#saturn in 10th


Saturn in 10th and their dislike (for the lack of a better word) of ANY pda is beyond me. But they are extremely private people, even in front of their closest ones. I feel like they maintain their image, their stature and composition very well. It is respectable as well as funny to a person like me, who is a bit more on the touchy-feely side.

If we get even deeper, it is a more complex relationship. Any contact with Saturn is quite complex, even though the 10th house is the home of Saturn, Saturn does not stop with the trials and tribulations, doubts and wonders. He never creates comfort which is absolutely necessary for growth and learning how to deal with our own loudest demons and voices. Learning how to incorporate the ‘harsh-er’ critical advice into our lives without taking it personally and as a wound, instead paying our karmic debts and growing. Sometimes it is very slow.

The 10th house here will definitely want to ‘shield’ their inner, in-depth experiences from any eyes of the public. They want the intimate to stay intimate, I feel like they even cherish and understand these moments more greatly than us. (’they’ as in these individuals)

my bf has Saturn in 10th and when we are in the public eye even in front of our closest friends he calls me clingy and whatnot or he will whisper (you don’t have to hold my hand for too long)
