


i just think they’re neat

danikatze: Inktober 22nd! Prompt: ghostThis is really silly x) I couldn’t decide what to do when I c


Inktober 22nd! Prompt: ghost

This is really silly x) I couldn’t decide what to do when I came across this post

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memo-logue: From the Far side


From the Far side

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NatsuYuu girls in modern outfits


“I know you don’t believe me because I’m ugly. I once use to serve someone. But they said I was ugly, and abandoned me here.”

Sasago: If someone says Urihime’s ugly, I’ll just gonna punch them in the face

@natsumeweek Day 2: Realization/Acceptance

When I’m getting artblocked because after drawing day 3, I have absolutely no idea about the other days, so I went back to read the manga for no reason

(Because the rule said that long posts must be behind a read more so I’ll leave my grumble under here +1)

Keep reading
