#zodiac signs



An Introduction to 紫微斗数, or Purple Star Astrology

What it is

紫微斗数 [zǐwēidòushù], or Purple Star Astrology, is one of the two main forms of ancient Chinese astrology (the other is 四柱命理 [shēngché bāzì], also called Four Pillars of Destiny or just BaZi). It was mainly used to tell someone’s fortune and maximize their luck and success by looking at their talents and their struggles, both those given by birth and those for specific years or decades. With that, it is commonly referred to as fortune-telling and, wrongfully, a divination art. Purple Star Astrology is a Destiny study and can thus belongs into the Destiny category of the Five Arts in Chinese Metaphysics.
It uses the Lunisolar calender and includes leap years/intercalary months and the new moon.
In ancient times, it was, in big parts, only accessible by the royal family/the emperors.


There are two different Schools of  紫微斗数: One, Flying Star/Si Hua, which utilizes 14 major stars and 4 transformation stars/energies, and San He, which makes use of about 30 to 108 stars. Nowadays, most practioners combine both. Regardless of which school one uses, the Natal Chart is made up of 12 Destiny Courts, also referred to as Palaces (I will further explain those in another post). The Courts can be compared to the 12 Houses in Western Astrology, although they mostly have different themes and are more straightforward in what they govern.
Furthermore, the brightnessof each star is taken into account as well as the interactions between the courts/stars in the courts.
This is what a  紫微斗数 Natal Chart can look like:

(You can calculate yourshere.)

The chart seen above is a Heaven Chart [天盘]. In 紫微斗数 , there are 3 (major) Chart Types. I will talk about these in more detail in another post, but to sum it up:

This philosophical trinity concept is that of San Cai [三才] which describes the powers of the cosmos. The definitons greatly depend on the different philosophical schools, but the most common idea is that a person as well as their life and destiny are made up/dependant on 3 factors: Heavenly predetermined destiny and luck, earth (environment, nurture), and man (nature, though changeable).

  • In  紫微斗数, the Heaven Chart [天盘] is basically the Natal Chart.
  • The Earth Chart [地盘] shows the Decade Chart. It is used to predict the events and nature of a specified decade in the native’s life.
  • The Man Chart [人盘] shows the Yearly Chart. It is used to predict the events and nature of a specified year in the native’s life.
  • There’s also the Small Period Chart [小限] which doesn’t belong to the Trinity concept but is used to predict events within a smaller time frame/measure.

What it is for/How it can be used

紫微斗数 is not used for personality study as the most commonly used form of (western) astrology is. 
Instead it is, as already mentioned above, a destiny study. It focuses on telling the native about their pre-determined fate and luck as well as about that of decades, years, and other time frames to help build a successful and prosperous life. It can, for example, show things like

  • where we are naturally lucky
  • what we naturally struggle with/where we’re unlucky 
  • where we will be most likely to find the most money, 
  • how our relationships and health will be like
  • what careers we are suited for
  • how we can obtain happiness
  • how many children one will have

As it was originally used to help the emperors lead their nation to success, it is a guide that helps to maximize one’s luck if utilized in that way. While it is not definite, it is highly accurate in its predicitions and can thus easily be used in a great array of different situations - be it in choosing one’s path, building one’s team for a project at work, or something completely different.

It does offer some descriptive traits when it comes to a native’s personality, however, if one looks for that it is better to turn to BaZi/Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology as those revolve more around psychological character study.


Aries:The first king. A colossal man with skin like freshly tilled earth and a voice that could calm the old wild things. Colossal, gentle hands. The first shepherd of rocks and clay. Molding the wild into home. 

Taurus:An exile by birthright, a king by deeds. A tale of honorable revenge and lifelong friendships cut short. A life on horseback that left in its wake an empire, and countless pillars to the dead. 

Gemini:The ghost of a princess. Ever a lady in waiting, she wanders the halls of an abandoned palace. Hands from the ash. The burning silhouette of a child. All those who seek to defile her home will know flame as she did. 

Cancer:Identical twin princes. The reigns of empire won by blood now passed to them. To the surprise of a nation, able to share the throne. Ever deliberating, never moving without consensus. Diplomats, delegates, scholars, and magicians. Memories of mother. Each carries one half of the daisho.

Leo:The high priestess. Ritually sharpened teeth. Rivers of blood washed away by conjured rainstorms. Liaison to the god that sleeps below the great temple. The speaker to the forbidden sun.

Virgo:The Witch Queen. The Wardbreaker. The Mother of Hexes. Armies from the north that could call fire from their hands, wounds healed with the sermons of foreign gods. Captured officers. Secret research in the ancestral necropolis. New magic, gentle and deep as the night. 

Libra:The mushroom king! The mushroom king! The mushroom king! The mushroom king! The mushroom king! The mushroom king!

Scorpio:The King-of-Five-Crowns. An empire won by respect and might. Retirement. Evenings spent in the summer palace, teaching grandchildren to paint. 

Ophiuchus:An empress of honey and sun-baked gold. Honored dead bound in white cloth. Eternal servitude to their holy queen. Consul from centuries of royalty now passed.

Sagittarius:The Lady of the Grove. Revelries by moonlight. Distant songs in the mist. Lost children. There is a road through the forest, it has since been omitted by mapmakers. 

Capricorn:The middle child of a royal bloodline. Exile to a monastery. A lifetime of meditation on divinity and craft. A heart of clockwork. Mummified in the calculus of the world. 

Aquarius:A penitent queen. Now an adviser to those who overthrew her son. A veil in mourning, but not for him. Deep, terrible understanding of what makes a tyrant.

Pisces:An all-to-young queen. Inheritor to a throne built on war and blood. Ceremonial jewelry that resembles the armament of her knights. A legacy of imperium and bloodshed. A vow to do differently. 


Aries: I’m stronger than I look

Taurus: I know more than you think

Gemini: I’m smarter than you know

Cancer: I hold grudges for longer than you think

Leo: I get revenge faster than you know

Virgo: I have more connections than you think

Libra: I can manipulate more people than you ever can

Scorpio: I am capable of more than you are

Sagittarius: I pay back my debts faster than you know

Capricorn: I’m faster than I look

Aquarius: I’m more beautiful than you ever will be

Pisces: I hear more than you want me to


ceres in the signs

Ceres in Aries:

If Ceres is in Aries, you are the Warrior-Earth-Goddess. You are unlikely to simply ‘accept’ being taken care of by anyone in your life and need to feel that you have won the right to it. Your way to give nurturance is in your drive to fight for them, to do war for their rights, their needs and their desires. You are a goddess who is not afraid to be out with the troops on the frontlines if you have a cause and conviction behind you. You are likely to take losses and defeats on personally and deprive yourself of inner peace as a result. You are someone that others call on when they really need help and heavy support.

Ceres in Taurus

If Ceres is in Taurus, you are the Mother-Earth-Goddess in her full power. You nurture by protecting and keeping safe and building strong supportive shelters around the people and things you love. You are nature minded and in tune with the world of life that exists around you in all forms. You experience self love attached to how strongly and securely you’ve built your world and also what you have brought into your life in the way of people and objects. You grow when supported by loyalty, sensuality and love.

Ceres in Gemini:

If Ceres is in Gemini, you are the Butterfly-Earth Mother and nurture thoughts, minds and our ability to communicate with one other. The joy and smiles you give to those in your life are your form of nourishment and care. You are a stimulating breeze which plants new seeds that become new life. You thrive when your imagination is stimulated and your ideas are encouraged and promoted. You need to be constantly learning, exploring and investigating the world and her treasures. You are the goddess people come to when their spirits need uplifting and their souls need laughter.

Ceres in Cancer

If Ceres is in Cancer, you are the Lunar-Earth-Mother. You support and nurture with your love, compassion and protectiveness. You care about people and things as if each were one of your children. You boost egos and grow souls. You are supported by traditions, loyalty and consistency. You take on the wounds and scars of those you love and heal them. You are in tune with the emotional currents of life and understand by experiencing things through your heart and feelings. Your caring and love is genuine…and eternal.

Ceres in Leo

If Ceres is in Leo, you are the Sun-Earth-Goddess and it is your light and your joy for life that inspires others and nurtures them to believe in themselves and their potentials. You hold and build healthy egos, dreams and inner faith. You lead others forward and teach them how to stand in their own radiant beauty. You adore being taken care of and appreciated. You receive nurturance with grace and ease and radiate your joy back to those who give to you. You teach others leadership and self guidance and help them embrace their own abilities to create their lives.

Ceres in Virgo:

If Ceres is in Virgo, you are the Healer-Earth Goddess. You reach out and care and nurture the wounded and the hurt. You protect and make whole, you inspect and strengthen those you love and care about. You shelter the things most of us overlook and ignore in our rush through life. Your power is focused towards the health and well being of people, things, animals and nature. You possess self sacrifice and humility. You bring a purity of focused attention to areas that draw and attract you. You need to feel useful, helpful and giving.

Ceres in Libra:

If Ceres is in Libra, you are the Peace-Earth-Goddess who nurtures by bringing harmony and peace into the lives of those you love. You embrace and portray fairness, equality and bring beauty and gentleness into your world. You are soothed and nourished by beauty, by serenity, by feeling balanced and even. You can reject and ignore any feelings of inner conflict and your own need for self assertion as it brings the potential of creating disharmony and imbalance into your environment.

Ceres in Scorpio:

If Ceres is in Scorpio, you are the Priestess-Earth Goddess. You nurture with your protectiveness, your loyalties and your passion. You seek out the darkest piece of any situation and take it into the light. You are adept at self nourishing and replenishing and seldom let anyone else take over the job. You become the bridge which allows others to cross over their fears to reach their healing and renewal. You protect the shadows and the harmless creatures it holds.You embrace sexuality and sensuality as part of the gifts of this world and bring that awareness into the lives of those you love.

Ceres in Sagittarius:

If Ceres is in Sagittarius, you are the Philosophical/Joyful Earth Goddess. You nurture the dreams, the horizons and the beliefs of the people that you love. You harbor and embrace what the world has to offer and explore it for those around you. You give self love when you take yourself into mind adventures and journeys and allow your intellect and your imagination to discover what life has planted on the horizon. You protect and nourish the future, spiritualities and joy.

Ceres in Capricorn:

If Ceres is in Capricorn, you nurture and protect aspirations, material needs, prosperity consciousness and the application of discipline and a sense of responsibility. You help those in your world tackle their own issues by teaching them to pull in their resources, their will power and their faith. You are nurtured by those who can support your goals and your visions and who are unafraid to commit and follow through with their emotional and physical investments. You can be one of the most self denying Ceres placements and can often rebuff or reject offers of help or support.

Ceres in Aquarius:

If Ceres is in Aquarius, you are the Earth Goddess of the Future: You nurture personal freedom, independence of thought and the pursuit of liberal dreams in those you care about. You’re love is altruistic and concerned more with the whole rather than the individual pieces. You comfort through your friendship and your ability to set souls free from their needless repressions and restraints. You are nourished by those who allow you your freedom but remain as allies, by those who provide you with intellectual stimulation and ideals. You are comforted and nurtured by valuable friendships and camaraderie.

Ceres in Pisces:

If Ceres is in Pisces, you are the Earth Goddess of Enchantment. You support and nurture by giving the people around you permission to embrace their dreams, by loving unconditionally and by bringing new visions and new thoughts gently into the world. You encourage artistic talents an creativity. You support and harbor eternal and universal love and sacrifice. You receive nourishment by those who can help you gently believe in your own thoughts, beliefs and dreams. You are healed by romance and enchantment, by reveries and hope.

Things To Research As A Celestial Witch


Celestial witches get most of their energies from cosmic and celestial bodies. AKA anything outer space, really :) They’re one of my favorite witches (all witches are my favorite lol) so of course I had to do a masterlist (I had to do it to ‘em).

Also, there are so many correspondences. But as always, you don’t have to research all of them to be considered a Cosmic/Celestial witch.


moon phases

special moons (blood moon, dark moon, etc.) and their magic

significance of each moon phase

moon water

solar water

how to charge items with the moon

crystals correspondence to the moon


zodiac signs

liminal space


how to use astrology with divination

astrology oriented tarot cards

astral projection

how to use celestial energy to ground/center

major constellations

how each celestial body affects you

universal/cosmic energies

 black holes


planetary spells

planetary botanical blends

star magick

planets correspondence to colors

planets correspondence to gods/goddesses

planets correspondence to crystals/stones

planets correspondence to days of the week

planets correspondence to elements

planets correspondence to zodiac signs

planets correspondence to elements

planets correspondence to types of divination

planets correspondence to metals

planets correspondence to intent

different types of cosmic magick (venusian, martian, lunar, etc.)

diy celestial sigils

meteor shower magick

cosmic altars

♡ That naked witch in the woods

Things To Research As A Witch MASTERLIST

Always remember that each witch’s journey is a different one. You certainly do not have to research all of these in one go. Or all of it for that matter. Take your time and explore the possibilities of witchcraft, even if it’s one subject at a time. Witchcraft isnt strict on rules, find what suits you, there’s a place for everyone. And remember, always keep learning! :)

I tried to organize it somewhat (not really) Im going to start a series of master lists like this one for different types of witches too! So stick around for those but for now…


the history of witchcraft

types of witchcraft

types of magick

types of spells

types of witches

types of divination

types of herbs

types of energy








basic tools

lunar phases

candle magic

planetary correspondence

tarot cards

incense and oils

Animals and what they represent



astral projection

celestial bodies



edible plants

toxic plants

the tea sis

wheel of the year

Zodiac signs

moon/sun water



sacred items




witchy symbols

witches/wiccans terminology

witching on a budget

what is satanism and why do people confuse it with witchcraft?

witchcraft practices  (ex. circle casting)

difference between wiccans, witches, and pagans

similarities between wiccans, witches, and pagans

concoctions (potions, elixirs, brews, etc.)

good books to read about witchcraft

book of shadows and grimoires

the role of nature in witchcraft

tarots and how they work

how to consecrate items

how to take care of crystals

how to store herbs

Feel free to add on!

♡ That naked witch in the woods








Can I show you smth that is not weird anymore, and its actually funny now? Stealing content from tumblr and post it in TIKTOK in order to gain followers. Like this b*tch here. Her Tiktok is pkknzzn. She even had the audacity to collect several astro notes from different blogs and POST THEM! I JUST COULDN’T STAND AND POST THIS SHIT! PLEASE REPORT!


@astrobydalia@flickeringart@suntrology@zodiac-psychology were the ones i noticed that had their content stolen. I am sorry guys because your work, perspective, studying about astrology and see people like this b***h( sorry for language but I am angry AF) posting content as their own after they stole it. UGHHH PLEASE, anyone look at her tiktok videos and please check if there is any of your content


Not on my watch *report noises* (not joking tho) this is disrespectful

Last night reading this whole situation, I posted a comment on her newest video warning people about her content and made sure it was eye catching so people would notice and be alarmed. Well. Guess who did-

I covered my username btw but basically she sent me a list of replies back and then deleted the whole comment all together? I wasn’t blocked though

It’s hard to understand half of what she’s saying but I do know we aren’t stressing out for “no reason”. You don’t just go and steal someones work word for word. If someone can translate this then God bless ‍♀️

Is this fcking dummy for real? What is she saying? So she just claimed it herself that she stole stuff to entertain her viewers. And still not admitting that she stole it. Wtf?! What an immature and pure thief. Stealing content and still keeping them on her page? THE HIPOCRISY

Agreed it’s a shame people like this get away with lies so easily

she’s mostly likely not fluent in english because no way.

@astrobydalia You right but the intention wasn’t bullying AT ALL just to explain why they may act how yet I see your point I can get mean sometimes

 Hey, hey, hey, Great NewsWe now have a Daily Horoscope!You can read the first for June 8, 2016 &hel

Hey, hey, hey, Great News

We now have a Daily Horoscope!
You can read the first for June 8, 2016 … =]

The#Moonin#Leo will provide a #strong foundation for us to #feelour#feelingstoday.


Post link

Which lady from the Charmed show did you relate most and what are your main three placements (Sun/Rising/Moon)
Mine is Prue Halliwell and a bit of Paige Matthews - I am an Aries/Aries Rising/Virgo Moon


The loyalty and the depth of the roots their love goes to is also very under-looked sometimes. I am talking about Aquarius Venus & Capricorn Venus.

Aquarius being a sign (previously ruled) by Saturn as well as Capricorn - which means they are gifted with such nobility tinted with innocence enabling them to actually love so deeply and go very far with their pledged loyalty to theirpeople.

Also Saturn puts them through trials and tribulations and sometimes it takes them a bit longer to get there - both in different ways, but once they find their people (romantically or not), they know exactly what to do.

Very out of character for Aquarius Venuses, but if they’ve never had previous experiences with serious relationships, they might even have a bit of co-dependency issues or have trouble expressing their love (because it runs so deep and it’s all new to them), or even be a bit clingy. They are very affectionate.




Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Rising when their relaxed Libra, Gemini and Aquarius rising friends starts to scream and blow up out of no where and their 7th house in fire starts to show:

like damn and here I am thinking I have bad anger issues I’m sorry yall

quick fyi:

— Gemini Rising: HARSH with words when provoked, may come off as gentle and chill upon first meeting but once they’re comfortable, literally so confrontational and remember EVERYTHING. can be super intentional with their words. will poke where it hurts.

— Libra Rising: bad bad anger issues, others can’t catch up. anger usually may be repressed so when it explodes its bad. extremely prideful and unless you’re able to provide sentimentality into your apologies, they won’t accept it. will care more about winning the argument if you don’t matter

— Aquarius Rising: get random icks easily but brush it off just as easy. however they can’t stand having their ego insulted or their images trashes. their anger is like a storm you can see coming from afar. hold it in until they can’t and will not take anything but logic sometimes.

My friend is a Gemini rising and I can agree

HAHAHHA you guys scare me babes

I AGREEE I am an Aries rising and my bf is a Gemini rising

I expect the worst shit to come out of that witty mouth when angry jesussssssss


overrated/overhyped signs: PISCES, Libra, SCORPIO, Virgo

they get the right amount of hype: GEMINI, Leo, CAPRICORN, Aquarius

underrated signs: CANCER, Aries, SAGITTARIUS, Taurus

I kinda agree, I feel like US ARIES folk are so underrated most of the time

We are all aware of Lilith, and how she can help us get more insight into our secret desires, our sexuality and things which might have been/are considered as taboo, but actually are not bad. I would describe Lilith as empowerment and an understanding of aspects of ourselves that were/are/could be shamed but can be channeled into something empowering and can be embraced.

We are going to be focusing on Black Moon Lilith.  Oh another thing, Lilith can help us also recognize where we were rejected and how we deal/dealt with it. Where we feel shame.

Lilith in Aries:

Someone with a Lilith in Aries does have deep desires to lead and assert themselves, but at the same time they also possess the fear to do. This fear can cause this individual to go both ways, either become forceful with their ‘leadership’ or just quit/run away from such positions and hand them over to others. Here, the individual might struggle with accessing the power that they obviously possess and also struggle with how they channel their individual power, how to exert themselves as leaders and how to lead. These individuals are also very restrained or without any restraint at all. Overcoming all of these fears and issues, and just becoming a dot in a balanced environment requires for the individual to learn that power comes from within, once they go inward and discover the power they hold, they will truly embrace it and just know what to do with it instinctively. Instead they might look for power around them and oftentimes become lost in the wrong corners. Change direction and go within.

Lilith in Taurus

There is always a talk about extremism when it comes to Lilith, but I feel like Lilith in Taurus can really go a long way with the dealings of Lilith. They have a deep desire for things, people, whatever strikes their fancy. No matter which route they take they can remain unsatisfied oftentimes and require more and more and more. Lilith in Taurus might also be very repressed when it comes to sex and sexuality, sexual desires, they are just contained and stray away and/or are not very expressive in that department. Taurus is a fixed sign, so being fixated on staying in one state which I described above can be very likely, which is why this placement is prone to extremism. It is hard for these individuals to come out of that box they’ve prepared for themselves which is quite cozy. This might sound very cliché, because Taurus is an earth sign, but re-connecting with nature and doing some soul-searching can actually be of help - in order to gain that balance and let their sensuality naturally flow. Learning how to manifest and attract things the proper way is going to help them elevate themselves and always be a step closer to what they want and need. The energetic flow and letting it flow naturally is very important for this placement, forcing it to flow is also a trait of Lilith in Taurus because of the inherent shame they feel if it doesn’t. Working through the shame is also a very important thing which can elevate them and liberate them.

Lilith in Gemini

There is probably a blockage in the communication with these folk. An obstacle, difficulty communicating or just being straight-up misunderstood (or maybe even an unclear or disrupted communication with Universe/spirit angels/spirit guides whatever you believe in). When it comes to sex, these individuals might be into dirty talking, word-play, self-expression but due to the shame and/or repression they really disconnect from their bodies and concentrate all of their energy in their heads and get stuck in their heads and thoughts which makes them an absent sexual partner. Drawn/draws in damaged people, people with issues, because they have a storage of unhealthy thoughts, repressed feelings/thoughts and what-not themselves. These individuals just really need to come in terms with their intellect, how their mind works, liberate themselves by grounding themselves and objectively looking at themselves in order to come closer to first, becoming aware, secondly addressing the issues. Liberating and elevating yourself is really important. I’d even recommend (for all Lilith placements) working on or at least taking a peek into your chakra energies, blockages and how to heal them and balance yourself.

Lilith in Cancer

There is this initial shame for having/expressing/feeling emotions, it is either self-inflicted or they were shamed since they were younger for it. That probably created a trauma effect and caused these individuals to repress their emotions so they may even avoid emotional situations or situations which cause intense feelings altogether. With Lilith in Cancer there is a possibility the individual has experiences some traumatic events in their childhood or within their family/loved ones circle. Obviously, repressing emotions in that way does not work for the long haul, so in some cases with Lilith in Cancer emotions can burst up unexpectedly or sideways. Because of this they might even be prone to be sad, depressed or simply develop escapist tendencies. In regard to all of these issues, these individuals are prone to become needy and/or clingy partners, friends, parents.  Sexually, it is also hard for them, because they yearn for that deep connection with their partner but most of the time they are unable to attain that connection due to their unresolved issues, so they become disconnected from sex. Acknowledging, letting go of this control, releasing all of this baggage and repression is so freeing and liberating and the way to go for these individuals, the healthy way of course which is most likely through a creative channel, or just a channel which produces productivity and fruitful results. They really just want to feel connected and present, feel everything without fear and shame. Dealing with the past and facing it, addressing it can also help these individuals, because they might also have a tendency to cling to it.

Lilith in Leo

For these individuals wanting to be wanted, adored can indicate feelings of shame for the very same thing. That shame causes repression and causes them to, sometimes, go to many lengths for approval and recognition. There are two cases that go both ways on the spectrum, either these individuals will be attracted to people of power/status or will try to gain power and status. Lilith in Leo should be careful and be very aware of the thin line between their ego and their drive, because they are also very determined and that can manifest in bad ways if ego is involved. They can either lack self-esteem or be total narcissists. Healing and focusing on doing their thing, attracting adoration and feeling worthy will come naturally, because the people will admire them, look up to them and love them, and that will all result from them just being themselves authentically and going after what they want after being liberated and letting the natural flow of energy get at it.

Lilith in Virgo

Issues with perfectionism are main issues. These individuals deeply feel that they are filled with flaws and only give light to those flaws which results in them feeling shameful and restrict themselves in some way. They will try to attain perfectionism or never try anything because of how ashamed they are of their flaws. Because of it they sometimes feel so anxious and quit projects/on people/tasks half-way, they feel unprepared, they feel very low, that voice is constantly repeating ‘you are not ready’, ‘you are not good enough’ etc. Sexually they will either be obsessed with being perfect at it, focus on pleasing their partner fully and exclude themselves, or they are very stoic, cold and repressed when it comes to sex. In order to heal they need to have a greater understanding of how the Universe works, some deep soul-searching, realizing that perfection is impossible and even if possible then what? If you are perfect then there will be no room for improvement, growth and etc. Perfection is only an ending of everything. But it is impossible. They should focus on working on themselves tremendously, working on bettering, growing and improving themselves. Acceptance.

Lilith in Libra

Blockages in relationships arise as well as many issues surrounding relationships. This placement is a harder one to heal. Learning how to stand on firm ground, cherish your independence even in a bond/partnership/union. It is important to break away from toxic people and toxic relationships, either heal those toxic relationships, repair them, understand where you are feeling guilty, why you are feeling that way, look within. Explore yourself, where does the shame lie, you want to please everyone else but yourself, sacrifice yourself by putting everything on the line. Constant guilt that you are not doing enough for others, that you should do more. No. Do that for yourself, instead. Put yourself first, go inward, listen to your own voice, if necessary isolate yourself for a bit. When you charge yourself then you will be able to help others, only those worth it.

Lilith in Scorpio

Magnetizing, intense, smoldering, obviously it is a Scorpio placement. Lilith in Scorpio tend to be very self-destructive even if Lilith feels a bit comfortable here. It is very easily for these individuals to fall into rabbit holes, because they only want to go to the deepest of corners of whatever it is (whatever it their cup of tea), but sometimes going that deep can mean drowning, forgetting that you actually are a great swimmer and letting the waves of the depth drown you. Negative thoughts, fears are piling up and it is hard to exit that escapist route. As a fixed sign, this placement can hold a grudge and might be even a bit vengeful. But caring for themselves, breaking these patterns of repetition, breaking these patterns which cause them to escape which is unlike them will bring them steps closer to healing. They have the tendency to get over-attached among being self-destruct, which can destroy them if they do not work on releasing themselves from attachments.  Learning how to be okay with how life goes, with the journeys life has prepared for them, just to back off, get their claws off of everything and relax and sometimes even just observe. Trust the process. Trust the Universe.

Lilith in Sagittarius

These individuals are very restless and want to just break free from any chains they feel are upon them, they just want to burst out any barrier out of any bubble, and sometimes that can stir up problems in work/job/relationships/friendships etc. They just have this burning up need for independence and experiencing the world at its fullest and on their skin completely, without anyone preaching it to them. They are also very experimental, sexually as well. They will want to be with partners who are open to new things and are liberal. They are the ones who can do sex without a strong connection to the person, they know how to have fun. Lilith in Sagittarius need to learn that they can still be independent and nurture their independence while being committed to a relationship. They must not forget to take care of themselves individually, outside of a relationship. Because if they do not, the fear of being tied down, being denied freedom will always ring in the back of their mind. It’s kind of a false fear causing you to rebel or do reckless things that are not fruitful in the long run and might even make you cringe, you need to gain emotional stability without fearing it or being ashamed.

Lilith in Capricorn

These individuals have a fear of failure a constant self-put pressure or a pressure caused by societal norms, by looking at what others which are their age do and what they don’t do. They fear not catching up or not climbing any ladder at all. They can become slaves to their tasks/duties.  Even though they do not react well to failure they are very strong and can quickly get back on their feet again. Sexually they might be very dominant and want to be in control (mommy/daddy vibes lol) or will be very detached/cold. They might carry that feeling of duty, a responsibility to please their partner fully and create such a fulfilling and unforgettable sexual experience for their partner and it can become a constant burden. Healing can happen by these individuals actually taking responsibility toward themselves, taking care of themselves first and then paying attention to others.

Lilith in Aquarius

With Lilith in Aquarius it is totally visible that they stand out in some or another, they are unique and it might have been quite an alienating experience growing up or still. They feel ashamed for how different they are and how they cannot fit it or be accepted or be understood. It can be quite a lonely experience but also frustrating, and that is because these individuals want to be a part of a group, they want to belong, they want to be accepted, they want to be powerful with their gang and change the world. Growing up or just through life they might knock on the wrong doors couple of times. They can achieve healing when they start accepting themselves and their unique nature. Once they do that I really believe they will attract like-minded individuals who are also different and possibly are misfits of society. In that way they can be different together. All they need to do is accept their own differences without conforming. But I believe, because Lilith is about restrictions and repression, fear and shame, at one point in their life or another they might have tried to conform and make themselves like everyone else just to belong. But no, liberate yourselves by accepting yourselves, it is the most empowering you can do.

Lilith in Pisces

They are unsure, they doubt, they fear, they look at many alternatives finding the good things in every which makes it hard to be decisive, so they just turn it off and escape. They definitely have escapism tendencies. Sometimes in order to cope with trauma or uncomfortable experiences they just pretend those did not happen or do not exist by turning it off, but that is anything but good. Because that trauma keeps piling up without them addressing it or even being aware of it, which can cause the trauma to be let out in every field of their life. They must not allow it to come to that degree. Break the cycle, learn, grow, accept. I know it is easier said than done, especially with this placement which is prone to sadness/depression/anxiety. It is also important to learn moderation, therapy is also good if necessary. They also need to learn to love themselves and their life no matter how shitty it can get, heck it gets shitty for all of us. Gathering the courage and strength to face it head-on instead of retreating to a fantasy can be liberating and elevating for these individuals.

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