#salt writing


Anonymous asked:

I love when you have people who use “they’re 14-15 year olds” or “they’re 14-15, stop expecting them to act a certain a way”. Which in a way I get where they’re coming from but at the same time I’m that person who doesn’t give a crap what they’re 14-15. When it comes to certain characters, I won’t name which characters, but at that age they know right from wrong and regardless that they are fictional characters, they can be held accountable for what is canon and who they are as a character. Age means nothing to me when pointing out someone’s wrong doings.


This is a narrative. It’s not like characters can never get away with something they do (I feel like that might be at least a little boring; small offense constantly having to be called out/punished could get dull), but when it’s big stuff? It’d be one thing if the show called a character out and then was like, “oh you’re still young–” or something, because then it’d at least be acknowledging it, but instead they just don’t want to point it out at all.

I typically find the “they’re young” argument to be valid mostly when counting up the severity of the punishment. Like–yes, I expect an adult to be punished more severely than a teenager, and I’ve talked before on how Marinette’s punishments for certain minor actions are so harsh that I think it more than balances out whatever they decide “not to blame her for” in the eyes of others, but yeah.

Anonymous asked:

I would be more tolerant of that marinette salt blog if it wasn’t, y'know, the disgusting make-marinette-suffer fantasies of a delusional self-inserter. Just saying.


Also, doesn’t it go to show that there is no actual argument if they make the blog as a sort of parody? If they wanted to do it properly, they’d be making an Adrien prompt blog where it’s other characters explaining/validating his decisions in detail, but instead it’s like we were all, “Here’s a detailed list of reasons why Chat is useless 90% of the time,” and they just went, “Your face is useless 90% of the time!”

Like–nothing of value was gained and no actual argument was retorted. Now, if the blog had been made on actual facts and statistics, then maybe we’d have a topic worth discussing.
