

Hello Again-7

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)

Opie’s eyes searched frantically as he drove down the street. He pointed toward Tig, seeing him standing by his bike, standing in front of an abandoned store. Opie felt fear grip his heart, where was (Y/N), she couldn’t have gotten that far.

Opie felt relief when he saw (Y/F/N) coming out of the doorway behind Tig. As he got closer, he watched as Tig turned, saying something to her, and then he shoved her backward. (Y/N) stumbled backwards, almost falling, she caught herself on the door frame.

Opie felt his anger soar, as he stopped his bike. He jumped off, shoving Tig against the wall, his massive arm going across Tig’s throat holding him still.

“What the fuck Tig?

Catching the door frame, I regain my balance, and take a deep breathe. I have a flash back, to five years ago, when my step-dad put his hands on me. I focus and see Opie running towards me, I can see the anger rising off of him.

I take a step back, thinking he’s mad at me, and that he’s going to hit me. I flinch when he shoves Tig against the wall, throwing his tree trunk of an arm across his throat.

I see Jax walking towards me, a soft smile on his face. “You okay darl'n?” His hand is on my arm.

“I’m fine.” I said softly. “Opie let him go, he didn’t hurt me. He was trying to protect me.”

I watched Opie release Tig, and spin around to face me. “You sure you okay?” His eyes were full of concern.

“I’m fine. He wanted me to hide…..to make sure I was safe…..I didn’t listen….I got what I deserved.”

I realized I had revealed too much, I started to walk away from the three men. I needed to get away, and clear my head.

“(Y/N), wait!” I heard Opie call my name, ignoring him, I keep on walking. I heard his booted feet running towards me. I ran faster, turning down unfamiliar streets, having no clue to where I was going.

I was grabbed by two arms, I let out a scream, and started to fight.

“Stop! You’re safe!”

My eyes grew wide, I was staring at a badge. I looked up at a young deputy’s face. I stopped fighting, and became still.

“I’m Deputy David Hale, who are you running from?”

“I got lost and I was scared….”

“Let’s start with your name…”

“I’m Sophia McGuire.”

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455

Hello Again-6

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)

I stormed down the street, feeling a mixture of anger and hurt. It had been a mistake to come to Charming, I had no one, I was alone. I needed to stop, breathe, think, get my emotions in control, before I could do anything.

I should have known this would have not gone my way. Nothing had gone my way in the last ten years. Not since I was ripped from my bed and taken from my whole world. The pain and the memories were too much, my body started to shake with sobs.

The sound of a lone motorcycle cut through the darkness. My “dad” had sent someone after me. I needed to get away, before they caught me. I straightened up and started to walk away. I needed to get out of sight. .

I couldn’t move fast enough, the bike was getting closer. My chest was getting tight, I leaned against a brick wall, leading down an alleyway; hoping to hide in the darkness.

The bike passed by, I sighed in relief. sliding down the wall.

“Get on the bike!”


Tig stared down at (Y/N), she was jumped up from her spot in the alleyway when she heard his command.

“NO!” She walked away, not looking back, he let out a curse as he got off his bike.

.“Damn it (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Trager! STOP. I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!”

She whirled around glaring at him, poking him in the chest with her finger.

“You want to talk now? After calling me a gash all day? Threatening me?”

“I’m sorry….you surprised me. I thought you were dead…..” His voice was full of emotion.


Jax paced the clubhouse he ran his hands through his hair.

“We should have gone with him. She might kill him.” Jax lit a cigarette, blowing out the smoke.

Opie let out a chuckle taking a drink of Patron, glancing at his life long friend.

“She came here looking for Tig, she won’t kill him. (Y/N) might beat the shit out of him, for being a bastard towards her, but she won’t kill him.”

“How long before we go looking for them?” Jax asked.

“ Ten more minutes if they don’t come back on their own.”


“You thought I was dead, so you called me a gash, and treated me like shit?” I stared at him. “I had proof of who I am, and you….”

He started coming closer to me, I held up my hand and backed away.

“(Y/N), please….ten years ago you and your mom…”

“I know what my mother did, but don’t you dare hold that against me, I was seven! I had no choice, I came back as soon as I could. I buried her three days ago….”

“She’s dead? Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He came towards me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I felt myself let go.

“I’m so sorry daddy, I had nothing to do with ratting. I refused to stay…mom married her handler. He tried to get me to stay….he was never my dad…..I never…..”

He pushed me back, his eyes looked into my eyes, his hands cupping my face.

The sound of two motorcycles coming our way, he pushed me towards the doorway of a shop.

“Stay there until I see if this is friend or foe!”

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07 @hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455

New Beginnings-17

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Chibs kissed her hand, tears running down his face, their daughter squealed jumping up and down.

“Mommy, I’ve missed you! So has Tiggy my doggy….when you come home, we can go to the dog park. Daddy will take care of you…”

Chibs watched (Y/N)’s eyes fluttering open and shut, she is trying to stay awake for them.

“I’ve missed you baby, I love you both so much. When get better…” She didn’t finish as she drifted off back to sleep.

He leaned down kissing (Y/N)’s cheek. “I’ll be back tomorrow love.” He whispered in her ear. “I hope you’re awake for me.”

I felt everything at once; extreme pain, fear, panic, anger, grieving and trapped. I had a drug induced dream that Filip and Rane were visiting me, and there was a promise of going home with them.

My body hurt from the beating I took from Hank, and the knife wound he inflicted. I was terrified to open my eyes, knowing Hawk would be standing over me; leering at me, reminding me I was trapped and never going to see my family again. I felt the tears run down my face, grieving for everything I lost.

“Open your eyes sweetheart.” The deep voice rumbled through the room. His hands wiping away my tears. He leaned down kissing my forehead. I wanted to open my eyes and see if it was really my brother. I felt his hands on my face, I could hear his voice. It was a trick. I can’t open my eyes.


Chibs stopped in the door looking at the scene before him. His heart started to beat uncontrollably as he stared at the empty bed. He rushed towards the nurses station in a panic.

“(Y/N) Quinn…..where is she?”

The nurse looked up at him, and then typed on her computer.

“She’s gone, a hour ago.”

He felt time stand still, he closed his eyes, he took several deep breaths. (Y/N) was gone, how was he going to explain it to his daughter.

“Her brother took her home.” The nurse glared at him.

He felt his anger rise, as he looked at the nurse. Feeling relief that (Y/N) is alive and well.

“You could have worded it differently, I thought I had lost her!”

He slammed out of the hospital racing home to (Y/N).


I turned as the door slammed open, seeing Chibs standing in the foyer, I gasped. My body started to shake as he walked towards me. He pulled me into his arms.

“I love you! I thought I’d lost you…I’m…..”

Filip, I love you too…I’m sorry…I understand if you don’t want me…“

"Not want you…..I don’t want to let you go ever again. You’re mine, now and forever; if you’ll have me.”

“Now and forever Filip!”

@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

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Sorry I didn’t write anything last week! I went away last weekend spending time with this handsome young many I met last week. He loved to cuddle, it was love at first sight for me. He lives with his parents, but that’s okay, my husband is in love with him too. I met my first grandchild last weekend.

Rane looked down at his sister, tears filling his eyes. He held her hand, squeezing it tightly. 

“I know the truth sweetheart, you need to wake up. Chibs, he is out of his mind, worrying about you.” 

He hoped she would wake up soon,(Y/N) had been unconscious for two weeks. Rane had tried to get Chibs to come see her, talk to her, see if that would wake her up. Chibs had refused, thinking that she would slip further away. He felt guilty for not believing in their love, and believing in her. Rane had kicked his ass, trying to get him to come visit (Y/N). 


Chibs sat on the floor playing dolls with his daughter. Trying to keep his mind off of (Y/N). He knows in his heart he should go to her, be by her side, but he didn’t deserve her. The thought that she scarfed her life for him, their daughter, and his club; made him proud; but also killed him.

“Da, where’s mommy?” Rane’s little voice took him aback.

“She’s visiting friends.” That has been his and Quinn’s answer every time she had asked.

“Why did Uncle Ra Ra, say she was in the hospital, and we should go see her?”

He looked down at his daughter, exhaling heavily.

“Did you listen to what we were saying? That was a grown up talk!? He watched her eyes fill up with tears. She got up and ran to her room. He ran his hand through his hair, thinking that he is ruining all his relationships with the woman in his life.


“Mommy, I love you! Please wake up! Me you, and Da, are going to the park….mommy wake up!”

“I’m so sorry mo chridhe (my heart), for not believing in us. I should have come after you….”

Somewhere in the fog, I could here the voices of Filip and Rane. I struggled to get to them. 

“mo leanbh”  (my child or  a baby)


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) (14)

Warning: Violence

I moved slowly as I entered the room, Ruby had covered the bruises on my face and neck. I prayed that the fake tattoo on my neck, would be enough to fool Hawk and the rest of his MC. 

The room was packed with men and woman, plastering a smile on my face, I began searching for Hawk. Part of me hoped Perry really did work for Happy, and believed that SAMCRO was on the way to rescue me. The other part knew the consequences of the MC I loved showing up. It would cause a war, and my loved ones would be in danger. My daughter would be in danger.

I bumped into a body, I looked up, my fake smile on my face. I felt light headed, my breathing became rapid, tears filled my eyes. “I can’t…”

Chibs watched (Y/N) enter the room, he marched across the room. He wanted answers. His eyes were focused on her, watching her move, something was not right. Her movements were slow and stiff.

Anger shot through him, that bastard had put his hands on her. He stopped when he was withing a few feet of her. His eyes narrowing on her clavicle; there was a Scorpion. His heart shattered, he had his answers.


Rane wrapped his arm around his sister, pulling her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

“Let me take you out of her! I’ve got a hand full of guys to help. Please sis, I know you don’t want this.”

Rane looked down at (Y/N), he could see the tears in her eyes, her body is shaking. His eyes narrowed in on the tattoo on her clavicle.

“You took his mark? What about Chibs? What about Rane?”

“Tell Chibs it was good while it lasted. Tell Rane that mommy will always love her and not to forget me. That I hope some day, they both can forgive me. The choice I made….”

She started to walk off, Rane grabbed her pulling her back. He watched her wince.

“I know you didn’t make this choice (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) Quinn! Come with me now, let’s straighten this out!”

She smiled sadly at him, pushing away.

“I hope the crow can fly high and free. I love you big brother, and the rest of my family.” Rane watched his sister walk away.”


Hawk watched the interaction between (Y/N) and her brother. As she approached him, he smiled at her lovingly. His vice president was standing next to him. 

“Sweetheart, this is my second in command Ian. Ian, this is my old lady, the Queen of the Scorpions, (Y/N)!” He watched as she shook his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you Ian. It’s a great honor to be the Queen.”

Hawk smiled pulling (Y/N) to his side.

“Excuse us for a moment please.” He pulled her down a dark hallway. Slamming her against the wall, his hand enclosed around her throat.

“Why is your brother, your ex-old man, and several other SAMCRO here? Did you contact them, hoping for a rescue?”

“No!” She rasped out. “I cut contact with everyone!”

He smiled at her, kissing her on the lips, dropping her to the ground. He caressed her face, then pulled back his hand, and slapped her hard.

“I don’t believe you! Mine men have captured all of them that were here tonight. Now they are on to the clubhouse, to take over the clubhouse. Poor little Rane will be abandoned. and go into foster care.”

He laughed as tears filled her eyes.


The thought of loosing my family, enraged me, I struggled to get out of Hawk’s grasp; hoping that I could stop the attacks. His taunting fueled my fight. I reached down, taking the knife, that I had taken from Rane.

His eyes widened as I plunged it in his chest, pulling it out of his chest, I jabbed it in his neck. I felt his blood spraying on me as he fell to the ground, pulling me down with him. White hot pain shot through my side, I looked into Hawk’s eyes, hie face had a smirk. I look down and see a knife sticking in my side.

“See you in hell, you Ginny bastard!” I smiled and closed my eyes.

The chaos of the other room, finally penetrating my mind. I shoved Hawk off of me, pulling my self up, I stumbled to the main room.


“Take them to the warehouse, make sure they are secure. I want Kuttes on them!”   Chibs looked around the room. “I want Hawk and (Y/N) found.”

He heard a noise coming from the hall. Looking up his eyes widened, he rushed forward. (Y/N) collapsed in his arms. 

“I killed that Ginny bastard, but he got me! Love you!” She gasped and closed her eyes.


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) (13)

Trigger Warning: Violence

Sitting in front of the make-up table, I stared at myself, I had to get it together for the party in an hour.  The door open and I exhaled, and Hawk’s body filled the door. His face had a sinister smile.

“This is Perry, he’s gonna cover that offensive bird, and put my Scorpion on you!”

“No!” I stood up. “I refuse to cover my Crow, no one from your shithole club will see it! As for your Scorpion….IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!”

I tensed up as Hawk stormed towards me, his hands grabbing me, and shoving me against the table. His fist slamming against my jaw; I crumbled to the floor. He picked me up, holding me by my neck, looking into my eyes, his breathing was out of control. 

“No!” I let out as I stared into his eyes. “You’ve taken away my family, you won’t take away the one thing I have left to remember it by!” I growled out!

I was dropped to the floor, and felt a kick to my ribs. The air leaving my lungs.

“Ruby will be in to do your make-up in thirty minutes. Perry will be tattooing a Scorpion on you!”


Rane had information that there is going to be a huge party at the Scorpion King’s Club tonight. He had someone on the inside, feeding him information.

He is going in and bringing his sister home, he knew in his heart, his sister did not want to be there. He knew that his sister would lay down her life for her daughter and for Chibs. 

Rane didn’t understand why Chibs wasn’t going after her. It was bullshit, that Chibs isn’t going after the love of his life, because she didn’t use some stupid code word.

He walked out of his house, a grim look on his face. Glad that his brothers decided to join him.


Chibs sat at the bar, nursing a glass of Jameson, his eyes surveying the room. His nerves were running like a wild fire, through his body. He lit up a cigarette hoping it would calm his nerves. 

He thought about (Y/N) and everything they’ve been through, and how she just left him and their daughter. His anger wiped his nerves out, and he is furious. How could she do this to them?

His eyes scanned the room again, resting on the only person that could answer his questions. He got up from his stool, and marched across the room.


“Get away from me, you’re not tattooing shit on me!” I stared at the tattop artist!

“I work with Happy, I’m not covering your Crow, and the Scorpion, is going to be put on with washable ink. The cavalry is coming, the Crow is flying high and free!”

I feel to the stool sitting in front of the vanity, not sure to be relieved or terrified. 


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) (12)

Chibs paced the room, waiting for his phone to ring. He hated this situation that (Y/N) is in, it was his fault. His eyes filled with tears, thinking of the time he wasted, not admitting his feelings for her. He was holding back his urge to tear Hawk Taylor apart. The only thing stopping him, was that the bastard has (Y/N).

Chibs shook as his phone rang, taking a deep breath, to calm his nerves. He brought his phone to his ear. “(Y/N), sweetheart……”


“Fillip, it’s over. I can’t be with you.” I took a deep breath, trying to get out my next words. “I don’t want to be a mom anymore! I’m done! I’m with Hawk now.”

“I don’t believe you! He’s making you say this….” 

I could hear the hurt, confusion, and a tinge of anger, in his voice. I knew that this is going to be difficult. 

“He is not making me say this. I don’t love you Fillip, stay away from me. Take care of your damn brat…..keep her away from me!” I know my next words would be the words that would kill his feelings. “I took his mark.”

He growled on the other end. “You’re dead to me, and my daughter! Stay away from us!”

The line went dead, I dropped the phone on the bed. Dropping my face into my hands I cried. I had just lost my life, I wished Hank would have just killed me instead.


Chibs threw his phone against the wall, letting out a primal yell. He watched as his phone smashed against the wall. He dropped into a chair, letting the tears flow down his face. 

He looked up, at the feeling of a large hand on his back. Chibs looked to find Rane standing next to him. 

“I take it didn’t go well?”

“She is leaving me and our daughter, for another club. She took his tattoo.”

Rane stood up pacing the room, the anger rolling off of him.

“She wouldn’t do that! She loves you and she loves Rane. She wouldn’t leave the two of you! (Y/N) would never take another man’s tattoo. She’s being forced!”

Chibs stood up, walking towards Rane.

“I don’t think so, we have a code word, if she’s in trouble. She didn’t use it….”

“So you aren’t even going to fight for (Y/N)? You’re just going to let her go?”

Rane and Chibs had a stare done.

“She’s said her peace…”

“You’re a bastard! I’m going after my sister, I’m going to bring her home!”

Rane stormed out of the room!


Hawk smiled down at (Y/n), his hand sliding down her face. He grabbed her ankle, and dragged her back to him; when she flinched, and attempted move across the bed.

“You did a wonderful job on the phone call! The part about taking my tattoo….I think that’s what really convinced him!”

“I will be your Queen, because it will keep the peace, but I will never love you!”

Hawk slapped her, pulling her too him. He smiled at her evilly.

“As long as people believe you worship me, I don’t care!” He threw her back on the bed. “There’s a party tomorrow night, the bathroom is stocked, and so is the closet. Be presentable at 7 pm, you will be presented to the club,”

He slammed and locked the door. 


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) (11)

I laid in the soft bed, tears streaming down my face. My heart was breaking because of the mistake I had made. Fillip, will never forgive me.

Chibs stared at Hawk, he is trying to control is anger. He felt Happy standing behind him, having his back. His fury, rushing to the surface, when Hawk stood there smirking at him.

“Where’s my old lady?” Chibs growled.

“She isn’t coming back to you! (Y/N) is no longer queen of SAMCRO.” Hawk turned to walk away. 

Chibs let out a primal howl, rushing towards Hawk. Knocking him to the ground, Chibs pinned him down, shoving his gun, into Hawks’s forehead.

“Tell me what you’re talking about!” Chibs growled. “I’ll blow your head off.”

Hawk laughed, and laid on the ground, staring up at Chibs. 

“If you kill me, you’ll never know where she is, or know the story!” Hawk laughs pushing Chibs off of him. “I’ll have her call you.”


I sit in the middle of the bed, my knees to my chest, my arms around my legs. Sobs rocked my body, as I let my emotions go. My brain and heart fought over the choice I had made. The choice I made was for the greater good, but it broke hearts, and did so much damage.  


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

Home with possible COVID, waiting for test results. Watching SOA!

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) (10)

Hawk hurled the glass of whiskey he’d been drinking; across the room. He watched it shatter against the wall, he pound his fists against the bar and whirled around.  He glared at the three men in front of him. 

“What do you mean she’s gone?” He started pacing, his hands balling up in fists.

“Hawk, she rushed us. Her and that little brat,,,,” JJ stammered. 

Hawk stormed over to the man, throwing a punch. Standing over him, he glared down at him. “Let me get this straight JJ, you let a bitch and her little brat, escape six bikers. They escaped the warehouse? You are pathetic!”

Hawk stormed out of the clubhouse, he’d have to go get (Y/N) himself!

My body ached with every step I took, I focused on getting home, and getting Rane to safety. I stumbled into the yard, relieve filling my body, I’d made ir home. I dropped to my knees. I felt Rane’s arms tighten around my neck 

“It’s okay baby, were home,” I dropped my arms releasing my hold. “Go find Da!”

“But mamma…”Rane cried.

“Go on Ran…find daddy!” I closed my eyes as she toddled off.


Chibs pointed his gun at the stranger walking through his backyard; carrying his daughter. 

 “Put her down!” His gun was aimed at the man. “How did you get my daughter? Where is her mother?”

Rane was gently placed on the ground, she ran towards Chibs. “Da! Da!” Her little arms wrapped around his legs.He reached down hugging her. 

“Go inside, Uncle Rara is in the kitchen. Ask Uncle Happy to come outside to help Da!” Rane went inside the house without argument. 

Chibs kept his eyes on the stranger. “Where’s my old lady?”

The stranger smiled and didn’t answer, Chibs could feel anger and fear rising up. “My name is Hawk Taylor, I’m the President of the Scorpion Kings.”


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) (9)

Quinn rushed out of the club house, Tig and Happy following him. He could tell by Chibs voice something was going on with his sister, and niece. It was something bad, fear gripped his heart. They had just gotten them back home, and gotten them home safe from the car accident.

He and his brothers pulled into his sister’s home, Chibs was pacing the drive, talking on the phone.

Chibs ran his hands through his hair, trying to keep his shit together. He couldn’t loose his girls, not now; not ever. He had put all charters on alert to be looking for (Y/N) and Rane. Letting the charters know that the Scorpion Kings could have them. 

Chips looked up, as his brothers rode into the drive. “They’re gone Rane, the prospect is dead…..”

He broke down in tears, because of his temper. his girls are missing. If he’d just kept it to himself, they’d still be safe at home. He hated himself, for the things he said to her. She had done the right thing, hiding Rane, and trying to pull the danger away. He was angry because she put herself in so much danger.


“Can we go home now mommy?” Rane looked up at (Y/N) with tearful eyes.

I closed my eyes, exhaling slowly, “Soon, sweetie.” I pulled her closer to me, trying to comfort her. I needed to stay calm and strong; so Rane would stay calm.

Her little hands clutched to my shirt not wanting to let go. Rane’s arms tightened around my neck, as my body started to protest and weave, 

I felt my body slipping into the darkness. “Mommy!”


Hawk, the President of the Scorpion Kings smiled. He knew he would have her soon. He stood in his clubhouse waiting for his men to get back from the warehouse. 

He would run Charming soon enough, and he would have a new Queen.


Chibs sat on the back patio, drinking Jameson straight from the bottle. He wanted to forget his worries and fears; just for on minute. Chibs wondered where where they were tonight. If someone was hurting (Y/N), or God forbid Rane.

God he was just a piece of shit!


I opened my eyes, Rane was curled next to me, her eyes closed. 

The memory of the rival club busted into the house. I yelled for Rane to run and hide. I watched as she took off through the house. Cole, the prospect yelled at me to go. I was going to stay and help him fight.

I was grabbed and slammed against the wall, and made to watch as the rival club beat and killed the Cole. One of the men was dragging me down the hall, after that things become fuzzy.

I scooped Rane up in my arms, holding her close.


Chibs looked up, seeing a figure walking through the back yard. He pulls his gun. “Mary, Mother of Christ!”


@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson@readerinsertimagines@sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy@jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07@mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@drakelover78@samanthab983

The Heart Won’t Lie-8

I slowly drag myself through the woods, letting out a whimper of pain. Those bastards did a number on me, but I got my fair share of hits. In fact there are a couple of Kane member’s bodies laying back in the woods.

I leaned against the tree, catching my breath. I know Filip was at the house by now and had found Greer. I could rest easy now, knowing my daughter was safe. I wanted to get home to my loved ones.


Chibs knock on the walls frantically listening for a hollow spot, trying to find his daughter. He had to find her, (Y/N) left their precious daughter for him to keep safe.

Bobby, Rat, and Jax were helping him search the house. Happy, Tig, Quinn, and others were searching for (Y/N). His heart hurt, at the thought of loosing both them, after just finding them.

He paused in his search, knowing this was his fault. He should have been close to his girls so he could protect them. Now, they are both missing and it’s his fault.

He glanced over at Bobby, as the man pushed open a panel on the wall.


“Stop, put you hands on your head, and drop to your knees!”

I stare at the man in the black kutt

“Ma'am….I’m ”

“I don’t give a flying fuck, who you are!” I strip the man of his weapons. “Take off your belt!” Using his belt I secured his hands behind his back.

“Ma'am, I’m Montez, I’m a prospect..”

“Shut up and walk asshole!” I pushed him in front of me. Walking towards the house. I heard branches breaking to the right of me.

I pushed Montez to the ground.

“Come on out mother fuckers, so I can blow your knee caps off!”


“Unca Elvis Bobby!” Chibs felt relief rush over him at the sound of Greer’s voice. He rushed over to where Bobby was standing.

He took Greer our of Bobby’s arms, holding her close.

“Are you hurt my sweet girl?” He checked over her body

“No da, I ok… Where’s mommy?”

“Will find her baby?”


I scan the wood, watching for movement.

“Come out you fucking bastards or I’m going to blow your little buddy’s head off! At this point I’m not sure which one!”

I listened carefully trying to hear noise to determine where the other men were. Than I heard the chuckle, I kicked Montez as he laid on ground.

“Come out you asshole!”

The Heart Won’t Lie-7

1)(2)(3)(4}(5) (6)

I took a deep breath, and exhaled; hoping and praying that I could keep Greer safe. I rushed to my closet, grabbing the lock box. Tossing it on my bed, I yanked the drawer of the bedside table open, searching for the key. Opening the box, I pulled out the gun, Filip had giving me years ago. I inserted the clip, and racked the slide.

I had two jobs, protect Greer with my life, until Filip got here, and try to stay alive. I picked up the burner phone, and dialed his number from memory. It went to voicemail, I knew he would still be talking to our daughter.

“I love you Filip Telford, I’ve never stopped. It’s the Raising Kane that attacked the house. I’m not going down without a fight…take care of Greer. Tell her that I love her.” I hung up the phone, and prepared my self for battle.

I heard the door being kicked in, it is go time.

Chiba rode like the devil himself was on his tail, to get to (Y/N) house. He had called Jax, Tig, and Happy to meet him at her house. The thought his family was in danger has him in a panic. He still had Greer on the phone, talking to her.

His daughter was crying and terrified because she was alone in a room, she didn’t know where her mommy went. She kept telling him that mommy left her there, telling her not to make a sound, and to wait for daddy to come get her.

He is panicked that something had happened to (Y/N). He rode up the drive, with Jax, Tig, and Happy behind him. He noticed that Bobby, Quinn, and Ratboy had also joined in. The house was quiet, the group got off their bikes.

Chibs felt his burner vibrate, he pulled it out of his pocket, noticing he had a voice message, he listened to it, tears filling his eye. He wiped them away.

“Greer, my love; Da is here. I’m coming for you. Just stay put!” He hung up the phone. He looked at the others. “(Y/N) called me, it was the Raising Kane, she fought them….I don’t know what I’m going to find.”

Jax walked over to him, slapping him on the back.

“You know she gave them hell, and she’s still alive. She’s in the house, patching herself up. Let’s go find her!”

Walking towards the house Chibs found a trail of blood, his heart started to pound. “(Y/N)!” The group searched the house, it was torn apart. They found nothing, no trace of (Y/N) or Greer.

“Greer, I need you to tell me where you are sweetheart.”

“Mamma put me in the wall!”

“Search the rooms for a hidden door, Greer is in a hidden wall.”

The group started to search the walls for Greer. Chibs was in a panic because (Y/N) is missing. He didn’t know if the Raising Kanes had her, or if she was in the woods behind the house hurt.

Jax had called the rest of the club to come out to the house, to search the woods, and to come up with a plan to find her.


I lay down, out of breathe and in pain. I need to get my wits about me.

The Heart Won’t Lie-6


It was early the next morning, I laid in bed thinking about the day before; Filip, Greer, and I had spent the entire day together. I smiled thinking about wonderful the day had been.

True I had acted like a bitch towards him, first thing in the morning; but I hadn’t had my coffee yet. He’d interrupted my coffee time. The day got better, once he fixed breakfast for Greer and me.

We packed a picnic lunch, and went to the park. Greer grew closer to Filip; she fell asleep in his arms. I could see how much he loved our daughter.

I knew it was the right thing to stay in Charming for a while, and let him get to know his daughter. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, thinking of Filip.

Chibs smiled to himself, thinking about yesterday. He got to spend the whole day with (Y/N) and Greer. He couldn’t believe that he had another daughter, and that he was going to get to be a part of her life.

Yesterday, at the park he played with Greer until she fell asleep in his arms. He had already decided that no matter where (Y/N) ended up going, he would follow her. He was going to be in Greer’s life, he wouldn’t miss her life like he did Kerrianne’s.

He is going to work hard to have (Y/N) love again. He smiled as he drifted off to sleep. He reached for his ringing phone, looking to see who was calling him at 3 am.

“(Y/N), are you okay?”

“Da…..Da…….there’s bad men……mommy needs help!”

“Stay where you are Greer….I’ll be right there!”


I heard the sound of bikes riding up my drive. I opened my eyes, grumbling about it being the ass crack of dawn. I rolled from my bed and stumbled to my window.

I saw enough to know, that these were not friends, and that we were in danger. I ran down the hall, grabbing Greer; I ran down the hall. Pushing a panel aside, I slipped inside. I dialed Filip’s number, handing Greer the phone. “Tell Da, that there are bad men and I need help. Stay here and don’t make a sound!” I closed the panel and left her there.

The Heart Won’t Lie-5


I sit on my porch sipping my morning coffee, watching the sunrise; thinking about my life, and the choices that I had made. Closing my eyes, I couldn’t stop the tears or my thoughts.

I didn’t want to stay in this town, it was too painful; but I knew Fillip would raise hell, and make my life hell to know his daughter. I heard a motorcycle riding up the drive.

Letting out a huff and a grumble I rolled my eyes.

“For fuck sake it’s not even 7 am!” I took another drink of my coffee and stood up. Fillip rode up my drive, the sight of him, just pissed me off.

I waited patiently until he got off his bike, I came off the porch, standing toe to toe with him.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

The bastard had the audacity to smile at me. God, he smelled amazing, I let out a huff, and shoved him backward. I giggled when he stumbled backward, I turned and stomped toward the porch.

I felt his arm snaking around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

Chibs watched as (Y/N) came flying off the porch towards him. His heart started to beat faster, he thought she thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

He smiled at her when she stood toe to toe with him, God she was hot when she was mad. He wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t want to get hit. Chibs was shocked when she pushed him backwards, he actually heard her giggle. He smiled thinking that she had courage.

When she walked away from him, he felt disappointed, he followed her. He snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her to his chest. He whispered in her ear.

“I’m here to have breakfast with the women I love!”


I whirled around to stare at him, not believing what I heard.

“The woman you love?” I shook my head. “You don’t love me, you never did! I might buy that you love Greer….”

I pulled out of his embrace, trying not to show how his embrace affected me. I won’t lie to myself, it felt wonderful to be in his arms. I had missed it so much.

I heard Greer crying on the baby monitor.

“You can stay for breakfast, and get to know Greer,”

I walked into the house, leaving the front door open.


Chibs stared into her eyes, seeing the heart break.

“Yes, the woman I love. I love you so much (Y/N), I swear on my life I never stopped, I searched for you! To know that carried my child and went through it all alone, kills me. Greer, I love her with everything that’s in me. I’d die to protect you both.”

He felt a loss when she pulled away from him. A overwhelming sadness filled him that he’d never feel her in his arms again.

“Thank you!” He opened his saddle bag, bringing in the groceries he brought. He is going to make breakfast for his girls.

He followed her into the house, shutting the door. Maybe he was making progress.

The Heart Won’t Lie-4


I stared at him, trying to contain my breathing, I couldn’t identify my emotions, there were too many going through me. I glared at him, needing to get out what I felt.

“What makes me think you didn’t want me or love me?” I asked. “You cheated on me; in our house, you told me you you didn’t love me, and never did! You broke me, my dad had just died and you broke me!”

“I did it to prote….” He stumbled.

“Don’t even finish that pathetic sentence!” I laughed. “You and my brother too, wanted to protect me?” I questioned him, taking a deep breathe. “If you wanted to protect me, you should have kept me close, instead of abandoning me, and leaving me to fight for myself.”

“We didn’t know who killed your dad. Opie was suppose to send you to Tacoma, but you left on your own. It was too keep you safe…”

“Just freaking stop! This is just a wast of my time and yours. Opie told me to get out, he didn’t want to deal with me! I had to survive on my own, I had a baby on my own, faced dangers on my own.”

“What dangers? Where did you go?”

Chibs started at (Y/N), his heart seizing in his chest. The thought of her and Greer being in danger, killed him. When she left, he and Opie searched for her; their efforts came up empty, she just disappeared.

He reached out to touch her face.

“Please, tell me! Where have you been?”

She looked at him sadly and shook her head.

“It’s not your concern…”

“You’ll always be my concern, you have my crow.”

She smiled at him. shaking her head.

“That didn’t matter to you two years ago, so it doesn’t matter to me now.”

“I want to know my child!” He felt the anger, rising inside him.

“It’s not about you Filip, it’s about Greer. It’s about her safety, and her happiness, and well being. What you want and what I want doesn’t matter.”

“What do you want (Y/N)?” His hands cupped her face.

“I want to be happy, safe, and loved. I don’t know if you can give that to me. Just go home…”

He watched her walk away from him, leaving him on the porch. Chibs knew he had to try to win her heart and trust back.

The Heart Won’t Lie-3


After Opie’s burial, I needed peace; I knew I couldn’t handle all the questions about where I’ve been and about Greer. I knew that Filip would be the most insistent one about Greer, and he had the right for all his questions to be answered.

I didn’t follow the group back to the club house, I first drove aimlessly through Charming; just listening to the radio. Traveling down memory lane, trying to have some happy memories to my past. I knew where I was going to end up, the only place I could find peace, and get a break in Charming; the cottage I had bought on the outskirts of Charming.

Nobody knew about it, the cottage was actually difficult to fine; unless you had directions. It was another secret that I had kept from Filip. I bought it months before I left, it was going to be a surprise. I pulled down the long private drive, I hoped the caretakers had gotten my message and had it ready for us.

“Mommy, where we at?” Greer’s little voice whispered from the back.

“Home.” I said simply.

Chibs was pacing the clubhouse, he was worried, and livid. He had expected (Y/N) and Greer to come back to the clubhouse after Opie’s burial. When they didn’t show up, he started to become concerned. Gemma hadn’t heard from them, there was no located them by (Y/N)’s cell phone.

“Anything Juice?” He had Juice hack into her car’s GPS system.

“She’s out on the county line, about 25 minutes from here. Give me a minute and I can tell you where exactly.

Chibs got an exact location and stormed out of the clubhouse.


It had been a long and exhausting day, (Y/N) kissed Greer’s forehead and tucked the little girl into bed. She watched as her daughter drifted off to sleep. Tucking the blanket around Greer, she smiled down at her.

"I love you baby!” Walking out of the room, she left the door open a crack.

(Y/N) walked outside and sat on the porch swing. She was deep in thought about what she needed to do in the next couple of days. The thought of taking Greer and disappearing was appealing. The two of them could get new identities, and start over. She and Greer could become new people, and leave the country, she had plenty of money. She didn’t need anyone to support her. (Y/N) could continue writing her books, that’s another secret, Filip didn’t know about.Y/N) knew that Filip would never let them go, she didn’t want this danger for her and her daughter. The roar of a motorcycle brought her out of her thoughts. Frowning, she stood up and look. (Y/N) knew that Filip would never let them go, she didn’t want this danger for her and her daughter.

“Shit!” She came off the porch, and down the drive. “How the hell did you find me?”


Chibs jumped off his bike, pulling off his helmet, glaring at (Y/N).

“I hacked your car’s GPS!” His eyes glaring at her. “Since you decided to run from me and took my daugther!”

“Stalk much?” She shoved him. “Last time I checked Greer is my child, you just donated sperm!” Turning to walk away. Chibls grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

“I wouldn’t have to, if you didn’t run away from me! And I would be in my child’s life if you wouldn’t keep secrets!” His eyes were full of anger.

(Y/N) slapped him, pulling out of his grasp. She gave a harsh laugh, shaking her head.

“I don’t stay were I’m not wanted or loved. You would have known about your child, but you kicked me out of your life, before I could tell you. In fact the two men that I loved the most, abandoned me when I needed them the most. So excuse me if you don’t get to be apart of my or my child’s life. Now pardon me…but fuck the hell off!”

Chibs watched as (Y/N) stormed towards the house, leaving him standing there in shock. He raced after her, grabbing her arm again.

“Do you really think I didn’t want or love you?”



(Y/N) couldn’t contain her excitement, she pulled into the garage of the house she shared with Filip. They had been together for three years, he had given her his crow two years ago.

She sat in the car, taking deep breathes, and exhaling slowly. Once she got her nerves under control, she walked into the house.

“Filip, I’m home!” She walked through the house, looking for him. She heard giggling, and Filip talking. As she got closer to the bedroom, she started to get an uneasy feeling.

Slowly opening the door, there he was, pants down around his ankles, and some strange women’s head in his lap. He stopped the women when (Y/N) walked into the room.

“What the hell Filip?” She sucked back the tears and the betrayal. She just stared at him, waiting for him to say something. When nothing was said, she spun around and stormed out of the room, the tears streaming down her face.

“(Y/N), wait!” She heard his heavy boot steps running after her. She stopped, and turned around slowly. “I’m sorry, I don’t love you and I never did!”

(Y/N) walked out of the house, head held high, shoulders back, not saying a word, she drove straight to her brothers house. She just needed a little comfort.

She was still mourning the loss of her father, and now Filip had just broken her heart. She opened the door, trying to hold everything together.


“I don’t have time for your pathetic bullshit today (Y/N)! Just leave if you’re going to cry and bitch!”

(Y/N) backed out of her brother’s house, feeling alone. She touched her stomach, tears running down her face.

“It’s just you and me baby, no one loves or wants us.”

The Heart Won’t Lie-2


I stood outside of the clubhouse, inhaling slowly, than exhaling. I had not been home in two years, since my dad died. Now, my brother is gone, the same club bullshit had killed him. My entire family was now gone, except for my precious Greer.

I felt her lay her head on my shoulder, her tiny hands patting me.

“Mommy, okay?” She kissed my check, her little eyes full of concern.

I kissed her back, hugging her, tickling her sides. I heard her giggle, she tried to get out of my arms.

“I’m fine sweet girl.” I carried her into the clubhouse.


Chibs drove to the clubhouse anger coursing through his body. He knows two years ago, he ended things with (Y/N) but she should have told him about the baby.

He would have handled the situation diffidently. Chibs would have made sure that (Y/N) and Greer were provided for. He would have made sure that they were protected and he would have found (Y/N).

He pulled into the parking lot and saw that she had all ready arrived. Chibs knew that now was not the time to talk to her about Greer, but he would have a discussion about his child. He would be damned if he let her leave with his child.


I walked into the clubhouse my eyes searching the room, stopping on the wild haired brunette man standing at the bar. I slowly approached him, a smile appearing on my face.

“Tiggy,” I said his name softly, watching him turn around swiftly.

“(Y/N)?” He pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. “I’ve missed you? Where’ve you been sweetheart?”

Greer patted at his chest and mumbled.

“Who dis?” She asked looking up at the man.

“This is your Uncle Tig.” I laughed.

I stared at Tig as he stared down at Greer, the look in eyes as he recognized who her father is. His hand cupped her face, he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Hiya Princess!” He took Greer from my arms.

“Unca Tig…..”

Tig looked at me. “Does he know?”

The door to the clubhouse opened and Chibs came storming towards us. He glared at me, and reached for Greer, she shook her head, and held on tight to Tig.

I rubbed her back, and took her from Tig, she clung to me, and whimpered.

“It’s okay baby, this is a friend of mommy’s.” I watched Chibs frown. “This is not the time or place.”

I turned and walked away, I needed to say goodbye to my brother. I went to find Lyla, to give my condolences. I walked into the room that held my brother’s casket. I took a deep breathe, and exhaled.

I was not ready to see him, laying there so still, so peaceful. I walked over to him, touching his hand.

“Opie, I love you so much. I hate that you sent me away two years ago….I had a baby….her name is Greer Ainsley. Oh God Harry…..”

The tears started to fall, Greer’s arms wrapped around my neck, she hugged me tight.

“Mommy sad…it okay mommy!” I felt an arm go around my waist.

Chibs was next to me, his arm around my waist.

“I’m sorry…..I was there when it happened…..I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop it…..”

Greer leap from my arms, she wrapped her arms around Chibs.

“It okay mommy’s friend, don’t be sad. It okay!”

The Heart Won’t Lie

Welcome to Charming….The Name Says It All! The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon. I grabbed my cup and took a swig of my hours old coffee, wincing at the terrible taste.

I smiled at the giggling coming from the back seat. I reached into the ice chest next to me, pulling out a sippy cup. Handing it to the back seat.

“Morning seat girl! Do you want some juice?” I felt the cup being pulled from my hand. “We’ll be at Grandma’s in a few minutes.”

I glance into the rear view mirror, smiling to myself, thinking how much the little girl looked like her daddy. I let out a sigh, knowing that my appearance, and my daughter’s is going to stir up all sorts of hell.

I drove through the streets of Charming, the memories of my life here flooding me. Tears flooding my eyes as I pulled into Gemma’s drive.

If my brother hadn’t been killed, I probably would have never come back to my home town.

“Ready to meet your family Greer?”


Gemma sat at her dinning room table drinking her morning coffee, when there was a knock at her kitchen door. She wasn’t expecting anyone this morning. She was preparing to mourn her “adoptive” son Opie.

She let the prospect answer the door, she isn’t in the mood to deal with anyone. She heard the disruption at the door, standing up she went into the kitchen.

“Gemma….I’m trying to get rid of the gash….”

“Look asshole, I’m the daughter of a First Nine….I’m no gash. Call me that again and you will be spitting teeth.”

Gemma smiled as she saw (Y/N) standing at the door, holding a mini version of (Y/N) and one of the SONS.

“Oh sweetheart!” She rushed to (Y/N) pulling her into her arms. “I’m sorry about your brother. Who’s this little sweetie?”

“Thanks Gemma, this is the only family I have. Greer Ainsley Telford.”

“Does he know?”

(Y/N) shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes. She let out a sigh.

“He ended things and kicked me out of his house, before I could tell him….”

“Hungy momma…..hungy!” (Y/N) smiled down at Greer.

“Let me fix my girls some breakfast, then you can get ready for Opie’s memorial.”

“Thanks Gem.”


I walked out of the guest bedroom feeling refreshed, I heard a familiar voice in the kitchen. Panic washed over my body as I rushed towards the room.

My childhood friend Jax stood there holding Greer. He was smiling at the little girl, talking to her. He looked up at me, a frown on his face.

“I take it Chibs doesn’t know?”

I pulled my daughter from his arms, holding her close ti me. Kissing her forehead.

“No one knows about her, but your mom, and now you. I’d like to keep it that way. The only reason anyone in this town knows, is because I came home to say goodbye to my brother.”

“I can’t keep this from him, he deserves to know….”

“Two years ago, when I needed him the most; he told me he didn’t love me, he never loved me, and he kicked me out of his house! Why does he deserve to know anything?”

I let out a sob, feeling Greer wrap her arms around me, hugging me. I didn’t hear the door open.

“Jackie boy, you and mom about ready to go?”

My body stiffened, I prayed that Greer would not look at him, that she would continue to hug me.

“(Y/N), is that you?” I looked at him. My heart speeding up, I didn’t say anything I just looked at him. Greer lifted her head up, and looked at him, she smiled.

I heard his sharp intake of breathe, as he stormed towards me.

“She’s mine?” His voice held a tinge of anger.

“Today is not the day to discuss this. I’m saying goodbye to my brother today.” I said softly. “A brother that also abandoned me when I needed him….”

I stormed out of Gemma’s house to my car, putting Greer in her carseat and driving to TM.

@sarcastic-lunatic@lolsthecat@redwoodog@soafanficluvr1@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@fortheloveofthesoa@one-charming-life@khyharah@samcrolivesforever@redwoodog@chaosmieu@dolphingoddess81@telford-ortiz-teller@thegoodthebadandtheempty@anarchyrenegade@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26 @geeksareunique

@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson  @readerinsertimagines  @sweetchaosturtle @im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy  @jaaxtellerasf @soafanficluvr1

Hello Again-12

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)

(Y/N) paced the main room, she knew she had to leave the first chance she got. She knew that everyone she loved was in danger because of her, and the decisions her mother made ten years ago.

“I can see the storm brewing in your eyes! Tig stood in front of her. "Whatever your planning stop!” His blue eyes piercing my soul.

(Y/N) felt the tears filling up in her eyes, as she stared at her dad. She felt arms wrap around her waist.

“What’s going on?” Opie’s voice was next to her ear. She tensed up. (Y/N) felt the walls closing in around her.

“(Y/N), is planning on bolting!” My body was whirled around, and I was staring into Opie’s dark eyes.

“What is he talking about?” Opie’s voice was gruff, full of emotion.

“I trust that you, Jax, dad, and the club would and can keep me safe.” I closed my eyes. “You just don’t know what he can do…”

Opie’s hands cupped my face. “(Y/N), I don’t care what hell he can put me through; you are not leaving me.”

I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him.

“I care…” I whispered into his chest.


Burt was parked down the street from Teller-Morrow Automotive. He had to just wait it out. He knew all he had to do is wait it out and (Y/N) would come to him.

He smiled to himself, all he had to do is threaten those she cared about, and she would do exactly as he wanted. He leaned back in his seat.

He opened the folder, thumbing through the pictures. He had information on all the people that are important to her. (Y/N) would come running back to him.


Opie pulled (Y/N) to his chest, kissing the top of her head.

“Promise me (Y/N), that you won’t leave.” He held her tight.

She took a deep breath, wanting to promise him, she wanted to stay with him, and her dad. (Y/N) knew she couldn’t make this promise, she knew all to well what Burt is capable of.

“Opie……” She pulled back to look at him, tears in her eyes.

Clay’s voice boomed through the clubhouse that the ATF and FBI were here. She knew it was her fault. The doors were kicked in, and all hell broke loose.

Hello Again-11

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)

Bert McGuire sat in his hotel room with pictures and Intel of all the SONS. He was going to need to be well informed if he was going to get his Sophia back. Picking up the information on Harry “Opie” Winston, he is going to tear this man’s world apart.

He had raised Sophia since she was seven, she had made his life a living hell. She had too many secrets about him. Ones he couldn’t afford for her to tell.“


"Opie, you don’t know how powerful McGuire can be…..” I let out a sign. “It would be better with all of you, if I just left.” I didn’t hear my dad and Jax approaching.

“Just like that you’re leaving?” My dad’s angry voice made me turn around. “You fought to get here, to convince me who you are, and now you’re just giving up?”

“Dad…he will bring you down and the whole club!” My body started shaking with fear

“You’re not leaving, I let that bastard take you ten years ago. I didn’t get a chance to fight for you. This time I’m fighting for you (Y/N)!” Tig’s eyes filled with tears.

“Dad…” I let out a slow breath. “If things get too much for you, the club..I’m going to disappear.”

I felt Opie’s arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close. His lips coming close to my ear.

“I already told you, I’m keeping you safe from him.”


Tig’s anger is surging out of control, he saw the fear (Y/N);s eyes. It angered him more, that she thought she was just going to up and leave again. He wasn’t going to allow that, he needed time with her.

He feels terrible at the way he reacted when she arrived here, now that she’s here, he’s going to protect here.

Tig knows he has to be in control, he can’t go off have cocked, and loose control. It has to be planned. His actions can’t bring attention to the club.


Opie wrapped his arms around (Y/N), pulling her close to him. Kissing the top of her head, he knew his heart was lost to her. Pulling back he looked down at (Y/N).

“We’re going to stay at the clubhouse a few days.” He watched her nod her head. He wanted to kiss her again, but knew he didn’t have a reason to.

He was expecting her to reach up, and the soft kiss she placed on his lips. “Thank you Opie.” She walked away, entering the clubhouse.

A smile appearing on his face, he didn’t see Jax approaching him.

“Be careful brother…..” Jax said as he walked past Opie.

Opie let out a long sigh, knowing it was too late, he was far too gone to be careful now.

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot

Hello Again-10

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)

I wrapped my arms around Opie’s waist as I climbed on the back of his bike. I shivered as he started his bike, and he revered the engine. His huge hands covered mine, as he pulled me closer.

“Hold on!” We pulled away from the Sheriff’s department. I laid my head on his back. The city of Charming flew by as we rode through town. I felt safe on the back of his bike. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad and Jax riding behind us.

I had no idea where he was taking me, at at this moment I didn’t care as long as it was far way from Bert McGuire.


Opie grinned as he rode through the streets of town, he was taking (Y/N) to her back to the clubhouse, to keep her safe. Jax and Tig are going back to her hotel and pick up her stuff.

They needed to figure out what that asshole McGuire wanted to, how they were going to handle it all. He knew the club would back them. (Y/N) is family, she didn’t rat, her mom did.

He couldn’t get the kiss off his mind, he enjoyed kissing her. He knew if he wanted to take it any further he would have to talk to Tig first. He knew he would lay down his life for her.


Tig is a bundle of nerves, he wasn’t happy about Opie kissing his baby, and he really isn’t happy about this asshole McGuire wanting to take his baby away again.

He would have to take care of him, he knew his brothers would help, no questions asked. It would be a little more difficult situation ti handle, since McGuire is a Fed.

Tig lost (Y/N) once because of his bitch of an old lady and McGuire, he’d be damned if he lost her again.


Jax knew he would have to be the clam one out of his two brothers. He could see that Opie had already lost his heart to (Y/N), the minute he set eyes on her. He would go after McGuire guns blazing if he saw that (Y/N) was in danger.

Jax would have to lock Tig up, he wouldn’t use his brains if he thought (Y/N) was in danger. Tig would set the world on fire to protect the people that he loves. Now that he knows, that (Y/N), is really his daughter, that’s it.

Jax will have to be in control of his emotions, as well as Opie’s and Tig’s.


I looked up at Opie, as he helped me off his bike. I didn’t want to admit it, but I knew what the truth was.

“I should probably just give up, and go with McGuire. He’s relentless.”

“I’m not letting you go! You knew Tig won’t let you go!”

“I ran away two years ago, trying to get here. McGuire hunted me down and dragged me back home. He locked me in a closet for months…..”

I watched the anger in Opie’s eyes, as he came closer to me. I flinched and stepped back, bumping into his bike. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not going to let him near you, I promise you that.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “I will protect you!”

A/N Note written very well, done quickly in the middle of the week.

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot

Hello Again-9

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

Panic filled me, when I heard Burt’s voice, seeing him coming towards me sent me into fight mode. He promised I was free, that I could come find my dad. I jerked my arm free from Deputy Hale, and jumped from the jeep, I attempted to push passed Opie.

I felt Opie’s arm wrap around my waist, pulling me to his chest. He kissed the top of my head, before pushing me behind him.

“I’ve got you!” I grabbed onto the back of his kutte. My body was shaking. I saw my dad and Jax getting off their bikes, storming towards us.

“Who is that (Y/N)?” Tig asked standing beside me.

“My step father Agent Burt McGuire. ”


Tig felt his anger surge at (Y/N)’s answer. This is the man that took his little girl from him, and kept her away. Agent Burt McGuire is trying to take her back, before Tig can get to know her again.

He lunged towards McGuire, intending to make him a strange smell in Chigger Woods. He felt Jax’s hand on his shoulder, Tig took a moment to calm down.

“You’ve made a mistake, this is my daughter (Y/N) Trager. This is her old man Opie. They were just clearing up a misunderstanding between her and the Deputy. ”


Opie wrapped his arms around (Y/N), pulling her close to him. He ran his hands down her body, and then kissed her gently. “Are you whole babe, Captain America didn’t rough you up, did he?”

“No…I’m fine I should have watched my mouth. I know better to mouth off.” She looked at Hale. “I’m sorry David…..I’ll slow down and not speed.”

David glared at her, pulling out his summons book, and writing her a ticked. “Slow down (Y/N), and watch your attitude. Next time I’ll lock you up!”

Opie pulled her towards his bike, kissing along her neck. “Baby, I’m sorry I was a jackass, let’s go home and make up!” He grinned down at her.

“Take me home baby!” She smiled up at Opie.

Opie pulled her towards his bike. Hoping to make a getaway. Tig was following close behind them.

Opie turned and looked at Burt, and glared at him.

“Stay away from my old lady!”


Hale got out of his jeep, and started inside. Burt grabbed his arm.

“Aren’t you going to do something? They took my step-daughter!”

“Agent McGuire, that is not your step daughter. Her identification shows she is (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) Trager.”

Agent Burt McGuire refused to let the biker gang to keep what he worked so hard for. He would take down the club and get his Sophia.


@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot

Hello Again-8

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)

Opie started cursing when he saw (Y/N) with David Hale. He knew this wouldn’t end well, especially if Hale knew she was associated with the club.

He hung back, watching the two together; jealous rising up within him. Seeing Deputy Hale’s arms around her, was making him furious. He wanted to go rip her away from him; he pushed his feeling aside.

“What the hell is Deputy Dog doing with (Y/N)?” Tig asked.

“Being a damn super hero!” Opie snarled.

Both men watched (Y/N) rode off in Hale’s jeep.


I panicked, and told David my name is Sophia. I hated myself for the slip up, I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of it. Glancing over at David, I remember him from school. He was always nice to me.

“Where are you from Sophia?”

“I’m from Charming, but I was taken away by my mom when I was seven.”

“What brought you back?”

“I wanted to find my dad and remember who I am.”

David looked at me, I could see the confusion on his face. He pulled into the Charming police station.

“What are you talking about? You said your name is Sophia McGuire.”

“I’ve been Sophie Mcguire for ten years. Seven years before that I was (Y/N) Trager.”


Opie, Jax, and Tig pulled into the parking lot of the Charming police department. Seeing Hale’s jeep, Opie walked towards it swiftly.

“(Y/N), you okay? Come on I’ll take you home.” Opie placed his hand on her arm, gently pulling her out of the jeep.

“Ms. McGuire, you do not have to go with this outlaw!” David’s hand was placed gently on her shoulder

Opie let out a growl and pulled on (Y/N)’s arm.


David glared at Opie as he tried to pull (Y/N) out of his jeep. There was no way in hell he was going to let this out law take this young women out of his sight.

Not until he checked out her story. “Ms. McGuire you do not have to go with this outlaw.” A growl came from Winston as he pulled harder on Sophie. “Let me get you a room at the Charming Inn.”


Agent Burt McGuire walked out of the Charming Police station watching to tug-of-war happening between his step-daughter. He smiled to himself as he walked towards the jeep.

“Deputy, thank you for finding my Sophia!”

@xbreezymeadowsx@lolsthecat@soafanficluvr1@fortheloveofthesoa@khyharah@redwoodog@chaosmieu@thegoodthebadandtheempty@jade770@realpowertwix@supernaturalanarchy@winchester-negan-one-shots@coffeebooksandfandom@kacilove26@geeksareunique@mrsirishboru@undeadprincess2005@come-join-themurder@ouijaboardmystery@chaosmieu@girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine@ineedthesons@id-rather-be-high-and-fucked@charmingsrisingson @readerinsertimagines @sweetchaosturtle@im-gay-for-chibbs-juiceyandtiggy @jaaxtellerasf@soafanficluvr1@mac5323@fanfreak07 @mac5323@fanfreak07@hauntedduckdefendor​  @cherieann2001@mwesterfeld1985​ @clairese1980@small-town-wayward-daughter​ @marcus-demitri455@timbradfordsboot
