#samar navabi



Additional NBC promo pics for Episode 9.19 “The Bear Mask”

My short answer would be “yes.”

But “Saving” is such a confusing word.

Elizabeth Keen needed to stay alive. She is the door to the untouchable world: the world of the so-called “Blacklisters”, a list contains of criminals, bad, evil people, as it had been mentioned on Season One, people even FBI did not know they existed. If the key to open that door is the brilliant James Spader is like Christmas came early to me.

She also needed to stay alive to prove she was not guilty of all charges.

Yes, Elizabeth Keen was a strong, smart, beautiful, skilled, able grown up woman, who could take care of herself. However, I don’t think she would survive a day, had she been alone and not receiving any help.

She was a fugitive, chased by FBI, CIA (probably), Homeland Security officers, Cabal (or is it written Kabal?), and god knows who else.It would be highly unlikely that she had managed to stay alive all by herself. She was after all, a normal human being.

Think about it. even Raymond Reddington - the most brilliant mind in the criminal had needed help and would continue doing so if he wanted to survive. He had ‘Bad-ass’ Dembe, Mr Kaplan and her chain-saw, a group (or two) soldier of fortune… you name it, he had it. In short word: helpers. And from time to time: saviors.

so yeah, Agent Keen needed saving.

I love that the writing in the series is kept as realistic as possible. And I love that the female characters in this series were written well and strong, and not always on the good site - either they were the slave handler, the abusive mothers, or the sly thief - matched to Red. When will Mrs. Reddington (Madeline Pratt - a.k.a the wonderful Jennifer Ehle) play again, I wonder. Then, we have Elizabeth Keen with all her goodness and flaws. And certainly, I do not need to mention Mr. Kaplan.and her chain-saw, do I?

Perhaps I have to say a little about my definition of well written, strong characters: they are not without flaws (or goodness). They make us want to know about their past. They make us understand why they had done it - or in a more general term, they have their reasons. They are made humane - and not some reflections of our imagination. Or as my writing teacher told me: they could exist.

Now about Agent Navabi… kinda wish she would be written better… or maybe it’s just me having difficulties to give her any attention, when I have to focus on between a very strong character of Ressler and the scene stealer of Aram.
