#sasuke x you


[Sasuke Uchiha X Reader] Kitchen Disaster

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 3: Falling in Love|Day 15: Sasuke tries making you something edible and he refuses your help.

Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x gn!Reader

Note: Third week is already here! Enjoy!

“Two cloves of garlic,” the instructor voiced from the screen.

“Two cloves of garlic,” Sasuke repeated, “shoot, I haven’t peeled them yet.”

The raven-haired paused the video, squatted down to reach the unpeeled cloves of garlic that managed to roll off the table. “Y/N is going to wake up soon,” he mumbled, frustrated at how the skin of the garlic would not peel off despite his meticulous picking.

You shuffled into the kitchen after taking a wonderful nap and were greeted with none other than the scent of something burning. “Sasuke?” You asked him, poking your head into the kitchen area and your eyes widened in horror. “Something smells off.”

“The dish is supposed to smell like that.”

To be honest, you were certainly woken up by the sound of a dish shattering mercilessly. The culprit was Sasuke, you were sure now that you saw his performance in the kitchen. But you slept through, thinking that he might have had a slip of his fingers, not until the terrifying scent waffled all the way into your shared bedroom.

“I can give you a hand,” you offered, walking over to where he was standing. “What are you making?”

“I can do it just fine,” he frowned. “You can go rest and I will call you out to eat later.”

You nodded and went to the living room to wait for his masterpiece with both curiosity and restlessness. The Sasuke you knew never spent more than fifteen minutes in the kitchen. He was the man who would use his Jutsu to grill his food, not even bothered to go through the process of turning on and heating the oven.

“Sasuke?” You called out to him again. “Are you nearly done?”

“Sure, come.”

You released a breath, not even sure if you should feel relieved or nervous for what he had in stall for you. After you took a seat, the raven-haired started to present his dishes, one by one. Once the plates were all arranged neatly on the table, he began introducing. “This is honeyed chicken wings, this one is grilled salmon, and this one is a usual salad.”

You gulped. His honeyed chicken wings and grilled salmon were coated with the same color, slightly brown, if not black. Not to mention they smelled almost the same—the scent of burnt food. His usual salad did not look usual at all, except for the veggies that he managed to dice into edible cubes. You took a bite of the chicken wing and mustered a smile. “It’s very…crispy.”

“I’m glad you think so,” he smiled, “the tutorial said twenty minutes, but I thought it would be better with a little touch-up, so I Katon-ed them for another minute or two to accentuate the crispiness.”

You were at a loss for words.



[Sasuke Uchiha X Reader] Familiar

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 1: Attraction|Day 5: Sasuke keeps showing up at your workplace, what is his intention?

Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x gn!Reader

Note: Day 5 already, this is super duper funnn :DDD Enjoy!

“Uchiha-san, have you found something new?” You asked, still focused on the document on your desk as his similar footsteps approached your cubicle.

“Yes,” he replied instantly, handing you the files in his hand, taking a seat in the empty office. “You’re working overtime again.”

“So are you,” you chuckled—Sasuke was a familiar face at your place, reporting periodically thrice a week to update your Department on his scout. At first, you were not in charge of handling his reports, but your colleague, who originally worked with the Uchiha, applied for a prolonged leave, passing the responsibility to your plate. You also noticed that ever since you began working directly with Sasuke, he came here more often than before. Just a coincidence, you thought and cast the thought aside, he would never be interested in you out of all people.

Reaching out to retrieve the stack of paper he just placed on your desk, your clumsy self somehow managed to knock your water bottle to the ground in the process. You hastily stood up from your seat and went around your desk, bending down to collect the poor object lying on the floor when a hand came flying in, brushing over yours as he also grabbed the bottle.

Sasuke immediately retracted his hand, staring flusteredly outside the window without saying anything besides a low mumble that you could not hear clearly. The silence dragged on for another hour, and you were lost in your work, completely having forgotten that he was still sitting diagonally from your desk, gazing at your serious expression as you scanned over the rest of the reports. When the clock dinged eight in the evening, you put down your pen with a satisfied grin and clapped your hands in excitement seeing the pile of work already thinned significantly. Sitting not too far away, Sasuke could not help but let out a chuckle at your antics, and that was when you realized that he was still there.

“Are you not going to go home, Uchiha-san?” You raised your voice out of embarrassment, cheeks flushing bright red.

“I’ll walk you home, it’s late.” He stood up and gave you his cloak, glancing everywhere butyou, adding in a rush, “And cold.”

You accepted his offer in a daze, putting on the cloak that smelled like him, and followed his lead out of the office. Sasuke sighed in relief—he finally mustered enough courage to do so. It took him long enough.


