#sassy barbs


Headcanon #15 + Incorrect quotes #482

I truly believe…That While Diavolo looks like his father…He acts and has his mother’s mannerisms

I believed the Late Queen was a free spirit, a bit loud…in the way she speaks even more how she laughs…Diavolo got his loud laughing from his mother…I also believe she was stronger in feats of strength than the king…That’s actually how he fell in love with her…It was an enemies to lovers of an arranged marriage…at first, they couldn’t stand one another given their beliefs…regarding ruling and how the queen loved humankind…this is one of the things Barbatos had the pleasure of being in the same room in their many fits

Demon Queen: I’m not having sex with you

Demon King: Seems rude and also short-sighted

Demon Queen: I look at you and go dry like sand

Barbatos:…‘Demon Queen 1 points, Demon King 0 points’

She would be so proud of the demon Diavolo became…sticking with his beliefs even against the odds…tho she would smack him for kidnapping you without a proper explanation on the exchange student program, She is the real reason Barbatos stayed true to his job, She and Him were best of friends(Tho she the reason he so afraid of rats…), But Barbatos raising Diavolo realized

Barb:…You are just like your mother*smiles at troublemaking baby Diavolo…then frowns at PTSD of the demon queen’s chaotic actions*…your just like your mother…

Overall she was spunky, speaks her mind and heart, wanted the best for her people and loved a very angry demon man, and loved her child more than anything in the 3 realms…She would also happily approve of you and Diavolo…
