#sander cohen


drawtober day 21, “bow”

I’ve been wanting to do a spotlight piece since day 4 and finally here we are

Some cuties I did for a class project.Some cuties I did for a class project.Some cuties I did for a class project.Some cuties I did for a class project.

Some cuties I did for a class project.

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not resilient like a beautiful flower pushing up thru concrete but resilient like an inflatable bounce back clown toy being punched repeatedly in the head by a maniacal 5 year old


roomies wanted to download parappa on the switch to find out parappa is not accessible on the switch BUT, The Bioshock Collection was for sale for one more day and i got it. crossed me afterwards wanted to goof around with one of procreate’s paint brushes i hadn’t used before, and because i finished the first game tonight, me doodled some sweaty jacks and one of his gremlin children


time to make some art


I have BioShock brainrot so obviously I had to put them in it.

I feel like Lucky would be an equivalent to Sander Cohen. One because Houdini Splicer just fits But also because I love Cohen. He’s awful. Despicable. Morally corrupt. (He’s great)

And what better role for the twins than Big Sisters? (Big…siblings? Enby version lmao) Fast, powerful, deadly, and just a bit crazy. *chef kiss*
