#sara trantoul

ramdame: Tried my hand on the @powerhouseanimation ’s Castlevania art style by Making a Lament of In


Tried my hand on the @powerhouseanimation ’s Castlevania art style by Making a Lament of Innocence anime poster because I love this show so much and this game as well :’) 

Ahhh this is lovely, it’s perfect. The shading, the expressions, Walter’s cape, Mathias’ grip on the rosary, the FIRE–

hhhhh ahhhh I really like this, it’s lovely, people look at thissss

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Since Sara and Leon were preparing to be wed before the events of the game, what if Sara’s dress in Lament of Innocence was her wedding gown? 

So, I’m of the opinion that it’s less impactful if we assume Mina Hakuba is a reincarnation of Lisa. Like, I will give Elisabetha the benefit of the doubt once. She wanted to check up on her soulmate after he went batshit. But after the second time he goes against her pleading for him to not be a bitter bitch, I want her to be over him. Babe, he’s not worth it.

Besides, Soma and Mina don’t have to be reincarnated lovers for their relationship to mean something. They could honestly just be friends with the power of hand-holding on their side. 

But like, I had this thought looking at art like…

“Mina doesn’t even look like Elisabetha/Lisa. She honestly looks more like… Sara.”

huh. The doe eyes, Sara’s buns and Mina’s hair ribbons, holding greenery,,, they’re just so sweet-looking. 

I still believe that Soma just having a genuine friend he made without interference of fate is sweet. But hell, if there’s anything I love as much as denying popular headcanons, it’s creating new, unpopular ones. 


(Wip) What do you do when you find a German vampire musical that you really enjoy? Throw the Lament of Innocence cast in there~

Guess who watched Tanz der Vampire partially because of this fan art?? It’s lovely.

My uncle works at nintendo and he told me this is how Lament of Innocence REALLY ended and everyone

My uncle works at nintendo and he told me this is how Lament of Innocence REALLY ended and everyone was happy forever and it doesn’t break future canon at all.

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A list of Castlevania AUs but it’s only Lament of Innocence

AU where Mathias can see and communicate with Walter even after his soul got absorbed.
Bonus: Walter learn how to interact with Mathias in his dreams and take advantage of that to ruin his mental health. Like, killing him in the dream, wich seems too real to Mathias.

AU where Walter abduct Mathias when he’s a baby and raise him without ever turning him into a vampire, just to see how it would turn out.
Anyway the bitch ends up making an alliance with Death and Joachim to kill him.

AU where Walter discovers Mathias is hella good with alchemy and kidnaps Elisabetha to force him to come and create the Crimson Stone for him. It works well, until Elisabetha dies from sickness and Walter tries to hide it.
Also Leon eventually comes to their rescue. Or. Tries to at least.

AU where Mathias and Leon have a great life, giving up on the church to hunt the night together, until they die in their 40s (Mathias) and 30s (Leon). Elisabetha and Sara are still living and tell their story.

AU that starts like the previous one, with Mathias and Leon abandoning the church to hunt the night, except this time Elisabetha and Sara fights alongside them. And they all decided to live in the forest of Eternal Night to provoke the night creatures like “haha lol look at us living on your territory and not only surviving but KICKING Y'ALL ASSES TOO”.
Optional Bonus: Elisabetha, who knows she’s about to die due to sickness, drink a vampire’s blood to turn herself. And now they have a badass vampire wife as their ally.
Another Optional Bonus: Not only do they live in the forest of Eternal Night, but they start building a castle too. To spite Walter. And it will continue on as the generations pass. Spiting monsters becomes a Belmont and Cronqvist tradition.
