

Daily Fics

(Fics I read throughout the day yesterday and enjoyed)


Adrien woke with this face buried in the cat sweater that Ladybug had gifted to him last night. Maybe “gifted” was the wrong word, but he wasn’t sure what to call it when your best friend broke into your room in the dead of night, and then screamed nonsense and threw a present at your head when you accidentally caught her, before running away faster than a shadow.

Awww oh my god this is adorable!! ❤️❤️


Marinette: I don’t know if they’ll notice, but I slipped a little note in each of my friends’ bags to let them know that I love them.

Adrien, pulling a 100-page letter out of his bag: What the—


I, a fool, got sick and forgot to post all my art I made for the @newbeginningszine that went with a very wonderful fic written by @sariahsue please forgive my tardiness, this was so fun.


A fluffy one-shot, 2,500 words, comes with art! (Check for the link at the bottom.) Pre “Gang of Secrets.”

Of all the stupid things Marinette had said in her life, she was sure that telling Alya that Chat Noir would be her date to the New Year’s party had to be one of the worst. Marinette could only hope Adrien would agree to go with her. (Who was she kidding? Of course he would. Her stomach flipped. Of course he would. Right?)

Ladybug somersaulted through the crisp air, the wind pulling at her pigtails as it whistled by her. Patches of bright blue sky reflected off skyscraper windows. A flash of black caught her eye. Chat Noir. Adrien. Exactly who she was looking for. She landed beside him almost without a sound, but he heard her anyway.

“Hey,” he said, turning toward her with a smile and a casual lean on his baton. “What’s up? I thought I was doing a solo patrol today.”

Don’t ruin this, Ladybug told herself. Don’t say anything dumb! It’s just Chat Noir! 

“Um.” She tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear. “Yeah, so. I messed up, and I need some help.”

“You okay?” He stood up straight, mouth pinched with worry.

“It’s nothing bad! Honest. Just…” The sun slipped behind a cloud as she looked for the best way to explain. “I was talking with Alya about that party that she’s having this weekend, and she asked who I was going with.” The words tumbled out faster and faster. “And it sounded like she was going to try to set me up with someone since I didn’t have a date yet, and so I panicked and said I was going with you.”

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