#sandra bullock romcom queen




  1. Back in the day (30 years ago) Sandra Bullock was the Queen of RomComs (“While you were sleeping”, “Two If by Sea”, “Hope Floats”, etc.). But in recent years she has focused on dramatic roles. That is until “The Lost City” which opens this week.
  2. The setup for TLC is remarkably similar to “Romancing the Stone” (1984) where Kathleen Turner played a romance novelist (check) who is forlorn (check), and is forced by criminal (check), to find a treasure (check), and becomes irritated by the man trying to help her (check) BUT they slowly fall in love (check).
  3. The two films are so similar that The Lost City could have been a sequel or reboot of the Romancing the Stone (or the subject of a copyright infringement lawsuit)!
  4. Before diving into the core of the plot - I’ve got to address the elephant in the room - or should I say Botox vial. At the age of 58, Bullock looks good, but there are shots where her face looks unnaturally smooth and plasticky. Of course she’s not the only older star to seek out age-defying treatments. But when paired opposite a leading man 16 years younger - the Botox looks more obvious.
  5. I hadn’t planned to see TLC until I saw the trailer which featured Brad Pitt. He plays a parody of an action star and (while he’s on screen) it’s a lot of fun. But (spoiler alert) Pitt doesn’t have many scenes because Channing Tatum is the actual costar and is also 16 years younger.
  6. Daniel Radcliffe plays the villain and does his best Lucius Malfoy impression. Later in the movie someone refers to him as “the boy with a beard”. I suspect Radcliffe will suffer that comparison far into his old age.
  7. The movie is a comedy… but resorts to lame and juvenile attempts at humor (Tatum feels the warm water when Bullock pees in a stream; they both comment on how a tunnel opening looks like an anus).
  8. Tatum’s character is one-dimension at first (a walking talking hair swishing Fabio joke). Although he develops, I can’t understand why he is so desperate for Bullock’s approval (other than modeling for her books is his meal ticket). He wants her because the script tells him he wants her.
  9. Bullock’s character has been mourning the loss of her husband for 5 years but it seems as if it’s only yesterday. She is very dismissive of everyone around her - especially Tatum (who she treats like a Him-bo).
  10. One of the funnier scenes (included in the trailer) is when Tatum discovers leeches on his back. But in the film - both Bullock and the audience see a whole lot more… Tatum displays his might fine leech covered butt (for more than just a glimpse). While Tatum’s naked ass might be worth the price of admission - I’d recommend waiting a couple months when it will likely be available on Paramount+.

Note: The director said that’s Tatum’s actual butt, not a butt double. Here are a couple shots of Tatum’s butt from his modeling career and another movie. You’ll get a better closeup in The Lost City (but fake leeches will be glued to it).
