#save stumptown



Please save Stumptown.



acelandonkirby: moodboard: grey x dex Damn.This is brilliant.I’m gonna go sit in the corner and cry acelandonkirby: moodboard: grey x dex Damn.This is brilliant.I’m gonna go sit in the corner and cry acelandonkirby: moodboard: grey x dex Damn.This is brilliant.I’m gonna go sit in the corner and cry acelandonkirby: moodboard: grey x dex Damn.This is brilliant.I’m gonna go sit in the corner and cry acelandonkirby: moodboard: grey x dex Damn.This is brilliant.I’m gonna go sit in the corner and cry


moodboard:grey x dex


This is brilliant.

I’m gonna go sit in the corner and cry now

Post link


I saw someone share this on a Stumptown FB group. Can’t hurt to try, right?

There is so much right about this show, it DESERVES more seasons.

The characters and the fans deserve more.

Please reblog, tweet, etc to help #SaveStumptown

Hopefully another network/streaming site will decide to pick it up


Ahh I love this vid - there’s something about the bond between these two that I just love so much

Courtesy of triggerhappyzombiex



The iconic moment from Jake and Cobie’s live

(I’m sorry the quality isn’t great. I had to record on my phone)

I can’t not see them acting together again Damn, I NEED somewhere else to pick this show up. I gotta see them on screen for more episodes!


Please get #SaveStumptown trending and sign/share the petitions going around to try and help make sure this show, its characters, cast and the fans get the resolution we deserve with another season

I saw someone share this on a Stumptown FB group. Can’t hurt to try, right?

There is so much right about this show, it DESERVES more seasons.

The characters and the fans deserve more.
