


Natsume Week day 4 Whispers/Secrets with a Meeting of Exorcists

danikatze: Inktober 22nd! Prompt: ghostThis is really silly x) I couldn’t decide what to do when I c


Inktober 22nd! Prompt: ghost

This is really silly x) I couldn’t decide what to do when I came across this post

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memo-logue: From the Far side


From the Far side

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NatsuYuu girls in modern outfits


“I know you don’t believe me because I’m ugly. I once use to serve someone. But they said I was ugly, and abandoned me here.”

Sasago: If someone says Urihime’s ugly, I’ll just gonna punch them in the face

@natsumeweek Day 2: Realization/Acceptance

When I’m getting artblocked because after drawing day 3, I have absolutely no idea about the other days, so I went back to read the manga for no reason

(Because the rule said that long posts must be behind a read more so I’ll leave my grumble under here +1)

Keep reading


All pictures are scanned and edited by me (@nightyelfy ) directly from the Given Illustrations Book (Natsuki Kizu, Shinshokan - please support the author any way you can).

Hiiragi: Where’s my hug?

Shizusumi: I can help you look for it

Hiiragi: My mom asked me if I’m gay

Hiiragi:And I told her: “No, I just like Shizusumi”

Uenoyama: Describe our friendship in 2 words

Hiiragi: non existent

Hiiragi to Shizusumi: You make me want to hit you in the face….


With my lips….


Shizusumi: What are you doing in the closet?

Hiiragi: Trying to… Come out

Shizusumi: So you locked yourself in the closet, just so you could make this pun?

Previews for my piece in the given Heartstrings zine! Been working on this for a long time, so I’m ePreviews for my piece in the given Heartstrings zine! Been working on this for a long time, so I’m e

Previews for my piece in the given Heartstrings zine! Been working on this for a long time, so I’m excited to finally share this amazing zine with everyone. Preorder info @givenseasonszine , open till 6/22!

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Can we talk about how similar Haikyuu and given characters are?

Kenma and Hiiragi puddinghead twins

Akaashi and Shizusumi

Akihiko is just Tsukki with piercings

Asahi and Haruki with their goatees!!!

Kageyama and Uenoyama look almost exactly the same (even their school uniform is similar)

Alice Hiiragi Icons

Persona 5 Strikers


Alice portrait

Mad Rabbit Alice
