


So we have these three in a VR simulation, one that basically analyzes each respective mind and tries to put them in a simulation of their most profound fears.

We got Olivia’s first, where we see the environmental consequences of Andrias and how her mother chastises her for not being able to continue their legacy and promise.

Then we got the grubhog, where Yunan has developed a phobia from a bad experience.

Then we got Marcy being put in a school setting, with her friends not wanting her in their lives anymore.

And that means—Wait hold up.


Enhance! Is that?????



This may be an unpopular opinion, but I like that the Calamity Trio drifted apart after Amphibia. They still cared about each other, but after everything that happened there was no way things could have gone back to the way they were. Nor should they have, considering how unhealthy their relationship was before Amphibia.

They weren’t the bestie clique anymore, but they remained friends and they must still care about each other a lot to still be so close after so long in the epilogue. There is a deeper connection there, one that like their relationship with the residents of Amphibia could never be broken no matter how much time and space come between them.

Also remember the saying, “If you truly love something let it go, if it truly loves you it will find its way back.” Sasha and Marcy came back to Anne. They aren’t kids that have less agency in their own lives anymore, they could easily all become besties again. This wasn’t just an ending, it was a whole new beginning.

All in all I guess I am trying to say as bittersweet as it is and how it isn’t the “perfect” ending everyone wanted or imagined, I think it makes it all the deeper and all the more beautiful.

Honestly, trying to imagine the trio trying to fit in with the rest of teens and young adults is hilarious.

Imagine if 17yo Marcy and a new friend were talking about weird stuff they did when they were younger and Marcy is like “well once me and my friends stole a music box and we ended up stuck in a world with talking amphibians for months. It was really cool until I got impaled and possessed that was awful but hey I got to fight the moon with my friends” and the new friend is like “what the fuck”.

Or Sasha becomes captain of the cheerleaders in high school and they are like “damn you got great leadership skills” and Sasha just says “oh thank you! I was the commander of an army of talking frogs when I was 13. After that, this is easy” and the other cheerleaders are like. An army of what.

Or maybe Anne is idk on a date in college and they bring up “hey what’s the most fucked up thing that’s ever happened to you” as a conversation topic, and she says “Well I died when I was 13. Technically right now you’re talking to a clone, because my original body was disintegrated and I’m a copy of my consciousness. Yeah that was super weird”. Maybe the date doesn’t go very well.


utena literally invented wlw


…but we’ll figure it out, together.


Thanks for the adventure ❤️



I’m gonna miss them so much


not so complicated anymore, they just need a bigger couch now


I know it’s upsetting to hear that the trio kinda separated after Marcy moved and as they got through high school, especially after the events of the show, but it’s told to us that even though the girls aren’t as close as they once were, they’re still close.

They’re close enough to still get together for Anne’s birthday at age 23.

They may not talk or see each other every day but that’s okay.

Some friendships work like that.

You don’t always have to talk to someone all the time to still be best friends with them.

The calamity trio will always be together. Just in their own ways.
