#savannah doll house history


So finally, after who knows how long I’ve been talking about it, I finally went and took pictures in one of Savannah’s historic squares. First up?

Reynolds Square! It was the first one we could find parking for and it’s fitting for who came with me today.

The center statue is of a man named John Wesley who founded Methodism in the late 1770’s. Felicity couldn’t stop giggling at his big nose!

John Wesley lived just a block or two away from the square his statue stands. That’s where the second “rising” of Methodism was; in his wooden house and the garden where he read, prayed, and meditated. (The first was four guys he met at Oxford.)

We both really liked this quote they had on the side of his statue. “While we live, let us live in earnest.”

(My mom helped me get the picture by practicing her ability to balance a doll on her palm. It was entertaining.)

And of course, we had to stop at Leopold’s! Y’all, when I tell you that this is the best ice cream in Savannah, I mean it! There is almost always a 45 minute long line out the door! And the history behind it…. Ok, I’ll save it for it’s own post one day. It’s worth it! It was such a great afternoon out.

Here are the two signs that were posted in the square of you’d like to learn more!
