

Hello Again-11

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)

Bert McGuire sat in his hotel room with pictures and Intel of all the SONS. He was going to need to be well informed if he was going to get his Sophia back. Picking up the information on Harry “Opie” Winston, he is going to tear this man’s world apart.

He had raised Sophia since she was seven, she had made his life a living hell. She had too many secrets about him. Ones he couldn’t afford for her to tell.“


"Opie, you don’t know how powerful McGuire can be…..” I let out a sign. “It would be better with all of you, if I just left.” I didn’t hear my dad and Jax approaching.

“Just like that you’re leaving?” My dad’s angry voice made me turn around. “You fought to get here, to convince me who you are, and now you’re just giving up?”

“Dad…he will bring you down and the whole club!” My body started shaking with fear

“You’re not leaving, I let that bastard take you ten years ago. I didn’t get a chance to fight for you. This time I’m fighting for you (Y/N)!” Tig’s eyes filled with tears.

“Dad…” I let out a slow breath. “If things get too much for you, the club..I’m going to disappear.”

I felt Opie’s arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close. His lips coming close to my ear.

“I already told you, I’m keeping you safe from him.”


Tig’s anger is surging out of control, he saw the fear (Y/N);s eyes. It angered him more, that she thought she was just going to up and leave again. He wasn’t going to allow that, he needed time with her.

He feels terrible at the way he reacted when she arrived here, now that she’s here, he’s going to protect here.

Tig knows he has to be in control, he can’t go off have cocked, and loose control. It has to be planned. His actions can’t bring attention to the club.


Opie wrapped his arms around (Y/N), pulling her close to him. Kissing the top of her head, he knew his heart was lost to her. Pulling back he looked down at (Y/N).

“We’re going to stay at the clubhouse a few days.” He watched her nod her head. He wanted to kiss her again, but knew he didn’t have a reason to.

He was expecting her to reach up, and the soft kiss she placed on his lips. “Thank you Opie.” She walked away, entering the clubhouse.

A smile appearing on his face, he didn’t see Jax approaching him.

“Be careful brother…..” Jax said as he walked past Opie.

Opie let out a long sigh, knowing it was too late, he was far too gone to be careful now.

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot

Hello Again-10

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)

I wrapped my arms around Opie’s waist as I climbed on the back of his bike. I shivered as he started his bike, and he revered the engine. His huge hands covered mine, as he pulled me closer.

“Hold on!” We pulled away from the Sheriff’s department. I laid my head on his back. The city of Charming flew by as we rode through town. I felt safe on the back of his bike. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad and Jax riding behind us.

I had no idea where he was taking me, at at this moment I didn’t care as long as it was far way from Bert McGuire.


Opie grinned as he rode through the streets of town, he was taking (Y/N) to her back to the clubhouse, to keep her safe. Jax and Tig are going back to her hotel and pick up her stuff.

They needed to figure out what that asshole McGuire wanted to, how they were going to handle it all. He knew the club would back them. (Y/N) is family, she didn’t rat, her mom did.

He couldn’t get the kiss off his mind, he enjoyed kissing her. He knew if he wanted to take it any further he would have to talk to Tig first. He knew he would lay down his life for her.


Tig is a bundle of nerves, he wasn’t happy about Opie kissing his baby, and he really isn’t happy about this asshole McGuire wanting to take his baby away again.

He would have to take care of him, he knew his brothers would help, no questions asked. It would be a little more difficult situation ti handle, since McGuire is a Fed.

Tig lost (Y/N) once because of his bitch of an old lady and McGuire, he’d be damned if he lost her again.


Jax knew he would have to be the clam one out of his two brothers. He could see that Opie had already lost his heart to (Y/N), the minute he set eyes on her. He would go after McGuire guns blazing if he saw that (Y/N) was in danger.

Jax would have to lock Tig up, he wouldn’t use his brains if he thought (Y/N) was in danger. Tig would set the world on fire to protect the people that he loves. Now that he knows, that (Y/N), is really his daughter, that’s it.

Jax will have to be in control of his emotions, as well as Opie’s and Tig’s.


I looked up at Opie, as he helped me off his bike. I didn’t want to admit it, but I knew what the truth was.

“I should probably just give up, and go with McGuire. He’s relentless.”

“I’m not letting you go! You knew Tig won’t let you go!”

“I ran away two years ago, trying to get here. McGuire hunted me down and dragged me back home. He locked me in a closet for months…..”

I watched the anger in Opie’s eyes, as he came closer to me. I flinched and stepped back, bumping into his bike. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not going to let him near you, I promise you that.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “I will protect you!”

A/N Note written very well, done quickly in the middle of the week.

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot

Hello Again-9

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

Panic filled me, when I heard Burt’s voice, seeing him coming towards me sent me into fight mode. He promised I was free, that I could come find my dad. I jerked my arm free from Deputy Hale, and jumped from the jeep, I attempted to push passed Opie.

I felt Opie’s arm wrap around my waist, pulling me to his chest. He kissed the top of my head, before pushing me behind him.

“I’ve got you!” I grabbed onto the back of his kutte. My body was shaking. I saw my dad and Jax getting off their bikes, storming towards us.

“Who is that (Y/N)?” Tig asked standing beside me.

“My step father Agent Burt McGuire. ”


Tig felt his anger surge at (Y/N)’s answer. This is the man that took his little girl from him, and kept her away. Agent Burt McGuire is trying to take her back, before Tig can get to know her again.

He lunged towards McGuire, intending to make him a strange smell in Chigger Woods. He felt Jax’s hand on his shoulder, Tig took a moment to calm down.

“You’ve made a mistake, this is my daughter (Y/N) Trager. This is her old man Opie. They were just clearing up a misunderstanding between her and the Deputy. ”


Opie wrapped his arms around (Y/N), pulling her close to him. He ran his hands down her body, and then kissed her gently. “Are you whole babe, Captain America didn’t rough you up, did he?”

“No…I’m fine I should have watched my mouth. I know better to mouth off.” She looked at Hale. “I’m sorry David…..I’ll slow down and not speed.”

David glared at her, pulling out his summons book, and writing her a ticked. “Slow down (Y/N), and watch your attitude. Next time I’ll lock you up!”

Opie pulled her towards his bike, kissing along her neck. “Baby, I’m sorry I was a jackass, let’s go home and make up!” He grinned down at her.

“Take me home baby!” She smiled up at Opie.

Opie pulled her towards his bike. Hoping to make a getaway. Tig was following close behind them.

Opie turned and looked at Burt, and glared at him.

“Stay away from my old lady!”


Hale got out of his jeep, and started inside. Burt grabbed his arm.

“Aren’t you going to do something? They took my step-daughter!”

“Agent McGuire, that is not your step daughter. Her identification shows she is (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) Trager.”

Agent Burt McGuire refused to let the biker gang to keep what he worked so hard for. He would take down the club and get his Sophia.


@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot

Hello Again-8

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)

Opie started cursing when he saw (Y/N) with David Hale. He knew this wouldn’t end well, especially if Hale knew she was associated with the club.

He hung back, watching the two together; jealous rising up within him. Seeing Deputy Hale’s arms around her, was making him furious. He wanted to go rip her away from him; he pushed his feeling aside.

“What the hell is Deputy Dog doing with (Y/N)?” Tig asked.

“Being a damn super hero!” Opie snarled.

Both men watched (Y/N) rode off in Hale’s jeep.


I panicked, and told David my name is Sophia. I hated myself for the slip up, I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of it. Glancing over at David, I remember him from school. He was always nice to me.

“Where are you from Sophia?”

“I’m from Charming, but I was taken away by my mom when I was seven.”

“What brought you back?”

“I wanted to find my dad and remember who I am.”

David looked at me, I could see the confusion on his face. He pulled into the Charming police station.

“What are you talking about? You said your name is Sophia McGuire.”

“I’ve been Sophie Mcguire for ten years. Seven years before that I was (Y/N) Trager.”


Opie, Jax, and Tig pulled into the parking lot of the Charming police department. Seeing Hale’s jeep, Opie walked towards it swiftly.

“(Y/N), you okay? Come on I’ll take you home.” Opie placed his hand on her arm, gently pulling her out of the jeep.

“Ms. McGuire, you do not have to go with this outlaw!” David’s hand was placed gently on her shoulder

Opie let out a growl and pulled on (Y/N)’s arm.


David glared at Opie as he tried to pull (Y/N) out of his jeep. There was no way in hell he was going to let this out law take this young women out of his sight.

Not until he checked out her story. “Ms. McGuire you do not have to go with this outlaw.” A growl came from Winston as he pulled harder on Sophie. “Let me get you a room at the Charming Inn.”


Agent Burt McGuire walked out of the Charming Police station watching to tug-of-war happening between his step-daughter. He smiled to himself as he walked towards the jeep.

“Deputy, thank you for finding my Sophia!”

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot
