#the blacklist



Red Redington picking a crime for the FBI to solve and giving it to them at the perfect moment that its theme will line up with the upcoming moral questions in his own life:

Bingewatch recommendation: The Blacklist (on Netflix)

The Blacklist
Why? Because James Spader, that’s why. I know this show is on Season 3 (NBC, Thursday nights 8pm CST), but I just got through Season 1 so I’m behind for now. If I had to describe it, I’d say a cross between Silence of the Lambs, all the Jack Ryan flicks, and a little Shakespeare thrown in. Spader rules in this, that’s all that is. …

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Additional NBC promo pics for Episode 9.19 “The Bear Mask”

8 Years. 944 Threads. 204,445 Posts. That is a lot to celebrate! Join the posters on The Blacklist board as they celebrate their 8th AnniversaryonFan Forum.

Banner by Miranda


“[…] but I also think he cares for him.”

James Spader on Red’s feelings for Ressler from Behind The BlacklistS9.

·To care for someone, v., no cont (PROTECT/PROVIDE FOR)·

to do the necessary things for someone who needs help or protection|Macmillan Dictionary

“Why the hell are you doing this? It’s pretty obvious I hate your guts, and I can’t imagine you hold a whole lot of warmth for me, especially after hearing about Brussels.”

“I knew about Brussels.”

“Then why save me?”

“Because that’s what you do when someone is dying in front of you.”

“I’m the one who reached out to you, Donald. […] For the moment, the scalp I’m worried about is yours. […]I fear, Donald, that you’re being hunted by a vengeful, ruthless killer.

“Searching in the desert for a drop of vengeance to slake an unquenchable thirst is a lonely walk, my friend.”

“Agent Ressler. Once you cross over, there are things in the darkness that can keep your heart from ever feeling the light again.”

“Agent Ressler came to me for assistance, which I provided. […] a bit of direction in an otherwise blind pursuit.”

“Donald, I understand how you feel. Beneath the iron-and-rust exterior beats the heart of a man swimming in immeasurable grief.”

“Donald, I want you to know that I do understand how you feel. There is nothing that can take the pain away. But eventually, you will find a way to live with it. There will be nightmares. And every day, when you wake up, it will be the first thing you think about. Until one day… It will be the second thing.”

“You know, Donald, before I turned myself in to the FBI, I held people like you in extremely low regard. […] But I’ve found your determination to do the right thing, your genuine commitment to the thin blue line that separates order and innocence from the likes of me to be quite admirable. […] I want you to know you can count on me if you ever find yourself in as difficult position as Officer McGinnis has put himself in. […] Nevertheless, my offer stands.”


“I never thanked you for what you did after Audrey died.”

“You were preoccupied.”

“I never thanked you for that.”

“Nor should you. Your circumspection afforded me the opportunity to take care of Audrey’s killer myself. It was a win-win.”

“What happened with Prescott, the missing file… Reddington did that to protect me.”


“You had him [Prescott] killed!”

“I did.”

“I never asked for your help.”

“With all due respect, I didn’t kill Henry Prescott to protect you. I killed him to protect myself. The man knew the nature of my relationship with the FBI, and I couldn’t risk that information coming to light in a public trial.”

“And my file? You had it removed from Prescott’s records before they were taken into custody.”

“Sins should be buried like the dead. Not that they may be forgotten, but that we may remember them and find our way forward nonetheless. I hope this will help you do just that. Besides, after today, I’d have no reason to think you’d respond to threats, and blackmail is such a nasty business, particularly among friends, don’t you think?”

“Revenge doesn’t suit you, Donald.”

to love someone and feel romantic towards them | Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

“Donald, you and I aren’t done just yet.”

“I know a great many things about you, Donald.”

[About B-negative blood type they share] “And you thought we had nothing in common. There’s only 2% of us, you know?”

if you care for someone, you feel a lot of affection for them|Collins Dictionary

“It’s not a trade or a bribe or an offer of payment in kind to entice you to look away. I admire your probity too much for that. […] All I want is your word as a man of honor.”

“I admire the way you’re dealing with your addiction, Donald.”

“Your Honor, I’m happy to stipulate that Agent Ressler was the FBI agent who spent the prime years of his career engaged in a futile game of whack-a-mole.”

“Thank you, Agent Ressler. And may I say you are both everything I dislike about the FBI and everything I admire about it?”

[He has a good soul.] I believe he does. I’m less certain about mine.”

[Dembe] “Raymond admires you. Not because of what you do, but because of who you are.”

to love someone, especially in a way that is based on friendship rather than sex | Collins Dictionary

“Allies today, enemies tomorrow… The world is a complex place, further complicated by man’s fickle nature.”

“My good friend Donald Ressler sends his regards.”

- This post is inspired by amazing @kiss-my-freckle. Thank you for your words of encouragement <3

I dedicate this to everyone who have ever stumbled upon my blog/ao3 and left, hopefully, a bit more happier.


@randomprivateer@resslerette1@yddraigwyllt@therattale@trishvaylar@katarinas-redemption@etahoffmann@glowstar826@cesar-hoe — a special hug and thank you y'all <3

It’s four in the morning, the end of december

I’m writing you now just to see if you’re better

New york is cold, but I like where I’m living

There’s music on Clinton Street all through the evening.

I hear that you’re building your little house deep in the desert

You’re living for nothing now, I hope you’re keeping some kind of record.

Call all your friends

And tell them you’re never coming back

Cause this is the end

Pretend that you want it

Don’t react

The damage is done

The police are coming too slow now

I would have died

I would have loved you all my life





The Blacklist 3x14

yeah, I’m a little obsessed with Tom Keen ;) Love him being whumped.


The Blacklist 3x15

Hypovolemic shock after being shot in 3x14, almost died during surgery

Tagged by @wavescutegreenhat, thank you ^.^

Last album: Even If It Kills Me by Motion City Soundtrack

Last movie: Shang Chi <3

Currently reading: A Crowded Marriage by Catherine Alliot ( 0/10, wouldn’t recommend.)

Currently watching: A thousand shows at once actually- The Blacklist, Manner of Death, SNAFU, My Hero Academia, and You never eat alone.

Currently craving: Chinese food and a gooood novel :’)

Tagging-@allie-0714,@ye6njun,@merbel1,@traveleroflife02, and whoever else who wants to do this, go!

“This is the final chapter of the Liz Keen story,” according to John Eisendrath.


Donald Ressler S09E22 The Blacklist

NBC Promo Pics for Episode 9.22 (Part 2 of 2)




05/27/2022 (08:00PM - 09:00PM) (Friday)    : Red and Cooper square off with conflicting endgames for their mutual traitor. A major secret about the Task Force falls into the wrong hands. 


NBC Promo Pics for Episode 9.22 (Part 1 of 2)




05/27/2022 (08:00PM - 09:00PM) (Friday)    : Red and Cooper square off with conflicting endgames for their mutual traitor. A major secret about the Task Force falls into the wrong hands. 


From TV Guide Magazine for the May 27 season finale


Bell Fibe Episode description with cast & writer information for EP 922 “Marvin Gerard Conclusion Part 2”.
