characters, they can be held accountable for what is canon and who they are as a character. Age means nothing to me when pointing out someone’s wrong doings.


This is a narrative. It’s not like characters can never get away with something they do (I feel like that might be at least a little boring; small offense constantly having to be called out/punished could get dull), but when it’s big stuff? It’d be one thing if the show called a character out and then was like, “oh you’re still young–” or something, because then it’d at least be acknowledging it, but instead they just don’t want to point it out at all.

I typically find the “they’re young” argument to be valid mostly when counting up the severity of the punishment. Like–yes, I expect an adult to be punished more severely than a teenager, and I’ve talked before on how Marinette’s punishments for certain minor actions are so harsh that I think it more than balances out whatever they decide “not to blame her for” in the eyes of others, but yeah.

Anonymous asked:

I would be more tolerant of that marinette salt blog if it wasn’t, y'know, the disgusting make-marinette-suffer fantasies of a delusional self-inserter. Just saying.


Also, doesn’t it go to show that there is no actual argument if they make the blog as a sort of parody? If they wanted to do it properly, they’d be making an Adrien prompt blog where it’s other characters explaining/validating his decisions in detail, but instead it’s like we were all, “Here’s a detailed list of reasons why Chat is useless 90% of the time,” and they just went, “Your face is useless 90% of the time!”

Like–nothing of value was gained and no actual argument was retorted. Now, if the blog had been made on actual facts and statistics, then maybe we’d have a topic worth discussing.


Okay guys, this is absolutely hilarious. Adrien Stan’s have now made a @/marinettesaltprompts blog and they’re specifically going out of their way to imitate/mock @rjalker ’ s @adriensaltpromptsand@mlwritingprompts , even going as far as copy and pasting the blog intros almost word for word lol. Oh, and don’t forget the casual ableism, transphobia (mocking Rjalker using it/it’s pronouns, and being autistic with their robot comment) and NSFW implications.

Looks like it was made yesterday, 5/8/22, with a single prompt of “Marinette salt” where…. Adrien corners Marinette and gets mad at her about Chat Blanc lmao, and paints her as being a manipulative abuser because she “keeps secrets from him” and Adrien gets pissed off at her for “not asking why his future self was akumatized” and blah blah blah.

So, Miraculous fandom, please feel free to block this troll awhile, once again Adrien Stans are purely reactionary and almost make parodies of themselves in how desperate they are to prop up their incel white boy billionaire lol. “Marinette is the worst protagonist” uhuh, sure, sure.

@critical-thinking-is-mandatory,@miraculouscontent here you go, for your amusement lol.


It’s like the holy trinity of everything we’ve ever complained about with Adrien stans. That’s impressive.

Not surprised that the people who stan Adrien demand that Ladybug be perfect and ask Chat Blanc why he got akumatized as if she wasn’t busy trying to not die after being traumatized.

The icing on the cake is the suggestion that we’re the ones who need to touch grass when they’re the ones making parody accounts, throwing out generalizations about all salt ever, and using ableist and transphobic insults instead of retorting with - you know - facts and reasons.

Granted, when one doesn’t have any logic-based arguments, I suppose it’s easier to go full ad hominem.
