#save the puppets


This is North Pole Nutrias, The weirdest christmas special ever made
It was made by Miss Pussycat (aka Panacea Theriac) and Quintron, a local avant garde duo from New Orleans 

As of now, This is the only way to see this oddity in it’s full version (whether it survives the COPPA thing is anybody’s guess) because most if not all of Miss Pussycat’s puppet work is either hard to find/out of print or lost media
Which includes 
- both seasons 1 and 2 of Trixie and the Tree Trunks
- The Mystery of Old Bathbath
and Electric Swamp

Please contact Miss Pussycat/Panacea Theriac on all social media (be civil please) and ask her to please release these on Amazon Prime Video for streaming as well as re-release these on DVD and Blu-Ray via Amazon’s CreateSpace program because Amazon’s Prime Video and CreateSpace is pretty lax in terms of standards

There are 2 markets her work can appeal to
Market #1: People who grew up with Sifl & Olly (which had the same surreal nature as her during their MTV years)
Market #2: The Night Flight/Adult Swim crowd - [adult swim]’s fanbase (apart from the Toonami crowd) love this kind of stuff [as does the cult fanbase of Night Flight]

Again, It’s a crying shame that oddities like hers are given pretty bad distribution, it’s time to demand her to make her work available in a full scale way and not in a limited run manner   
