
Hi everyone, hope you’re all staying safe and staying indoors during this pandemic!I had a go at draHi everyone, hope you’re all staying safe and staying indoors during this pandemic!I had a go at draHi everyone, hope you’re all staying safe and staying indoors during this pandemic!I had a go at dra

Hi everyone, hope you’re all staying safe and staying indoors during this pandemic!

I had a go at drawing a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in Paint (I based it on lots of different drawings and photos of skeletons I saw, but the one I used the most is the Nation’sT. rex at the Smithsonian. The leg stance is my own, so palaeotumblr, let me know if that’s anatomically impossible!)

After that I decided to have a go at giving it a body. I hope I didn’t make it too shrink-wrapped?

Palaeoartists - feel free to give me a critique so I can improve for next time!

A few things I opted to include, along with sources linked:

Possible mistakes I can see already, palaeotumblr let me know!

  • The tail looks way too thin to be an effective counterweight to that huge head, should it be thicker?
  • More keratin on the lachrymal than just that little eyebrow-like ridge?
  • Would the feathers stop there, or would they plausibly extend all the way down the dorsal side of the tail? I know the ventral side was scaly as we have impressions for that. 
  • The teeth need to be more obviously heterodont, but that’s hard to draw in Paint!

Post link

Me and a friend are going to be doing some casual paleo-related presentations within the next month or so and they commissioned me to do some megalosaur pieces for theirs. 

So here’s the head of Wiehenvenator, a male Dubreuillosaurus tending to it’s nest, and a more detailed speculative megalosaur nest.
