


Pairing: Reader x Jeonghan
Genre: adventure, pirate!AU
Summary: You and Jeonghan are captains of rival pirate ships. It’s somewhat friendly, definitely flirty, and occasionally disdainful. What will become of it?
Word count: 1.7k
A/N:@shouldwefall happy birthday friend! This is a little gift for you <3

The clank of rapiers rung above your head, the impact rattling through your arm. You were growing tired of this battle. You didn’t think that was possible. Especially not against such a pretty man.

“Give me the map,” he hissed, his breath ragged and heavy.
“No,” you smirked, pushing against the hilt of your blade, sidestepping away from him.
The man scowled, taking a step back.
You smirked, raising your rapier in front of you. He looked furious.

The two of you had been at it for a solid twenty minutes. You and your crew could usually dispatch a man in less than fifteen. Anything over was arduous. And this man wasn’t about to give up. Your crews clashed around you, equally matched to one another. The one advantage you had was numbers. You weren’t sure how many you outnumbered them, but you knew there were for of you then there were of them. However, you were impressed. These seemed to be the first group of men notto underestimate your crew. Maybe your reputation had finally expanded. The thought made you smile.

Regardless, this was irritating. You had to end this fight somehow. Take out the captain, and you startle the crew. That’d give you enough time to take them down. You weren’t going to beat him on strength alone.

You parried another hit, sliding your blade up his in order to create a terrible noise. The man winced, but his expression was relentless. You leapt back, putting as much distance between the two of you as possible. He was glaring at you, his eyes burning with wrath. Perfect time to strike.

You screamed, running towards him. He jerked in surprise, scrambling backwards as he raised his rapier to parry yours.

“Don’t breathe,” Hyejin smirked, her knife resting against the man’s Adams apple. She’d snuck up behind him while you’d startled him, trapping him. You heard him curse under his breath.
You nodded at your second in command, and sauntered towards the man. He was beautiful. Even in the aftermath of a battle, blemished with blood and dirt, he seemed to glow. His skin was clear, with a beautiful tan, and his hair was long and dark and framed his face. He had high cheekbones and clear eyes, and you wondered for a moment if he might be an angel. That moment passed quickly. You couldn’t help but smile smugly at the sight; a tall, beautiful man, held at the mercy of a woman. It was a sight you’d never get tired of.

Keep reading

If you liked this amazing piece of work, please follow@seventeen-requests! Her requests aren’t open yet but please take some time to read her writing and leave a compliment! 

Her personal blog is @sassocrates; she follows back!

Before I leave, I just want to thank you again for this spectacular gift! I adore it from the bottom of my heart, and you’re honestly so sweet and talented… thank you for this!


The huge fight between you and Jungkook started off as a simple argument about how he never seemed to be home, and how he treated all your concerns for him as a joke. It began escalating when he, again, brushed off all your worries as overprotectiveness and clinginess.

It was infuriating to the point where you couldn’t stand to be breathing in the same room as him anymore, but damnwas that boy slow. You increased the volume of your voice multiple times, before you finally lost it and proceeded to bellow on the top of your lungs. This wasn’t a game you wanted to play any longer.

It was when your throat started burning that you got some of your common sense back, and restrained from choosing the brash approach to handling the situation. You could tell Jungkook was utterly appalled by your unusual behavior; he’d always known you to be one of the most soft-spoken and calm figures in his life, and always thanked you for being so understanding with him.

You knew where this fight was heading, yet ignored the guilt gnawing away at your abdomen. How long could a sane person deal with the constant suspicion of being cast aside?

Jungkook quickly took note of the ceramic mug you were tightly grasping in your quivering right hand, sighed, and plopped down on one of the nearby chairs. He made himself comfortable on the velvet cushion, and placed a hand over his forehead.

He was pondering about something.

Your grip on the mug hardened.

The clock ticked by minute by minute, and your lover finally groaned, breaking the painful silence. He stood up from the chair and walked away from you, muttering the exact words you were bracing yourself to hear under his breath:

“Y/N… I’m sick and tired of you not trusting me. Let’s end this, okay? I can’t…”

He knew your hearing was spectacular.


This was no surprise.

Of course he wouldn’t stay, not after you told him about your constant paranoia of him leaving you. Your paranoia was rooted from the emotional abuse you received frequently from your ruthless aunt when you were a child, and you reminded him of it everyday when he sought after your attention.

Weren’t you deemed crazy by your last ex?

The main problem with this situation was that you thought he was different. You thought he was able to comprehend your feelings, that he understood whatever you didn’t wish to say aloud.

Your childhood was coming back to haunt you.

With tears brimming in your eyes, you nodded your head twice before rushing out the front door; not once, but twice, after you came to the realization that Jungkook would be gone from your side forever. There would be no more cuddle fests, no more picnic or movie dates, and no more seemingly endless video game sessions.

Your feet brought you to the nearest convenience store you could find, and with the three crinkled dollar bills you had in your jeans pocket, you bought yourself a Sprite, a bag of chips, and one steaming bowl of instant noodles. How much food would it take to fill up the empty void in your stomach?

You touched your throat.

How long had you been screaming?

How long ago did you lose your voice?

How long has it been ever since you left the only place you could call home, behind?

How could Jungkook do this to you? How could he be so cruel to mercilessly stomp on your heart? 

How could he leave you when you needed him the most?

lately i’ve been thinking, thinking ‘bout what we had

You’re scrolling through your phone a few months later, and your eyes drop down to a certain starred contact.

You haven’t deleted his number yet.

Despite everything books and movies had warned you about, despite the danger! red signals going off inside your brain, you knew you deeply missed Jeon Jungkook. You missed his bunny-toothed smiles, his loving caresses, and most of all, you missed his presence. You missed the feeling of safety when you passed through a dark alleyway, the feeling of him wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm, and most importantly, the feeling of being happy. You had lost everything.

Your everything.

Why did breaking up with him have to be so heartwrenching?

i know it was hard,  it was all that we knew, yeah

have you been drinkin’, to take all the pain away?

If your friends hadn’t forcibly dragged you out to meet the world weeks after to incident, to remind you that the grim reaper wasn’t ready to fetch you yet, the spark inside of you would’ve died completely. When you and Jungkook had broken it off, it was like you had lost a piece of yourself. You weren’t Y/N anymore, you were somebody else. Something else. You yearned for him to come back to you, to cry out for his loss, and to make you his one and only again.

It was a foolish, wistful dream.

i wish that i could give you what you deserve

Going out shopping alone had been a really bad idea.

A really, really bad one.

What were the chances of bumping into your ex, with another girl hanging off his arm? What were the chances of her being the most perfect person you’ve ever met? What were the chances of her actually making him happy?

It’s not like you’ve never made him smile. It’s not like you never made him laugh. It’s not like he’s never called you funny, or charming.

But this girl, this ethereal being standing next to him, must be a descandant from the goddess of jokes herself, because Jungkook wouldn’t stop letting out guffaws, and clutching his stomach in unbearable pain from the laughter. You’ve never seen him this happy before.

He deserved this kind of happiness, you thought.

But did you believe?

cause nothing could ever, ever replace you

nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah

you know there’s no one i can relate to

You’ve certainly met your fair share of cute and quirky guys after Jungkook left your life. A large portion of them were irresistibly handsome, all of them charismatic, and some of them highly intelligent. A few developed into serious crushes.

But that’s all they’ll ever be. A crush, a person whom you look forward to seeing everyday, but could survive without. You hated the idea of leading someone on, especially when you knew that another took up the majority of the space in your heart.

Dating was easy to you, but loving wasn’t.

Love reminded you of him.

It was absolute hell when you had to reject each and every one of your potential lovers because you knewyou would compare them to Jungkook. The Jungkook who only had eyes for you. The Jungkook who was flawless in your book. The Jungkook that used to call you his love.

Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. His name was like a chant- a spell casted specifically to bewitch you, a curse that would always hold your heart captive.

i know we won’t find a love that’s so true

Your days with him were the brightest moments in your life.

They were unforgettable memories, experiences, and you cherished them so much that you might as well be obsessing over the past.

You hated yourself for continuing to grasp onto that tiny strand of hope that he would come back for you.

there’s nothing like us

there’s nothing like you and me

together through the storm

hello everyone!

i’m the author of this short, song-based jungkook scenario that i wrote specifically for my darling mutual and best friend on tumblr…


hello sweetie, i’m so sorry for the late birthday present!! this is probably one of the crappiest works you will ever set your sights upon but i did pour a lot of my effort into it; don’t be too harsh on me haha~

i hope you had a wonderful birthday, and spent it wisely with your loved ones~ thank you for being so kind and patient with me, and for gifting that pirate!jeonghan imagine for me! it was lovely, like every other one of your works and i enjoyed reading it very much <33 we need to collab sometime soon!~

for anyone wondering, this is a song by Justin Bieber that our golden maknae did a cover of. the song title, well, is the title of this story!

~word count: 1296

~time it took to write this: 4 days and a week to edit
