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Bealtaine, May Day, was once considered the first day of summer.

On the eve of May we feasted, scorched bones and bread, prayed for protection, danced, and sang.

The next day, still full and light headed, we went to a friend’s home to cover ourselves in flowers, dance with ribbons, and make some butter.

The early flowers that I’m used to bloom late in Maine. Still, everything is waking up.

Beannachtaí na Bealtaine oraibh.

Demetri for 2, 4, 9 who did 3?

[Image descriptions:

(1) Demetri smiling at the camera wearing a flower crown in front of the maypole. (2) Me, smiling at the camera wearing flower crowns in front of the maypole. (3) Maggie, myself, Demetri, and Noel are putting ribbons up on the maypole in the lawn. (4) A group of people standing in a circle holding colorful ribbons that connect to the pole off camera. We ate wearing flower crowns. (5) Photo from below of new, colorful ribbons woven along the maypole with a flower crown at the top of it. Behind it is blue sky and treetops. (6) A simple porch and screen door with a porch light and mailbox. Yellow flowers and grass hang in a bundle from the porch light, and yellow flowers are strewn in front of the doorstep. (7) Medium sized statue of Diana wearing a flower crown and a red ribbon. There is a drum, an archery bow, lightswitch, thermostat, picture frame, and a horn on the wall behind her. (8) An indoor selfie with my flower crown. (9) Video of Maggie and me dancing on pieces of plywood in a lawn. Our foot rhythms are accompanying a song in Irish that we are singing together. I am wearing a flower crown. Behind us is a maypole, a bonfire, and a green house on the other side of a fence. End descriptions.]
